- r, ----.. 19 1ono " i - - - 3 - . J Trilby's Anthor Dead. I """ , ' "COME UNTO ME." The Savior is Calling Them Into the Folil-ine xonngr in Onr Midst Pass Away . ' ; -v - , During the early boursof Sunday morning death entered the home at Forest Hill of Mr. Rufus Honey nt . calling from the loving wife and only child the husband and f-ith: r. M r. Honeycntt moved to tbi? city from near Mooresville sev- ral years ago, ana navmg consump- bis lite gradually wasted He was about. 28 years of His remains were, taken to MoGrasville, his old home, for burial. ,- - ; James Kewton, a youth cf only .14 ?ncimer3, died Sunday morning 'a: the home cf Mr. J 0 Shernll nn j e ticn, Mi II ..street, after a lingering spell of ies Feizer was t boid fever. He came to this N P Fetzer ani Miss Mary White Fei, 3 ch interept. on . V S, J ? cas Qf Miss Mary 51! PPtunitv to inVho - a " a aa bstter ; bt m toe Wisdom nffo n:- . man hAir . . hnrT, W iaVOrable and 1 "ope of her retnrn j.jj. 3 ""!iD . weredes- vxUCU iu De Dlasted. Ror "nd ler wains were broaght to our c,ty this (Monday) doling. Her fucer.il took place at the Pret bytenan church at 3;30, whence the sleepmg body was taken to the citv Tew 7, 10 K3t m in ortality she shall asain aDM,n . V maidenly purity and beauty r -r Was ghter of Whole KO. l4527 George Da Maurier. fpof an artist but more celebrated the world oyer as ihe author of "Trilby " diedinLohdn;on the 8th. His iness was pahetic, his, end easy His risefroln almost n r g I it term g fanie should hp a -guu . w erspnng; Space y is , to,, ! f limited from -luuuw nis- career bia ijSrst d tnbuted to PuJh in 18G0, which was fpllowedby- satiracal caries tures of the facta and fpna day. The vtc utterly ntter" was ridiculed in stb 'amusinrr a that they witred. He cr she, if tbey cc.b M. resize it, could see their vulgarisms rfftjcted in it m ings and plaj&l sketches. Tn irqi he contributea to Harper ;Peter Ibbetso'n" rerlaps his best "work. .Through the eWe channel m 1894 came Trilby, whicn creatpd A Con do tiob.- jit haa&en read and' re-read i it. I ' ti? m 1 7i . TNA Tonng girl Ut ?v JL tI:,ere come3 artlnie bi when fVi t uiu xkvci. jgllv came to- thin ."" A ocf ani, WAQn o :r,: city some time ago with his parents, ?er aUDtlrs. R T Williams of rere witn him at his. death "oluovV wnere sne tdbk' typhoid ,kd, IIi3 remains were put in their feve with . the above results., Sho rutins; place, at the city ceme. 7 inbe Piod lof yoiith- terj Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. luInes mergicg into .mature wo- His parents are English people, but Panho(J,dv being 21 years of, age. cine to this city from Philadelphia 7 & ! yeaW ag0 her older; sis- ter wasj taken, leavino- u. ' I - t w M. J I . I 1 Iff a hnnie, the 17 year old eon and onl IivinS child of her mother nild of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas AUO oereaved lamily have the hr, of No. 5 townshio. did symFathy of the communitv. . , ndav afternoon at 2 ornnk-Ah tho T r-- r viWVV .ifwnner irs. winsiow's Soothing Syrup has es it baa been "s BcEtia, on Scott avenue, this city, been used for over fifty'yeara by Popularity has kill ci tjpnoiu iever. His death was a mill,ucs 01 mothers for their child- ' reouharb sad one, being the great ren teething, with perfect sue. wntHSomethIns: o Eat. care and idol of devoted and induN thtnil ethes ..e cniid eofteL8 Thieves are getting very bold and nf . gums, auays ail pain, cures wind don't mirkftelli Y ess ui ap- troacniht- mstnr! rue eve is hn'oriitor. tne form is -unriT. there is a rbnch o shv rrniiftrw in i lance: the girl has ' gm critical neriorl i(?