Daily Standard: f he Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. ? BATES OP SUBSCRIPTION : , Oae year: . . . . Six months. . . . Three months.. Oae month . . Single cony.. .114 00 2 00 ; : 1.00 .. .35 .05 - Will-.Willis and Will Cooktwo white men, were before Maor Mor rison this morning for taking on too much tangle-leg. The two turned over to the town $5 each. C Mr. Edi P White, who has been confined to bia room with "chills and malarial feyer for a week pr more, is rapidly improving and will be out in a few da vs. I,tria very. probable that Mayor S ftl Morrison will move back to-his farm about the first of January next. Concord will regret to lose mm from among us . - . The Weekly Standard is v a four-page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 : M n Tfl per annum, in advance. , flnM; efl! of - No.". Stown- 1 ship, who was thought to be im- advertising rates : proving from his hard snail nf Terms for regular advertisements ?ess has had another back-set and .J- 1 MB anoin 1 w a --i iZ 1 i made known on application. Address all communications to the Standard, v Concord; N. C. Arrival of. Trains is again in a critical condition. o. ii from Richniondiarrives at 11:17 a. m. 35 " Washington " " 10 p. m. 12 " Atlanta " " 7:22 p.m. 35 " Atlanta " - 9:35 a.m., r 37 " NeVork " 8:48a.m 33 '' Atlanta 9-00 p.m. t 64 Northbound freight leaves at 11:17 a. m, " 63 Southbound 44 44 44 5:45 p.m. Nos. 11 and 12 are the local trains between Richmond and Atlanta. Nos. and 6 r th fast wall trains between Atlanta and Washing-j and her !C0nratulatinnfl ton. Nos. 37 and 33 are the Washington and I iiugrawuiaiions. Southwestern vestibuled Limited trams and stop at Concord on signal. - ? M G G Scherer. TriH?rlAnf: nf vr.it.-n i. .r--r-w . noun Carolina college, will preach at Cold Water Lutheran church next SundaV at 11 a. m. and at-Rfc Andrew's Lutheran church, of this city, at 5 p. m. ; Miss Marshall's splendid enter tainment last night aggregated $26 and netted $24. The Dartici Dating children met Miss Marshall this evening and received her thanks PERSONAL POINTEKS. Tb BM and Flow of the Unman Tide t Tula Port, mm. Seen By Oar Reporter Mrs. B A Brown is visiting in Salisbury. Dr. A L Petrea, of Charlotte, is in the city. ', Mr. F,V Snell came down from Greensboro this morning. Mrs. Dr. J S Lafferty and chil dren, of Glasses, spent today in the city. -v:. w J Mr. H M Barrow returned to the city this morning after a brief absence. ' Mrs. Laura Moss is spending a few days in the city with friends and relatives. Rev. V R Slickley, of Enoch yille, passed through the city this, niorning on his way to Mt. Pleas ant, to attend a meeting of the board of trustees of North Carolina College. , ' HIEi'T TIE To thing but about any- HANDKERCHIEFS And Linen Towels 5 Per fi OR Per IM. Per w - 1 Guaranteed to AU Investors able Linens FLOWER BULBS . from PETER IKIIDERIU CO. received to-day. FETZER'S DRUG STOKE. j ' TO CUBE A COLD IS OSE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AIL druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. i - . ' Woman In Jail for Stealing. ', - . . ... . . Mrs. W P White, of No. 1 town- n porrn damsel frirtm flhfna Rrncp' wra ship, who has suffered intensely for picked up by Chief of Police Boger uuK tiiuo vfiia Mirpai aneCUOn fhm rWpdnpaHftv mnrmncr and and bronchitis, isabout welLahd is lodged in jail on a charge of larceny. ITiT u Bi 2 ; C or irieuus 8he had stolen some wearing apparel wiUbe glad to know she has so im- f rQm the wife of one William Sher- rill, also colored, of China Grove, The universal Drevalence of sere- who had her arrested. Chief will fula is a fact well known to physi- take the woman to China Groye cians. 