j ' .' " ' mmmm " 1 -- ' "'!'- .' j . ' - ",; . Yi '- -f i - -f - rTxllI.-No. ICS. I -. - . copqt?om, n. c,t Tuesday, October 20 1896. Whole NO. 1,534 I - . - .NDIDATES IN NO. 1. Populists1 are too sharp to endorse 3 wt,Mi,, uunem vote ior rrvan. a vote.- v.. 4" . .h Ponniist-Repnbiican , wir: 8D1 was very brief, Mr. ,ed mi" - das. jj in fir Tf am... White, asnirant fnr tViA Son. v a J Monday the candi. :r'rmrc! u regie All u 1 Hates bei at What Mr ' R?mfl liftri cairl Uf - 1 .-w.v uutu UUU for all the county cmces put atter the election he wanted to nave a talk with Mr. Rima aA have an exDlanation fif a tion they had while going up the j. 11 eiairs m me court nouse once He made a personal thrust in regard i carina At "RnrW "River torch iuKo. i township to "show" 2elu'S to tne peopie. MEETING IN 0. 1. The depopulated cream. I am fastiDg today." V I And while the man in the faded brown coat munched the sandwich and sipped the coffee, in a slow, ab-sent-minded way, the proprietor stared at. him and breathed hard and longed to throw him out of the window. Chicago Tribune. )W. J - .H tll Wanted female. $10 to $18 per wtefe.to Men and Women fOT Pasv hnmn wnrt. Nn books or canvassing." No experi- ence. jDona nae cner. io catc!3. Send stamp for work and parties lars. E. Herrman, 213 South SixtH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. t31 , Mr. G Ed. Keesler says he voted for Jake Boger because he was the to Mr.Puryear Jin the Legislature nominee of the fusion ticket. No J D Henrj White, one of No. 1 mi i told I Mr. White that th;was.. 0f committeemen . j ..I... Miiciio mrufii at .mm ana tnat it . j. . - - . most renauio auucumu- ,a roQMf , . rt of white children is to be the ont- a ' S stic 'representatives ana one wno with a non-candidate, he , T II U I PIIMir 111 I 111. J . LT I - 1 M V&A LA A SA. ' IBM II. Illll. .irittMi:iVlIIM.IfMI.TDTBrIClf3a T .oCPn rfU t-i-"- fvvr o i . , - i AAW...4UUV iuw w nvi t vimoo v i - j . 7 x n , , repietf11 cu r tt At thp Pn rl nf nrnirMm Mr V ' ' . ; which only give a temporary flush : danger- f I -coara nan. TTf an- ine ena 01 ino program Mr. pftn1iQ4a irti--M0;j0. TOan tu hL j,oJi,; AriZ TM-tnr.1v disorders latare AC j . .. rpbit. asked Mr. Hileman to state .. r -j.-v - . from the face back into the ibiood. All: ;ncctd' that the lusiomats wouia fpr the benefit of enqairers who he lQev aQ dritting ( U Southern these "counterfeit" complexions are nn- 2uliT , , . - I - , , . . . . " 1 . ' . . , . I an! Msilv detected; But the eenmn;.- admired, cplor, and. n onlv be obtained' matters and humor out of the blood. - The first step towards creating, a good .,U.ti Vv-rr XTo tii-r'a rwn mptVlod is to : J P Hurley has the old reliaVe fenn Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. They write the beet policj on earth. The most desirable at tha least cost. See the contract, before taking insurance also fire and acci dentin8urari(fe. inere are aiacreni way ui iJiiwuu a v would come of Ker.ubliean-puljst fusion iSS: I Iftn W Kl I IV- HTlll 11iriUH.LUlClV . Wl AAA MaV cidedt that 1 wa.u u VJ v a vt, v a-k m f VU i'A AJiXJ 9t d;u;u -1 answer mat until ne nad anotner , - Tne urst step wwaras creaung, Jal Assembly have twenty min. discussion, so the question stands Democracy ready to, take eo -long a lwWga U" , - ' ' I . 