J v-i'.v sA M M -XIII. No. 149. ( CONCORD, N. C.;TUES DAY, OCTOBER 13 1896. (0- G SURRENDERED. MRS. MILLER DEAD. W hole NO. 1.528- r.Viy (ioncBj Uae SJoni d. : n 'ri.'iij f-i;i''' x :j - .11"-. 4 -n a cix-raunity can t stir up .j .Tcst enougtrto maintain rorspaoy. Since the : -7 :ratur8 of 1895 that .rf''i : -.'honor of Fred Doug- a 1 t eo'r the nnual appropria in tbs State Militia, Com of. ih 3 Fourth Regiment C ;TcnTia State . Guard, has ) .r in intcrect and its mem T - r r ro w i c ca re.' esa ' and H-ih'n decrease. ITS - " ' -e.Hurroli, of -Raleigh, ar ecy and called in the j "cf the Cabarrus Black oirritly leaving us with- . u'" f il E ;v- u . KIic Itteatheil Sfer LjiU at the St. Ootid lT,ot I Hondny Sight fn itie 1'rcscnce of Frlr nds and Kelailves. Mrs. Maggie G Miller, the young est daughter of Mrs. si&rgaret Grier, of Harrisburg, died at the St. Cloud hotel in this city last night, after a brief jillne?3 of .typhus mala aia, Mrs. Miller bad been living in Washington jCity with her daugh ter, Mrs. Louis M Turner, and on the 28th of September went to Lynchburg, jVa., to teach for Mr. James T Lee. On Saturday, Octo her 3, 'she wrote to her brother, Dr. Sam Grier, of Har.ri&hur'g, that she aau an auscK ot rnaiaria cut was better and she wished him to pre scribe a tonic; Un Wednesday last Dr. Grier received another letter, Oil " - ( "Hi 5 A BOLT THAT STI RS TH I NGS.'l Ex-Governor Nmitb, of, Alabama, an il Line Republican, Comes out lor Bryan and Setrall. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 10. Es-Governoa W H Smith, in fortrer years a staunch and uncompTo;ii Men are ofleT vriser than they acx. They know how U le happy but sorar. tinies Jtliey are mis- Original hnapn. Crow is id to be n u::. dish but Phil&deJphians outside zl VJfS'M neglect health. The ' ' 'vWJ biliousness, and con- ing Republican, has taken ihe etutitp i a hold on them arA make life wretched i Ihose three complaints usually come to geiuer. Constipation aftects tne stomacu and liver. That h?ij:gs on bilious attacks i NiiNm able. Tney knot the ereedv rnmhirA jrP Hp cfnnl- lM Jtiiereisnohappmesj f . ' " rHV k V V-iyworth the name with on young Crow for M aver. ErVrf ' tut health : vet the. saying she was worse and in no con 1 1 - ' A M 1.1 . 1 : o -;o;tt';e State has lllon 10 reacn, ana tnat sne wouia A -atv now 13 the drum come to him at once. t- - 1. I Ha wrntpiripr fn rmo RjfnrrljT yf-toe. U a not cccurs any Vv.!.J, t:-r, tutnre- tcs urumuier -v- "r,vi-.. mahvu n" j i iu,; ahnnt thp train fin jis tn nvnuT fr&t SIM-U c?a 10 unu tucu j-- J II ' - - 1 T 1. - - bhe disregarded his directions and ir, r Ccitae on u'naay evening 3 tram 1 1 iLl 1' Li L 1 I ' ' ui:. .v j wnicn woum naye puc ner ac nar- r r, V.w- as . l 1 A il A Till . mortis 9f ior wu-ic, " ribuur i lu.rcu p. iu. me uuu-. V 'd 'in Sifurday's World, he will ductor, seeing her so ill and delir- r . s w 1 : 1 f - h x v- v 1 1 1 i ii ii i. u wiiiiiim nil . nnr i w i. i immimiiii iim Ould Mercantile Company. - The had to be carried to the hotel but be store here wnich ha3 could not tell who she was for Bryan and Sswall, .In a speech at his old home in Wedowjee ' Randolph."- county, last Thursday, he &aid that he is too eld to mislead his old friends, if he so desired, and in' his opinion the election of jittr. McKinley would be the greattst calamity ibat could he fall this country at th's ti ne- Ex-Goyernor Smith belongs to that els &3 cf Republicans who are honored and respected hy members of all parties m Alabama, and hi3 coming out boldly for Bryan and Sewall hasja tendency to demoralize ibe better element of the Rtpublii can party .throughout the Sty,re. He h-d cue-eon on tn Keoubii- i rnPobnhsr. ticket fnr Atornev Generailu ihe rtcenc btnt! eiectiCLi, and another on seim ticket for Sta'e Senator from Jtfferton county, both of whom are supporters of McKinley J . 6'" Thsfas sinila signature Cf : - I -. C TTT . 1 li T-v 1 1 1 f-v been coaductea oy Mr. vyaison are iirs. uueenoury caiiea in ur. packed today and will be Young, and after some hours foand j shipped to Concord. baiisoury trom letters m her grip, who she ' ftcrld. was. Mr. Marew wrier went to ilk Watson is a welcome addU Ilamsburg to inform Dr. Grier, who T T I i I A 1. 