Standard is published eery (Sunday excepted) and jeered by carriers. . y y, I BATPS OF SUBSCKIPTION : v 0ae year . . $4.00 ' gix months . . . . v .... . . . .- 2 00 Three months . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 One month . . . .35 gingle copy.. ........ ... .05 Xhe Weekly Standard is a f0Ur-page, eigbt-colu nan paper. It tal a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price 81.00 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : Terms for regular advertisements jrjsde known on application. Address all communications to -THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. Arrival of. Trains. ie H from Richmondi arrives at 11:17 a.' m. : ,s " Washington " " J0 p. m. 7 " Atjanta " 7:22 p. ffi 56 '' Atlanta . 9:35 a.m. " New York .'V " 8:48 a. m . 35 "Atlanta ' 9:00 p.m.' 64 Northbound freight leaves at 11:17 a. m 63 Southbound " " ; 5:45 P. m. vNos- n and 12 are the local trains between Richmond arid Atlanta. Nos. 35 and 36 are the fast wall trains between Atlanta and Washing-' toa( Nos-37 and-38 are the Washington and Southwestern estibuled Limited trains and stop jt Concord on signal. K FLOWER BULBS from - leOfBSOII &E0, Di ! received to-day. IMS DIG STORE, Haeey P. Deaton, local reporter. SHORT LOCALS. Go to J F Day vault's for fresh meats and oysters. All orders promptly rilled. . .. n6 The erection of Mr. Ed Cline's Wing on South Main street is progresjing rapidly. fHon. W G Means rdelivered a speech in No. 3 township to a large audience Monday night. The candidates are in Mt. Pieas today. Their rounds will wind op in this city on Saturday next. i j - The Improved Order of Hepta- 60Ph8 Will meet in thflir nail tn. jight It is desired that there be a ;e attendance. There will be communion services bt Martin'sE vangelical Lutheran Jtoich near Bost's Mills on the first fcinaay in November. Mr. W R- Honeycutt went to Dly m the vicinity of Norwood yesterday, where he will visit rela tes for a week or ten days. .Salisbury World: Her many inends were glad to see Miss May Me Wright out Saturday for 'the rsl since her recent illness. 5.Dr; S C Webb, Liberty, Miss. Pin have been using Ayer'e uisfor over twenty-five years, and -Wnnaena them in cases of chronic arrhoea, knowing their efficiency j 0111 Personal experience, they hav ered when every other medi ae failed." G A tramp, giving his name as John t was arrested at Forest Hill frI Sorning for stealing a coat Will Mabrey. In default 'jail Weary bobo was sent t0 aoVe had entered the house f m tried on several others be- 'fastening on to the one he had. atb!3 Is the day of anti-this, and moRt but what people need - mpriv UttJrB 18 lDe anu-oiuous tor tV. iUJmons -Liiver iteguia ind p lng of Liver Medicines, . Anan rms. "i nave for other anti-bilious remedy iPr , 8 and know from e Btinat for ladies of a co CnabiJ DathinS equals it." con- The copditoVfo;vae,ne' mumps. u er rom with cburho8h iTS g'.y BaP much iniL7. n PrBres3, and week! 8 coatnue trough the tt2 fellow tr. . up in a "ot- r uj. rropst. Mr. snbstaniiaroo;;.hoUoaDghSs ?hra,in Pleant- 1 ft tnat Jittle villaae is setting-to-ha qmte a towq. New Kaildifgs are Piping np on all sides. 6 , A fock was thrown throueh thft baggage car window of No 12 nas lotte Monday evening. It har Pned a mile; or two W side of Harnsburg. No one was hurt All honest Populists should heed the sound advice of Maj. Guthrie. He says to them : -Don't stultify yourselves by voting for a free sil ver President and then tie his hands by; voting for a goldbug Con gressman.' ' 6 Invalids should remember thst the causes of sick and nervous head aches may be promptly removed by taking , Ayer's Pills. These "Pills speedily correct irregularities of the stomach, liver, and bowels, and are the niildest