XDI.-Bro. 161 .,, v j . x.-! W . - CONC01IL N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 57 1896. Whole NO. 1,540 foe STEWARDS MEET. rinrlv Conference Larze notes are legal tender for all debt?, public and private, except duties on m 5iemiershn-Tnree so-, imports and ! interest on the public fcce held the" siding tnt iim linen u ours, niuuii Mnk. i i . tie - cui. vjoiu certincates, silver certi , . ' ind national bank, notes are not legal tender, but both classes of a. tbe parsonage Monday night, are 4 . , . ...1 v.5 nrfint. Pro- Pubh dn. while T'' Vonrth Quarterly Confer- fioatf 8 national bank, notes are -i HnTPSi m i Biatiua was r ill" - v - - . . .. .v-.vu am icucivauiH i w r n. 1 1 dues, except duties on imports, and may be paid out by the government The Beach Reception. I The reception giyen last night at the St. Cloud Hotel by the ladies of the Episcopal church complimentary' to Mr. and Mrs. E C Beach was a most delightful affair, though the parting of the morrow cast ita gloom over the party at times, for the Beaches have so endeared themseivt s to a host of friends 'here that their i departure is a great; sorrow to many. Mr. and Mrs. Beach received their 111 board being present. Pre- K14;" ?u ? national DanR fnll poai s r. . notes are receivahlA fnr. fln nw;. Elder J ocrogs was pres 7 " acd conducted the meeting.; ; . i. - o h n TT7 HI Vr I I U .1 rHNH III wshiD both by profession and oaiailC0 uu otuerueocs ana iuiB. x,cav.u rewi veu meir 1.7 tWp rp thrPP mi, demands owing by the United States, Wends in the north parlor, and tyceruu fu;a wfc except interest on public debt and evinced their appreciation of the lon'- . rj j q.ui m redemption of the national cur- compliment of this charming recep- u31 .. ii. tit . rency. Ail national banks are re- turn by their cordial .manner and . nvV society, ine t oman s ii is- - , i . " . , , 8 Society and the Juvenile Mis qd by law. to receive the notes of happy faces. After the formality jioD8rJc- ..." , . , other national banks at par. The of the greetings were oyer the party arv Society, all ot which are . : . . , , r i v . , , r ; . sionary j . ; , .. ... minor coins of mnkpl and nnnner ar was greatly enlivened bv an informal iWa izrpat work lor tne Master's . , rr- - - . . - &r , . lesral tender to the extent nf 25 "cake walk," it bemsr asrreed that cflUge. in picac. VA cents. ciOOO has been paia in iun. ; Tbs Buffalo Sunday school, of fiich Mr. W A Stone is superin. t tdeiit, a branch of the Forest Hill Echool, wa3 reported a, being in a flourishing condition. , . flex. M A Smith, the pastor in Sometimes whet the last spark of lift seems almost extin fished it is fannec into flam again fc j prompt, vigorous ac tion. It is a mistake however, to put oft action too long an other mistake is t despair too easily Both these mistaket ; are made in dealing with disease, par ; ticularly with, con sumption. It is neg lected at .first ,.uuti someone names it Then the . na,tn strikes terror to th "mind ; the nature oi the disease is misun derstood : It is blood disease, set tied in the lungs. It it settled somewhen else the doctor would give it a di ferent name :-scrofula, kidney disease 01 'liver complaint." But the name only telli wheie it settles. It is really all one dis ease: Bad blood' and there. is only on cure: Good blood. . ' An abundance of good, rich, red, blood pu into the circulation, cures everyone of ttcs complaints, consumption as well as the res- present it to Mr. Beach to carry to lf it hasn't gone too far. it is on this tm r , . . . ' - . , physiological principle fully proven by ex iiOCkbart as a SOUVenir OI the Sweet- perience that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical it Jib-" Discovery cures Consumption and all othei WalK blood diseases. It tones up the blood-mak T Vtfla ing organs to produce a fresh supply of XlCcliLUy. 1 CU U1UUU ; mis tdiucs ucvy.uvur t i r 1 - a! Help Wanted remal .