6s. V MANUFACTURERS OF Fine G-inhams ' Outinr Cloths Plaids Sheeting and Sal Bas. Dealers in GENERAL MEROHADISE o - Buvers - of .EXPLAINS; WHY. COUNTRY; PRODUCE ot all kind, and 4-foot wood'always wanted- best prices for same. We invite an inspec tion ot all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFC-. Co. , Concord. N. C W. D. Anthony & Co. PAINTERS, PLASTJCOERS, ' ; HANGERS. all:jobs:guaranteed. v "WE WANT TOUR WORK. Old furniture made to look as good as new. Mattresses made or renewed ,witk perfect satisfaction. Upholsterintr a specialty. See us. W. D. Anthony & Co. do2G w jl President Cnnnlngbam Sends Ont a Circular of Elucidation hons Sea sons For Promises to Raise Wasres. Traces Prosperity of the Country to Silyer's Acknowledgement JNewakk, O., October 14. In aaswer to the many inquiries pour ing, in from Alabama to Michigan and Maine to California, President 0 W Cunniogham tonignt issued the following circular letter : Newark, 0., October 14, 1896. Dear Sir: Replying to your favor of receLt date, making inquiry bout the promised increase iu wagei of the Ceiltrttl City Stove Company's employes in case William J Bryan ii elected President, I desire in the first place to assure you tha. the published report is! true. In the second place, to ask jour pardon for sending you this circular letter in stead of a personal rep'y. . The almost countless number cf commuuications similar to yours that Ijbave received from fifteen different states makes a personal, re .ply impracticable, ae it would take my entire time between now and election day to dictate eeperate an? wers. However, I think j the following wilt answer your questions : I have always been a Republican, and have voted twice for McKinley. There are " twenty molders in our foundry who have always voted the Republican ticket. This year we are for Bryan and the j restoration of silver. i Our reason for offering to increase wages in case Bryau wins is that we know that the success! of our busi ness depends upon the prosperity of America, and that the! prosperity of America will only be brought about by the "restoration of the silver dollar. Prior to 1873 the iron movers oi Lconntry received " from. 5U to 60 centa on. board." This means that for every dollar earned, they re ceived from 50 to 60 ! cents addi tional. OFFERS f 1.9 FOR WHEa. A Frederick tirain Dealer Will Pay That if Bryan is Elected. ; , Hagerstown, Md., Oct; 14 Much interest has been excited among the farmeis by the proposi tion made at the Democratic meet ing held at Mount Pleasant, Fred erick county, a few days ago, by James H Gambrill, a wealthy grain dealer of Frederick City, who agreed to buy 500,000 bushels of wheat and guaranteed to pay $1 29 per bushel therefor in .e event of Bryan's election : and .the passage of a free coinage bill. He offered as good eecuri'ty as he gives to the banks witn which he deals. Mr Gambrill stated that he bad made a deal with one of his Re publican customers already to buy his la&t summer's crop at $1.29 a bushel. Mr. Gambrill is a brother of George T Gambrill, the wealthy gram speculator of Baltimore. Blair lie:, Democratic candidate for Congre? , also addressed the meeting, whih was wild in its en thusiasm. Many farmers around here sincerely believe the recent rise in wheat has been caused partly by the possibility of a change m the money standard. CONCORD MARKETS COTTON 1IARKET. , UoxrectcJ. y Cannons & Fetzer Good middling..... 7.20 Middlings... J. Low: middling ...... 7. .....6 85. Stains ... 6 'fty&?r' PRODUCE MAtitLEl Corrected bv Swin& ' & White. .Bacon ..................... to 75 ugarcured nams; .... 12to 14 Bulk meatSjSides. to 7 Beeswax ....20 Butter ....... .....10tol5 Chickens.... 10to20 Oorn. . .... .......45 .Eggs ... I2i Lard......r - Flour(North Carolina). .1 82 Uate........................;.:....t35 Tallow ........ 3to4 nora 'eared In 15 SSeS simple. Connr dAirxi -Any part oi thaYotf: UZfkKZ on n. 1 case e cannot tsxrriF -ThT- W a OP idl. pa iWith the demonetization of silver came a fall m wages up to 1879, "when "molders received 25 cents "off board," or only 75 cents for every, dollar earned. The BlandAlli8on act so stimu lated business in the west that greater demand for the molder's productin fact for all manufac tured products was made. Busi ness increased and wages went up. The Serman purnhaeiug act had d similar effect, but its repeal brough stagnation to the west and as a re suit many orders for manufactured goods; were countermanded.. The Central City St6ve Works felt the effects of the repeal: of-' this law and I ki ow whereof I speak. "4.1 t I . ' ' . a nigner tanir law than we now haye will not, in my opinion, restore prosperity, but will result m breed ing trusts. The present tariff law, I believe, 'is sufficiently high to pro tect all manufacturers in this coun try and the only, tning'yet needed to restore activity to t business is the free coinage of both gold and silver. The Central. City State Company, whose capacity is 40 to 50 stoves a day, offers to advance its: men's wages bt cause under free coinage in creased' prosperity will enable us to ao so. We pay union wages and all our stoves bear : union labels.