and most reliable cathar tic in use. Press dispatches-from New York say that the McKinley odds are on the decrease, and that but few bets aw now: taken ! at even money, awing to! the favorable indications of Bryan's election. It is now be lieved that B r Vfl n Will rtOffTT KTrm XU1&. They We're After Illni- A certain young gentleman Of this city went out to visit friends at Mt. Pleasant Monday, and after be ing there for a few hours "the boys" put him on to the "tick tack" racket to scare the Seminary girls at Mont Amcenaj He was "out for fun" and the scheme was a good one,: he thought At 10; o'clock the ''gang" went down and fastened the strings to the blinds at the seminary and the young gentleman from Concord was to manipulate the workings. About the time to "pull the string" one of the college boys who had been posted, appeared in his shirt sleeves, caught the string and fol lowed it until he had nearly reached the boys, when the Concord boy gave a yell and started to run. The college boy, of course, opened fire on the young gentleman from Con cord and the last seen of the "kid" he was going across the creek a mile below town saying to a friend: ' Don't tell them that you saw me, for they will know the rest," etc. At last accounts he had not; re turned to his former home-j-Mt. Pleasant or to his present home in this city. Slay or 'a Court Now that the election is nearly upon us, money is flowing freely into the town treasury. Mayor Morrison had five cases on docket Monday night. E H Brewer, S P McLester, Wait Oxford and .Frank Mills were up for assault, each of whom were fined $5, except Mills, whose fine was only 83. ' Adam Ailman was fined $3 for being drunk and disorderly,! and was bound over to court in the sum of $50 for carrying a pistol. For Sale. J Dove and F M Smith will sell at the court house door on Satur day, 31st of October, inst., between 12 and 1 o'clock two bay horses, one Piedmont wagon and about one hundred bushels of corn, 031 1 J Dove, PERSONAL PO In TE US. The, Ebb aini nowCof tUe Unman Tide at This Port, a8:seen By Onr Reporter v - --Judge W J Montgomery is at teadmg.court at Shelby. Treasurer & Ed. Kestler has i e tirrned from a business trip to Ral eigh. . . . Rev. A K Pool, who has been absent from the city for a week, hes returned. , Congressman Shuford spoke hre laat night and will speak at Mt. P eaeant today. nr4 ti vcjji uuii 10 JUL fleasant inHarr kn,n : " , tic vxjag Ucoa called there on business. Mr. D Frank Caocon, Jr., ar rived in the city this-morning from Horner's School at Oxford. .Mr. Wiil Sherrill came in from Lincoiaton this . morning and is lsitine his brothftr Mr tkA t r Mrs. D P Day vault and Miss Dora Hix are spending today al Mt. pleasant at the home of Rav. and Mrs. M D Giles. Hon. S J Pembertoa passed through the city this morning on his way to No. 10 township, where he Kvn ait A u uiuuk. Niir. remberton, when asked about the outlook said : vve have them on the run, and from all indications Democracy will win next week." Sure! and ain't H so? ;- r Mr. and Mrs. John D Barrier Wjnt up to Salisbury this morning to be present at the marriage of thier niece. Miss Effie Barrier, who is to wed Mr. Charles Brown, a prominent y oung merchant of Salis bury. The marriage takes place to night at St. John's Evangelical Lu theran church at 7:30 o'clock. TO CURE A COLD 1JS OSE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Masistrates and t'ousfable. The following ie the list of nomi nations for the office of magistrate made by the Democrats and will be voted for next Tuesdaj: A B Young, John A Cline, Joseph 1 Young, H M Goodman, Phillip Correll, J fM Mabrey, H McNamara, Jacou M Furr, James W Foil.) Mi. R Will JoBns ton is the nominee for the office of towni ship constable. ' : - : m9 ' m Dr. Miles' JPfcin JPills are guaranteed to ston HeadacIieinX) minutes. "One cent a doee5 Dr. MUes Pain PUls cure Neurolffla. 