SMty Standard, iSOHN D. BARRIER & SON. Editors and Proprietors. 0"AS. P. COOK, Editorial Correspondent. OFFICE IN BRiCK ROW. Democratic Ticket. NATIONAL. FOR PRESIDENT, William jennings;bryan. POR VICE PRESIDENT, ARTHUR SEWALL. " ' STATE. I FOR GOVERNOR, CYRUS B. WATSON OP FORSYTH. V0R LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, TH OS. W. MASON OF NORTHAMPTON. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, CHAS. M. COOKE ofTfranklin. por treasurer, B. F. AYCOCK OF WAYNE. ! POR AUDITOR, ROBT. M. F II KM AN OF BUNCOMBE. 20R ATTORNEY GENERAL, FRANK I. OSBORNE OF MECKLENBURG. V. 3R SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC' INSTRUCTION, JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH - OF JOHNSTON. - - TOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES, A. 0. AVERY, of Burke," Geo. H. BROWN, of Beaufort. LTOR' CONGRESS PFwOM 7TH CONGRES SIONAL DISTRICT. - SAMUEL J. PEMBERTON. COUNTY. j -.FOR THE STATE SENATE, l- O D. BARRING ER. , FOR THE HOUSE, M. F. NESBIT. FOR SHERIFF, THOMAS J. WHITE. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS, JOHN K. PATTERSON. I V FOR TREASURER, CALEB W. SWINK, -FOR COTTON WEIGHER, W.H.BOST. FOE SURVEYOR, JOHN H. LONG. ; FOR CORONER, HARLES A. SHERWOOD. FOR COMMISSIONERS, J. FOIL, J. S. HARRIS, M. L BROWN. CONCORD, OCT., 6, 1896. FO&MS or GOVEBSaiEKl. John Adam?, in his three vol umes in defence of tha Constitution of the United States,1 has reviewed the various republics of ancient tfmes, and of the middle ages, and has classified republics into three -distinct forms: the democratical re-! publics, aristocraiical republics,! and monarchical ... republics: The; democratical republics have al ways had a plural executive, some t?o, some ten, and others, a differ ent number. Rome and Carthage' and Sparta had two chief executive! officers, Athens ten, and Switzer land has now, and has had for over &q hundred years, seven chief executive officers, called their chie: -executive council. A monarchy is a government o - one man. The root and derivation of the word shows it to be the ruling of one person. , Where all the powj ers of a government are vested' id ' one man it is an absolute monarchy. - But where only a part of the eui -preme power is given to one man is a limited monarchy. Under our Federal Constitution the execu tive power, indeed all the supreme executive power is vested in the President, one man. So that, as to the executive branch of the govern it is .indubitably monarchical. A monarchy may be inheritable or elective by the. people. History shows elective monarchies to be the most corrupt and worst form of government there is. They, have been found insepaiable frQm oom motions and increasing warfare, of political factions struggling and wrangling for partisan ascendency and power. k The people of this country gen erally have been under the impres sion that they had a democratic re public, but this is a mistake, and the sooner it is corrected the better. American Register, Dem. The above appeared ' m the American Register, over one hun dredl years ago, and is now pub lished in the Standard by request of ode of its readers. Editor. THIS W1IIXJE U&N TO ItUIE. The Hon. Mr. Crawford was timely and to the point in his speech lastfnight with regard to such legis lation as carries with it the domi nance of any but the white race. It is he who has poshed furthest to the !aat confines of human existence and earned civilization in his train and spread a knowledge of the Christian religion oyer the realms 'inhabited by the .other races, dispensing good where the tribes of men scarcely knew what good is. j With intuitive as well as demon strated knowledge he grasps the reins of government that properly belong to him and thereby secures to himself and those around him, even of the other races, the highest good and the inost rapid develop ment. There is a law of instinct even that forbids the mingling of races on exact equality, anilines of distinction are yet too vivid to be obliterated. The craviog fpr pub lic office should not be so fostered a3 to work demoralization and alitn ation between the races. Let it be remembered, too, that we can't all hold office, for we are not j needed. Only a small number, comparatively, are needed in office, and nibe times out of ten they are the most! unfor tunate and the lea3t appreciate d. MCI ' We insert with pleasure an article to day. "Forms of Government." It i3 of interest because ef j it3 age j i and because it eininated frpm one of the bright lights of the period in which it wa3 conceived. The ap parent incongruity of Mr. (Adam's defense of the Constitution while he seems to term our's a one man goyernment and therefore ; a mon archy, we will not attempt ! to . rec oncile. There may have been some misconstruction of Mr. Adams. To say: the least we liko to elect our president and- his" power ;is suffi ciently limited. I I - .