JIB. POUHOPEFUL.; OABASTS Wholk NO. 1,585?: nomn... - . HONOR RnnTl "J . , - ' ' " " ' ' - I . - . , , ' .... . i. " - ! . finds that tne jnffGamsin .very Comity in He ot w7,h . O"f'lon on a a n . mm - a vuiinnir t n I Cntmnnli " I 1 "Slut, Mr. ruu' wtur KsoriH The effort tn ''L: n ii 1 . . . I - IJ1 Lri I TO O v III. in-the Jfonnn aisirict, arrived comnan smeary ty Thursday. He is quite with L T 18 HHeman Tells nil Position lo a -eoa-wnen xne StauUar Aslced If Im About It Herald "Fhat islTone or Yonr Damn Business." - It is a well established rumor L iDiuc-v - ' . "wru" encorraeini? resnlfa u Uki. "wm tOMt,u"Bueu romor ,1 U;0 nrnpnoMa . ' & & XCBU,t8 PaDerfl tOat ID nasfl AmK-A3rt TTi i hopeiui r.-wr.w. w v.cuauu. arrived if rid a v ;i, , , , -u-uemao is Di . :.- J. . aay night from mili elected tn't uj; . In conTereauuu, xio caiu . Headquarters ',,!' m-.! r J : -:yBj m me next Jfl ....... . . . . wuarcers, and ofri W A CaMmn Icenftrai ivi- - i "The democratic party is tmak- has been dihnH . - ..-u.. e win support - th f oeen diligently working filling Senator THtfitiarH fnr .A WgBiMc-j--j- uu. a pat the blanks. WW r Uh. .qL- T, " to county in thi3 district m which we if organized, wnl Zl: V fIleman was in t;s:s8go. xerewere more than emyboclv was ar,. L .t . , Li """C 88 10 tb w,honSand Democrats who did comoanv n " 'u..; . T ma ! . 7 "WSWl porter t . . i a- wiiui uul r.niaii". n n i mm iron vi w ii . i . ...- hat iote in the Jasl election in this are filadde . w i . "r""0 Every one of these n, nM-U - : C. ' J' wng ro tBe ; .t , C ,:; with n, this mfi. 'I r 8 ' company i you snppm i free silyer Senator or .!' --- . ' . wu ' LUlilaL. - - - will w k. ; ------ . - l ... juu yuie ior ffltcharH ?? '.r 'addition to vuit?, we are maxing will yon vote, for Pritchard T' in Mfll ,nfl frnm Kf V, 0.tJ Yen the Small Boys Ain l U8wer 8UCU a question' the Can- fl? Ma9Mnn nnr .ftoa J i When the band bekn tn nT. looJ.,1 ate 8a MI con8ider that that is HIS m -rl: mariied life depend! ... . f m , m uic wiics nealtl man i a source of cuscontenr to hersell and a burden anc drag- upon her hus band. Women bj taking more inieresi m their own phys ical condition would lay the best founda piness and ever other h art ni ti a jt. More than half the the ertern am j? ... women is direcUy traceable to some disor Sfl ftne.ors distinctly feminine. There is no real need of such troubles : they an invariably cured by Dr. Pierce's Favoiite prescription, which reaches the internal generative orgaal nfothel ?lumentCa.n possibly By restoring crerv to all th re ."Pi8 Cono S11" Medical Ad i At. . fierce, v-aiei consult ing Physician of the Invalids' Hotel and 7 - 'VAnuic ji moo padres, lncludei eS A the- sjectof di'seSes pt' Siff,10 woen, with directions for hom treattnenf rani. : UWUi Strayed Off. Twb small h Often er th7nZ . auuuc I WO. o&M mDntbs old. .A reward. will be given tion. An ailing wo for thpir rpf nV , man i a source of f .w iuc. 5ota day parson our canvass but v hen th an to play last , ' ... niffht. the Mrmll UB kMl: ., none of your damn bnainess" m ropuiiau xeiia me ne win Voter." ' UCWIU1B Uontinuin hft a , .T;i. i.. a i .A . TU!I iranuo witn enthnaiftftm onj , . iet ine ffl D U8. A wigB per ucut. . oi ine I - - . J t People Know mo noif; .. I "Y:" e ot loos oasres. include. I , j c i r u a! - CRUSequence have oraamV . j wu m me ny pages on the subject rof diseases Tee' Lv and fie of that nartv harp a1 L, . f B urganizea can Tags nATfc tui. . I culiar to women wuit " 1 ,3 pe ffl1' A mass meetma was held at iwm. "u. . . The fook .contato tK Democrat to his;po8t aDd I drne store andffloer,, : were for;" .;,r" ; 