-. XIII No. 144. -gjgK1-jN- C WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7TfiiT : Turner. Kn. 1 1 n tt x . m a r 1 1 m a m -i X Josenh Ton--TZ JTr M I ' I -rd 3 GeorKrW IJrown.. u ' I vvuk womoas 10 inn- riAafn . m-xL between Mr 6edr 5 A WBONG IMPRESSION. WBie People Mad Believe That the j08ePb Yoong, clerk: of Superior Court la to Blame wafd 3 George W f Election. I "Rlum TTin m It fg Thb SANDiBD's aim to be Hal W Avr ino?,. k flte blrni6g .i..:. Kfl pf. hnt an imnrooomn d.. in a moMMAM . . :r i.. . . i men8e' tat; who to Wact the 0 John.ton, Na 3 John R Brad, its eharp teeth, into the' raS November elect.on lay mth- ford, No 4 E R G Parter. Ko. 6 dok lightning,: SU . rw, . T I x L t u tt V cnningeTj J anc stncs f ta --poison j V-&55lon4ciworkedl Th. thL! 5 N Barrier WmMS!WSm TW - "W"?M!U " uemo- . f og. Hb. IX . 8 W White. 01 "o. . The rat newd lt.1 Wftu Pt?J3r3fiS cratic party. J! or the benefit of wari'l W F A Pronat. wi o t 7 onslonght Jbut was awln K..t Ir 5wSfLW!" Tb . i I t ' J.itr. wu i t -vr j vau utc in ine cucumstancef tuose woo Dow oeueye it was apprrae, ward 3 0 A Pitts. Ward we stunning blows of its an. wZJSJ" ediciiiikeiDoctoi; XTi-n- ' ' I tflcrnn lof I - " .liiey. will, at ftto-"-tt-'''fciii-.J.i' r - .. I Tho .nflmKotbnta . 1 WJ exercise which; ! lackinsr i, Whole KO. l525 . i . jl . t . . r : 'an - ; s .,t. judges m m im -a ws i ' fHtlxij tip a wed oinr mrasseattv thiol many women " arcttred ont: Dres&' nKeri, seam- I s t re sses ;i ? shotv i I rirU.". inininera- alHxard-wotkd and 1 say nothin-r'bf 7" -- , . j . . xaay , jieTseij, , Sittfnj or standiof Trinrt nf wnrV gives yon no health " wen. uatuicea cx excise) part" of ih body is. overworked attA ui ue i. s . . : i.: !.! . L-lf . . lo t epoauujinca ,weTprnt WIOW ? .UIMOttz,.:, ?1 v iKUUiSV L : 1 nearly ss any medicine can; supply'the !aw as enacted hv tha tnomAM'ki. ' TJft - -,t.-.ti-.vi 'r ; . I The . mmhaianf. A i . . 1 f T r Y.1 exercise which is lackinr in j wviuuiawio n wivB win n soon f km il. i vcMufco -juuLinnnn thiol ail m-ennr'a wnrv ---:-- - bgislatnre of 1895, found in chapi. bothat thrcrfheoftted jicheme? of ?.?no for neary m hour, S'M-Sliliaai' ter 159, section 7, of the Publio the wire manipulators in making n,ntu "e rat finally sucpumbed to p'nTf.ak'ning effect" with the " wim laws of -North Carolina," whioK chargei- igain.itheil DetaooS thePnous wounds inflicted by A-&S reads: -: n V -: - party is brokon fJ,ta . !! tbesnakej ; - ""-ltod. emy election, the clerks in n--f eeveral counties shall appointnpbn D?rr8 8oPf 10f Court doesn't mix the written recommendation or ap- nP in.V anj; such style,vancl prowl of the chairman of the State tnt the only thing he has dona ia sample box of Dr..Kines NewwT,ifAi "TheePie's Common Sense Medical Ad, niia a i i . . - - - viser. i-i-v n v air t- -st-i Jng Physician to the Invalids WnfM anA i . , v. .. . it j vabu iuiu, utuause anv I Ail If - J I , wu wotk. wnen you l rViof am nr o4-if. : ti. j? . . ... . J I At last ftw.nnnto f Vi a -ai I ITiilar the " Ppl1f o Luaii vu vt- wuvic me iirHL ivinn. i uiou wun rairinfaiiiMA... l - . t ..... r-""' w wud iHLLiHRnnrpi i ... fiut nf Spnm : - ' T '"rV DOWS 100 had not nna.fol .l.;,TrT:r to them forever: 7 f v1'"' v "vy cucuiu weu inat tne efficient plprlr nf ru u owauow me Mx nem. y election, the .clerks in their V.in ' (- ratas has been the case with fta . n Plercf's Pleasant Pellets ?al counties shall anndint. ni ,ba