Wm Go., MANUFACTURERS OF Fi'ie Ginghams Outino- Cloths ' Plaids Sheeting and Sal Bas. Dealers in . GENERAL " . MERCHANDISE 0" Buvers of COUNTRY; PRODUCE of all kind, and 4-foot i wood -always wanted best prices for same. We invite an inspec tion ot all ti c goods we manufacture. ODELL-MFa: Co., Con cord.. N. C CONCORD MAJRKETa ; COTTON MARKET. v i Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer, Good middling.......... ... 7.30 Middlings. .....".............7,15 tow middling ..................7, Bains ...... 6 ; : ; PBODU0E MAjtu&E?) i- -Corrected bv Swm & "WhitcC. Bacon ..................... to 75 ' "Sugarcured nams... ......... 12ito 14 "Bulk meat3,8ides. .. ............. .5 to 7 Beeswax N,......M;...U,..:.;Ul.20 1 Butter .. . 10tbl5 Ohickena...:. .v. . 10to20 Oorn...... v..... ......... ;...:..:.45 . Eggs......... . . 12 Lard......: . 7 FlourfNorth Carolina). ...."...l 82 ITeal...;.. ....:....:..v: 45 . Oats....:..:. ...... 35 fallow .... . .. .... . ... 3to4 W. D. Anthony &;Co. PAINTERS, PLASTieOERS, , VARNISH ERS AND PAPER J r DANGERS.- - ALL! JOBSIGUABANTEED; ; ; ; "we "wajht !oym vork. Old furniture made to. look as good as naw. ..Mattresses made or renewed with perfect satisfaction. Upholsterine a specialty., See us, W. D. Anthony & Co. do26 w jl m ondiryorTer. permaaenti iA'ct'l.r new we win coo- nor'! sn. an.i tm : I'M lHT.AV9P Poison I 1 III t CUITQ 13 UMoJ CST1L Vnn ; r rrt oX ? hay.lltvlr or KyoWSmn . s out. jt i Hurt fejHiui!ry JUAOIVPoiso . nato cei ftntf rtallenero Ko wuni for t4on!lffaMaatT, Absolut proof jitijrS:t?S prrUcnttan. AddTOM VOOK ItlOSlKfyv WlndTonr IVntcta in. tbe Mornlnc Few people tettn "to realize what a delicate instrument' a watch is; This is ebown by the fact, that nine men put of ten persist m .winding their timepieced at night, when tbej retire, instead of when they g.t u in the morning: According to i well-kudwn watchmaker, tue wind ing should be done in the morning, bo that the spring may be at its stroDKtBt teubion during the day, when the watch is more liable to jolts aud bnocks of various kinds Ac uint the comparatively weak spring will have nothing to disturb it, A watch. 8 hop id to tilled every eighteeu months. It might ran years without lu bricatio u, bu c the wear and tear on the worKa will in the eiid work devastation. The watchmakers are also rejoicing in the fad for women's watches, especv jaily thuse who do a great ; Seal of repairing. -The average woman may be depended upon to neglect her watch, particularly in the eirall de tail oft winding it. In proportion to the number sold, ' there are twice las mauy women's, watches brought back for repairs as men's.- -Phil delphia Record. TO CtIKE A COLO IN CHE jl)AY Take laxative Br omo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the -Sh. ) money it it fails to cure. 2pc. T Tlironsb tbe St. L.oit! Tornado. Here is an illustration of the way the wind bandied things daring the big St. Louis tornado. This bicycle, ownedi n S t. Loui ktt as r st ruck' by three barrels of syrup, a tierce of lard and one barrel ot vinegar. Ab solutely the only uninjured parts are the saddle and: the Morgan & I Wright quick repair tires, which were full of air, when the machine was found.' Even if these tires had be m punctured, unless severely torn, any one of the holes could have been repaired by the quick-re- pair device in them, without trou ble. Riders of these tires, when they have a.rjuncture, need only be careful -to pump as much air as possible into the tire before insert ing the quick-repair tool. The re pair can be made in two minutes, at the roaidside, without taking the tire otf the nm. 'BACK by Dr. Miles' Nerve Plastw Offers to'lbej business .pnblio a re liable, permanent, cpnbervative and accomodating ibanKini? institution. We solicit your business with the assurHnce .of honorable treatment RDd duu appreciatiou, of your pat roage. . ' - " If we' can serve you at any time, we shall be glucl to have you come and see us. . LIBERAL : ACCOMMODATIONS - r TO CUSTOMERS. GapitrahdSufpIus$70,000.. D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. M. OPELL, Pres. K. L. CRAVEN: Will keep in stock FO OR GRADES , of Domestic Coal for Stoves, Grates, Furnaces and Shop nse. Hard and soft. . Best -Jellico Coal, at $4.25 per ton and' upwards. See him before placing your orders. , ! JNO; R.'ERWIN. . C. A. MISENHEIMEB ERWIN & M1SENHEIMER . Physicians and Surgeons' OfEcaNo. 