t XI1L No. 159. con cquiv n. a, s atur day, October 4 igoe. Whole NO. 153$ f'S OLARON CALL.; I Scared -By. Two Mutton-Ueads. ,ot mponU to the Voters nt Mr. S LKlutfz, proprietor of the I broken. She sued the railroad ditch, and in doing so her leg was A.nl!Ol '71" - ' If TT '. j v - ' - Htl,1(Ps From Ills Rick Bed a urns Hotel, 18 the Owner Of two Uanflfn,,1o.0f,fl f k Jie .,iiriss to the People. lRhp-r 1 i : - . , - ' HojrusB Watson, Democrat- astray. On ; Thursday night last awarded to her $l,b00 damage, which (jidate, vCxxx o ouu vwu .uujea wno live. on West Corbm was willinalv naid. ccasion to visit on West Mrs "NT Srrn ends is unlikely. He Depot street, and in order to evade Isaac Harris, t of this place, and we eioica to know that she has been . in to campaign, but he writes tney would not come the street way, properly recompensed for her mis from courts 1C to l but crossed hv ni3 eicti-wcu , ov i ------- j rv.vU H.ua jLurmoe.- 'jyiiHjrejiyiiJe xiecora. , . .oi rriPn of North Carolina, oy the old Prfsbvtenan church arid m.lv,ai , . . ' i Bneklen t ATntcn In if, he S3Y9: v.jiW, uvc, m mil. nen ThA Rpaf. Raivp in o .According to custom, esteemed caching the lower end of the srave- Outs, Bruises, . Sores, Ulcers, Salt its usef alnesa as well as its anti- Jaru ine 8neeP ran down t&e hill Kneum, Fever cores, Tetterd Chappe lllc laUlco Xlie uuuuimuuj vyuxuo auu au tije Skin Eruptions, and positively cures F PilfiB or ,nn nftv rpnm .pH.. Th ia vi.uoto nnnn all nnpskinn in- 'giiostlv appearance . of the strav I..... ..... jU loim ucoiv ' i- - - . I guaratiieeu w give Biaiieiaccion or this campaign, but they rejected my muttons, made the women feel very monev refunded.. Price 25 cents per IBIS . r . . i . i. i j mil i . . : - -.. j -r i- -r- . uipncre and declined to stand up auecP18a' iaeJ were naqiy pox i?or eaie au r n jetzers urug 1USC in tront nf nifV 111 INUrLU uaiuiiuu, v-i. I - Mr. Hu8sell. melancholy , moonbeams and juusLiy appearance 01 me hV. fhot. store, J-Jjg HelU WILIi LUC UC1U1C IUC JCU I B " " pv-? vuw-i- pie. From exposure ana iailgae 1 vcitaiuijr wma aui mem. a nib Broken, i Lie been stricken down with sick- The ladies managed to reach Depot This morning nes3 and TJie book of - troman's life is di vided into thre - chapters! Girl hood, womanhood, v motherhood. At ,f i -N- tne time wnen s -.-vw.-i.? --ii i into womaLnoou l turning the leaf as We may say bet Ween the first and J second chapters of J J her existence a little care ano thoughtful nes will double hei chances of futuT happiness and save , many hours of suffering Every young wo man should have an intelligent un derstanding of hei own physical make-up. Half-knowledge which is little better than pure ignorance, opens the" way to an untold amount of paia and wretchedness. ; I ; Few women realize the influence exerted on their bodily and mental well-being by the special organism of their sex. It is harl for them to believe that the little drain which goes on from day to day is sufficient to sap away the very life forces. Yet it is so The weakness, exhaustion, melancholy ; thi periodical prostration and sometimes almost torture has no other cause, two-thirds of th! time, than the abnormal unhealthy condi tion of the generative . organs. , Strangely enough even doctors often fail to recognize the truth, For this condition there is no Dther remedy in the world so helpful and certain as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, tt restores health and vigor to the feminine functions and renewed vitality to the entire body. It heals inflammation, stops dis charges, strengthens the ligaments aatj builds up the internal tissuerfwhich car.r.ct be reached by "local treatment." It is of inestimable value to young worn en arid ta prospective mothers, greatly! lessening the pains and perils of childbirth if taken dur ing pregnancy. During the "change of life" it is invaluable. I " - Dr. Pierce's ttreat book, u The People's Ccm- mon Sense Medical Adviser," . has ioo8 pages. illustrated. Over oo pages are ae woman's diseases with suggestions foi j . i 111 A. . . T.