0,--tiSe' we fe? taiiTe the victory is oars. At all ally elected. Bod Mean. 71 peop e of deolara- l JES!. mi,, if defeat comes we will hate chairman and Alex Bovd fihn,on . J "n ?n the Wt l fe Mcion8Dess of knowing that reUry, A soliciting committee ffiST5f with " TSSr 22 A9 , UVJ W I1IKI n f m the A. Sims The Morsran A Wrljrnt Guaranty The guarantee of the "ood tireV" is broad enough to c6ver almost any kind of ailments and; to satisfy thl most exacting rider, tut the line Sn'lw?11 somewh"P. and Mor fnnnfr,ht are trying t0 m&k it Known to riders evprvwW f,f guarantee does not cover damages, resulting from tha TS , u mnjnuK ui ami - r.vriaijuuB inside tne tire mnch air as possi 61e in the M. & W. quick-repair tire oefore putting the tool into the Picture, and following, the few, other simple instructions in the cat.. permanent rppaiT can be made in two minute, at the road side, without removing the tire fron the rim. Given Away Fnn To advertiaa give away, absolutely iree,.one box of five-cent cigars.oi.e sold ring and a sample bohle of ruler's Pain- Killer to eVerv nrtA corHtnr na fin' j us m b v cents to pay packing aud . postage.. Peeler Andersok Medicine Co. uock uox l, nemersyilh, N. 0 u 0, " up -paya cnosen a8 He waa in V- ' "-T "vuoc. i woun the English language evefhad such innsninnsnPSfl nf lrnnn fl,o Jsecretarv. A .nl?J Sn-,:. .88 in . Conversation . With Mi- n enormous sale. 6ox lonier UrMt saerifioed oor nrinci- WM lnn appointed, who are'Georee ;"8r tb,s B!5nin8 a Md "fw edition AiSlrT pies or the honor of our partv' umouu, Aaorey Hoover and Bill u " B5 nonor anyone who win send to the World. ' w Aiit standstodaT.Mr. will Moi!m The beVs" are atricHy ta if the Democrats all over the 1 B 4 nonKli they are . Hr 7" : ; ; - 'Pt thrMie Jtta Tsoid rt? , tooyonng to vote, it shows that . Jlm blte th fus on candN "p oiyt!untis hound istoSISS Wt ,.11, renter, and go to work they are on the righ ? sid7 d dtte Senate from thisdis. M '? Wlj froB now until the day of maL M m,, AT.andcao trio, was asked ,f h WnU . '" " I' was Pacini?. V - oenator. in case he was For the ahh nn,Mi; q,:. Ur.MIles'JPlcin Pttfe are guaranteed to fr IS GOING- AT COS MiDgw retire irom tne race if the , - U , victorious. This gentleman civilly bury Saturday, October 24 and pte Executive Oorami tee could The ideal panacea. - hesitatingly anawered in this Dartte Monday, October 26h, the hereby make the State safe for siN mes h' FranciV" Aderman, way: f ; ; v Southern Railway will sell tickets irindmod u Chicago says : ;I regard Dr.' King'e I Have been a fre sil. l Salisbury at 90 center and to ,lluC tt ew discovery as an Ideal Panacea eight years" T 7 " 7 unarJotte at 85 cents for the round- itropg card in his favor. The peo-. for Coughs, Golds and Lunff Corns J l 7 f , ' ; ,f ke niia triP- Tickets oh sale day of the . - ATj lewant silver Congressmen, and Plaints, having used it in my family wouia continnp be one and Performance, limifed'dayTaher per-l hey'will rebuke the machine of anv f?r the lasfcfiv6 years' to the exclu- 8P.'a eihcf didafe for the finance, but are not good on the In n nnn . . i .Li , 5 eion of physicians'a prescriptions United States Senate, and- this he vfoIe trains. , Passengers will II D 11001 I' very party that makes "deals" or other prorations. V J never did answer. ' pleaW be prepared to 1 make their M K I. KKN 1 Aiiig io me elevation of goldbugs. -Kev. John Burgus Keokuk. Iowa The baai nn . v;ue Ior aoove tickets. ..i wi- UUIIII&.LL. J 1 - - ; - Iflrin? all thp foiir tvof I wrires: I hav haa-n r;; k-ii- i . . 1U8Ior - .