. Xin. No. 145, CONt?Oin, N. C, THURSDAY OCTOBER 8, 1896. Whole NO. 152 TO THE CHILDREN. ;. Marshall Thanks Iler Class .for be fiIII,irt Entertainment Ken lercty Them. The girls and boys were requested BLUNDERS OF PUBLIC SPEAK . V ERS. ' ' n nmoroni Slips of the Tongue Attri buted to Orators Mot e or Less Koted Joseph Malins, himself a well some W Miss Marsnan tu gu tu kui , uan known Dribljc SDeaker. ?ma v- . , rrr 1 J .f.-. ' I . at4 iclocs neuneeuay anernoon amusing instances of the humor of en the following remarks were public speaking.. It is, he thinks, a made by Mi Marshall : "I called lack of flueRcy that causes the icu together this afternocn for two 8peaker so often to blunder. Mr. Lrnnccs. First, that I may impress Malina has listened to a temperance: tpcn jour Drignt minus me impor- orator deploring the fact that a tence.of tfte exercises nave given fnend resorts to "the frequent use yon. I trust that every morning, of the daily glass." He heard a fere dressed for breakfast or . at notable lady speaker speak of slum Hight before retiring to bed, that children ' brought into the world La will go through with a part of with no mkre idea of home comfort thsercises, and in a short time ttan the children, of negroes in y0U. will be greatly beneiitted; Africa-'' j My trcoiid purpose is, I wish, to One speaker said, "I rise empbati- tbank you for coiring so regularly cally," and another said, "I stand ... .i -omnt.lv. I am nleaeed with m,n, ftinv,m.f w uL;u j "i'v'; i - jJiuaneno viiu i aciuuieuuicuv. ici SILVER OE GOLD. :..:;,,-- ; ' . : - Better than either is a healthy liver. If the liver is 0. K. the man isj O.K. : His blood is kept pure, his digestion perfect, and he can enjoy life and act intelligently and patiently upon the questions of the day. You all know what to take. You have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Begulator TREGULATOR For 'years you and your fathers have ! found it of sterling worth. It is j and always has been put up only by J. H. Zeilin & Co. Take none j but ' the genuine. It has the Red Z on the front of the wrapper, and nothing else is the sime, and nothing so good. alts, yes I cm proud. of you another feelingly told hia audience to think, only twenty-four that it was "not the platform speal: hour; preparation. I think it won- er but the house-to-house visitation derfnl, don't you? I must speak ard the utterance of : the silent word rcr:cna!ly of Ralph Odell, as he by the caller which did tne most enly had two rehearsals. I con- good'" The staments. that "the graUii;ite and tnank him for ac previous speaker's suggestions were ceptiig so gentlemanly and execut- Verv suorerestiye" and tht another ! ivy his part so well. speaker's remarks were "miecalcus FIFTY-THREE ACRES SHORT. Now, one word to Mrs. Harris, lated to meslead"- Mr.. Malins also! ' , , - ,i t , , . . ! ... uSnrveyor Long: iwaltes a Discovery ,iti:anK.nerior,tnj gOOU ana mentions. , j That is a Heavy Loss to Sr. Petren. well retderd music. In fact 1 Then there is the spafcer ho au thank ell who gaTe ' any assistance ways misplaces hisj'he's,'' and who in this little 'entertainment. Now, prays "that we might be brought to bjys r.Ld girls, as you go;, you take the halter." There was a flight if k von .nv.beBt wishes, love and of fancy when the speaker asked. sicnere thanks." "Suppsse if a modern ballon drop Surveyor Jonn H Lon, on Wed nesday made a discovery in sur veying soma land in No. 4 township-that is a heavy loss lo some one. It was in this way : Dr. A L Petres, of Charlotte, holds ped upon an uninhabited island, a deed that calls for about 190 acres what Trould the natives say ?" Toe j 0f valuable farming lands in No. 4 townyhip, aiid .had wold tne lana to Messrs Caleb Goodman and ; Jack son IStroud, and id surveying the Ke!