lot . XIII. No. 151, 'CONCOllLV N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 1890. SIXTEEN TO ONE. ; THE HO LTS FOR BRYAN. GREW COTTON TOO FAST. jmst rronil-It's in the Ground The Biggest cotton Mann Jl nt Will Ont. the South Declare Thei Offered n Km all Fortune to Aflow His Plants and Speeds to Be Destroyed. 'f factnrers in Themselves for t( w ) Anthony showed us a "cyn" Free silver. A Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 11. A man I''" . i . , . I If ia rrtiirtVo1 fn hn mill . 'r 4 n rotato that nas 10 iormaTionsi " "Y ,1JC . -411,1 "pew 1 nyiug just ouuuue ui auania oas W1 . m I - i.'i' - ' t.lVPS in arn o rnn i H Hnnnnur) atUW... Iflnnn .V.:l nne pOt&w. -Lllis uoiaiu 184 ,vuutuiu luitiipuicc aurtra ui icnucoa uuuuu wuiuu innBI r.fi XU UU latUCCi ;. f-C5 1 - J " " vr vtLAOC; 1 a iiuui til- cu - vsu 1. n i u it - 16 1 DOW 3-2 i i i- JSJthenf any reason far qougius and ig- Clje i - vitel fact simply be- XV . no Whole NO. lM6 0 ) cause a tew preju. 'people a.ave anti- A leading coloj ed man recently y stated iu 'Wilmington: "It don't I make any difference if Russell did ) 1 fliced, misguided Cail na gavacrps ' and rav wp ntnlo civ- O - J wy UIA- did like that construction of great calamity, and that v the high. It growa five times, as much h q on our trousers: to 1 cotton-mills Will close down if -such cotton as other plants s ; fr is much more consoling to ia LUti reauir. xney Eay give ua A. committee irom fcoutn Georgia Hns ,nPg when Mr. Bryaa is in the pres 1(jtntiwl chair to every one that we McKinley and high ; tariff. This called on the owner today and offer won't work, for below we print a ed him $18,000 for all the seed and special sent from Burlington to the the cotton, in order to destroy Raleigh New3 and Observer, which them. -He has offered forty bushels says "Mr. James H Holt and his of the seed to the New Orleans Ex son, Gapt. E O.Holt, cam3 out yea- change for $20,000-- New York terday strong for Bryan and free Journal. silver. They have both been for Atlanta Constitution, .12 tb: Sevs gold until now. This means ma ay era 1 years ago Mr. Jackson (the votes for the silver cause here' faruer above referred to) was pre Mhe Messrs, Hojt are the biggest sented with this seed, by a Jew who manufacturers of cotton conda in had broncht. them from the interior i t . x ' I o I - ' . - Prohibition cautpate ior uoveioor tne South and surely they would of Africa. The Jew had joined an f orta .areiiuu, auu x. jr. uu- not come 0ut and declare themselves exploring (party which, bad started sex, ci bali&oury, canaiaate . ror for Bryan and free silver if tney to the center of Africa. While in State Auanor, win auurea8 liic P eaw Buch calamity facing them. jle of the community m tne court tou5e icmorrow (Friday) at 2 i I luatei ideas of what constitutes inoralit? A 1 vulUC 'SI :cakiHRS. fie Hoii. A. D. Cowles, McKin ley elector of the Seventh Congress gicc&l district, and Hon. Samuel J. garter will epeakaMhe court house tonight- : . z - p.,v, J. It. Jones, of Greensboro, Km XV?h -4.4 : sjinetisra m 11. a wo- and modesty? Rea son anri honesty sa) certaiAly not. . Men and woinea are at tracted to each otheT . because they are tner and women and be v tause-it is right and jnecessary that tliey should be so at tracted. The things that mate a man at tractive are the char acteristics caused bj. fcis inherent manl nt s-a by the strtntl: which makes him a perfect man. Tire same is t:ue of rc man. l aee is strcttc days in the week and prayed cff the sin on Sunday. We are n at voting for Russell; but for ourVrsce. We have negro policemen arid a negro clerk in Wilmington, seventeen nf gro magistrates in New Hanover county, add that RuBt ell helped us to get them. He may talk against us but he helps us to get ofTice.' This is what the people may expect in more counties than New Hanover; if Russell is elected Governor. en- V . f t. irian cannot be. tn tirely womanly snt cannot be a perfect w6man if she is not in perfect health. In iust so much as hei lickness affects the organs that make her a woman, in just so much she loses attractive- mis is me, vuai pari oi nei xicaitu. o'clock ia the afternoon and also at 7:3ain the evening; At tne tiess If anvthinjr is