50-Inch lie?' Cloth Worth 45 and 50 cents, at Fifty-four inch La dies' tClptli worth; $1, sold by others at 85c and our price only Forty inch Blueretts, worth 75c; , sold 54 inch Boucles worth i $1, sold by ns at Read oar prices. We take the monster HIGH PRICE by the throat and hold him by ; making prices on every line of goods kept by us. We save this baying public money. We only ask a comparison, and if we do not save you money on your purchases we do not want your trade. 30 Gents 66 CTS AT 50 G 79 CTS They Are Great ! . Fifty -inch Ladies' Cloth, worth 45 cents, only 37 J cents. Jacqaar ds, E to mines , Hata lasse in all the new colorings, Popular Prices, Only 4 and 5cyard.1Heaviest and best qnaliiyCanton Flannel Hiii FlnnnlT """ ette for Shirting only 10c yd, WORTH 121 CENTS. WHERE DID YOU GET That Dress!? -It certainly is beautifnl, ana My ! WHat a lit. I bought this from Gibson & Morrison. They always keep a f nil line of fashionable and cheap dress goods, and they have But terick' s Pat terns, which you will find the most stylish and easiest to fit. I always use these pattern,; Isn't my cape pretty, too 1 Look what splendid material, and the very latest style ! They get new wraps every few days. And don' t forget their shoes. Mine are so m uch admired and make my foot look so "swell" and as for cheapness and wear they are the best. Take1 my adiice and get your children shoes there. They have them all sizes and they will last till you are tired of them. In fact you " will find anything they sell you good and cheap. Go to see them and you will believe me. Fashion sheets free. ; ; -: . liMOEI SOS'TFITOIITIM Pretty IB I 5 Per Cont Per Month OB- 6i Per tat Per Year Guaranteed to All Investors ON Investments both Largo and Small WHEN MDE WITH i The New York Investment Co. . I . ; BROKERS IN Stocks,Bonds, Grain and Cotton '40 AND 42 BROAD WAT, . v NEW: YORK CITY, u P- S- People who desirelto have a steady- and aure income on small or lare investments end for our explanatory, fre. Offers to the business public a re liable, permaiieut, conservative and accomodating baufciner institution. We solicit your Lusiaess with the assurance of rhononible treatment and due appreciation of your naU ronage. If we can serve you at any time,, we shall be glad to have you come i auu bee us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS Gapital and Sulplus $70, 000. D. B. COLTR ANE, Cashier. J. M. ODELL, Pres. L.M ARCHER M 1 - ' Pbyeician and Surgeon. , Concord, N, O. OFFICE : ST. CLOUD ANNEX 100 DOZEN Ladies Vest 12, 15, 20, 25 and 50. ' , . Our! 25 cent Vests have been re duced from 39 cants. Mens' - Underwear. Shirts 15; 25, 40, 50 and $1-00, the hest va!uea on the market. Pants to, match. LADIES' UNION SUITS. . '91.00 and $1.75 Big Bargairs in Dress Goods. CHEAPEST STOCK OF SHOES in the city, When you want anything come and see us. - Ik mm Tired and broken down wt will find that DR. KIUQ'S QOYAL GEnHETUER is a priceless boon and blessing to them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tones the . nerves, builds up the strength and puts disease and pain to flight. For - .... i s FirME IROUDLIES Including all menstrual and worn difficulties, it ' has no superior used both locally and internally. It is -emphatically mm, OW DICK II ' Pleasant to take as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package, v iarge bottle, i 08 Doses, One Dollar. -Sold by druggists. Manufactured only by y. THE ATLANTA CHEUICAL CO., Atlmta, Ga. , CVS FOB tS-ridE B002: mn wd . FM ZIK'6 DRLG S10EE : f vraig, iUenbury, Fla.

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