Vol CON COlll), N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 1896. Whole NO. 1530 ! XI1L INO. 107, fclah Gndiser Mates a Great Spleen, Bnt Won't DiTlde Tlihe. : Mr H A Guder' A8heville, a 17pDUDlau w.ww - , 000,000 worth of silver per year, lma, Tennessee; California, Mis-' Bryan's idea would make it $8,000,- souri, Oregon and Washington for 000 per year, making the rich man Mr. McKinley,' V ' twice as rich. j He said McKinley was the politi me Democrats say that free coin cal star that will guide us safe from ... i .j; -ii age Will make n pmanainn th oil t-Via ;iia fW l7annu;AAH:i. flflpd a IUH UOUSe OI ail political j --r- -i xxia t-jj.f. wuuiiuauiom is Ul-"V.- . , . ; . i . . , UUrrenCV. lift thnnorht. lt: urni-tldl ha fra n ,fl,iaaioD8 weaneBaay nigni in ine 4, " . t "ui v Per8tta8 !r , the opposite. He said that it was avert. cinrfcroom. hp wished to sneak no UI01U OI loe j world that no two i j ii i . . , .h or bitter words. People wanted -.-v ; logetner S not bitterness. Many ' hard ' hen they did not bae .qnalin. Svea had been hurled at Popn- tn" ;-". . i I i 631,000,000 in gold that will flow out and accord in? to estimates it would take 13 years to coin enongh silver to take its place. Thev sav make more mints. We are taxed to build these, mints to com bullion a V lists by tne uemocrats, one now they are imploring the Populists tc come to their aid to keep them from defeat. ... He did not mean the bolting Democrats. Thia ifl a time evervbodv is .n free. for rich men donned a Dug-gom ougs, Buyer ; bags and humbugs. He'd rather be Bev. J. B. Moose's Card. To the Editor of The Standard ": ' ' ' . . Dear Sib : I think it but justice that you. publish the following: It is not my purpose to enter into any controversy with you on the subject discussed in my sermon. I do want to state however that it was by the request of your reporter, and not at my own suggestion, that the synopsis of my sermon was published. By the facts in that sermon I "stand or fall," And I give myself jJll He , said the Democrats alwavs , . . , . m - i - creuit ior oemg Dotn Kina ana vtauw euuuoiuiug, ireo auu always " i ,nllinr a ball backward. uu,c "ow imug. ne caiu in ou ir h - fnr Bnff.W 'l, hnmanlk- wL:h Democrata wanted him to diecues bey wanted a free fight and tjot it. j, D0W groaniDF and dying nnd.r tie one question, money. Men of free ednoa- Democratic and Repnblican linnor one idea were said to be fanatics, "7 "" laws, causes me Vto dare to . pu but he would discuss the money "co VT01i myself in the position to be called He said there never had been a ruVAV" VWUT uw You do not like to be accused of time in the history of the party that men who c voting for liquor." If you will He claimed that the it declared for free coinage till the h bullidn oafiht t0 fi r show na- hoTT anylnan can vote for n,nnnvAntinn: Tt. rtiri it. fWpn I tIie coinage oi iu , an- nftrf- rhifeh awe it snnnort to save a ainking ship, and they tie aloaU' denied that the Re- to the liquor traffic, and whose , lead ,ko fiiivM niftnV fmm ti,. pnn. publican party .wanted only eold as ' in. wnj) with th traffln. .list party in its entirety. Don't circulating medium. He said the, thont ; U ,0a will the Democrats cut a pretty figun onian Democrat He told a negro that 8ln.ce he c of '73 sUTer has tKe eighth wiee in -ih- world,g - I Kon oninprl Mlmh mnrA TAninlv than I . . . etorv implying that Democrats r T 7 C r.T Ji history. should be sent to the for stealing the silver plank, but he cu - - - " is much easier to criticize speaker iavs it is dead, and therefore shonld . :: - rr 7; , b than it is to meet and answer' his not be punished. Did you erer won der what that heavj weight I on one side of a locomotive wheel was there for? Anyone who under stands mechanics knows the need of; a counter-balance to equalize power and keep the machinery going with a steady even motion. With out it the machinery would wrench itseli . - . v . ' ... lit. it outoi snape. it is tne same way wim uue machinery of the human-body : it needi to go on steadily, and