.':- v. ' " : -.vy'-i'ir, j t q y- . . , v.; .. . ' J- V: ;;: ' . .-; :: XX. ; . - X - : " - " : - ' ;:v I- XIII. No. 152, Vol" CONC01U N. C, FRIDAT OCTOBER 16 1896. Whole NO. 1,531 V 01Be.r9orn ; COWl.ES AND TWINER l,nr0, , T?.n,.M,V. annnal meeting of - t ,. , - . ;vAVew South Clab, the following Ifc is peculiarly a Republican The amount paid operatives beaia Lr3 were elected for the' ensuing method in this campaign to Btrike no relation to the amount of pro- m m v Democracy in the back fey not join- Action.' In ; mny instances - the president, G L Patterson ; . Vice in8 canvass with them but by going tariff has been so high as to give President, Jesse E Hamilton ; Sec- alone or with birds of t a feather, the. manufactured much more than luv BE Harris ; Treasurer, Ed. Then they can distort facts to suit the whole amount of all the cost of p White ; board of governors, J B inemseives. gherrill, G W Ould, Ed. P Hill and Mr. Cowles last night made some james F Shinn. The club will parts of his speech so pretty that it 'move into its new quarters in the was pleasant to listen at even if you phifer building about th,e 15th of knew he was going to put a new November. , lace on historical facts. - . i The truth of the matter is their labor ; but the operative was none the! better off. He had the cdmiort of knowing that he was .paying a higher price for what !he needed on account of the protection to the manufacturer, most always tell how a disease starts, and where it will prob. ably end. It won't go out of its way to oblige you anj more than a locomo tive i will. Disease usually begins when the appetite gives outthat's the first warning whistle. Then the stomacb and nutritive organs fail to.supplv good blood. : The -circula tion erows poor, thin nd tainted. Instead of carr y ing nourishment to the different parts of the body it carries i Strayed Off. Two email black pigs about two months old. A reward will be given me. - J. A. Sims Disease Is lik t railroad train. It has a regular way of cominsr 'and going and keeps on stead- J . . . . - . ilv along a certain IOr their return to track. You can at that an tna-t European1 laborers " no . . T rrtri ; I longer able to exchanpft his wants j If a woman 18 in gOOd nealtnl '" on uian, gusi f , . 7 - poison, which settles at some point and eats Ithere is oo more healthful" employ- awlully pretty. When he makes nuu; tu a &2iJg& or skin oS wmm uu iirif a-vurivr-uiivi a. & i a a. i a 1 i i n. itiiiii mm i.i v- iimrii vi mviii vimii im r . t i . . AM menu luau uvuovnin. vivuwm.j ma preiiy ,1HU8 BpeeCO IDS malQeniy I v;"w, w --v. u mv ease scroima, erysipelas, eczema, w ' a no hunnipr TOnman I ,. .. . . . ' , . I . j. i i. : f rempuon 11 u seiues on mc iungs.v 11 1 But how different con is al) Uiava io nr h rri or mnman I . . : I 1. ii.iC- "t BUmOtlOn speasu - dimples icome in his cheek and lu fc,resa uuwu iue uiarKei price 01 one trouble : tainted blood ; clear out thi in me viuuu. Mffhen every breath is pain, -every step torture 1 This state of health in, wooing days. (Women don't in nine cases out or tea comes rrom consider jpohtics in it then you gome deraDgement of the delicate, know.) -But to the speech. j feminine oraers of generation. The - , , r I. family doctor inquires -first concern- e declared that the tariff is a thane Hft most uauallv insists livine issue todav. Tin this The Jon w ''examination.-' From thia Stahpaed aerees with him and the oflered t0 vole toK 't Slfc ct homndpRt woman naturally shrinks.' I a v . . Mr. McKinlev. if the latter would It is cured every day by Dr. Pierce's Golden "uv . , -n, k " American peopie seemea no imnK -- --- - Medicai Discoverv , -i . She iaright. Except in very unu snal Ca8e8 Of "female weafcneSS" eXr v y uu Ui"lou u r- i . u j;- . , 4, den Medical niscovery.1 Fot two ivears my little, ' j. ' - T. ;inn'Jnm itl r t,Yi,4"vi - 1 : I Au.uxv.iuio v wiiu unu ittificu , tut) boy suffered .with lung trouble-lirs aminations are unnecessary. Dr. along down the historical: line or , , . . - - ,. seCond intermittent fever; Viorna'a Favnritft PrPSRTintion.ia & u u Wages 01 an Operative in the State trouble. For two years he coughed. The phy : : , i uui uaviuu BMUa eimple, natural -remear. fox' tnese . . lfflff 1118. It uurea esmoiv, - uoiujououuj. rf . . . ,U uriuos' were jiuwer tuau wo i over makes us gladlie was not our rival our known that American ' manufactur- tracked ; it can't go any further. No mattet - ; v , ' what the name of a disease is if it's a DiooQ, erS, like everybody else.