1 " A I tlOli to CUT CUV. HIS numerous: j was tut'rt; 10 meet uia Buier &jn . ixie iiotice friends are glad to have nim with us 11.30 train Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. au, . . Urier ana other near relatives came up at once. All was ! done for the suffering CAST For Infants and Children. ... It 09 evsry and indigestion, 'headaches', nausea, dizzi cess, qaecr sensa iciis of weakness and pal pitation. Your nerves are unstrung, system 13 slugi-sh. You lose ariibitior. The fact is your whole constitution is bun-, slowly undermined. What you need is Di Pierce's Pleasant Pellets,. i : They Qure constipriticticlypepsia and bil iousness in tne only sure, r-iinnuent way There is nothing violent or ivi Hating about them, they work mildly though quickly. They to.he and sfrencrthen the bowels to carry on their functions naturally. They erently stimulate the now of bile from rlt liver and the digestive juices of. the stom ach. You don't become a slave to theit use as wiTh other pills. They make you reg ular and then, 3-011 can leave them. That ii the difference between Dr. Piercers PleasVni Pellets p.nd the scmethincf 'juf.t as pood,'' which a sharp druggist tries to ' substitute" Ton't let him do so with. you. If you win t to keep your health and strenstls trithout consulting the doctor so often, the be?l thing you can do is to writ to the World's Dispensarj IMedical Association, Buf falo, N. Y., for a copy tf Dr. Pierce's great bo&k. tht "People's Common Sens Medical Adviser." Send 21 one -cent stamps to cove cost 01 mailing only. It ix a lare'bpok cf ioc3 pa?rcs with over 30b illustration. It is the same book of whicl 6So,ooo copies were sold si fereuce is in the tindir.g which in the free edition is of stronar raanilla teper There is no other such complete family dolo book, in the English language. It is a veritabW medical library, complete in one volume. Scnf Now before all are given, awsy. Tliey are golnj off rapidly, therefore, do not delay sending im mediately if in want of one. The above geueivus otFeris iimittrd to 5,ooo copies. : 3!tAt II i , 'L ,4'!i Ihe one hucdrcd and nineteenth. arm i versary o f . h e ba 1 1 1 e of G e r m a a -town was "celebrated ittt.L Since ti . Georgia Deiuoc. ..... .vcr- bniied the Popuhaca under ' a land slide of adverse blloia .we opir:ec Tommy Ww.,son will be aaEiog n "Where aui I .aty: or word a to that; effect. . . ?vhen i ictiiueht Cie?elf.ia -Uj down the cures c f Oh iex Ivj-g , . , .. .l- of the Nation be wiil become a eiti? zen of Hempgtead, L. 1., v. here ho haa purchased 8ixtj arres of iirji He will then be one n rbf "Vnbdfil gentrj" of Long I in- u .and door neighbor to W.; O Wt; and E D.5.orgn.. ' 10 - e wo!d for Two liives Saved. rri Cx rPVirTroa nf .Tnnr.tiOTi vi tv i 1 u -,rt4f-,a woman that physicians and attens Git?. Hi., v,as told by. her doctors .. m . t she bad consumption and that there sive menus couia uo, out or no was 110 nope tor ner recovery, uui nu. two bottles of Dr. Kinsr's New Dis- Mrs. Miller was 53 years of age ccvery saved her life. Mr. Thomas an(j ieaVes only one child, Mrs. Turner, of Washington was telegraphed for on Eggers, 139Florida St. San Francis- Lonig M co, sufiered trom a draadlui coia, i . f i Gitv, who without; result. fivfirvthinff else then oatnraay ana since, nut wora am bought a bottle of Dr. King's New not reach :her until this morning Discovery aud in two weeka was about 10 o'clock. Mrs. Turner s cured. He is naturally thankful J: . i i. t- It is such results, of which these husband is m the Government Li are Bamples, that proTe the wonder brary Department. M efficacy of this medicine in nr n au.a. Jnn MuffWndP.nia. Pretrial bottles y. O Alexander conducted at Fetzer's Drug store. Regular the funeral service from the iirst size 50c, and S1.00. Presbyterian church this (Tuesday) . , tM- afternoon at 2 o'clock, after which Bnsband nd Father Expires. the interment took place in the city Monday night at his home in cemetery, flew town at Cannonville, Mr. Boy Beaver, aged about 40 years, died. He 'had been sick