1 ..a,n the first round and fifteen or unanswered.' tr.0 RPP.nnd round. xne uemocrauc gil tuw twenty tep? .We think not. candidate' for ln.f.t;tnn wpicrripr. anlrl f.ViA Beginning witn ivne noimua ivr nominee for Senate' both on horse eleven . living children. get the blood clear, and the circulation free mA artiw Therf is no comolexion so sal- Uow, muddy or pimply but it will be cleared land brightened by Dr. Pierce's ? Golden fresh glow of real, health to the cheeks by WUU UU : . , .... jireSIl glUW Ul ICO.. Utauu lw kuw .av.w.w hot' discussion, eeventy-fonr rears old a few days ; tHcirottsMycleariniMll b5iol?2!?S " . . J ' J humors out of. the blood. It strengthens . many rge8tlCUlft- since and had all his Children to a ?the digestion and regulates the bowels in : mm1 omit Tt er"vi lricrViter coloi date for V , , V -kx v . , land brightened by Dr.' Pierce's i Golden EVipimiiflf Arthur Bird, Of New , York, has j Medical Discovery. It is the best natural rusiOniSL . - ' romnlexion-maker on earth. It sends the 1 1 HiuvHn 1 1 in n it - nni 11 r-n - n a . . urn n 1 r - - - cotton weigatr, all tne announce-1 back, had a very 1 riof nntil Tr. f3-1 iudaincr -irom the. Wu-a J ' I . : - 4 : oral7av Ttcrivesbriirhtercoloi KdKestler spoke and endorsed fu-1 IUUD birthday dinner. vhen all the 5to the' blood, and not only beautifies the I o vi,du' KnJ -Everybody seems; sociable-and iol- ffueata uncovered their nUtes each I complexion but'nakea -the eyes brightet cnnJ wDluu wo Hivc viw.jj ,; i.u 0 -r r , End tne Dream sweicr. - . E10D 4i- - . With -an en0rm0U8- amOUnt-Of 0ne was favored with ten criftn 'If the bowels be very much constipated immediately before taking . his:fleat handshaking. " , V P Itwill be advisable totake small dosesof . , J? i.-j $1,000 bills as a birtbdav nresent. rr. .Pierce's 'Pleasant Pellets, conjointly Wiia lucus: oijijic Aii.v'-", On p. nr two each dav itist suf ficient 'to get their laxative' and alterative,:; tr blooa deans my. esect wui uc uuiv.c ::- fiWiw -; ; i-1- v'':; Walter L. Mnln's Circns. j . For the above occasion at Salis nryan me o.uuu .. votes cast iori. " . J . , n v .u Weaver in 1892 when Cleveland Charlotte ilonday, October 26 h the - . I Nnnthnvn 1 1 tiro r i 1 1 aoll tlAlroro j The Morgnn & Wright Gnarautef ! The guaran tee Aof t He "good tires" is broaid'enough to cover almost any kind of ailments and to satisfy the most exacting ndtT. but the line must be drawn 8om where, and Mor gan & W right are ti ju g to make it known to riders even where that tbd guarantee does nop .cover damagea resulting from the Carrying of anti- 1 1 " ; .' .irj . ai. . . - leas preparaiiooa . inline me urr By having as much air as possible in the M. & W. q a :ck -repair tire before putting, tbi tool into the puncture, and, foll')winjyj the few other simple iDStrcf'tion ?n the cat alogue, a permanei n repair, can bT made jn, two ' minuses, at the,. road side,1 without removing the tire from. the rim. Knew What lie Wanted. scn$ one in me auuicuuc obbcu ujw im Hu Bww. .