- and like diseask Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Pis-, natural laws, dictate, give the mar- of the' circulation "and creating: a new sup- V i ' u"- j ply of Wealthy, red, life-giving blood to re K6t price for labor and no more. Vive and nourish the wasted . tissues. It Ex-Governor Campbell, of Ohio, fSiSSrSiS motion is a blood- on a time s met that wages of an operative in the State of Ohio. He did not have to vote for faim.' ; , Mr, Cowles informed us that un der t h& McKinley- bill 99 per cent. Address with 21 cents in. one-cent heard of before. Barnes, in his stamps, to -cover-. cost' of mailing noL only, world's urepeDsary meaicai ;-T pf the tariff was rebated on import-; Association, Buffalo, N'. Yr, and get policy of residettt Jackson in with- . i u u i j a free copy of the "Medical Advised drawin7thVnltiona1 bnk denolits foolhen.the wool was made idan could do no good Und I thought he must die. I was told to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovtiy.. I didt an,d beJ'ore he had taken one bottle he began to mend and could eat little. When he had. taken four boUfcs he wa well and now is as stout as before. - r - .' ' Respectfully your,:: nfl? vi . ' !f; 1 (Mrs.) Proctor, Morgan Co., Ma ' 1 - 1 X M. i i I V " - ' A,r.reSt nuiP..y(eri.n chapei. . e monev easv to borrow splendid chance to dodge 1 the Stbove occasion at-j Salie. Rev. A lv Pool, the.pastpr, is con. WSS'fSSSt! But we think we hae . seen, with bifry Saturday, October 24thi and dnctine a series of revival meetinge and speculation in lands became na nfirann. , nn nhnm Obarlbtte :MQDd'0etbbeK6th;.tbW ducting a series of revival meetings ana speculation m lanas Decamea at the Forest Hill i Presbjteri church. A song service , was held the climax came, as it always does,; our own eves. Persons - on , whom Charlbttendptober 26thr t years oftoH and bare have left their 1' marK m wunerea iprm ana aecrepi Charlotte at 85 cents for tbrtundi The Morgan A Wright Gnarnntee The guarantee of the "good tirefi' is broad enough to cover almost any kind of ailments and to satisfy tfcm most exacting rider, t ut the Hue must be drawn eomewhere, and Mor gan & Wright are trying ' to make it known to riders everywhere that the guarantee does not cover damages resulting from the carrying of anti leak preparations inside the tire. By having as much air as possi 6lel. in the M. & W. ouick-renair tire before putting the tool into the puncture, and following the few other simple instructions in the cat alogue, a permanent, repair can be mue m two minuie, ut ,tne roaa side, without removing the tire from the rim. Given Away Free ' "5 To advertise our goods we will give away, absolute? iree, one box of five-cent cigars.ojie gold ring and a sample bottle of ' Peeler's Pain Killer ta every one ";ppc ding us fifty cents to' pay packing "ud postage Address, : ' Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. "Lock Box4, Kernerayille,' N. 0 Dr. MllaeXriM JPUla are guaranteed to aton. gefltfflcgteln 20 minutes. "One cent a dose EVERYTHING IS GOING-- r hi last night and another will be held and w'e 'had - the vfearfdl -panic 0f 7 " T Vat'.u "r".1" j "T'l, ,k ; . . . . r, 0 t t mt . i ... . ... , W, I uiauuuuu ouu nuiuauuuuui ouitoi' i tiiw jliuach? u.Daio ;o',i ub tnniorht nt 70 n'ftlnr.k. Therft will 1R5VZ WS thttTlr-tA nhfin linrraATa I . - - ' ' . I 'I .. ?i . . be preaching in the chapel tdmdf- and the cheap stacks ! of hay MrJ row (Saturday). ; night at-7:30 Cowles dweljb e'pn must havebeen o'clock : also Sunday morning at 11 ; " rfllnnnt irJT T " ins; before the wi ntorV blasts, in PeTf prmance, limited,day after v per.; 1 4; ? . , formance, but are not good on the! cotton garmeuts, when the 99 per ibnle traipe. Pa'efengere will cent, of an - enormous -tariff would please be ppared'to mike J their! have placed woolen clothts upon (own change for above tickets; them and ave mdp their Matter days , comfortable ; but a ruthless down the immense expenses of the L t . reacu ana lue grave aiune uuuiu shield them from winter's frosts, more relenting and less unbroken Yon andSanday night at. 7:30 o'ejocjr. SQ There ,8 considerable mani- g-t, iearly:ke'eplng tion ia extended to the Bublic to at a ka'wi5 p' Prikr I lateTwar.1: -A.fi quests The Standard