1 he only medicine that has minerio provea a specinc for tnis Bnckien s Arnica air. dreadful complaint is Ayert Sarsa- parina, wnicn expels every germ ot poison from the blood. You can not begin to use it too soon. Harry P. De aton, "local reporter. The Best Salve in tke world for Cuts, Brui35s, ISres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains Corns and all While at Bessemer City Monday Skin Eruptions, and positively cores afternoon Capt. J M Odell saw a Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is rattle-snake that bad been killed at guaranteed to give statisf action or that place. Mr. Odell says it was monev refunded. Price 25 cents per beautiful in color that the differ- box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug ent shades of its skin narmonizedso tore. well that it was pretty. It had nine ill ' 1 i a rauieru auu one uuuon, wnicu were castor-Xarnbardt. See our Plain White Hemstitcliediat 5c. S ee oiir iPlam? White Linen Hemstitched at 12 l-2c.vworthj20c. Our 44x21 Fringed Towels, worth 25c, for 16 2t3. - Investments both Large and Small WHEN M1DE WITH Th New York Iavpstment Cou BROKERS IN ' f ." Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton, 40 AND 42 BROADWAY, .i NEW ; YORK CITY-i . ..7 J-.S. People who desireTto Have a steady and ure lincome; oaj Ismail lorJlarKenvestments end for our.explanatory," f re. j a COHOORD," c: J. M. Odell, D B. Ccltrane President Cashier 4. D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier See The Capital, Surplus, $50,Q00 $16,00a; DIKECIORS; J. M, Odell, l). F. Cankou Elam King, - J. W. Cannou W R. Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B Coltrane SHORT LOCALS. presented lo Mr. Odell, who has At the home of Mr. Albert Moose, them m hi. possession. on North Spring street, at 4 o'clock Mr T WiIott 14R nhflmhPTB this afternoon. Mr. Charlie H Gas- See change in Ould's ad on i this Qt N'ew York City, savs that A ver's tor, of No. 4 township, was married PagQ - Sareaparilla cured him of a dry to Mies Peninah Earnhardt in the Usual prayer-meeting services and yjumom he i n, iKnvnhnn 1 I1H.U HUllHrBU. Ill LUlHrU Ul V . UD UUUD. IIIOUUO. ilVCi iU.il WH4M wwM.rvv.. "I have not hbw a blemish on my After the ceremony the happy cou body, and my cure is wholly'dae to pie wended their way to the groom's x A boiler for the cotton factory at Ayer's Sarsaparilla., M Ploocnnt vena hfliilArl nnfc from I ! this place Tuesday. Gulp and his associates met K with a little accident in conveying Every carpenter in the city is the large boiler to the Mt. Pleasant working. An idle one could not be Manufactory Tuesday. A bridge found Tuesday. at Mr. lieorge Miller's larm gave i.' , awav under one hind wheel which ditch. The force to file their oaths of office witn,tnel -. uMM0 uQ clerk of the court before the 24th of bi, fall, brkkl ,xnis monin. ing what is called the apron. The fTnrvl Victor Model. 8100 damase is comparatively email, but wheel, for sale cheap 855. For would bear heavily on the hauling farther particulars call at this contractors. office. ol3 n - X.nrT:ri.Z! m r-i C3 Senator Gorman, of Maryland, declares himself emphatically for the Chicago ticket, Bryan and Sewall. And How second Crop Grapes. The Standard is pleased at re ceiving a quantity of grapes from its good old friend of No. 8. We nannot share the eraDes witn our m o CQ o All citizens that believe in white readers but we will do abetter for -vt i n i:K; ikiim anH pnnir Inn lAttAr Antirfi. supremacy in norm vmuuuo rj rvv .. should register and not fail to vote showing