$10 to 818 per week to Men and Women for easy home work. No books or can vassing. - No experi ence. Bona fide offer. No catch. Send stamp for, work and particu iars. E. Kerrman, 213 South Sixth Street, Pailadelphia,,Pa c31 Notice. J P Hurley has the old leliable Fenn Mutual Fire Insurance . Com pany They write the best policj on earth. The most desirable at the least cost. See the contract before taking insurance also fire and acci dent insurance. '' . whoever "took the cakH,v should Our State Bank. The North Carolina bank state ness of the evening. vThe ment for the past quarter shows ,28 created great merriment. national 41 State 17 nrivate and Miss Ola Brown added a charming ishment and iif;e to thewasted hing tissue uduuuai, oidifj i prvaie, tinu - or any other tissue that is affected. .If fi aarintro KnVo Tnfnl Q9 T.naria recital to the SUCCesa of the evening, drives out the poisonous. disease -germs b Sayings DankS. lOtal, L,0anS , c.. which clog the skin, liver ox kidneys. .It if v .rorPed his Bratltuae to discounts aggregate $13,241,855. nU1UU CUUCU 8iply a question of purifying and buidmg bargP, eXpreSEea UlS grauiuue 10 && 6 ..., well whieh was cbarminplv ren- up ; wnere there is anything leit to bu Id or :rJ . , . .u.;.1m Th rvaiH.n noniful atnnlr ia i WeJi WD1CQ waa CCarminiy ren- 'the Goldett Medical Discovery will ia- c tue cmcicvi u,aiu u a,uu ua r- rT-r -" r dered hv onr Inpal tlnt. Thft r. falliblv build up and cur. It cures case! .. onnnnrt crtvpn him. He 405.644 : Hnrr.lns. S1.092. 449 : rmdi- - . . . I which doctors declare "incurable." Thai geiv" -rr-- o- - . ' ' ' ' ' ' i iresnments were aounaant ana ae ,a:d he bad 'never served a congre- vided profits $551,491; national licioa8 a?hehours were from 8 to word has lest its meaning since Doctoi Pierce's wor lerful " Discoyery.", . (T.-on vhom he loyed better, bank notes, outstanding, $b7o,000; in but Tnesdav heard eome last hown in the nht of the best science of tht b- ! vuv Mvuuj u.uxv4 buu kuv century in Dr. Piercers Common Sense Mecica This ia the last year of Kev. individual deposits, $8,942,186. The words snokpn ' Ad riser, it is a volume of iocs pages : musirate lu'7 . . i ' r Y ., , nuiuo opuAcui It lso contains letters from many who have beet Smith's ministry at forest Mill, ana total resources are S19,497,27d. The Jlorgan & Wrlglit Ganraut .. The guarantee of the "ood tire6'" is broad enough to cover almost &uy : kind of aliments and to satisfy th most exacting rid r, but the line mast be drawn som5 r.pr-, and Mor- gan & Wright are tiying to make it known to riders evervwhere that the guarantee does not cover damages resulting from the t arrying of anti leak preparations ;msiae the t". By having as much- a;r a3 possible in the M. & W. qick-repair tirfr before putting th ool into the1 puncture, and foil ) u the few t other Bimple instrut uoik in the cat alogue, a permaneL? ?epair can b made iu two minutes, at the road side, without removing the tire from the rim. t:s pecple will very reluctantly give tim up. All the members of the ;Electrlc Bitters. rocURE a cojldin one day Jiilectric Hitters is a medicine fltft intfltivfi Krnmo UQinine laD-l "fi 1 1 ,r psent board were re-elected for the d,oggttt9 refund tbe giIeVd f eE5Tiinr vear. money if it fails to cure. 25c. ml4 when the liver is torpid ana slug- Alltr tne OUBinetiB uuu uccu uauo- v Bittng the tips acted and the meeting, adjourned, , ne iiP.biting habit will mar the this medicine has "often averted eign companies. i i nnt on nor inns Tftia m lnnc tfivPTH ' rescued from consumption. This great book it fvee if you send 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cos Association. Fvttaio jn. Y. FIRE INS OKANCE. When in need oi Fire Insuiance, gieh and the need of a tonic and J call und see us, or viite. We lepre alterative is felt. A prompt use jot sent only hrstcla tionte and Jb or Mrs mitn ana Jira vv . xi. vruci prettiest race ever lurneu out ui medicine will act more surely in EVERYTHING IS GOING- T GO S i All .the Respectfully, WOODH UE & lUlvRIS. AT cold counteracting and freeing the system from the malanaf poison, Headache goT3 tte board of steward's a ener- nature's workshop. . . . . . 1 I 1. 1 1 -.1 "urn iud cca treat, inviting them to partaKe cream, np.saives auu ; giyoeuue - indigestion, consin .uon, rlizziness E!nctrio Bitters. 50c and Fetzer JDrug cf - elaboPle outlay of delicate tions introduced upon the toilet ta- yields to E!uIo 1 rhrnente, to which ample! justice ble will not remedy ; the parfhed, -ttle at cracked appearance uue to a W63 done. ..