Saperior Opart doesn't mix mer vintiW, "!t8 their own work. When vou become the , Pellets" can be stopped. Yon mer victims. SDartanbnr TTamI puidren like 'them. wyui oumc vincr pms inai pay ninj better, lust think of nhnt n, v Free Pills. Detter, just think of what bavs vou. Von ceive a sample, package free if rw..kJ - ff-" wuvau uuu luw recc party of the State, one citizen WoA mendation of the party, bosses. -qnalned voter from each of said " -v.ar7v, i pojitical parties of and jfpr each ; . For Over rtylTeara " u jcwivc a sampie nacfeafire tree if von nnll 1 . . ! t-t kuu yuur name ana address to the w rem w any one sending 2i cents in one cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only Over DOO.OOO coni nf Mo f Doctor Book already sold ia cloth binding tbjs act, as registrars of ' election" In mS115- PWjsd inwlnatle. 1 hey are S their respective nrecincu. A5' ? tj.e Child, softens to ! be ' perfectly vegewble; or before the fW " J.Wjajn,,cnres witid " onpt weafcen by their action . nextpreg 't W FIRE iNSDRArp" "" "Jcias i aonie and For d on,nfipd vmTr --k- ; eD ntfiyecenxstf bottle.- Be sure a Wlftan1 DeMt . cairund see ua,, afot i :TWw,fe of Mr. Johni Goodnight, SaSlfe precinct, able to read and writ. ftB j ut"cr Inu I of JNo. 1 townshio. diVd -TnBii.'vl Haimc riu. aicernoon altera linserin sbell of ' s uajkis. bMlniAr -Sate . 'liii A V, We haveat rmi Ki- cord the best and cheapest lot of Fine Young Mules and H6rai fell broke to work. The attention of farmers , called to hi8 8t0Ck of delected ' n '' - Animals. calling at once.? i , . BROWN BROS. Concord, W O. n8 d&w EVERYTHING 'IS GOING-- AT COST AT B, COAL BURNERS. ;oS!? intends i rnTni. i i inrlnaie he best .11 i MP Cflji o? the .W1Vyant,ty anypart n. . . tVUi are solicited.. wuouie w rcau ana write, as j aforesaid, who shall be known; for wereTou Tiiere? iKriS'eSSit . Thirtj-five - litile children, -all oid-fever, Mrs, Goodnight was ... " " . . 4 ttJIefS dressed in white with long flowing 25 years of age and, Jeayes a Wanted-fll reeistrara and jodges of election, locks and sweet, rosy faces, greeted ,1Q?band and three' small children. iSiru I w w 6f S lack's. on thPir r;-:;:::.""., dressed in white with Inn flnn, oout 25 years of age and leaves a IVrinTPnfln Woa45WtMi ... vcbic picuiuuis; ana -ine I . ' o vraj ;. v . I " ,nu , iuya s1""npia . twBirars ana judges of election, luuw anuweec, rosy f faces, greeted! 7 "uu Bma11 cniiafen. write WhnwI '-.-arropii when so flnnmnM .nn.i.fl ft faiVlw oi -UjVj: v f The btirial ''to.rviojui tlr - I Sf.Wl"Mntqn. i. a.fSpthli i&S2ti$ - BethpageiPfeiOj.erran-clinrch thb -' flr-Mnes-PataPnb,,,, If1 conatitute the "precinct 'board Hall last night, when Miss MaK BethPaSe Presbyief rancnarch this And anon .i. , - " fiil physical cnlture class gare an nesaay; morning. - K :r Eds oV'ia :LnPr:; -fv--t Jdri,,s ixr ; e BLhltaT State !!5fD,C rWi ..o.hayeusedprrW-s Cnmm,ffoa , . ciy prwcuiar tne production wasa wucovery Know,lts value d committee recommended to HptIt .j iL- r . - Ithose Who have not. harft r,n T nr,.. ioucu;sa auu ine evennppra nf mofinai A -v r. ti" w -x" . vji08on. whose dntv it ia fn-an i -V .J 07 " ' - i wppurmuuy irj uy iree. ruUsll on ' wuuae anty it IS to - ap and sntendid tim lronf V i,si fadrArtinAH .m i.. nnmf tv, -i . " I rr lucxu oniy upon.recommenda- dren of ' . ... I . - flastrn In. - " f . C i 1 ' ; - - - mittee and ftpft-' - . 