4 .. I Standard..1 JOHN D. BARRIER & SON, ' Editors and Proprietors! JAS. P. COOK, Editorial Correspondent OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. Democratic Ticket. ' " NATIONAL. for .president, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. ART HUB SEW ALL. . -STATE. FOR GOVERNOR, CYRUS B. WATSON OF FORSYTH. IFOR LTEUTENANT GOVERNOR, U'HOS. W. MASON OF NORTHAMPTON. ; 0R SECRETARY OF STATE, CHAS. M. COOKE 1 - OF FRANKLIN FOR TREASURER, B. F. AYCOCK OF WAYNE. - ron AUDITOR, v EOBl. M. TUBMAN ' OF BUNCOMBE. "EOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, FRANK I. OSBORNE IJOF MECKLENBURG SfOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH OF JOHNSTON. 4 . , FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES, h A. C. AVERY, of Burke, Geo. H. BROWN, of Beaufort. UOR CONGRESS FROM 7TH CONGRES SIONAL DISTRICT. SAM.UEL J. PEMBERTON. l COUNTY. , " vFOR THE STATE SENATE, v - . C. D. BARRINGER. FOR THE HOUSE, . M. F. NESBIT. , FOR- SHERIFF, ,; THOMAS J. WHITE. -' 3F0R REGISTER OF DEEDS, JOHN K. PATTERSON. ' 1 FOR TREASURER, . OALEBW. SWINK, . FOR COTTON WEIGHER, , V W.H.BOST. FOE SURVEYOR, JOHN H. LONG. FOR CORONER,' CHARLES A. SHERWOOD. FOR COMMISSIONERS, XLJ. FOIL, J. S. HARRIS, M. L BROWN. CONCORD, OCT , 23, 1896. It is fashionable nowadays to look for candidates to be taken down and others set up like rolling ten pms. The polical breezes have several times carried the rumor that certain changes on our county ticket were to be made. Now we say once for all on the authority of Chairman A B Young that no formal proposition has in 4his whole campaign come to him aa the head of the county Demo cratic Executive Committee and that no proposition or adyan cement or such action has ever gone out from the committee. The whole rumor or intimations or insinuations that, the committe were considering cuch action is absolutely without foundation in fact. We had prepared a synopsis of the two Populist 8peecher Wednesday, $mt in our press for room for all the znatter on hand they were crowded; oit, not that they are less interesting iian Mr. Gudgers great effort. They yere really much more meritorious n(l free from absurdities and pers jer'aions of facts, Mr. Dockery is -realjyfan interesting personage and cao style that is palatable from its Yariation from the ordinary stump speech. He surprised us by inti mating that there could not be a too great inflation of money. ;It made us tnink of Continental money and Confederate money as it was before the close of the war and aa it would have been if we had gotte.n our inde pendence. On the tariff it seemed difficult for him to give his vie vs not in Democratic; terms. Tariff for revenue with incidental protection would have fitted his vie ws it seemed. He was hard on Mr. Russell and if he could have a joint cauvasa with him Mr. Russell would probably wish he had not cheated Mr. Dock ery out of the' gubernatorial non,i nation. It was rather strange that le could not see how the increase of factories could help the colored race. It seems to be a fact that the fac tories give lifeD a large circle of business around them and the col ored man comes in for his full share of the benefits with all of ; us not immediately connected with them. It would have been a treat to Concord and a wholesome check to Mr. Gudg er if Mr. Dockery could have got- ton to reply to him. Wonder if Mr. Cadger wont think on the 4th of November that Demo- - i' i cracy is the gayest dead thing he ever saw. Uriels of General .Kature. Consul General Lee, at Havana, is in ill health. Fire Tuesday wiped out the whole business portion of the town of En field, Mass. ; - ; An Empire City, Ore., di3patch says that the jsteamer Armgo ran ashore in Coes bay and was wrecked Three passengers were drowned and a large number are missing. ' The prevalence of typhoid fever at Salt Lake City, Utah, caused the board of health there to inspect the water supply. It was found to be pure. The disease was attributed to bad milk. A prominent Episcopal rector of Philadelpha has signed an; agree ment with the wardens of his church that he will never preaoh oyer