-!y Say Farewell. Miss :aua urier, wco is iu scleiitiric lecturer said of his com- a3 a missionary will saii from mg experiment, .that ;all depends 8 n :vr3iicisco November 3rd. Miss opon the present condition of the Gritr i at present in ' Charlotte. body about to be created." A town II;,rarty will consist of seven in- coucciior gpoke of "the rivers and eluding herself : Miss-M D Ingold, atreBma that ahut on the' bcroUgh cf Hickory; Mrs. McCormack,t and boundaries." Among Mr, Maiins' M.iss McKmght, of Sou th Carolina ; other examples is the speaker who began with saying l4The proper In curing cot sumption there rothinglike taking i; i At r ; lock. Doctors sat consumption can t be cured ; they have argtimeuts to prove it. But when they see it curec right under theh face and eyes b; Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Ui?y admit that there's something wrong abrot their arguments and something wonderful about the ." Discovery-'1 It isn't mir:icuIous. It won't cure every C-se ; Lut it cures a suprisingly large per centage of cases , even when the patient is pretty far gor- e v. ith a bad cough, and bleeding from tl.-2 luns, and reduced al most to a shadow. Consumption is a blood disease. The hr.tgs want a fresh sipply of pure rich bIo 4 and plenty of it ; that is what the "Gclde h Kidical Dis covery" gives them. It Is a blood m1cer. It gives -.the '..blood -making function power to produce a large qtiantity of th? nourisl.Lig red corpuscles which make healthy lijgivii'g-)OQA. This stop: the vesting; drives out the impurities; heal the ulceration and ' begins a rapid building-up process, of solid, substantial liesb fciid vital energy. It isn't only consumptives who need the ' 1 Discovery. It cures every form cf chronic blood-disease and all scrofulouj and eruptive affections. Mr. Isaac K. Downs, of Spttvg Valley, Rock land County, N. Y writes : ' l or three years 1 had suffered from that terrible d;sesse, confjimp tion, and heart-disease. Eei'oie taking Doctor tierce's GoTden Medical Discovery I had wasted Vtov to a skeleton; could nor leep nor rest, auq many nines wisiiea io uic u LC uui -i Elep bv Frv the sij;ns and realities of returning health" slowlv ljut surely developed themselves while taking the " Discoverj'." Today I tip tbs .Rcales at one-hundred-and-eighty-seven, and ?.- vell and strong.-' The 'Golden Medical Discjv cry has al.so cured my daughter of a verv ulcer located on the thigh, i, iler trying a hnest everj-thtug without success we purchased tnit bottles of your Disco 'ery' 'vh:ch lieaii.a i -perfectly.,, Yours truly. fcam Joues in Georgrla. Kev. Sf.' i Jonea is conducting a series of meetings at Columbus, Qa. and is arousing the people as they never have been before. The At lanta Journal says his ayerage cons gregations will number from 12.000 to 15,000 people. At one meeting: 1.500 men asked for prayers, "Your Uncle Sam" ia haying a lively tins in nis own county. The Beet Saive in ti e world for? Cuta, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salts Rheum, Fever Sores, T tlerd Chappo . Hands, Chilblains, ( or as and a)J Skin Eruptions, and positively curt-s Piles or no pay vtqui-f d. It iss guaranteed to give siati faction or monev refunded. Price 5 cents per box For tale at P B Ft tzet'n Drug; tore, V : EVERYTHING IS GOISG Ski AT 9U CLCX-C id w l$ ll iL ' . study cf mankind in general is the study of whereupon ence cried out, You're a-goin' in at mankind in general," an urchin in the audi Qio.in nf-TVIrasnnn i and Messrs. -.'1 .i.U K V ii ) -' A A.' A AWWMA j 1 Mercer Blair and W F Junkie, o "VirginiaHoe latter a brother of !r. T P Junkin, of the Prsbyter ian College. All bf the party will go to China, except the North Caro. fche eame bole von came out at." liua missionariesMisses . Grier and lipoid who have been assigned to . Jspan. Mis3 Grier'3 work will be s;t Tckoshima. She will be- absent She will leave Char- en the 22nd instant and will go to St. Louis, where ?be will be tight vears. Given Away Free To advertise our, goods we will give a w ay v absolutely free, one box cf five- cent cigafs,one gold ring and . - nampie,. oottie or reeier s ram Killer to every one sending us fifty property in r- uaake over new deens. Smvcvur Longj calcula tions, which are unquestionably true, makes the lands fall short about 53 acres. Dr. 