0 Ml i6ta i ki MANUFACTURERS OF Fiae Gino-lianis Outing Cloths. Plaids Sheeting and Sal Bas. Dealers in f GENERAL MEROHADISE; -.;...-..- o- -Buvers of COUNTRY! PRODUCE ol all kind, and 4-foot - r .. wood -always wanted "best prices for same. i - We invite an insec- tion ot all ?th 3 goods we manufacture: ODELL MFG. Co., - Ccncoidl N. C PAINTERS, PLASTICOERS, VARNISHERS AND PAPER HANGERS. 1 A ALLT JOBS1GUARANTEED. "WE WANT YOUR WORK. Old furniture wade to look;as. good as now. Mattresees made or renewed with perfect satisfaction. TJpboisterinafa- specialty, ee us. W. Dr&MHONY &rC0 do26 w jl - , OONOORU-MARKETS COTTON MARKET. Corrected hy Cannons & Fetzer 3ood Eciddling.............l..J7.20 -j "Middlings ....7. Low middling ......6.85 - tains ...j (5 PRODUCE MAjsaET ; x Corrected by Swica & White. Bacon........ ............ to 75 Sugarcured nama. ........... 12Jto 14 Bulk meat3,sides. ....5 to 7 Beeswax...... ............... ...... ......20 Butter : :.....10tol5 Chickens ...10to2O Oorn ........ ... . .. . ....... i .45 Eggs......... . . . . ...... .1. ..... 121 Lard....... 7 Flour(North Carolina)... 1 82i Meal.. ................. I.. ........ 45 Oat3 .i ......... 35 Fallow ......... . U... '.. 3tc4 r ..... , -K-mr H-.'TO 5 Primary, sec ondary orTer . l It -Wary BLOOD-viirsriVi' any part of theVody, Hair oi :Eyebrows TfaiMnS no k -. .uwo lu cure, w a solicit the most oTxTfi. . nate cases and chaUenpe tuo worfi fci a case Trecaxinot cure, . Tnia mseaM baffled the skill of the mitSigK HaiS. 8500,000 capital behind od,?oJ,h! replication. Address COO& ' REMEiy&S0 flLTY Chairman Manly's Freaictlon. "I have received ' reports from nearly all the counties in the State. There is the largest registration ever had in North Carolina, and the vote; if cast, will be in excess of 800, 000. The gain in the white vote has exceeded that in the black vote, oven as the registration now stands. From almost overy county cornea the news of strong Democratic or ganization and if I can rely on the reports of several of the leading Democrats from different sections who have been at the headquarters this week, our folks are waking up to splendid work. Especially is this activity noticed in the plain Democratic workers and the young men.'' Bryan will carry this State by over 30,000. Our State ticket is as certain to be elected as it is that November will come, if the frauds lent registration of negroes is pre vented being yoted against us and the Democrats, who are now regis tered, will vote." jt has been held that consumption is hereditary, and the fact that one person of a family had died with consumption was considered a .sure sign tht otheis of that family could not escape it. j This is partly true and partly untrue. A man with weak lungs iaj likely to transmit that weakness to hie children. But there is no rea&on in the world why weak ness should be allowed to develop. Keep the lungs full of rich, red, wholesome blood and the weakness will disappear. Decaying tissues will be thrown off. and new material will be added until the' lungs are well and perfectly strong again. This is the thine: that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery does. This is what makes it cure 98 per cent of nil cases i f consumption where it is taken according to di disease recnons. It searches out germs wherever they may b in the body and 'forces tru ni cut of the sypiem. It bnppiiea tiie blood with neb, life giving propertie? It mkea the appetire good, digestion perfect. Send 21 cents in onescent stamps to the AVorld's ' Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y , and receive Dr. Pierce s lu08 page "Common Sense Medical Adviser," profusely illustrated. Another lii Accident. Monday afternoon shortly after going to press,- news reached the city of an accident to Mr. S L Part low, the ginner at Mr. Shakespeare Harris' gin, who was working with the machinery, and in some w&y the forefinger on his left hand was caught and!, clipped off. The Re mainder of his hand was badly torn Up, but not 'seriodely injured. Mr I4rtlow is about fifty ye.ir3 of age and well known throughout the county. TO CUKEIA KUJ) IN K MY Take laxative Bromb QaiiiinM Tab lets.' All drupgitsts .refurVd. the money if it failw to cure. ;25c. Through the St. IahiIk Tornado. Here is an illustration of the way the wind handled things during the big St; Louis tornado. This bicycle, owned in St. Louis, was struck by three barrels of syrup, a tierce oi lard and one barrel of vinegar. Ab solutely the -only uninjured nar'ts are the saddle and the -Morgan & Wright quick repair tires, which were full of air when the machine was foundJ E ven if these' tires Had bean : punctured, unless severely torn, any one of the holes could have been! repaired by the quick re pair device in them, without trou ble. Riders of these tires, when they have a puncture, need only be careful to pump as mucb air as possible into the tire before insert ing the quickrepair tool. The re pair can be made in two minutes, at the roadside, without taking the tire off the