wron? there, it may result in the Very middle of Africa the party all manner of ills all over the body - Care J i 1 less, or too busy, -physicians frequently treat the idea 'Came across Some COttcn, tliC Stalks the symptoms of this kind of disorder a? that'll Bryan is elected the working ot which were over twenty feet in toms arc many and varied, so much so that Backlen's Armcn sbits, The Best Salve in t.l e world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore?, Tetteru Chappe uauuB, vuiiujaiue, vuiuu it LIU till kin Eruptions, an-1 psitivr-ly cures Pile.3 or no v pay rujui-ed. It ir guaranteed to give statief action or box pot tale at F B Fpr a Drug tore Don't be stuffed with speaking a little girl, only. 10 years of age, will address the people. The public i3 cordially invited to these fiakiDgs. The ladies are specially invited. ' - people or -the , Southern manufac- height. The government boiuuist ni6aG turpr will sn ffpr. Rrv;m ia t ha kJwko was lont? with the purtv, tu&k boring man's friend and should be the measure from one of the s'alks, elected. Take the Holts, for in- and it was from this stalk that the stance, and see if you think they first seed came. ( , would work and vote for a cmse Jackson says that it the cotton is i that would be disastrous to own interests tvvo Dales to tne. acre,' ana possioiy as much as four. He says that with this cotton in use all over the South thH frmpr nan rdnfft hia nnrpacrp R r, Goodman- wfte oreBentUnd Soebody is awfal mean. t. b? t,ne.half more . . : :-.u W V Anthony brooght to this ottce u" u- mu. flistinsuisnetl Frientls Amog Fs. At an informal meeting of the Improved Order Heptasophs lait BlgQl, Mr. UUUU . uiucn ouu uli. when a woman is sick in any way, the fist thoug-ht' should be given to the organs ais. tinctly feminine. Abo at 9 times in 10 the cause of the trouble will be found there. Dr.-Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures all disorders of this kind. There is no guess work about it. There is no chance about fr it is a fact that has been demonstrated hi solid vears of extensive practice." Thousands of women have written grate- their Callivated It Will produce at least worid of women to know the wonderful things the "Prescription" ha aone toi them. Biscuits Vhack Fnll of Matches and Rough on Itats. cotton than he dos novv.V This lah4 ployed in th raising of cotton. TO CURE A COLD IK ONE DAY 3. il .vv An -F mTinh in I 3 terest and encouragement. Mr. f , . 4U r u j u tl. front yard, where they had been Cruettia from Baltimore, la cditer 4 . . . ' ,(0. L- L VIU . ' . , pat to poison "Shep, " his fine shep- cf The Advocate, a journal issued .A , nn . K - - w ia the interest of the order, and is with rough on rats and the other Sapreme Organizer. Mr. iioodman piece i8 chuck fall of match heads. 19 State Organizer and lives in HSupn :fl vprv P.hniV.A antl will nnt Greensboro. We appreciate their eat ;Ri ftnvold thinthatis thrown Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- own change for above tickets. It .1 ni . j ' 1 se l I . - 1 1 . ah j " . r 1 l presence in tne Dianaaru omoe auu nflr(,1(lfiB v ornrmH. A ,rat manv lets. Aii aruegisia reiuou iub hope their shadows will often darken of Mrs. Anthony's chickens have moner if re- 25c- our threshold. ' Mipd fjnm the fiffpntH of the noifion that in t.h.iRlv sr.attprpfl nvr thfiir Two MvNnved. n w " " 4 T " Mrs. Phoobe Thomas, of Junction premises. It is mean to set poison city. News reached the city yester- City. Hi., was told by her doctors anywhere for a brute, but when it day cf ah experience which he had the had consumption and that there is thown into one's own yard it is a several nights ago, which was by no to no hope for her recovery,. but great deal worsa. . The biscuit alone rueiins pleasant to him, and which two bottles qf Dr. King's New Dis is enough to kill any ordinary dog, covery savediier life. Mr. Thomas without the poison. Eggers, 139 Florida St. Sao Francis- 9 - co, suffered from a draadful cold, jnstwhatne Expected; approaching consumption, tried fellow we all know at the club, thout result everything else then by name Jasper, is a man who at bought a bottle of Dr. ' King's New timea manaffea to be senuinelv cured. Given Away Free " To advertise oui goods we will' give away, absoluU iv rpr,. one box: of five-cent cigars"- jo ring and a nam pie t ottie c ;! I 'tcJr's Pain' Killer to every na H'Ldin us fifty cents to pay packing and postage. Address, . - ' Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. ' Lock Box 1, Kernersyille, N. G Walter Plain's Circus. For the above occasibn at SalisJ bury 8aturday, October 24th, and Charlotte Monday, October 26th, the Southern Railway will, sell tickets that he does not use can be put 'to to Salisbury at . 