- . Mr. . McKinley says to open ' the mills and close the mints, but I be lieve by opening themints, the mills will open themselves. '' ) Than king' 'yon for your interest in the matter, I am, very trulj yours, Pre8ident Central City Stove Co. TO CURE A VOJaD IU ONE OAT Take laxative Brbmo Quinine Tab- leifl. ? j AJi I drncei8ts refnnd the r m m . f a " mm ' . . t . . money if ltiaxls to cure. 25c. J Uto Dr. Miles' Merre Fluster An Insnlt. ' Spencer Blackburn spoke in the court house here on Monday and openly boasted that the Republi cans had all the boodle ihey wanted, and intended to carry the State, the Congressional district and Caldwell county with Mark Hanna's money ? Lenoir Topic. Yellow fever has broken out at Havana. It May Do as Mitch for ton. - Mi. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many bo called kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he bagan use of Electric Bitters and found reiief at once. Electric Bitters is especiaj.y adapt ed to cure, all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost in ant relief. One trial will will proye our statement. Price 50c and 1,00 at Fetzer's Drug Store. Tlironsb the St. l.oul Tornado. Here, is an illustration of the way the wind handled things during the big St. Louis tornado. This bicycle, owned in St. Louis, was struck Lv three barrels of syrup, a tierce of iara ana one barrel ot vinegar. Ab solutely the only uninjured parts are the saddle and the MoWn Wright" quick repair tires, which! were iuu ot air when the machin0 was lound. JHJven if these tires had bean punctured, unless severely torn, any one of the holes could have been repaired by the quick-repair device in them, without trou- Die. Ktaers ot r these X tires, when they have a puncture, need onlv'ba careful to pump "as much" ' air as possiDie into the tire beiore mflert. ing the quick-repair tool. The ro. pair can be made in two minutes at the roadside, without taking the tire on tnerim. i . t ifffiTnTmtititMiiiiMiitiiiiMiiMiiliiMitiiiiMliniiniiinillliiimiwiMwti.i ii.iiiiniu.nii.nlinui Ti'iiiianllil.l.' uili.illllMiiiiilhUnilMiiTF 'A8ctablePrcparationforAs--similatiag theToodandRegula ting ih Stomachs andBoweis of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful tiessandRest.Contains neither Qpium,Morphiiie norMneraL Not 1ST ar c o t i c . Iunp7cm SeetL" 4lx.Sezvia Jiockells Salts -jfnise Seed. Jfyppermint -HiCarbonateSoZia fffrmSeed -Clajfud SizpSTj . Wudoyreenf Flarvn Anerfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and LOSS OF SLEER Pac Simile Signature of NEWYOBK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. fAg-simile OP - IS ON THE ' i ... P. WRAPPER OF EYE BY f BOTTLE op lit Mil Castoria ia put tip in one-size lottles only is not sold ia bulk. Don't allow anyoae to'tf jruu wjuuxug oibo uu iub piea or promise tint14 it "just as good" and "will pose." Sea that you get C-A-5-T-0-S-I ' ' Thf fac simile signature of... i , , . .... --"3 THE- CONCORD STANDARD DAILY & WEEKLY. Democratic in principle,, conservative in methods. Newsy but not sensational. Devoted to the interest " ' :. ' ' of unityharniony and progress. ' Its effects and aims are to add toy the joys ot the , liome circle, the 'elevation of the ambi;""; and aspirations of its readers. It would gladly fill the mind with pleasantand profitably thoughts, making life' s burdens lighter, its duties dearer, . its' opportunities more apparent. 4 DO YOU TAKE IT?. - Olveti Away Free To advertise our srooda wa will give away, abaolutelv free, one hnr of five-cent cigars,one iold ring'and a Farupie: oottie of Peeler'a P&n Killer, to every one Bending ub fifty 1 Address. - ?n s n vf i i. Peelbr Anderson Medicine Oo.- liock Box'l, Kemersyille. N, O IfOTICB. I WANT PVPTir WlT mrA nrnmaw U IV. SUte Interested in the Opinm and Wlzltkr ilfj not please try it and see if you don'tJsayUhat.THH STANDARD is worth many times its cost to yon. O.sBA'RRIER & . SQN. OL E5 Publishers, i

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