'Petrea was to have received S14 per acre for the 100 acres, but with 53 off, his loss amounts to about $742. A Elorninjj: ainrriajje. i . ' At the ! home of Mrs. Daniel Eagle, on Valley street at Cannon; ?ille, this morning at 8 o'clock, the Rev. H A McCullough performed a marriage ceremony that united Mr. A . Gondmnrv and" -Migs Emma joined by the rest of the party. Eagle as man aild wlf8. The affair T:ev will spend a week in traye'B iD UnA u Cnmo timo All Free, those who have used Dr, King's Npiw Diaooverv know its value and thhsa who have not, hvo row the opportunity to try it free. Cull ou advertised druarrist snd crbii n trial hnit.lA frfi. Seud vour uanie and address to H & Buckien dt Uo-, (!hffiA&. and eret a sumoie box ol Dr. Kin a New Life Pijls fre, as well as a copy of Guide toHoalthand Household Instructor free. 11 at whiflh is guaranteed to do you w6nd ar.d cost vou uottiiiiE:. Fet zer'.s Drug store. sp the West, reaching 'Frisco on the 2ad of Fcvc ruber. Miss Grier takes away with her a b?autifal.gift and souvenir from the Young People's Society of Rocky River church, to which'she belongs a gold watch, with her monogram engraved thereon. The presentation tcok place some nights ago, and was an interesting as well as affecting Miss Grier is generally admired . "... and beloved in this, her native sec tioc. The good wishes of many friends, and prayers of the Church will go with her in her work in the foreign field. Charlotte Observer. TO CIRE A COLD IK OJi DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ts. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Notice, J F Hurley has the old reliable renn Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. They write the best policj a earth. , The moat; desirable at the Jeastco8t. See the contract before taking insurance also fireaad acci rtent insurance. The young couple have the best wishes of a large circle of friends.. At llic Cress School nonse. 1 Hon. J D McCall, one of Char lotte's prominent citizens and an uoterrified Democrat, will ereak at tb.3 Cress schqol house in No. 6 township, tonight. Mr. McCall is a young man of ability and will ban die the enemy fearlessly and well. A number of the young men of the Democratic club of this township will escort Mr. McCall out there. Every citizen of Concord who intend to burn coal during the coming win" will save money and trouble by purchas ing from n v. re will handle Vie. bet: auto Li 1 '0 3W cents to pay packing and postage, arid will deliver auy quantity in any part Addrpsa. "' of the city.- Yom orders are solicittcl. Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. Lock Box 1, KernersYille, N. C -a.rfibv Ttt. Mil ! Headquarters at Black re'der's store, on. West uepot street. o3 3. m CiothiDg a - to 6ons - 4 -'tors S10 to S18 per web-is to Men and -Women, for easy homo vork. io books ' or canva?ing. No expri- ehce: Bona fide vft-.r...- No ca'eim. Ssnd stamp fcr work ar.d par;.;eu lara. E. Kdrrman, 213 S.outh Sixh Street, -Philadelphia, Pa. 31 Free Pills. Send your address to H E Bucks len & Cd., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are fasy in action and are particularly effec tive iu the cure of Constipation and sick headache. For malariaand fever troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed tor be perfectly vegetable. They do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to the stomach andbowejs greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c per box Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. Iietl a Poor 2E2n. ' A petition wa3 filed in the pro bate court here today which shows that Allen G Thurman was badly in debt when he died. It was fiit'd by ilia eon ,and grandson, Allen- C Thurman and Allen G Tnurman, respectively, his executors. : They sk that certain real estate he set aside for sale to nay the debts. These, they say, amount to nearlv $50,000' A mortgage for . - j -r .-'- $13,000 is held against the estate by the Prudential Life Insurance Com pany, and one for 22,000 by the Northwestern Insurance Company. They say that he left personality to the amount of only $600. v He nal $9,000 stock in "the,; Great South ern Hotel ' Company, ', but that is worthless now ColDQbns, O , Special. . -.fe.w-' No doubt about it; we are better nxed to please you in Olothinft- thail we have ever been. ' . Men's est. oys best. Suits, atest 83lOL Suits- latest and Children's Suits, latest and best e guarantee to save youlmoney. S - id - FUHWISHI HATS AND CAPSiFOE EVERYBODY. GASSlNONSx&

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