- Tl'n.M shout a warning tnat comes irom (ja., x nday aiternoon at 6 o clocs ginh and the need of a tonic and pisoensary Medical Association, 663 Main street, tsunaio, rn. x., on receipt oi zi uupcui 9wu.uya cover cost of msiuiw only. - Help Wanted rem ale. $10 to 818 per week to' Men anrl Women for taey home work. No books or can vaseing. v . No experi ence. Bona fide trier. No citcbl Send stamp for work and particu lars. E. Herrrran, 213 South Sislli Street, Philadelphia, P ; c3I Notice. j J P Hurley has the old reliable fenn Mutuai Fire Ins o ranee Com pany. They write the bett policy on earth. The most desirable at the least cost. See the "contract -before taking insurancealso fire and acd- dent insurance. at Cannonville am now confined to my I street before fainting, when their Jack Ritchie, an employe, while en- - - i l i i. i i cTvi crnn in in ngnmtr ra oionnon Knnp I am aavised that 1 may waa reveaieu io a pasaer -ft T7f Frj born?. J h rohrt 'ro.-fu Mnf nnnn .i-iA between the car and platform and DOt able to a?ain enter the cam- by, who, with great courage daed breaking a rib edical M paigp. Fearing ihis may be true, I t0 investigate the matter. Even is was at once summoned, and at last nrp fniS tl'Uu i He vuic.a ui -iuubb i r-rr ' - -r , .. of North 0-irolina I have the sheeP m0Yed wn j. roonh mav Irn n to l f rOIl t Of him. them. leisurely along with I write tern myCfari is .nu cixi. x uC non.Cbas. F. Crisp Dead. because I can not come to speaK. l Hon. Charles F Crisp, late Speak would that every letter in every er 0f the United States Hound word of this might be a tongue to Representatives, iXi very wen, tncugn ne win con- noea to nis Dea ior some time. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps of more generally needed, when the Tbe Morgan & Wrlslit Gaaraniev The guarantee of the eood tirea" is broad enough to cover almost ay kind of ailments and to satisfy the most exacting rid?r, but the Iibb must be drawn Bomwhprp, and Mor- gan & Wright are tjyn g. to rcake it known to riders everywhere that tha guarantee does not cover damages resulting from the fprrvirg of anti- leak preparations inside the tire. By having as much air as possible in the M ' & W. nuick. repair tiro before putting the tool into the puncture, and fob owing the iqw other simple instm .tSor.s in the cat alogue, a permanei repair can made in two minnrps, at the road side, without removing the tire from the rim, . died in Af1 1 . languid exhausted feeling prevails, profusely i Atlanta, wnen tne iiver is tor and rilug, ted J w. ginh and the neec niterative is felt. A Rowing depths of. these xioa. of heart failure. He bad been sick S dars a warning against tne blow for some time, but his deatn to! the liberty of the masses of the sudden and unexpected. people mat lareaiens ua iu me mr. vrisp vvae ai iuo nuao ui clinched fist of Mark Hanna. .My death a Congressman from bis ori voice cannot now be raised in I trict, and the next General Assem jour hearing, but let the. joice of bly of Georgia would bave doubt- this letter lead with you, "not for lees elected him to the United States myself, but for my name on the Senate had he lived. He was a ticket and for the names of my Statesman and a lawyer, and has comrades; not for myself or for for years been among the most dis- .. . e tincmiRhftd of America's ereat men taemior our own ease, uu iui uo io-. f. ... TT - Killer to everv one eendinff ns fifty i i, A in dudiic Bervice. xie waa uuwu . . ! ' names oniy uccauec mo r ISTfiS I lnnn ntl -.i.V nna ( t n 1 i i n i- n f nirAwa I I ' iuug au. ' yomaiJO iaiu whuudiocio Walter JSlalU'S ClTCnS. No medicine will act more surely in 5 t . counteracting and freeing the system For the above occasion at Salis "1D fr om the malarial poison. Headache bury Saturday, October 24th, and ais- indigestion, constipation, oizzmess Charlotte Monday, October 26th, the Si 00 nr hottlfi at Fafczar Dru Southern Railway will sell tickets OtOre. i ' i iu tjaiiouury au oj uclilo auu iu I ihar'nffo of noTita fnr fhp rnnnri. GiTcn Away Free frin TinWpra nn i?av nf thp goods we Will nfirf oTTnanp.fi. - limited dav after ner Dr. Miles' Pa hi Pills are guaranteed to stor SeadacJte In 20 minutes. "One cent a dose?"" VRYTH I i T -IS GOING- To advertise our goods we give away; absolnMy free, one box formance, but are not good on the oi nve-ctnr,ci-ars,onegoiaring auu ve3tibuie trains. Passengers will a pample bottle of Peeler's Pain lea8e be pr(,pared to make their been