r ' v ' ' h . - vvAUDIjlt : 1 HQfl ' . . vuoLiicnn iimii iu n nr i - - itirtuoya Killer " WATSON INDIGNANT. jKeporls That He Wil Come Down Or;'i.-i5iatol By Keinllicans'Mnst I lie Compelled to Ije Constantly joiiyinjr These fflnliclons Reports?' lie ASUtJ;. "On me clown?" said Hon B.Watson. Democratin nanri; . ' -MMtuu Ln i in i vuuiiiii i nnuDnon . . ; "1 am ,ck and tired of ?' to-day. Qaitea nuTT nthiS l do with the . NEGROES IN SESSION. Republicans Meet to Ticket for Sl,rifF and , " tr 10 rill in Tacaucie Tr - - """euew-JStes. Whole NO. 1,520 patient creatare Jn the world FT a cannot wait to hear any Jone-drawn-out atorv nf r . ailment. He doesn't care two straws W . -i V uuveu., Au,BiOK ana tired .of ciock: to day. Qaite a num- nthing to do with the ca I1 denying that report. Every Demo-' fff ot elee8 are in attendance, wats! to be well. If he Ci 7-m crat who knows me or knows the thJ7111 are negroe3' Before curdi wr8 t a prescription an h .. .ii I . - II 11 .. - uuu ucni a. - w uuurl Ij i 1 1 r 1 which it is supposed a elate - Pierce's Golden Medic News was received in the city today (Saturday) to the eflect thi Burt Boyd, farriliarly known t Cabarrus people as'-Toad,v Knv, son of Engineer. Bun Bovd, o MooresvilJe, was instantly killed o;. the railroad at Biltmore FridaV V fi WPTu nnnkln . . - vUaU10 tu gBl, particular il. I - mM y m mm 1 I I W that there has never been thp alifYhf. held in whinh -it .aBn' a&uV, a , DMFpcii a slate -"hUDiwouuiueD Medical Dis- eet thoaght of such a thing. The fUfoQtJ ofilcers had been arranged fovery in a miciobo hunu-r and Irepwt emanated directly; from the bein lltlTV'3 t0 b Si 3? I?08. "rofulou8 zianirv of tho a n ii m rr 4.1 i I ' rrtt 1 ; ine convention was called to nrA unsightly sores! to r, . ;i: itions came every time from .Bepab- er y .J akeBoger, chairman of the sease going to tne lungs There lican headquarters. The RenubiicanR publican County Executive Com- S no need of this state ofdnd oaI are EtriviDghy every means, fair or Jlm AIexa?der, of No. comfort. Purify the blood. It foul, ,o clcdit and break -up Z iJyc cMZl JSlt fnsion that unites the Democrats The convention was declared ali consumptive cases, also of aU i!tnd Topnlistson the electoral ticket, fuad b81uess, and on motion otherjlingering bronchial throat! for they know that in that Hps th tne chair appointed the committee lung diseases. For ; Tie fac siaila v i i- i w" icuouuais, pending whnso r only glimmer of hope for McKlnley. port the convention tookTnceJni ' aaII ' ' to carry the State; to that end they alfan hour." 1 : Address with 21 cents in one-cent circulate the report that the Demo- The conamittee on credentials onlv fworlfn- CSt pf aiH on the trade for ever, thing. 1 Y.S i.nere are certain newspaper corres- nedy and Erwin Miller copy of the "Medical Advise'r " pondeota who hang around; Hol.on While the committee' was out ex- Mo.iBy msbv, mi take delight in sending out all a"n8 the credentials, the dele- Decided th t'-e-r-mors RPnnh!innil - . gates scattered out throaeh thfi y m"" deligntful en- im,;ri l 'g,D fre?tS and discnssed tee fatten tert3'fitue r given by the oWI- .nwge- the Uemooratio part, and fijely, though the leaders will have dren f thisity will, take placo at the Democratic Hcket. 1 am sur, 1'ttlo to eay and appear altogether Armory Hall Mondav i! t pTised and indignant that certain 'J70 "kb8 the Mias Marshal if Democratic newspapera coatinne to SK? ih.aA .some- cnf,tL . :' ;'r8 uii: urin and EVERYTHING T IS GOING- CO s vcra,,c Dewspapera. codtinoe to thi'ng -up their fiTZ cnltnf !ll give a ;.n ui.r.noy to tnesa rumors and Democratie nominees inf naK., cahstbenic eihihitinn : i v". . CU IU IB -AT esf?cted in the family'how ' lOVllielV- tile narnfo fiV m, -. .v&- 1W iusiumre wen tare. They sometimes even forecast its education and mrr r -. i,.