to state; that il ? r1? lnternaL he will not preach at Cannonville coufd not give a"notefwfiev a' coh- next Sunday. " ct ?r do; any,; legal acts that; the ... mfirr, ?ftRfl tflriff that hfi paper did not have to have the in-1 r f ..i 5tt i : ' . p l liiL 1 would .extol.,,- , ; ternai revenue namo on it jiivery i ' .. .Mi t,i jLrir, Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, TTi Rlenm, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe syrup or Godfreys cordial was Hands, Chilblains, Corns 'and all stamped. The man who bought Skin Eruptions, and positivelcnres1 tne gaods paid the extra price! We Z or n0 paj requi-ecT. It is Repubfica& parltyas for guaranteed to give statisf action or fcUO v t . monev refunded. Price 25 cents per1 tarjrfpMeyifinjealto box For sale at P,B Fetzefs Drug Mr. Cowles says free trade is a tore, y ' ' Xf chilrf of slavery' v . . r I ir nrith OlOtTOVTr WV RT. 1H I,nR I t n..u Home w.ddinc ' u,cu. " 7 7,'' . , " , " probises. Trathfal' men M7:30c'clockThnrsdayjevening daddy ot tree traae in yDQ, wij8.-aj88ned bthose- de8tittite of V few intimate friends gathered at Surely that was. not BlaTery l , -.i -. 'o, Jiie home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. Cowles harbs on $15,000,000 m t W - 'Xr-iX L :-rJ ft GORRELL ,i. . , . a i. --. ....... . ley be elected he will have a bill that will make the land blossom as the rose. It wilt be sixteen times a9 easy to make a dollar as now, and every laborer will have work. What promises 1 ' And they come of course : from't the source that charges the Demodracv with false o 7 - . - - . . II are ai- oeen; Cans -1 - Fete s. ; No doubt'about itrwelare' better fixed to 6leaisie ;':.y bu ' iri- OlothinSthaii we have ever ' s. 'y :i it.- s r. .u. tjMll . ; rrrr -r-. ; -r rr ; get lor iae imuuri,, t jdui wuuk Oil a to n,Unr,n 4-V n.llAnA rtT I 1 L'ii J i. V. A0 loaf TTOoV 1 ' ! t; ' i ' -v'l . . T-. Mprr"0,"" r z pw1"': ,:rr:i!i me.,nt the cid3iDg d0Wn: of facto. Muucti u xioutjua iu ijxiea Aui j suppose tney were, aiu it uui liavo Men's Suits, latest and leimer, daughter of Mrs. rn ka d fnr lfirtrelv in onr exoorts. .ulla. The marriage ceremony was -ra Wnnirl nnt buv the EuroDean 8oIemnizsd by the Rev, M A Smith, Q ds .f we coald not do it to our ff l?- i - ... i l ls i '. lurcDr. Him lAhnr1la - m n rn n I . ... There Goldstcn ries, the smokeless chimneys, the strikes, the, gsneral depression, the Carnegie war and 'the closing in of Mr. Pritchard'a Cranberry towh that greatness ? Is it in our inability to can' little doubty that -Mr. comDete with the world, that we HaHikori would he .president today we no attendants. Mr. Eli Repnblican8 ;B that Americans must we swCMrleallnded to cn was the crrmim's best man. . .. ? . L I Thnrsdav niehti alia ini the latter Mr a u tt 3 7 , have protection ana in me next , , - . ; - .. ,,,, , UAr.anaMrs. Hodson have- a large v w Ta;a fu:flM.tPfl part of Mr. Harrison's administrafc "crclflnf; a v breath they say ours is the greatest ir rv ? , ' , l60f fnends wh0 3m na m con- ua oHa.;- Whera is our tiouau under the ! Mckinley law. theirs. ' compete . : a. alaxatiBrombQdnihe Tab haVe P-tecuon or wB cau , J:18- AH druggists refund the live? j . ey if it fails to cure. 25c. Mr. Cowles said Democracy would tiTmmmm protect the ordinary laborer but not j p rj i , , . thA skilled laborer. He held the J Hurley has the old reliable lhe BKluea . - . . . r Mutual Fire Insurance Com- audience with his illogical Billy a ly They write the best policj sertions and got out of showing lQ' lhe most desirable at theUv,;f tWA were any facts connected with what he was eaying. By the durance. way, where is tne proiecwua ur iu '.c cost. , See the contract before insurance also fire and aCci if these' things had not been a real f act. , iYet srich distorters as :. .these have; (he gall to say that Democracy baa f ibeen:!alaa to iher? promises. Smfe'ptemse;to niueh .Weti as ilr.tCowles doeii and the par ty as a tiaky'alfeVMe jM.rtb3 Mi- tidn it can ami)i.cop.fficd without leference to what some ir- CONTINUBD ON" SECOND PAGE ; Boys7 Stiit best. Ohildrn's and best. 1 . . . ... -! , - latest and Suits, latest - V. v.- We guarantee itb .gave you mone. u uuiiun J V -. v.: . ... "... . t . - r ... r . , f ktm . i , i ..i j . n ; i . . i . . . . . . ...... HATS-ANDSCPS tFORQEVERTBODY. CANNONS & FETZER i r

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