only a skort while of malaria. Jlis re Daina were conveyed- to Lower Btcne church jin Rowan county, ers they bpiled this (Tues. l) afternoon. Mr. Beaver leaves a ife and nine children. J F Hurlev ha& the old reliable Fenh Mutual Fire. Iusnrance Com pany. They write , ho teat policj on earth. Thf u i aesirable at the least cotft. fcecs ihe contract before taking insurance also Are and acci dent insurance. , . Pnbltc Mpeatiinzs. Hon. R B Glenn will epeafc at the court house in Concord, tomor row, Wednesday night, October 14th, at 8 o'clock. - - Hon. Locke Craige and Hon. R B Davis, electors at-large, ! will speak at the same place on Friday, Oc tober 16th, at 1 o'clock, p. m. Let everybody come out and hear these most excellent speakers. BncKIcii's Arnica ; ; The Best Ssite ir r1 Cuts, Bruits, tSoi v, Rheum, Fever Sor'f, 'jv; crd Obap-. hands, Ohilblftin a-'? ?.thI hJ Skin Eruptions, anw p.-.j:?v-it curj jv Pil3 or no pay rcqm-ei. It guaranteed to gi ve etatibf cotioa cr mqnev refunded. Price. 25 cnts x-x box For eaie, at p; B. Fetzer'a Drug-tore, "Hfr X,. Main's Vi rens. Jor the above occasion at Salis. Saturday, October 2'4th, and harlotte Monday, October 26th, the uthern Railway- will sell tickets i .Salisbury at 90 cents and to p;ir!otte at 85 cents for tbe round-.tr5P- Tickets on sale ay of the 5erformance, limited day after per- finance, but are not good on the vestibule trains. PasBengers will pieaee bs prepared o make their uwa c-ange for above tickets, Away Free 10 advertise our goods, we will tl away, absolutely free, one box avecent cigars,one gold ring and vple bottle of Peeier's Pain cent t0 every one 8ending 08 fifty to pay packing and postage. Itk A Lck Box 1, KernerByille, N. O The JDays of Romance Wot Ended. Mr. P A Correll, Jr., of far ofl Ore gon, haslbeen on a visit to relatives hfirA for some weeks. While in ! 1 " I Tror its ... X A AC. XX AW Catawba county recently ne met a very attractive lady by the name of Miss Belle Bolick. Congeniality of spirits seemed to exist and a mu tual attachment took place at once. Convinced that that mysterious in fluence jthat brings us together in conjugal relations had sealed them to be husband and wife and from the very nature of the case that Mr. Correll! must soon return to his Pa cific home they concluded to forego that usual wooing, spatting and reconciliation and enter at once in to the; married state. They were united by D Clapp, of Newton, on the 7ttf inst. and will soon speed their way to the west, carrying with them the congratulations of many friends. The Prohibitionist Canyass. Itineryof the Prohibition candi dates for President and Vice Presi dents, Joshua Levering and Hale Johnson : Mr. Levering wi 1 speak at Durham" October 14, morning; Hieh Point. Oct. 14.'nieh'?: -Salia bury, Oct. 15, morning; Charlotte, Oct: 15, at nijrht. Mr. Johnson will speak atT Goidtboro Oit. 19, morning;1 Rftlemb, Oct. 19, night; Greensboro, Oct. 20, mommy; Siiso bury, Oct. 20, afternoon; Hickory, Oct. 21, mornins:; Ashevilie, Oct. 21, at night. ! ol4 SILVER OR A EVERYTHING IS GOING- T XJ: AT - GOLD r Kf 111 Kf. Ills. Clothing - at - C aims - & - kk r s Better than either is a healthy liver. If the liver is Oi K." the man is jO. K. His blood is kept pure, his digestion perfect, and he can enjoy lite ana acx, luienigoubiy and patiently upon the questions of the day. You all know what to take. You have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator- No doubt about it; we are better fixed to please yon in Clotliing; tlian we have ever been. B Men's est. Suits, latest reculat61T7 TO CUBE A COLO ITt OHB DAT Take laxative Brpmo Quinine Tab lets. I All drnggista refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. oys' Snits, lates j. and best Gliild rens Suits, and best. ilatest For years you and your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is and always has been put up only by J. H. Zeilin & Co. Take none butv the genuine. It has the Bed Z on the front of the wrapper, and nothing else is the same, and nothing so good. - We guarantee to save y oulmoney . VERGQATS - AID -Mm HATS AND OAPSiFOR EVERYBODY, CANNONS & FETZER 'i ' t i