- too early to anticipate while the -child ia Vet unborn? -it isn't. The child's des any 'has already been partly mapped out 7a ccoW"g to tfie disposition! md habits of the parents. 'jThe best plan I a mother' can make for thz future happi. ness of her unborn child is to. maintain ner own cheerfulness and health while , Her child's undeveloped being - is still & part of hers. Her health at this critical ' Pi?n(XjS of-tremendous consequence to the littls one's whole f-ture existence -vvery prospective moth-r vill find direct . .icunshment,; comfort -nd sustaining tren:-th, m Dr. Pierce'a Favorite ' scnptiou., It-will -maintain; her vitality both bcdily and mental; shorten the pen od of confintnient and i.v.l.-.e labor easy and almost pairJet-s.. It imparts strength and elasticity to the. organs concerned in par turition, jnve&ls the mother with recuper- iicij, Hainsi nr: ;ter period 'cf :pw.CD.mney to these rumors and Democratie nominees 0f Cabarrus -.uuo tiicm pruunuenc under con- uuuuv aion - iuilucul unuer con VU""V . aion jfee ia only 25 cents and th .u u -At a few minnfpfl off Q'u I' J cenis, and the Hunjgo vvutu uney navel . . v ",lcl "o cun-1 proceeds ar m on t t? in , , . J. vention was again called tn nrHa r i R tf3 he Epiecopa ie highest Demncrann nr.. I mv. ... r b. , "ea 10 ordep. Phnrnh uu- . - ainfi Z . ' L . U8 creaentiais committee not i?' rAUU 8"'u go ana.see aiu ana aain riPnuH picaoua h ben by the v ueoKa. v oeing reaay to report, the audience well children en amUse Von. i 1 have been traveling around the was amused with an harangue by Asides encourage hem with a le State for weeks making the best ?d person (col.), who attempted audOU - canvass I can. nH K.-'-r0xPianine money problem. ii keratin " cWin. L.iCtl0Q nof gotten h , Ll ..-- : w every stump uuwn 10 pusinees at the time of go- ' H until I am almost worn out with the JnS to piess, and they will probably QJJ TJP'h YD 'HVT'Tfc strain of it all. And after all this ln Eession til15 o'clock. The Jj -Eiil, Ult (uUliJJ, !tD be compelled to tPli npnnin fhor t dele?ates seemed to have imbibed a 1 ' 'ati' iio Domini good deal of enthusiasm (?) during , Better - than either is a healthy Lot coming down-it ,3 too the recess, and upon reconvening" Kver.j If the liver is O.'K. the mf' : ail were in the best of spirit and man lis O.K. His blood is kept "Must I tell the Democratic voters Peect;harnoony prevails. pure,; his. digestion perfect, and ho everywhere I go that I am not anv t,W0Kcandlda ihjby life and act intelligently .Ptvto any such "traded these and ffier oc?dLooS UPii tioiis ! orts intimate? Do they think 1 friends of eaeSen JZ & Soing around the' State canyass- An iavoritl Mr fej me for Onvprnn. ... cKer stated to a Standard r. Tr.; 6UlftWx-. &roT,i Z I T . P0rter that he hada jonty of the i , Mu8fc 1 everywhere delegates and wa, sure of the nomt uxy inends and supporters that nation if he got a fair deal, lamnot acting the dog ' For Commissioner no one has up "It ia infamous! infamous I" ilrvl be rgsestedf but ,!I --i-rnf 1 . 8 very likely Mr. G W Patterson will , 1 uta Lot only not coming down, ba the choice of the convention. ;aUi not only not a party to any The remainde r of the county tick- f 3 the Populists on tie "-.ady. been -filled . by the i.etatr fiobf t . rODUllStS. and to f ffpnf. fnoion TT.Jfk ! ttet fenZ' D0W tb Hepu blicacS? these' 1 1 . wvvlH4v vn? committee j rereieitto then?, 13 3,3 f iirV,-.! ..... .1 J ? ; 8 .-.