regularly to be in good health not befits and starts. The sudden wrenching medicines which peo ple sometimes take to overcome consti . lauon, give a vioieni stram to me mtes ines which weakens them, so that th costiveness is afterwards worse than be fore. What costive teople need is a natural laxative like Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets which are powerful without beine vio lent. They move the bowels gradually and comfortably but surely. You can regulate the dose -one, two or three 1 Pell ets " exactly as you . need. They strengthen the intestines to do their own work, so that after their movements hav become regular they keep on naturally of themselves. The Pleasant Pellet " gently stima. late and invigorate th liver to throw off biliousness ; and tone up the stomach to secrete the digestive juices, and over come dyspepsia. The entire digestive, or alimentary, tract is put in motion in the regular steady way of nature and health. This is what makes the Pleas ant Pellets so immensely superior to the numerous purging pills which wrench and weaken the system. Druggists may et more profit out of those other pilli I . lelp Wan ted Female.. $10 tb $18 per week to Men an d Women for easy home work. No books or canvassing. No experi ence. Bona fide offer. No catch. Send stamp for work and particu lars. E. Herrman, 213 South Sixth Street, Pniladelphia, Pa. o31 J P Hurley has the old reliable Penn Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. They write the best policy on earth. The most desirable at the least cost. See the contract 1 before taking insurance also fire and acci dent insurance. ut you don't. The f Pleasant Pellets are tiny sugar Coated granules -40 or more in a httlf one-inch vial tightly corked, hence, air ways fresh and reliable. Send si on -cent stamps to cover cost of matt ing only, and gt hl greaJ book. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser ; a bsoluttly frebu Address, World's Dispensary Medical Associa tlan, N0.-66 Mala Street BufialOr N. v. Walter Ij.SIaln's Circa. Tne Morgan Wrla-nt Guarantee The guarantee of rbe "good tires'' is broad enough to cover almost any kind of ailments and to satisfy tha most exacting rider, but the lino must be drawn som where, and Ju ori gan & Wright are tiying to make it: known to riders everywhere that tho guarantee does not cover, damages resulting from the carrying of anti leak preparations inside the tire. By having as much air as possible in the M. & W. quick -repair tiro before putting tbe tool into the puncture, and following the tew other simple instructions in the cat alogue, a permanent repair can be made in two minutes, at the road Side, without removing the tire from the rim. S'. Miles' Plain Pills are guaranteed to ston eackccfeln20 minutes. "One cent a dose?' EVERYTHING Hp Tidicnldd 'the idea that - the Democrats are friends to free silver hard cold fact8' He said he stood sauarelv on the St. Louis nlatform. It demands arid cited the repeal of the Sherman bi-metallism by international agree: Purchase act j and claimed that ment The Democrats and Popuv $4,000,000 per month were, lost to liats say America and all civilized the circulation by it nations demonetized silver, yet sii- Yoars in love with all mankind. J R Moose. ro CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT For the above occasion at Salis. bury Saturday, October 24h, and I am done it I Charlotte Monday, October 26th, the oputnern nan way win sea ucaeis to-8alisburv . at 2Qceatsui&tc4 Charlotte at 85 cents.for the round- trip. Tickets on sale day of the performance, limited day after per formance, but are not good on the vestibule trains. Passengers will please be prepared to make their own change for above tickets. IS GOING- He said that over 400 bills for Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the ,iMnu,00 f i rfco ttn f silver had been let sleep m Congress, money if it fails to cure. 25c. ml4 lilVUIOVVa M. A. A V au wunu-. mm m. m. mw 1 I t 1 A v. A mn-minn U Ja TrrtV, Dll. D1UUU iriCU iUf IfCC UUIU AT CO S i J -AT