90 cents, and to a prouiaoie use, ana, ie -income ut unanotte at oo cents tor tne round' the farmer will be doubled as com- tript Tickets on sale day of the nared with tha amomm of labor em- Performance, limited day after per- luruiaDue, uud are xuub goou on tne vestibule trains. Passengers will please be prepared to make their EVERYTHING IS GOINGf- A T G O S C AT n. a ! Shot In the Nose. Mr. Jeff bimpsoh lives t ast of the manages He is naturally thankful iunny. Strolling down the street It is such rpftnltR. of which these jre samples, that prove te wonder hi efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds- Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drug store. Regular 8ize 50c. and 1.00. - r- -. Betareful Koys Yon Are Watched. A Standard man got on to a movement today that by making Mention of it may be of profit to all os9 who persist in violating, the law in regard to shooting birds. A cb ha8 been organized -to watch aQd prosecute every person that 600t8 Or tmrQ nnail hafnrn hfl 1ft.h XVM4& - W W mmm of November. The men at the of this movement are reliable cil'zens and will dn i'nst what thev j - -, Se and Davis. ;Hon. Locke Craige and R B Da- Democratic electors at large, .""i epeak m the court houee in this CIty tomoraow at 1 o'clock. Both excellent speakers and everybody uyuia hear thpm. CX th vnnr ion whether you are followers attest of Br Jan or eome one else. Go to r them. .... TUll i jm a. wela30 mlnutea. "One cent a dose?' TW .... the other day. he came unexpected ly upon a crowd gathered together just outside a chemist's shop. The centre of attraction proved to be a lady with a wasp-like waist, who, for some reason or other, had elected to swoon there. ' I Tenderly,- very tenderjy, they carried her into the shop of the chemist, who proceeded to do what he could for the inanimate one. Jaspar, meanwhile, had taken a turn up the road. Returning frcm thisafter a space of about ten min utes, he looked into the shop and called out: "How is she now ?" . Oh," replied the chemist, "she's coming to." X uAbr" replied Jaspar. "Coraeirj two, has she, poor thing? It's just what I was afraid of." Exchange. . 4mm , . Notice. r - j ' '.- ' J F Hurley has the old reliable Fenn Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. They write the beat jpolicj on earth. The moat desirable at the least cost. See the contract before taking insurance also fire and acci dent insurance. me very neatly cost him his life. He was -set upon and waylaid, ti e report savs.iand shot uv an unknowa ne. crro. The r.all struck him on the nose. The result of his wound can not yet ba, determined Charlotte Observer. In. Cloihiog - at - Lr v XREGU I. ATO R- Best Np doubt about it; we :are better fixed to SILVER OR GOLD, rolease you in Olotliing'Ithan we have , ever Better than either is a healthy been. - 4 ; liver. If the liver is O. K. the v - I ; .;, : nnrft. hia dierestion perfect, and he Men s Suits, latest and can enjoy life and act intelligently , and patiently upon the questions of tbe day. "You all know what to lane, i xou nave juuwu iu xux jroxo. i - i . . It is Simmons Liver Regulator. L TinTTa : r Sill T.R I HAQt Q Tl r best. ,. . Ghildren's Suits, latest and best. - f v ... : - - . ' ' r . , . - . t , " .;. .." " . , ; . We guarantee to save youmone. oiioi-li-Fuiiiis; HATS ANDiCAPS FOR3EVERYBODT. .CANNONS & FETZER For years you and your fathers have found, it of sterling worth. It is and always has been put up only by J. H. Zeilin & Co. Take none but the genuine. It has the Red Z on the front of the wrapper, and nothing else is the same, and nothing so good. " ' - , i . : I "' r.-i

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