the way m which the crop against Eussellism. was. procured. If Mr. Fink has " . found a way to prolong and length Miss Eloise Means, an attractive eQ 0nt the grape crop he has added young woman of Columbia, S.C., is maCQ to the value of grape culture: visiting at the home of i Mr. R B Editor Standaed : Enclosed you AVhite, in Ho. l townsnip. - wiu rind a sample 01 my grapes i ft H 0 w Q CO H O CO W 3-5-C 31 THE NEARER THE BONE THE SWEETER THE MEAT. It is an old and homely adage and finds an application'here. The maker of merchandise has reached the end of his snmmer. His season is over ; yonrs Has in at hftornn. He's anxious to sell wnat is ieit or ms inauos np-product at almost any rean sonable sacrifice. We're watching your interest in this matter and as a result have made some purchases tnat will surprise you , by their cheapness. ' ;' on-rtio f n j mm c -vr ' (1 O i'l X br oo - O 3 i I So m n r ",3 3 THE LOTTL WES GRAND HERE THE Y! ARE: 8, 8 m, . - 4i they being the second crop of this n The mice of cotton is way down Aifnnt ftio m;,a VfTnn T w . - w 7HM r nilLJUU LUU AUA.UUJ.if WA V VBMW the best prepaid tJWeflnM- aQ expetimeilt 0n my vine by &le lor tlis kiies dayV being 7.30. about coming in catting back several vines, leaving! . . . ii about three J onus oi mis years AT fnr the ladies crrowth. In a short time came out t nny MornantilA ComDanv's to- two branches from each stump, a. ry . aaIaav i mniAh nrnnnrnr. T.n r nnmnii nruiii i Sero da; SaripVTheene QULD MERCANTILE CO Big Gain tO YOU r -ivT-m-Dn a xTTTT ii! do. h an about fifteen or twenty bunches of good size, which are now about Mr Mnrnhal Barrineer. son oi Uoif crrnwn. If Jackfrost delays his Mr. C D Barringer, of No. 8 town- comiBg for some time they may get Tomorrow. Store opens at 7 ship, has come to th;s city 10 uvo. rip6j wnlph will mate tnree crops He is working at the Cabarrus 0Q one yine the same yean loller mills. ' r Charley Fink. Are the joy and sunlight ef our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give theia nauseous doses. You can. WoflwftftH9 at. Hi: 10 and overcome their toables with pr. T aOU c.uuvw m v. f I black, 36 inches, at 25 cents, A bargain. Billows of hand- ksrehiefs, you'd wonder how it could be done if we naan't told you, There's no loss to us, but a; A felt want is that gnawing at Mt Pleasant, Oct 6 the stomach after you have eaten a fall mfiaL and can't eat any more, Help Wanted. &nd yet there is that feeling as o'clock and closesjat . - 10 o'clock. new toes. These are Genuine Bargains, no old goods. All Acrpnts Wanted to sell Macintoshes nTVTO - "HAY -ONLY, w, direct ir onr xne xaotory. though you had; eaten nothing nnme andlSeeOTJs. Royal GeriMiier, They all like to take it because it, does not taste like a medicine, ; but like a lemonade. It cures eolier in young children, overcomes all 1 , bowel troubles, gives good digestion and the maker pays the piper, and quiet, healthful sleep. Come ann see them, o, iu, a tonic for weak chndren aad1 15, 25 anaoo cts. - m j . - tWnfy. UlV Oxford Ties: rrince lDert A ' - r and Spring Heel Ties in all the the greatest in the world. I What, ia wanted then is a dose of - 1?rio nf Rabber Goods. (Partor ... v.w " - . . ll 1 l iUU luvv-; - , Simmons Liver regulator, ine uw an 0f). Free samples, ana proceciea Dyspepsia' cure, for that Js what onn'd t0 worKera. Factory. P. O. the gnawing means. -Simmone - New York. lii VAr Rftcrnlator IS ail wiafc - commended for 'indiEe3tion."-A. QlSSSt1- tSFSold by Druggists, new packagetj WtttlA. ioa Doses. One Dollar J Mauuf actnred only by Sis Atlanta Co., itlinta, Gzl " ' ' - ". -v TOU ftr aFu Bok, BtlM ev.