rim. Hon. J. O. McCall Walter's hall was not of sufficient capacity ;to hold the enormous crowd thatassembled thereMonday night to hear the Hon. J D McCall, of Char lotte, who made a ringing speech on free silver. The speaker and audi ence were invited to the residence of Mr. M C alter, where Mr. Mc Call delivered his speech from the piazza. He urged his hearers to be loyal to the nominees of the Demo cratic party and to support no man for the Legislature who would not openly pledge himself to the support of a free silver United States Sena tor. He also urged the people 'to workwith one another and bring about. the defeat of Russellism in North Carolina. Mr. McCall has gained consider able notoriet as a speaker and his eflorta to down all opposition to Democracy and white supremacy is truly appreciated. He spoke in his easy, fluent way for one hour and thirty minutes and returned to Charlotte on the 10 o'clock tram. llobart to Merchants. Garret A Hobart, Republican can didate for -the Vicer Presidency, has written to the Dry Goods Economist, a letter in which he says : "Manufacturers, importers, and domestic merchants alike k now that there can be neither safety nor pros perity with a fluctuating currency. Contract for meicnaadise have to be rcade too far ahead in these dayp, and the possible margin of profit has been cut down too nearly a commis sion basis to admit of any gambling in the prospective value of the money which inns!; be paid or re ceived. The history of merchandis ing in this country after the culrm nation of infl jted prices in 1865 is too recefcit to allow merchants to in vite similar experiences. The natural decline of "prices due to improved processes of production and to in creasing competition is quite suffi cient without invifing the added ill3 o an unstable currency. For Infants and Children. slmila s7Y ? s lC ca Ilttfe Things. Springs are little things, but they are sources of Hrge streams; a helm is a little thing,- bat it governs the course of a ship; a bridle bit is a little thin?, but we know its use and power; nails and pes are little things, but they hold the parts of a large building together; at word, a look, a smile, a frofh, are all little things, but ; powerful for - good ; or evil. Think of this, and mind the little things. Pay that little 3ebt; if it i3 a promise, redeem it;, if it is a dollar, hand it oyer. You know not what important events may hang upon it Keep your word sacred; keep it to the children they will .mark it sooner than any one else, and the tnVct will probably be as lasting as life. Mind little 'thingr. Cacklen's Arnica sttre, The Best Salve in t)ie world for Outs, Bruises, JSores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe: nouuij, j mt ultimo , ,JViUB uiiu all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures riles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For eale at P B Fetzer's Drug store Giveu Away Free To advertise our goods we will give away, absolutely free, one box of five-cent cigars,one gold ring and a nample bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every-one , sending fifty cents to, pay packing ; and . postage. Address, ,.r" Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. Lockbox 1, Kerhersyille, 0 A I - - I . SEE iJlliiiifc-j mmimm-HF 1 i "A 1 I HP i'luiiiiithiini.iiint niii'HfMiiimMi.i.'Hi'Hiiniili iirill.ltiiinlli j jSVcgctablePrcparationfor As similating theToodandKeguia- ting the Stoj tomajchs andtJoweis 01 Promotes Digestion,Chcerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opwm,Morphiiie nor Mineral, Not NAr cotic. 2ece of(MllrSXMUIlEITCmZl JmpfanSeeeL" " 4lx.Senna tocAdle Salts -Anise Seed 1 JFippenrnnr -Si Carbonate Soda flirmSeed- . Clarified Sugar . , I Ancrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sdur Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions ,Fevensn ness and Loss OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of . NEW YORK. EIXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. DAILY & yJmJmttintt m'n'c' 'jnCttnn"'i 'V ' ,i'n"i Democratic in principle, conservativen methods. Newsyjbut not sensational. Devoted to tne interest 1 of unity, liarmony and progress. Its effectsland aims are to add to v the j joys of the home circle, tlie elevation of tbe ambitious and aspirations of its readers. g It wouldfgladly fill the mind with pleasant and profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, its duties dearer, to opportumtiesgmorBapparent. DO YOU If npt pkase try it andssee if youdon't say that THB STANDARD isworth manytimesits cost toyou. j. Publishers:! FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE I, i , i . OF EYEEY BOTTLE OF i: Oastoria is put up in one-size bottles only, It is not sold; in bulk. Don't allow anyena to sH yon anything else on the plea or promise that it ia "iust as ffood" and "will answer aver;. pose," -ftS-See that you get "O-A-S-T-0-E-I-i The fao sinila slgaatnre cf l is:a 6757 THE- W i TAKE 1T 'A WRAPPER EKLY SON,

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