cen8 to PaY packing and postage. caase of a righteous, long suffering honored for his honesty, aagaoity Peeler AnDerson Medicine Co. and sterling qualities. Not only Lock Box 1, Kernersyille, N. 0 and who I jearn not for the bot e South and Amer- u , . i - ilea loses a greau uaau. "purple and gold palaces," but who . . T 6eekonlv to dwell as their fathers 0 please be prepared own phange for above tickets. o AT G ft. intended they should, under their own vine and fig tree, where none dare to molest or make afraid." CASTOR I A. TO CUBE A COLD ISI ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. ml'4 State Fair Closed. The State Fair of '96 is a thing of; the past, yesterday being the closing day. It was one of the most ! successful fairs in the history of tne Agricultural Society, and mueh ; credit is due Colonel Cameron for j bis untiring efforts ltc make it so. Notice was given that at the flext annual meeting a resolution For Infants and.Children! Ti9 fao- i simile sigaatura CI - 16 ca enry A Spilt Amonsr the iSesroes. That there is a split among the negroes on the county and perhaps the State ticket is certain . The cause, it is alleged, is that campaign funds have been put m the hands of would-be leaders to be used for campaign purposes, but that said How Much J)ldl Bring:. One of the Republicans manipula tors went into a meeting of colored people Thursday night in tbe most humble way, and while pleading for his cause he was mterupted by one of the crowd who remarked : "Say I don't mind being sold, but please be so kind as Jo tell me how much I'll bring." He didn't get the de sired informotion. i - ... a i - - i i-: ' ' a:: - '" - Clot h i n - al - Canton me In. i -I - h No!doubt about it; we are better fixed to SHEE OE G0LB. release you in Clothing-gthan we have ever Better- than cither is a healthy been. I -liver. If the liver is U. il. tne man ia O. K. His blood is kept 3es, out tnat saiu urc llis digeStion perfect, and he pnated to perjonal en;oy life and act intelligently Men' s Suits; latest and iuuuo YYoioay trr - mtv eniOV nae. rnis was tou muuu iui cuiuo ina.tipnt v iroon tne auesuous would be offered providing that the l the colore(i voters, who had been Lf the day.; "You all knov what'to - v-c ucm ju ruiatiuu au nouonno, I led t0 6XT)eCt a part OI nauua a xaKe, 40U Utivu hiwwuiu lux jio. Charlotte, Wilmington and New dough, and they resolved not to be It is Simmons Liver Begulator sold and delivered without known g Best terne ol. Cameron , wad re-elected Hnmfithin2 about tbe market price. President cf the Association at a A meeting of the disgruntled was letting: held last evening. , called for last night, but for some i.,: '...: . reason was postponed to Monday !oin a letter written by Rev. J. night at which time complete or- B IT'S- " ' .'fs'.'i IIMwV i iii m a ki e 3 I IVI Il W IM W til Mil A'Underman. nf Dmninnrlalp ' Mieh.. I nnoinn will be effected. TfJE . - -- X I MtkUlijUWlW" ' . . T , ne arft ncrmitfori fr maba this pt. ID i i ii.: trflnf. i'u i , IStandard was lniormeu lU B iuuru- Amending Dr. King's New Dis-1 ing by several of the bolting faction that at least seventy hve negroes in 2?Ve-rJt as the results were almost arveious in the case of my wife. V'e I was pastor of the Baptist jrch at Bives Junction she was orcusht down with pneumonia weeeeding La Grippe, Terrible proxysois of coughing would last jourg with little interruption and it emed as if ehe could not survive j.ein A friend recommended Dr. a New Discouery; it was quick Si 8 0Tk and highly satisfactory gresu Its. Trial bottles v free at mg St0r6' 8iZe town would support the full Demo cratic county ticket with the excep- tson of Sheriff. Sbe Gained tlie Suit. .Ama fimft aero Mrs. E M Newell, of Newell's, was put off the train hear her home in a kind of a careless way. The train ran by the station tnir out her off in a REGULATOR 6ys Suits, latest and best. Cliildren'ss Suits, late st For years you and your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is and always has been put up only byJ. H. Zeilin & Co. Take none but the genuine. It has tho Bed Z on the front of the wrapper, and nothing else is the same, and aothing so good. and best. We guarantee to. save youTmone. - II - FUllSiC HATS AND GAPS FOR EYERYBODT. CANNONS FETZER A.