3, marsuan ana sne" deserves much I k 1 '1:Z',1L lecfinn t i i " r-v , tie toijfs acquitted themselves. ThP sJ.?mgnatj, a.30 o'c -wu (, ruoiic Laws of Nnrthl . . . i Molina. flp, ;0 , . r V cnnrcn received aboat $25.00. UCXCUV CIotiiiDg - i - hum - k - Mim . - -I i vu uw oucci at rurent. mil, MISS of election for the several Patient crete in the world. He S'S-,,.??uj? vnf,v. . . AUl luc otjyeiai i . , I maiden of . the citv. win hos tYiofH . wuuwi wuu mj oear any ione- ... '' ;vLr'cu pabarrns ti, Vn P drawn-out story of the cause of his Mrc jpan , jp : jmman, son .nf Wn'dnPtt'n , . lowm Persona t0 ailment. He doesn't care two straws MfW- Ai.itrrotflmaD,-: whor Jives tin ue8aay after the first Mondav in sbould treat himself. He may be ffnoaVilv y-:uh ; - ' November, 1896-' v i wSfp? predisposed to scrofula, or con. ump. ge8 .tfl? wltneM thfc ceremony, (negro). Nn 9 n- !! ' tion- uThat," he will tell ym oas A redding dinner will be tendered 3. Wm Lero 130nas nothing to do with the case." ntt the oouple tomorrow at. the- home of f;exYo8t; No 7 lAhnnu' ' 8end in your bill. So, here's the Vo.R t- 7' -Ohn D Redwme; firflt nflTtJnf thAlnmnnaUfnti- ud V! cLeaE negr; o- 9, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Die C"U, nPOrn "NT IA Tu I nnvravrr a a miVrnho " hnntan nr N"n rlmi'h om, ixi ' . ' clock at the . ;-ow;m it, we are Dettsr fiTC3 home of Mr. j . a r Kusseii, ' on.: st. please you in Olothinff than ttto I,,. I a ' " JLLfJU v cvKr Charles -street at Forest Hill, Miss h pp-nt is- the grodm.' c )Aq prland Me,) , woman whose uusuaoa came nome drunk' and got . r . ... I r.mm am A .r I- T - 1 r "l- - . " ' Bop. ' egro No !0, Bob covery is a microbe hunter and u w u"Dec1' nee18 nrsl ran t0 fcbe i o uegro; No. 11, 0 B Blair klller' Many Persons of scrofulous street and grabbing a 'cobblestone n!??m Jae Wallace negro1 b00d, e,nfc1ourage th? breakinf ?ut hurled.it through the window with Ward 9 t f . aAiaw? negro, of unsightly sores, to prevent the a;,u u-.a e&ia; u U00ki ward 3, W.O disease going to the; lungs, here ! T. w ? ai lo lI?e curve oul u uegro?" tDoy.,1 yi.rri-iw-i n Ko f - A wais.coaiin a wavthat wo a . - -Me . - . i - Boys' Suits, v. 'k ,vi ,r ..... . GhildrftTi 'r Suits, latest and Tf-. latest and Fenian, eman ' 9 Y u disease going to thQ Jungs. .There nd ' negro; ward 4Hirani Al is no need of thia state of dread and . nero. In a ntA monn ducomfort. Purify the blood. It r-rmaa Clement Mnil rrr can be done- "Golden Medical mocra . 1 Man1 of the Discdverv" will cure 98 Der cent ol 01lwirjff a "wwtmcu me an consumptive cases, aiso 01 an Staliir, v gea: 1 Paul F other lingering bronchial, throat Tr;ni fi8 Ko. 2 J s TTarn-o "Wn and lung diseases. C P Clin v rr' iyo Address with 21 cents in one-cent JVDr ,Jo. 6 A'Orowell, No, 7 stamps, to covr cost of mailing4 Vn' W NMiw),0;mM only, World's Dispensary Medical 9Geo- C Shinn S r?" Association, Buffalo, N, Y.t and get 6?wn. No. 10 Df a free copy of the "Medickl Adviser.", painfultd Him. --He came outto grappiesw1th?her;;butsnelaitf him went to hpuse'and ifirew all his bottles of liquor . into ' the fritter breaking lhein.Theconp.lC a brief :argumentA inr cdurt ' th mow day and now live happily together with a perfect understanding nf each other's ; hu 03 ors. Ex. and best. Suits, latest 1-' v.- i J ' luaraiitel save you mo Jy; 1: .1 j . . ... ! t . I " I J " . 1 i i ! ( - , , .1 f ! 1 1 Vj ..if - -jr. 1 CANNONS FETZER I . , - r-. .. .. ; -

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