STARBUCK'S CHARGE. A TEXAS JUDGE. my ilie COME, PLAY IN MY YARD. Little Folks Were Royally Entertain ed By Little JUnrgaret Lentz, Who Gave a Birthday Party. Little Miss" Margaret Lentz was five years old Wednesday. To celebrate-the event, invitations werf is sued to quite a large numUr of her little friends to participate in a birthday party, s which was giyen complimentary to her by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A E Lentz. The hours were from 3 to 5 and were very short to the happy throng that indulged in playing games and pulling candy. Among those present were : Margaret Woodhbute, Neyen Fetz s 5orfh C arolina Was In Debt And Believed That Decisions Should Be Legislature Had t Levy Based On I'quity, ifA'otlaw. j More Taxes. "We used to call him the cactus j starbuck is making the -charge edltl0n 0f Blackstoue," said the tbat ben the Republicans got in mayor,-who had lived in Texai long at Raleigh they found there was a enough fo make g foTiujief a-dtbe Mefirency of 809,000 and that it blind.eyed godde8s never had a more Lo necessary to levy taxes on & . m ,was necekfcdry . y peculiar representative. The law i - h Aiinoa - T r 1 Tl W Wi 1PT III! - c . i .'ai reverenced equity. He had a d ; Tf 13 trie most cuaruauio uuu- , . ' , to sflv that Mr. Starbuck a11 1x18 0WD bnt DeVPr allowed Really don't know any better. A Lin of ordinary intelligence and " ow old are you? asked one of Wch would never make, such a the lawJer8 of a ; venerable . spinster ;r r i irrtr on the stand. ; ; charge, iur no nuum "t. i i I . f r . iu.i : icqo vi'qqI " Ii was born in 49' she RnarmprL -taanyoime yvuLiwy m , V ' -7 Helen Skinner, J?av Brown, Ola . i a.. J : -ft" 4. I tno innop onrl thft matnto maiHon ; - ' out at worji on iuo umeicui j -v, vv,u broads, not only paying for disowned her ' brother because he themselves but making some would not challenge the court! money for the State. Supposing " 'Is this your first offense ?' he they would continue at work the asked i of a convicted horse thief. Tppislature of lmS made the ap- "Ln being assured tnat it was, propriation with this expectation, the Judge said : 'Then I will only but work stopped and these con-1 give you 99 years itstead of 100 as victs, or the great majority of them, I would haye done had you been an were returned to the penitentiary old offender J asd of course the appropriation was A;miller had bought 10 barrels insufficient. of apples from a farmer and brought Several of the State charitable in- action to recover on a claim that the stitctions expended ths amount ap- barrei3 were undersized, causing him prcpriated by reason of extra de- a og8 of tnree bushels on the deil. ' B mands upon them, and mere was How did you get the barrels?" in all, a shortage ot over Wuuu, asked the Conrt of thQ farmer Brown, Margaret Brown, Eva Mey Brown, Eagene Loiv, Stafford Mor rison, Artnur Morrison. WiLie Hall. Willie Margaret AjDeatoo, Dora Burkhead, Esther Hatchett, -Mary Lilhy Sherhll, Gowan Dusenbury, John Young, Rosa Campbell Yonngj Mary Ereemnn, Afton Means, Fred Bost, Rosa Cannon; Jonea Yorkr, Bill Wadsworth, Rath Co it rare, Allen Gibson, Ellen Gibson, Eu gene Brown, Robert Young, Nettie Watson, Frances Goodson. Aahlyn Lowe, Frank Fetzer, Mary Morrison, Adelene . Morrison, Joe Morrison, Cable Alexander, Julia Alexander, iam Bingham, Lucy Young Brown. "Whereupon the Court gave the tat it was not for want of money, ,:... t. fnll of flnnr fro Ljea:ie ue, wary ana ttt i ? I ----f,-- . 7 rsiTicrnftiTi- I jtifiv Ynnncr nrnwn. for when Ireasurer Wortn went in- miiler -to cQce he received and gave his re a. r...- OA AAA ceTi ior oiou,vw yu farmer a verdict and taxed the costs Doneycoold be paid to any ?A mese ihQ institutions for want of action by rt th Legislature and this body not aarnerinBin, Knr, in cspccn it could not be Mr. and Mrs. James A CJine have Marvelous Resiilts. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunderman, of Diamondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this ex tract: I There are a great many -wrong ways of treating disease. It is easy to make mistakes. Doctors make mistakes just tne same as any body else. The doctors -who mak the fewest mistakes are specialists. They do one thing over and over and over, so that thet know all that thert is to know about itk. In the 30 years that Dr Pierce's Pleasanr Pellets have been sold, hundreds of thou sands of people have taken them, and hav been cured by tLem. There is no longei any possible question of their efScacy They are the product of experience, triec by time. They are intended to cure ecu stipation. They are good for men, wo men and children. They are-tiny, sugar coated granules, very easy to take, very o4uick in their action. One " Pellet " is a gentle laxative, two "Pellets" a mild cathartic. A great many people make the mistake of "sandbagging" their di gestive onrans. Thev take sotne strcr.v; and violent medicine, - -which create j worse troubles than it cures. Strong purgatives shock the system unnecessar Ay, and they do not cure constipation Constipation is a thing that makes peo pie listless, and , languid; makes theii breath bad; wakes them up with foul taste in their mouths; .puts black spoti before their eves; makes them dizzy causes headache; makes them bilious, produces pimples and blotches runs intt all sorts of serious consequences. All thii is cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cured absolutely, perfectly, permanently. Send 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, and receive absolutely gratis. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser, and find out how to keep vourself and amily healthy ; contains 100S pages, over 30c illustrations and over 680.000 copies have been sold at $1.50 each. The new edition of 500,000 copies is to be given away absolutely free. World's Dispensary Medical Asa ciation, Buffalo. N. Y, ' FIRE INSURANCE. Notice. J, F Hnrlty ba6 the old reliable fenn Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. They write the best policj on earth. The mo3t desirable at tbe least cost. See the contract bt fore taking insurancealso fire and acci dent insurance. Tbe Morgan A AVritfht Gnnrnntre. The guarantee of the 4ood tires is broad enough to cover tilmost any kind of ailments and to satisfy th moat exacting rider, tut the line must be drawn somewhere, acd Mor gan & Wright are trying to make it known to riders everywhere that the guarantee, does not coyer damages resulting from the carrying ot anti leak preparations inside the tirf By having a3 much air as. possible in the M. &. X qnick-rf pir t ire before putting tbe tool into h pnnctore, and follow u the feiv rher simple instruooDS in n.o cat alogue, a permanent repair can rf, made in two minntps. at the road side, without removing the tire frczi the rim. When in heed oi Fire Inauiance call nnd eee us, or viite. We tepre have no hesitation in re- sent only first-clat ' Home and i or commending Dr. King's Now Dis- eign companies EVERYTHING IS GOING- A T OS.t AT - b 3' covery, as the results . were almost marvelous in the" casa of my wife. . . ii. . i 1 a. i.i r.ii : Tin ! tt l j.i t done. It was more economical .to ine lenaerest eympainy 01 me eu- pvmie 1 whb pasior 01 iue japubi bcrrp the money than to call a tire community in the death of the cmjrcn o uncjron was social session. - . monins 01a imam, wnicn aiea succee(jinfj La Gnpoe. Terrible It is often that the amount ap- Wednesday night at their home at paroxysms Oicougrhi. would last Resnect fully, WOODH TJ-V cVi HaI.RIB. Cannon ville.. hours wiih little interruption and it seemed as, if she could not survive propriated for these State metitu- tiona ia ror t hefnm the end of the 1 Afro Pi'lli'r OtTor on ollor. them, A friend recommended Dr. v... i f mnnt f h v. , King s New Discouery; it was quick ucuai year, uui it is iiu ii m iy iaay living near jkuuuuviuo, uieu m itQ woriI anci- highly satisfactoiy funds. Wednesday afternoon. Her re- in results. Trial bottles free at i Hp Fetzer s Drusr Store. Rsgular size nut ne i Aia ,tu uiovajt j ciiciuuuui MOKliJSON H. UALDWEL ATTORIY AT LAW, f UUiNUUKU, IN u Office in Morris bu id mq, epposite r FTonse- C. H. BAHNHARDT, M. TX Physician and Surgeon , MT. PLEASANT. JN . C. Calls received and promptly 3 1 tended to at all hour. Office a ray resdeno lately occupied by Dr Moose , ; i'9, iv and re- tbe State had 8180,000, couldn't pay it out without an or- Mr. Wm. Austin an aged der and so it is seen that Mr. Star- spected citizen died t his home at buck's excuse for levying extra Cannon ville today at 11 o clock. ' lasts ;s a fake aseli as his charge The Democratic party in North suited for any Beaeon, but I perhaps Carolina and in every county of more generally needed, when the North Carolina has always managed larguid exhueted feelmg prevails. tu A when the liver is torpid and slug- the finances m an economical and and the need of a toni(J ad safe manner and it is always ready aterative is felt. A prompt use of to meet anv criticism from anv k U mf I UU1EI JJJVV44tJAJJV M v J v quarter. Greensboro Patriot. mu m mm : A NARROW ESCAPE Carrie .Sutber, a Twelve-Year-Old School Girl, Came STear Belns Washea to Death as a Result of Stpre. Fast Driving. "" It has been the wonder of almost everybody long an ' perhaps fatal bilious fevers Nu medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache indigestion, constipation, dizziness vields to Electric Bitters. 50c and Sl.00 per bottle at Jb'etzer' JUrug Spoke for McKlDley. Mr. W R Odell, whose name was mentioned by many of, our citizpns last spring as the probable Demo cratic nominee for the Senate from Cabarrus and Stanly counties, made W a speech on McKinley'sm at Bur rage's hall last night. His sayings, like all other McSinley .advocates, went without anyone being allowed t) defend the Democratic side. TT m In. : h - Mm - ai '- to -1 - M. dlEE OB GOLD. Better than eitberas a healthy Tf : the liver is G. K. the nvfir i lo the Toters of Mecklenbnrc Conn- ty, N. C. that some one has not The Workingmen's League of often been killed, run over or badly Charlotte, N. C, invite all the hurt by fast driving. About 8:30 friends of Bryan and free . silver to o'clock this ( Thursday) ' morning bej with us in a great horseback Mle 12-year-old Carrie Sutber, torchlight procession in the city of daughter of Mr. C M Suther, was Charlotte, N. C, on November 2nd. crossing at the corner of Main and Procession starts at 8 o'clock p. m. West Depot streets, she was caught Come one, come all. between the shaft and front wheel E A McGahey, chief marshall, of a buggy and carried some distance W F Elliott, Aimer Moody, Henry fore the horse could be stopped Culp, S W Kirkpatrick, Walter and she released from her perilous Daniels, assistant marshals nation. Fortunately the girl' was First Ward, Aimer Moody; sec- man is O.K.. "His blood is kept pure, his digestion perfect, and he can enjoy life and act intelligently and patiently upon tne - questions of the day. You all know what to take, iou have known it lor years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator iv-iiU4ff?,,--i T . SIMMONSN ot seriously hurt. The horse and baggy 18 the prop erty of Dr. W H Lilly and "the driver is a young negro boy named Lon Bost. For fast and reckless driving on the streets the negro was arrested and fined $5. Parties who saw the accident say keir Mood ran cold for fear the cfcld would be dashed to death. ond ward, W F Elliott; third ward, Henry Culp; fourth ward, S W Kirkpatrick, chief marshals for each ward. ' ; " . - : .1 All Democratic papers will please copy. ro CURE A COLD IB 02HS OAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tb4 ail uruggieo maua if it fails to euro,' 25c. ml lets. money liREGUI,AfOR 1 Noldoubt 'about it; we arelbstter fixed to . TDlease yoiil inGlotMng: ;thanwe have ever. been. : ;, men s sups, latest ana Best. oys Duits, latest ana best.: Children's Suits, latest and best. . For years you and your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is and always has been pnt up only Wy - J, Zeilin & Co. Take ncehui: genuine, t It has ;the 9d 6nw the fcont pf the wrapper, Lni - ndihgg else is the - same, and noimn We guarantee to save youmone. OVERCOATS -IB -IIlliGS. HATS AND CAPS' FOR ElERTBODY. v .

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