- . - iwhereuf Rev. Smith and 'hi. ex- nuM ;Hp.gnawinff process. ce;) lent family may go, we can as sure him that the' prayers of not c:!y hia5 own people, bat the. com cinity at large, will go vnth them. con Not until the habit is entirely broken off is there any hope of a change. Girls frequently drift into this ugly prac- ; Coins and Currency . From the United States Treasury Circular. tice through a foolish vanity prompts them to "wear their nW' ail the time. OLhers bite their 1 , ...... that dim- Mr. Foil Resigns. 1 Mr. L J Foil, who has for many years served as a commissioner for Cabarrus county and who was nom inated by the Democratic county convention for re-ejection, has de clined to accept the nomination. In his stead the Executive Committee has placed before the public The MOKK1SON H. UALDWEL . J' AlTTORWIY AT CONCORD, 0 Office in Morris bu; tdin, c pposiU r onw. Acni.a vircMT:rM tern lips from nervousness, and some , I .. . ' v 1 I - fTuere are ten different kinds oi UUJt3 y . r 1 4 name 01 w 1111am rropst. mi. " ' . , I li r-.a cVict miH trv fn vivifv them bv I T- . inA rxt EiCDevin circulation in the United ".-"-7 - --j - , rrup uao.amu fv.uID:,. I . . - -.1:' fk m y r n n w ItlB cfflTldftH ' 1 in. 1 . L U h A 1 . . . J 1 1 . . .- . , teeth. . After a time, however, she ;ner uoaare, su osiuiary : buy. , ... v way unconsciously, . and by have been agreed unon. . . . . n . m I i - I T" rt 1 cemncates, silver certincates, xrea- d-b; her mouth loses its pretty years. A better selection could not M ClolMng -at -fiiiiib: -i-felii'' "Ty notes issued under the act of curves, becomes rough and jpuffy- 14, 1800, United States notes looking? and an the charm of her t$lh no called greenbacks and legal u-sders,) national bank notes, and nickel and bronze coins. These, fes cf monev are all available as face, is gene. National Farmer. Marvelous Kcsults. From a letter written by Rev; J. Noldoubt abont it; we are better fixed to f nin.rtiondale.' Mich.. Ilia rlirrpcjt.inn Tifirffict. find he crcaiaticn. While thev do not all I . ..l v,n,;tf tn mstAtins rt- 1 7 - i-9. v.-.in: 1.1 we are permitted to make tnis ex- n e'nlov life and act intelligently kind ha3 ,ncl attributes as to h011; King's wA and' -' patiently upon the questions coyeiy, as the -results were almost of the day. You all know what to marvelous in the casa of my wife. take. You have known it for years. While I was pastor 01 tnepapust jt gimmons Liver Eegulator CUlliUU tiL J-M VO W uuvmuu ,w ' Better than either is a healthy Tolease you in Olothingiitliaii :we have ever liver. If the liver is O. K. the -. " V, g.k. His blood is kept been. man is Men s Suits , la t give it currency. The status of each nd 13 as follows: uoiu coin is legal tender at its brought down with pneumonia seminal or face value for all debts, succeeding pirjpa. woiSr ,1 paroxysms of coughing wouia last Fo.ic and private, when not below gours Wuh little interruption and it the standard weight and limit of seemed as if she could not survive tolerance prescribed by . law, ar htn hflnw anrVi afwnrftrf? r.nrl limit I in ita xxrtiv k and bishly satisfactory nf i.i . , , n I ;n results. Trial bottles J free at tolerance it is legal tender in pro- bjug Store- Regular size fcwtion to its weight. Standard 50c and 81.00 saver dollars are legal tender at est. SlMMONg 'Qeir nominal or face value, in pay ment of all debts, public and prevate, without regard to the amount, ex cept where otherwise expressly stip ulated in the contract. Sudsidiary silver ia legal tender for amounts Co exceeding $10 in any one py t; treasury notes of the act of jQly U, 1890, are legal tender for a11 te, public and private, ex ept when otherwise expressly stipu kHin the contract. United States i . Good Atlvice. ' ', 1 . - .... - . Says the Methodist "Recorder: "The- man who religiously closes his eyes and asks God's blessing upon the morning meal and then growls and grumbles at his wife all the time he eata because the viands are not quite to his epicurean taste, should either take something to re- ffoiate his liyr or indulge in a short season of private prayer to regulate his heart." ' . QJS best. Suits, latest and Ciiilidreii'ss Suits, slate CI"4-'' For years you and your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is . and always has been put up only by J. H. Zeilin & Co. Take none but the genuine. It has tne Red Z on the front of tbe wrapper, and nothing else is the same, and nothing so a be St. We'guarantee to save yonrmone. p OVERCOATS - i- dr. si iie& rt?tn MTSU9 are &araat2ea vo S5' - HATSjAND ICAPS FORSEVERYBODY. c& FETZER CANNONS