(v happy possibil. ities, yet so hedged ; -Sta auuuivicn tne pliy mK sical suilerins tnS cancers peculiar U ner sex. - t i i . . 7 that to be a woman ij ij to suilc-r. ;Xoo often' tins is tree. A wo. maa'. wh,le natnrv is so noaiici up in the tt , 1, special lunctrons o' sensitive orsramstn throws the whole st c of araohy. Femal t weakness causes rune-tenths of all the, wretchedly, whxchwcor.cn endure. It can never be r.eT Th"CSJSS7ied by "lo trtments -i.nat is generally an expensive embim m?tseleSS ke-shift. PWhat nedldf. thelnnSlSaVOrite Prec"Ption to read SVrSi ?t ""i0? sorces of the trouble and restore health and strength directly to the internal orcms. TMc oinR8 mstate Pontics. , innocence "0 g" fcai10' of Republican hood changes to the , tat? airman Holton AocJoi mode, Mushing JustW M . ASSOCiata maidenly self. con8 JU8llce Montgomery, : of the So. court,; hascited E L Reed ana jj 1); CnrtTo r . trar8 of elation at Winston, to al oers tomorrow to cKn .u , iHbnld Dot register. gomery in h,V n. . . ? ar ?h :fiOC8 thB du' of trar to be to swear An his name, see an? . . record his aD9W8r. " - " u y b lllHT, A reg,strar has no right to.hadertrti to pat .edifications of elector that the dav for h.iu..:-. ' tober 24th, and that o"f "f" Walday He find, w a Let, that Reed and Curtis Wi re ' V -ot .of their dutiea , WtIeif comb.nation to prevent regiptration! or 1 V mm mm I I ' W I ' I 1 1 111 P ! I I 'J I 1 T-?" I . J . in sll-1 nds anl; coantne,. It I f5WSWS 6ingn,dr ccihoia,, ,hat as Sven,,, -I '"im! organs ana imp art j tone. vigor andiftaiitTrfv. r ". .. . " "-j iuv. nunc jcmi;'ine organism. In a word the " Favorite TriiK ; """" 01 npnoit tajU:s hcaStby; happy irilby s fHtne, ea dud the author. rfJS,, ?5su!ti., A friend at the dying maD'8 befI. glpn de referred to the f S'fel rn Shingly auner replied: 33 - lea It has been auCCes&ful. hnf. tho ai?n?ll Hnnecessary to employ a physician: . .... ' sunmu to ms "examination' ' anc' th illedme" r zy"?-e 1 21 ' 0cent stamps.' to cover cost of mailing only, hring a ccoy of this useful book. Address, World's 111 - imvvjiwwu, isuiiaio, w. Y. mf,1 . "d the 1 care amidol of devoted and iDdnt 0iVT.lId' wfteL T8". bold and 1 gent parents, whee greatest joy was colicT and, s'e rem for when Sked Z "T1' tbe welfare and happiness Of their Diarrhoea. It will reHPvp?hT wpen asked. Saturday night Fome ' . T only child. Johnnie came ,o town F inSedS olS b rsd. to enter the home 4 M"-the lady who is lyin? mlT feW WMks ago to attend Kin.every.part of the world, m r-fohn YonDg. n North 80 ionsly ill at the St. Cloud II0. Scbol, nnd was a brieht scholar at MeBe tel. is iW a dying; condition. TTor Mr, V,rfiinia Erwm'a private US S,7 .X.STh YonnnH 'MrS- Gner, of Char school. He Has taken -th th- I5H?Li!f itakenoother kind Young ; and children were alone, lotte, her brother. Dr. S A a fed disease, however, and in' the ". wareS 7 & f.. ad two nieces, Mrs. John B Miller Mocm of aspiring youth he a8 r genialfriend, Mr. H MoNa- "seandnot being and Miss Clande Grier, of Charlotte caed t0 the grlf beyond. ! His T ' r re conveyed to : Etene.r bra ",!: Shee s ov onrcD, m Kowan count, this (Moo- today. jMr8. J L Brown Mr. Z B " ind,'stinct to be &j) morning for interment. Mr. Scott, Mrs. V H Mason, his dauh'. understood. She then asked what sd Mrs. Waller have the tenderest ers, andj Mrs. McNamara his e! wanted, and tho reply was: -I sjapathj of all who know them lent wife, gave Mr. McNam.rl 1 want something to eat, and am go" -uuujinew meir son m ms ten- surprise, haying prepared a Rnnprh TB r "avo JU ttien went to years. dinnprfnr fh. . . me iront piazza and tried a Itatt ?n . - w cvem nne nf tho i. . . most essential necesariM nf SJ nB "00l bal coaI't get Two lives Nav-rt - k.nK;..i. i,. 