-w UUMU luuncu tu mlulvW a between tne Kennhl oana o.i Ag the silver forces, r. Poil ?e Methodist Episcopal church for hi8t8. Wftfl U U. .u. ' . .. years or more, and have never . u.x0ti, to 8nr 7"7UU lue 8lumP ngming found anything so beneficial, or that ".ine cauCQ8 minee of the Ke. p battle for free coinage. He will eave me such speedy relief as DrJ Pubcan party, which named Sena, ptmue to do bo till election dav. King's New Discovery. Try this tor Pritchard, How about this, ve fe&winniag votes every where. . Kemedy now. Trial who are after the free coinage of KasdOoserver. Louies iree at eezer's Drug StoreJ silver ? They are pledged to Pritch One Cabarrnslte. lennnrg. On his return from Raleigh fClRE A COLDIH .ONE DAY pe laxative Brnmn Oninino ToK p A) druggists refund the Thursday night Sheriff Sims came rey it it fails to cure. 25c. ml4 down with Pnmn. f rr; Hl.l ' - .... - - i ocaces Artillerymen, who were? on their way to the State of Washing ard, and you don't them to Raleigh. wanL to send In, '1 IIerbert Biushaiii Bead. "Do you ride a bicycle? ' ea. i d je' leab walk as ride afoot." Detroit Free Press. 0LB sad intellmencP nf th Aiheir way t0 tne State of Washing Prr TT. i I ton. Via. "NTpot Oi-loatiB anrl San V- eroert liingham, princU . u ' the Pre,eriaD High School T Fr T 3HVEE 0 !e, waa flash,? v, 4h. ?0,dlers traTel, 600 miles by . FrWay, Prof. Bingham hav. b.0 , 'e company had been sta- better i than either is a healthy r?d,VJ-i a tinned at- l?.-tMAas U..A it: TJ? iV T . a ' ..uu ov rwncso iuumue xur i ne j nver. n ine liver is u. H. the past six years; man is O. K. His blood is kept edacator and a worths Among the members nf the cornJPure nis digestion perfectand he ffthwerpnnfof? z'ZiLZ Pany were two men known to 4he . eW ana act intelligently r waa T FT Sheriff, namely, a Mr Christenburg, pauentl-upon the question , was becoming well estab- ' "w"mrb of the day. You all know what to T' --.Messrs. Will T JnU0fnM or PPer CaDarrus, and Smiley take. You l!)onPPt. t- , MWorsham, a son of Henrv Worshain. It orrn otAn 1 this . . J ' Who lives in Mpnklpnhnror innt nver v I " Vji I. V OVn J A. . i ... I J hWl. the Cabarrus line. Both men were be remembered rW. PVnf wel1 and are hi)y;pleased in Uncle m was -mA ,.u :.u -; Sam's service. liftgf ft ) I n fTC fir, nrnnifMn I Ilfiln Wan A1 ' VAmolA 1 '-t""y "uomuk . ' 1 IU lUJDrOVe. Hp VJ-v i-vy v aw jjw coa bU X'iC U U.1JU. rt'PSe, however, with the ?en ,or easy .home ork No piorablQ result v vjok.. . y New - Clothing - at CaflDon s -1-Fetzpps No doubt -about it: 'WftTP. Vato -fi Dlease you in .Clothing, gthan we have ever been. . ' Men's Suits, latest and 3 est. Saive in tke world for Quo m " ted n fin. i Ufa - -r,u C1 pprJ:;, h dicers, salt ' .v-Vs. Tetterd Chappe C l8' Corns and.all :Iy Qr puons, and positively cures uteeri pa7 requi-ed. It is He? rc:. r give statisf action or vi iin rij . Gr sale Price 2. npntfl r K P B Fetzer's Drug Send stamp for work and particu lars. EvHerrman, 1213 South Sixth Street, Pniladelphia, Pa. c31 ATotlce. J P Hurley has the old reliable Perm Mutual Fire Insurance Corn pan v. . The v write the best Dolicv on earth. The most desirable at tne least cost. See the contract before taking insurance also fire and acci- Atimh inanvflnnn .-! i REGULAT0R7 best. GKildfeii's Suits, latest and Suits; latest For tiaVe fonnfl if. anvKrm j.T- It is and always has been put up onlv bv J.; TT 70;iiW At nn m.iA none bnf. f.hA Ked Z on the front of the "wrapper 1 wjjiv oaiuj anu v . - . - - and best. We guarantee to save you'mone;. FlliilfffiS. t ! .V i -.1 :S -AND -CAPS FORSE VERYBOD Y CAWNONS.'c& FETZER 1 1- . - - .V. i

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