fif teen minutes, except on special and extraordinary occasions. j Joseph D Kierman, lawyer notary public and reporter for the New Or leans Telegram, was fined $10 and sent to the parish prison 15 days for disturbing the Palmer and Buckner meeting there. . John R Gentry tried for a first record of 2 minutes for a harness horse Tuesday at Terre Haute but failed, his time being 2:u4, Gen try goes to Philadelphia Thursday, and Belmont Park October 28th. The big hearty, healthy man is a continual irritation to his dvsnentio friend. Constipation is the root of nine-tenths ot the sickness oi men, and a large proportion of the sick ness of women: It cag be cured easily, naturally and quickly! Na ture is constantly working as hard as she can throw off impurities, and to force out poisonous refuse matter. When there is an impediment, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets set the wheels working again without any trouble. They i assist nature in a gentle, healthful, efficient way. There is nothing violent about their action, and yet it is just as certain as is it were twice as violent, "You do not become a slave to their use." They are different and better than any I other pill for the cure of constipation, headache and kindred derangements. Almost all druggists understand this, and are conscientious enough to tell you bo. The druggist who tries to sell f you a substitute is not! a safe mani from1 whom to buv medicine. Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page "Common i Sense Medical Adviser." profusely ulus uatou. I ..... s i - OP TH3 (I J MERITS l! -of- r j AYER'S Cherry Pectoral would include the cure of every form of disease which affects the throat and lungs. Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and other similar complaints have (when other medicines failed) yielded to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. K. L. CRAVEN Will keep in stock FOUR GRADES of Domestic COal for Stoves, Grates, Furnaces and Shop use. Hard and soft. Best Jellico Coal at $4.25 per ton and upwards. See him before placing your orders. NOTICE-TOWN TAXES. The taxes for the year 1896 are dov7 due and the book has been nlaced in mv handa fnr "n.rtlfnt?rT- All persons owing the same ere nereoy nounea that prompt pay ment will be expected. Call on me site court house. J. L. Boqeb, Town Tax Collector. Oct. I5th,;i896. tf JN0. R. ERWIN. C A. MISENHEIMER ER WIN & MISENHEIMER Physicians and Surgeons' y Office No. 3. Harty buildinsr. on posite 2nd Presbyterian . church Charlotte, N. C , . - FIRE INSURANCE. When in heed ol Fir a In call and see us, or viite. Weiepre sent only firstclafi i Some and For eign companies- JKespcct fully, : "Woodh )use & IIai&is. MORKISON H. CALDV7EL ATTOE1T1Y AT LAW, CONCORI?, N. O Office in Morris buildmg,c ppoaite r House. - - Jo-C5zmS U ft 2Sn hSZ it i d tn .... HE a ACKET 25 pieces of Silk Velvet ana Plash, worth 75c to $1.50 avfl. 50 CENTS, 21 pieces of Velveteen, worth 30 to 40 cents a yard, tceo at 25 CENTS. - 1 27 pieces of Silk for Shirt Waists, Trimmings etc., fiom 25 to 75c a Yard. Unbleached Sheeting, ifi lengths of 6 yards and under at 12 CENTS PER FOUND; . Men's Laundered coloredf shirts 28 cts. Glnb house ties 5 cents up. Sox 4 cents to 40 cts. Ladies black hose 4 cents to 371 cents. i Ladies 35 inch Hermsdorf Opera hose 35 cents. - I Ladies white collars 10 cent, cuffs 18 cts. Ladies silvered or i j v black bone shirt waist buttons 5 cts per doz. Ladies black silk watch guards 10 cts. .Chair seats 3 to 5 cts each. Wire hair brushes 8 cents. Royal talcum pow der at 3 for 25 cents. Handkerchiefs 1 ct to 37a cts each. Mens caps 10 cents, hats 23 cts up. czjgg ' ' Stop, n Two papers needles for 1 cent, or better ones 1 cent. Sewing machine oil 5 cts per bottle. Towels 4 cts up. Shaving brushes 3 cts up. G-arter elastic 2 cts per yard up. White tape 1 ct per roll. Hooks and Ts 2 doz. for 1 cent, improved 1 cent per dozen The best colored spool cotton made at 21 cents. Tooth brushes 2 cts up- Shoe blacking 1 cent Six dozen shirt but tons for 1 cent. Three lead pencils for 1 cent. Combs!3 cents up. est i n-. ''I :.4.