-. Free I'iHs. : '.r - Send 'your address to H E Backs ien & Co., Chicago, and gp.fc a free sample box of Dr. Kiner's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are fasy in action and are particularly effec tive in the cure of Constipation and sick headache. For malariaa nd fever troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly vegetable. They do not weaken by their action but byiving tone to the stomach and boweis, greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c per bos oold at Fetzer's Drug Store, Help Wanted. Agents wanted to sell Macintoshes J I and Eubber Clothing, Tires, and a full line of Rubber Goods, j ( Part or all of). Free samples, and protected ground. to workers; Factory P. "0. 1371, New York. . ' i .. ;H Dr. Mnes'JPciin Pills are guaranteed to stov HeaOaclie in 20 minutes, "One cent a doseV All Free, Ihoe who have used Dr, K'ng'f New Discovery, knosv its value an those who have not, have now - tr opportunity to try it free. CaJl cn advertised druffgtst and get triilJ bottle free. . Send your f name and address to H E Bucklen & Cc, Chicago, and fret a'J sample box pj Dtv King's New Life Pills kms, at well as a copy of Guide toHealthanc Household Instructor free. . Mlo. whiflh is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing, rw zer's Drug store. IllS Still 19 fetlll. Probably the oldest still in the United States was seized near Plain -field; N. J., last Friday. It belonged ' to John Lainbert and has been yearly distilling applf jack-, since 1723. In that year the great grand father of the present Lambert put in the first plant. There is a story hand ed w n from gen erati onto generation in-the Lainbert family that Lainbert applejack won for Washington the battle of Monmont over Sir George Clinton. The bat tle was fought June 28, 1878, one of the hottest days on record. When the continentals began to succumb to heat and overwhelming numbers Lainbert, who was one of Washing ton V men, produced two jugs of his whiskey, the; effects of which was marvellous and the men fought like demons till night put an end to the battle. In the morning Clinton and his red coats had disappeared. Pectoral cost3 more than other medi cines. But then it cures more than other medicines. Most of the cheap cough, medicines merely palliate; i) thev afford local and temtjo- rary relief. Ayer's Cherry ( Pectoral does not patch up or palliate, it cures. - ,, Asthma, Bronchitis Croup, Whooping Cough, and every ether cough, will, when other remedies fail, yield to 5 ' : ' ! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral It has a record of 50 years of cures. Send for th.6 CuxebooliM Z. C. Ayer Co., Xovrell, Hass. JNO. R. ERWIN. ;C A. MISENHEIMER ER'WIN & MISENHEIMER Physicians and Surgeons ' , Office No. 3. Harty building, op nosite 2nd Presbyterian church. Charlotte, N. C. K L Craven is now receivins: the best Jellico JLump Coal; Also superior Hard Coal, Egg and Stove. Prompt attention. Free delivery. Orders sos licited, FIRE INSURANCE. When in need bi Jfire Iusci snce, call and see us, or .nite. We lepre sent only firstclag i Home and Fox eign companies. Respectfully, Woodh hue Halbis. $1,000. We will giva the above amount tn tlio person who will send us the best list of I fifty questions answered in "Dictionary Is' oi united btates History." Write for particulars with stamp. PURITAN PUBLISHING CO. ;n5Bromfield Street Boston Mass; sl7 '97. : - Racket TTT1 Men's Laundered colored shirty 28 cts. Club house ties 5 cents up. Sox4 cents to 40 cts. Ladies black hose 4 cents to 37i cents. Ladies 35 Hermsdorf Opera hose '35;:oen;;;:;;:,;;v:-;-vr'' . ..." Ladies white collars 10 cent, cuifs 18 cts. '- ' i ' . t : . : Ladies silvered or black bone shirt waist buttons 5 cts per doz. . Ladies- black silk watch guards 10 cts. Chair seats 3 to 5 cts each. Wire hair brushes 8 cents. 7 V Royal talcum pow der at 3 for 25 cents. Handkerchiefs to 371 cts" each. 1 ct ; Meiis ca 10 cents, hats 23 cts up. . '-Ui Two papers needles for 1 cent; or better ones 1 cent. Sewing machine oil 5 cts per bottle. Towels 4 cts up. Shaving brushes 3 cts up; Garter elastic 2 ets per yard up. White tape 1 ct per roll. Hooks and Ts 2 cloz. for 1 cent, improved 1 cent per dozen. spool cotton made at 21 cents. . Tooth brushes 2 cts up. Shoe blacking 1 cent up. Six dozen shirt but tons for 1 cent. Three lead pencils for 1 cent. - tOombs 3 cents up- s t i 0 n. V"

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