116 told Mrs. Youne' thaf . h". Mrs. iho Thn, .m LT. .f- camara. is in waiked from A,T n, " . v4 w uuwuuy sn enn n hPnlth rr I , . . fc4 wy. Hi., was told by her doctors DARn "uCrr otah- aay,. jand before , she stebadnnnBmnt;nr, oi i. DABD wishes . for . him manv more an opportunity tn no hope for her recovers hnf blrthda?8" the man took a sneak. This 1 rr. I fill mu lo oia per wei-k I,; AW an Women tor eac-y h.rro books or .caovasBin... v'rff ence. Bona f?n r.i.- at' . fcrW218 Soutt Sixth' btreet, Philadelphia, Pd. c31 V EVERYTHING is t;orva- I -AT- ras no hope for her recovery, but IrrlA 1. Ill a - wDottiesof Dr. KiD'e'sNew Iis ccvery saved her life ; Mr. Thomas gers, 139 Florida StSaa T raucis , sunered from a dr jadfui cold, Proachiag consumption, tried thout result every hing else then Mmith. c u rred about 1:30 o'clock. i BncHlen's Arnica tne isest Salve in the wnrfd Old uts, Uruises. fcJores. TT1 fl D PODorn H II lBl!6lilizI 3 :v t - til Ufl UOHie33 f I ' ' - 1 1 t one . ... .' ; -.. r '--..v. - had 1T -' i ; t 1111 I'M.!.. m M W , r . - shoot Rheum Fever Sores, TetieVS neys wn 11 tK-f"-"?: . -'Y .Mt;ttUOUX It We are bettfiv fi-o' . Hands, Chilblains, Corns Ble0trrn-,'m ,i,: JTI.-l. Please VOll in mi xt.. 4 . ..... n been. - - ve eve: DUorT- v, OI x r' -irj ew . ' " uurea siimuiate ana contains no hppm uiscoverv and in t.w v.i wnc rues or no pay., reom-ed. Tk ia wriklrpv . , . T "!ly thankful guaranteed to give stetisfaction or acts as a tonie and alterat 'l "Tt "uts miiajy on the stomach and bowels,1 aiding strenght and giving ' iT vjw tnuiufj niure -H A . U tne lunction. No doubt about it; we are better ied coUko caSy f tLis medicine in tore cbs and colds. Free trial bottle . ; i(v A rt; 5lze SOc, aid Sl.do. r rn IS!ioc,at'0 Will Meet. B ;.e Mecklenburg nt d Cabarrus gaPist Association will meet at the rtfptlst church in Matthews on flday and will continue until fiuay next. Hv j t pdCfl, tne Baptist church, wjll - me meeting: of -the Associa , m will be abeeot from the citv UDPHln. II . J 6 latter part of the week. iay I kiss you, Miss Jane ?" that v 80rry t0 set,i Mn Brge, w.?.u'100' are affected by the ion," U88 01 business depress- . in that is?' Tkof confidence." Plai0 Deafer1188811 ber,"CIeveland io aciverti?e our goods we will give avej, absolutely free, one box of five-ct nt c?igar3,one :old ring and rumple bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one sending ns fifty ceots to1 pay packing and postage. Address, : Peeler; Anderson Mepiciite Co.- T f 1- - -a - t-r- ' juock isox u ilernerayille, O RSnsoiiic A'otlce. There will b a snecial cation of Stokes' Lodge, No. 32f A. F. and A. M., Monday night at 7:30 o'clock.) Work in degree of F. C. iiy order of M. R A Brower, Secretary. iiilectnc Bitters is an fiToiiortf petizerj and aids digestion. Old People ; find it just exactly what wr:i "V? r"5 ana iou. per a,b j' oizer 8 Lrufr otore. "Why do large women always marry small men r "They can't intimidato ha 1 - tub iui l;u ones, unicago Kecord. For Infants and Children. TORIA IVotice to the Daughter. . . The monthly fneeting of the Dant?hters of the Einer. is Dostnonpd G . J.. " nntil Wednesday cfterneca, at 3 30, in the BectprVatncK' S 0 Davis ITAlnlVftnfAfl : AcentS Wnntprl trt olln--iV ' and itobber (Unthinrr full line Of - RnhhAr'twl. n.& ail.ori.4 i reft framnlPB Sronnd to worKers. -Factory K o 1371, New York. ; - Men's Bdjs' Suits, best. Ajniidren s and best. Suits, latest mid latest and wegu on Suits, latest arantee to save youlmoney. UK AND it - ..1 - CANNONS & FET2ER