3. Harty buildmer, op nosite 2nd Presbyterian ;;vchurch. Charlotte. N: a flow to Tttve Xonif. - Prof. F IV Heath lays down the following practical roles I . Fix deeply in mind the grand truth that life power roles the body,, and that it alone can care disease, j Life power lives ujpori air, water and food only ; all else is bartful. Make cleanliness your motto, and watch against filth in both house and grounds. :; . V Few starve for food, but many for air. Breathe deeply a hundred times daily. Wear no tight clothing. Above all, ventilate jour' sleeping room. Beware of gluttony. If the ap petite ia dull, eat fruit only, or eat nothing. " Use no fiery condiments, but live cbitfly on natural grains, yeketables and f roits. Never ask your stomach to chew your food empl9y your ; teeth. AUorn your table not oply with viands, but with flowers and smiles and kindly words. Deformity is not awkwnrdness only, but danger; A high chest will give freedom to breathing and di gestion, and help to cure many dis eases..; Shun stimulants and -drugs as you do pestilence. For tea arid cof fee drink hot water ; and in illness let the Bame magid floid be your physic. .- "V ' ':. Thick blood causes colds nd countless other diseases. Keep T the lungs active by deep breathing, the skin by baths and friction; the kid hey8 by free drafts of warm water, the bowel? by corroct eating, anu the blood will be pure. : : Spend part: of each day in muscu lar work, part in study, and part in good deeds i to men and in the wor ship of God. ! ' .'The big hearty, healthy, manfis'a continual irritation to his dyspeptic friend. Constipation is the root of nine-tenths of tbe sickness of men, and a large proportion? of , the. sick ness of womerii It can ; be cured easily, naturally and quickly. Nae ture is constantly working, as hard as she can throw off impurities, and to force out poisonous refuse matter. When there is an impediment, 'Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets set ; the wheels working again without any trouble. They assist 4 nature in a gentle, . healthful, efficient - way. There is nothing violent about th eir action, and yet iV is ' J ust f as certain as is It were twice as yiblent, 'Xou - IP -not : become a slave r to tbeir use." They are different and better than any other pill forvthe enre of constipation,; headache and kindred derangements! Almost all druggists understand this, and are conscientious enough to tell you so. The druggist who tries to sell you a substitute is not a safe man from whom to buy medicine. Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N...Y., and receive. Dr: Pierce's 1008 page "Common Sense Medical Adviser," profusely illus- iraiea. Vf" i 4 A Folding Bicycle.' " j:" A folding bicycle for military use has been invented by, a lieutenant in an Austrian inntry 3regimnt and is being manufactured by a firm in'GrotiL' one pounds, and it is being made so that one wheel closes 'upoh the other. The rifle is carried verti cally, the muzzle -fixed near the axle of the front wheel. For Over Fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sjrnp has been ", used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething; ?ith perfect suc cess It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the1 best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiyecent8 a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind. T7TrnMiwHiM7.: i.iiiimtiHtUu;'i.im..ihiui-uUi.tii.Hi'i'.M VegefablcPrcparationforAs similating theToodandReguta ting the Stomachs andBowcls of TV Promotes Digeition,Cheerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opmmlorphine nor IJaneraL Not NArc otic ' IimpJ;m See -4lk.Scnna " JiochtlU Sails -!mst Seed. Uppermmt -ft CarbmateSoZa irmSeed - , . , Vkiaiaymat Fiarar. " Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish acss and LOSS OF SLEEP TacSimile Signature of NEW, lOHJi, f "1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. r DAILY & CONCORD STANDARD Democratic in principle, conservative in irietliods. Newsv but not sensational. -Devoted to the interest of unity, harmony and progress. ': '. . ... - ' . ... . I ..... . - : ' . ' . . ; . .. Its efforts and aims are to add to the 'crs of thelhome circle; ; the elevation of the am Ditious and aspirations of its readers. .. It would D-ladl-? fiu the mindkwith leas- ant; and profitableHthoughts, making hfe's biireiliger ots - duties dearerl-Sits o or- tunities more apparent. DO YOU TAKE IT? It noty pleaseitej sa- that THE STANDARD is worth i times its cost tojyou. - ' i.. wi V ,' .. - , : I . b Sy j J.I).iB Publishers. ? THAT T FAC-SIMILE SIGNATUR - OF HV-i .?! if IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTLE 03? ?, . . . i.s . - . -; m iK4 i FA f - YAM M w m M -J Castoria is pTit up in one-size bottles only, i is not sold in ..bulk. Don't allow anyone tojjU yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pr pose." - 3-See that yon get C-A-S-T-0-B-I-A. Zbx. fac-i is ca signature t it Tilr i .tii; V.ttm rr.nni THE- WEEKLY it and see if ttou don't IER & SON, j