-.. i . . , . TUe Uemocratio chairman in f .i i :a i a Rfliinw mniviniifii. in a iauea . . . for Jake 15oger as a scnooi commit- , . Kentucky says that returns snow I .a? ibiown overcoaksat'down on a stool t.Urt. ii,:' n u nAu'i4A. tPPinan in tUe lOWn Ul VJUUUUrUi I . . - . i , V mai. ucic oc-juoiii,iit Kum o.au iccmu" i a x" al vmlvnaH limnh onn nr. I i ioo- t t . i ?i a . l l. ftk UUO Ui luo.ftiuuau Auuviu.wwvtuv inarn i fPrnnnrftTH ana -I n .-.411 Hi I vpr Mr Kestler arose ana saia mat ne 4c t ; , a rT lT mi" - -n . . . lers thexither-mormne andsaid to Renublicans. The fusion will erive Ml and stated that-na am it De- . I j Rmn 93 nnn-vntM fnr 'ai.iiHviiiiiiiim.iii fftnfie it waa in accordance with his , , . J. - - , . H . i . w - v r r a r xr--. vrw m mm - u He was asked . . j j-.- u i rvr r?rvn v ovnn rrr r ff i hhiiilw ( i h.n Mr. I r i - --.'.'." .- :! party nominations. to state it the second time. 'had 41,000 majority in Kentucky. Dr. Mlles'Paln FCRs are guaranteed to stom HeaaachMn20 minutes. "One cent a dose? EVERYTHING . ill . - I UUt UUU I I ocacu nuo uiu flehtion this time, and would not for it again. - - . ' After the announcements of the ; - . . m O - -. toiamees tor snenii Mr. oima aattd that he be allowed to make a statement, . which " was granted. He said that he was receiving i ''-- -1 -. miich abuse these dav 8 at "the of the. Populists. He was a Populi&t, vet he was termed a V mW - T bjiher on account of some things. He said ia CASTOR i ... For Infants and Children. Till fao timils sigiutara of ism vrapjer. "Expurgated."! rejoined the other, "One ot-those- vacuum . sandwiches for which :;your; establishment;-is justly celebrated". j I haven't any! kind but . those under that glass cover." ' "ThaVs :ali tight, That's the par ticular variety I was looking for. - He beloed himself to one of them the stockholders hd sunk about . i i . . . and lifted ofi the toplid. ! $1,000,000 m the effort to kep it : ..-.i I . -r-r 11' a come 10 lay. Southern Rail way will sell - tickets to "Sali8burv at 90 cents "and to Charlotte at 85 cents for the round trip. Tickets on : sale 'Say of-the performance, limited day after .per formance, but are not good o the vestibule trains.. Passengers will please be prepared to make their own change for abote tickets; IS GOING- - AT G 10 S C -AT kMHBli The New York KecorderJ Repub. lican, suspended publication after account some things. "Tisjis what I call a sandwich, the Populi8t8.made;the nit;, oteerVLd, eyeing it: crifr the rescue at least until election on the 19th day of Sep- vt nrnvineiv. "Therms 7r: resolution on the lytn aay or cep r - "Thora . , . -' x-IUailV. YOU aumutiuftij. "Sv eZ uothiu, ,nper rogatory about it. STCTER GOLD. plojinR men of oppogUPmie.. It's one of these s sand U ; '' ' ' 1 MM' A He could not endorse encn a it's a sanawicn wnu .uui, l. -QeiifiT either is:a healtny UtV 1,1)' A resolution, because a man could hot flH,ifid. renlacinc the lid and. study- 1;. je. thn liver is 0. K. the llVll UlUl'llllJii UU ucuu juo -aukico pwwj ling tne outersunauo ui it iuiuuy. man is v J-113 uiuuu w ac actunon such a thinsr. Be'said theL.v. Ur,- c-A.nV, .,n -.