A. B. gold dollar. This ageat l6,17, 18, 19 and 20 to 1 but Wonder if Mr, Ondger thinks ail were muruerea oy tne emo- tnai ii me vaiue oi Biiver oumon crats; that Mr. Bryan helped to is doubled so that one hundred murder the last four, tie has more dollar's worth becomes" $200 that confidence in Mr. Bryan thanj in all hia 100 hr8e wjU not then sell for tne rest or tne uemocrais. ne eays hf-onn. Tt pms to nait would. It as much as a money question is an international disease and must have an interna tional remedy. The Republican platform had the only right idea. He said all the money sent out to foreign missions is sent to silver standard countries; not one dollar of it goes to a gold standard conn try. He said silver adyocates asked to get down on a level with coun tries that use silver. They talk of j following England. He would rather folio her than to follow heathen I countries. He paid for breakfast in Mexico, banded the man a silver dollar; the toan handed: him back a Mexican Cellar and charged him fifty cents forjhe meal, because the Mexican dollar is worth only fifty cents of our money. Mr. Bryan says if we get free coinage the Mexican dollar wili hi worth. 100 cents. Silver ' bullion is only property. ' If I have ahorse worth $100 and my neigh bor has a hundred. dollars', worth of sier bullion, what right has the goverrilnenfc to double the vaiue of lieighbor'a bullion property with- Qt doubling the value of my horse Property ? He said that less than one hun dred men own the silver bullion and be Democrats say they are opposed monopolies, yet they would make tbe bullion owners who are already nch just twice as rich as they are, that Democrats sav that would ee the price of corn and wheat. m e In .f'i 8 m.m m t. M 4 wn A. J a! I Ann ' TTt - r V Wo jjuvc .uWu uuiidio tu uuom 8 tou8 if TOacan double the '73. He denits that the hard times ... - , n . ;if:rt t . r , , , J T quantity of dollars in circulation come from the silver legislation. In vou will doable lhe prices of all 1879 we had the resumption of property. Mr. Gudger cant see it specie payments, and times, got that way better every year till '92, and all was booming. He said if silver had been dead ever since 73 it could not produce the good times, and that it had not produced the hard times. He asserted that protection had made the good times and thaG free trade had made the hard times, be ginning with '92. High tariff brought prosperity, free trade brought adversity. He pictured happy homes under pro tection and gioom under free trade. He said he had resigned a place under Mr, Cleveland that any Dem ocratic lawyer in the State would give $500 for. That it brought him with bis d it be- M - Mm - at -1' - k Fftof's i or ft '.All 'an tluin "'either, is a healthy f t!-e Irer is O. K. the S Tr TT f- .1:3" VJ. XI I H DIUUU' IS hep his digestion perfect, and he euipv life ond r.ct intelligently mtientlv upon the questions of the dnv. You all know what to take. You have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator- No doubt about it; we are better fixed to been. ' B He "corned the idea. Baid Mr. Hurst received $4,- 3,600 without interfenn legal practice. He resign e cao8e he could not endorse Demo cratic measures any longer, j He denounced men who hold office under Mr. Cleveland, and then say hard things of him. : He blamed the Chicago conven tion for its threat to pull down the Supreme Court, which should not be political. But he said j the dan ger will soon be over and there will be a great 'victory for the peerless McKinley. Be olaims. North Caro i f .- - Metfs Suits, latest and Boys- Suits latest and best For years you and your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is and always has been, put up only by J. H. ZeiHn & Co. Take none but the genuine. It has the Red Z on the front of the wrapper, and nothing else is the same, and nothing" so good. Children's suits, latest and Ibest v We guara ntee to save you'mone. OVERCOATS -ID -fllSHBS; HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. CAWN(ONSl FETZER 4 .- r -