-uimaiiu loyai to me as any notes. j - - Jiea can be, and. that thev fave never a thought of such a wim the Populists. ' ! : ' Pl. ... . . ! f,; t iePrl3 have all emanated j -r- i;v publican sources, and would ! ;tT&called for denial except rw.uujf tuac nas oeen given -"."Ml , by certain newRnfinpra V V o f nnn " , 1 v. Rhtr u -wuere ne goes to r. Watson is . almost PYhjmafd -"13 Jonc y nr, .i - l-c ver rcugn coun- v u continual speaking, -cittee -is working him too nVo' ; .f8. Paymg- no .r attention hls Personal comfort. thret-s ?pe fed t0 ride forty miles tiarlp V sr;e cntry; from Albe- hunT?Qi and spoke in the is crl. the day at Big Lick. It enable ?rTne'd constitution .that urarro, 4 t0 stand such rough I epc-k G' pood crowds everywhere CrataarP ruSaid "and the -Demo. l00k exLiwS8iMt and. out- And th . ' . fr Gdvp,! ?emal and able candidate lrain-Charlotte Kews, A large crowd gathered in the court room to see the fun. All were satisfied with the show. McKinley badges were worn by ths delegates. A large picture of McKinley hung behind the chairman's desk. It was very amusing to watch the expectant look on the faces of anx ious candidates. Up to going to press, everything hid passed off very quietly. ' Only one drunken man in the court room and he wa3 not a delegate. . 1 0. GORHlII i weakness and detirpwi.-.n and u.. I , ""Vi in secretion of healtliy novrhment for tli cmla. It is the nniaili---r c-rc of all "fe male weaknesses." PctoZ?oxlT "vorlte Prescription," if tlt can be fouud. It proved so with ire 1 I HSlled S? !i,tlle rth anyof my childrer RLd dT?ith tIast' and sl:e the healthiest we fl tTfi "r1 your treatment I could not wfthi?fncf1? f?et lor to wash my dishes without sufferimr almost H-.itii r.r t n - COAL BURNERS. -r-i . T n H in. iiiiiiMil gTTl . very citizen of Concord who intend, to burn coal during the coming Tvfntfe1 will save money! and trouble by purcLas l??? We " handle She best wr nu h?. JIk' w,ah1"?' cookiiigr, sewing, ana ever thing- for my laiaily . A 7 ,7? . Cley. Ortrtow Co., Tenq, , and will deliver any quantity in any part of the city. Youi orders are solicited. Blukwolur '& mwk . mmwmwm wf IVIUHSiS ESJ3 U I Headquarters at Black welder's store, on West Depot street. - o8 J. F. HURLEY, INSURANCE AGEiNT over - I'Etzews imca STORE. L. M ARCHEY, M B, Pbysician &d& Snrgeon. Ooncord, N. O. I OFFICE : ST. CI CUD ANNEX la. h - Oolliiiig - at - Cannons - & - Fe Calvin Coss Sialics n Bequest. The late Calvin Bss, of the Foi lar Tent section of this countv. be- queathed all of his property, with! me exception or a small legacy to a mm . . niece or the same eection. to thf cause of foreign missions through the Presbvterian church. Mr. Ro?a' bequest amounts to a nominal sum. For years you and your fathers 1 been. have;! found it of sterling, worth. It is i and always has been put up only ; by J. H. Zeilin & Co. Take none ibut the genuine. It has the Bed Z and nothing else is the- same, and I No doubt about it: we are bsttAv fli please you in Clothing than we have ever B Men's est. V Suits, ,4- and Help Wanted female. ftlO tn 55152 nar ttoq Ir f r To " Wo ha en for easy home work. No books or canvassing. No experi ence. Bona fide offer. No catch. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. o31 Tlie Morj-nn .1- Wrfant GuarRiitre. The guarantee of the "o-id tires" i3 bropd enough to cover nlmost any. kind of ailments and to Scitiify tne moat r exacting' rider, mi the line must b? drawn somewhere, and Mor- ran S; Wriyhc art tt vinor t it- krown to riders everywhere shut the j guarantee Goes uot cover .d nviges resulting -from the .carrying of arm- jean preparations inside the- tire. By having as much air 5js possible in the Jl. & W. qniclc-repuir tire before putting the tool into rhe puncture, and following the few other simple instructions in the cat alogue, a. permanent repair cn be made in two minutea. at th rnsd- side, without re-uovin: th ma fmm the; rinu r f.'T--? ; . .',,;.: oys' Suits, latest and best. Gliildreii's and best S nits, latest - 7 . - We guarantee to save you money. n Dr. Miles Pain Pills stop Headache. J -10 -F! -.--., v ' K HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY G ANis 6 N S & FETZE : " '-- R ; t I I i

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