-.. v,ia .irrsfir.n r.Arfcr.t.. and he In: Cannons - & - FcizerV men of his party abused hinv be- , . i. hafl faiied'to arrive, can eniov life ;aridaci intelligently cause he emnloved W J Mont- -Utt"'uu "M j. , T fW ,1T,nn fhft miftRtions . T v ,r i t - novo, flofin times wnen 'l. wouia ! auu Fawvuiv -r- . t.- pomprr sinrt . j i mwP i as iiih at- i ------ . i .1 - j at,. i BT w. I W.AJLV. W . -P W " 1 tomey8. Again, he ; stated: t hat in have given worjds to 1 1 - .1 1 , , -. ' :. . . wo weeks he would, let tne peopie uqav- interraDted the proprietor, of the onnntv .know 2 whethervlie I . ... i wuld run for office, as he was dat et it. . That's all there going over tha.connty, land after yu, De cf . - ... .. would then let the -people, know "Who said I didn't like it r what he was scins. to do. m;rin't Tll ifnr it? I generally Questions were .then asKed l ; t Uf T7r.r thin .nar. i XT. e- . " 7 i L ' a1h I Know wuav J.vvau . v, , .' rrj i i Nr. bims in refrard to whv he - could I .. . . r , -, i:u;.:4 : rt-,-ii ticuiar occauon ana ior iuib bpuv; ."wu xuu n me tiCKeti. uucgcuuc- , . - . f .... . innfinn T Vionnfin to want one 01 ujanassea why, and kicKea oecaube 1 iuuu . Mr. Sims employed Mr. M M Gillon, your negative sandwichesone of J I .1.T . Ill mm-a IVIT I L.A4 .nr- "fn QTUfl M 1111 : - -'ciuuLTtti, m ms Ulliuc uuuo. ai-. i your bUiiuu w j t ucui.v v. j j Sims stated that he did it only be- sandwiches. and like a manj A a v. i i -. -kMrl I' . ID? Cause Vip hcri fm Viova enmp frft and bought Mr. Gillon could perform aL i . beauty. . . Mr. Hileman then arose and look- 2- ftf. My- Sim. -rQ-- r-rnffltf told that if he knew; that that solution was a direct thmst at (Mr. Sim8,. he should haveeaid it. but that no he was utterly surprised at the things hhaA a', a - ;- Mr lin ..I. -i-Af.1 fVttf. if be h?5d hvi hid 7ftV bA would have fieyer been vzith them in the cam- but was doing this to suit - tlPftrxlu TT mmiii fpd Pnnu- , '.'V.lll HCitC- j y oaTintr lioi K;rra fhrnwn at tbm prpn rnftfin PCr?S. The No doubt:abbiit it; wie;arevbetter fixed to oithe day. . You. ail know what to pie ase youriii' OlotliingjBtnan we! nave ever take. XOU nave i-uywu iu iux jrcaao. It is Simmons. Jjiver Eegulator-4 been. dream sir, I 'T . ' . call for it, Anything wrong about that ?" "You needn't get gay," grumbled the man behind the counter. "Did you order coffee ?" 4I did. Give me, if you please, a cup of your., best suppositious COflfee, . I . ": ,. J'- i'. "Pve only got one kind of coffee,, replied the sulky caterer. ' "That's the kind I want: A cup nfrmir universally admired non existent coffee. Accompanied, if vou Please by a small pitcner ot yous vague phantasmal, visionary For years you and your fathers havo found s it - of - sterling worth. It is and always i has been put up only by J.-H. Zeilin & Co. Take none btlt the genuine. It has the BedLZpn,ihe front of the, wrapper, and? nothing - else is the same, and aothing so goo6U? jnovRv:Erwin;:'c, amjsenheimer r Physicians a ndSureor;s OlSco Kt. ?.i K t:nhii , ot -noeit 2w4 1'iesbjf tcrun church Oiiarlotte, .S-. O- Men-s Suits, best. V;;:::'-:--:M I : . . .t . - " . . . .... . . . latest aiid and latest and Tbjest; We guarantee to isave yourmpne. 1 1-1 HiB. . ... ..-.'. . D2GAPSJFOEBEVERYBODY.