Vol. XI1L No. 164, R. BRYAN TACKLES A CONOOltTX N. 0.1 FRIDAY,; OCTOBER 30 1896. i - - Whole NO. 1,543 Tclis Whether the Workiiigman's Dollar Will Buy Less Under a Free Oliver Administration. QUESTION : 4 I it-true ttiat as soon as we get free silver tie mi roW; ' -j ., .a e tw w. w ji i. nit; iii THE ANSWER: fj. ihc . Editor of the Journal, New York : an's wages Chicago, Oct. 7. A j V n 1 ..r; r ; V. L"c "uiacturer-employer, who seems to be terribly afraid W under free coinage he will have to get his men for less wno-c fiZ fi i.-- r. ; - ly,lrai2 llT!nTchuh! rl"? used 1 rePly. NO. jTherAre two things to be consi 1 want dered Virct thft niimher or dollars their th -.. : , . & ----- v v.... muig man laaves, ano second, the nurchasino- wr j.iior receives. . I i' . r . v' 1 1 1 I i 1 LA 1 Tf von take the ourchasincr nower of a Rino-lp dnllar ;v ,;n t,.- . il.i. .1 . .. J , ,p 17 . , - b m ucira, uui at me present time a great OT3ny workingmen are working on half time, and many are not able to find work at all, and you must .member th?t, wben you decide whether the purchasing power of the workingman's wages is decreased you-must take what the wprkingman will receive in dollars under free coinage and compare it with what the workingman receives in dollars now under the gold standard. I : r wore.uiauiuai, jfuu aibu imve 10 consiaer mat under the present conditions when a man lbses his 300 ll- uuu uuia agoui, anu tiiat every iiuiii w'l ) nilGS r-r.iolv ancreasing in numuer, wno siana reaay to take his pla -e on a morr: til's :ho- -m t T "ill Jjl "I,r'- j 11 1 - - - is, menaced by idle ment the free coinage of silver, the "increased We insist that the conditions that will be brought about by odemand for work in order to supply the goods which will be consumed when the people are prosperous ui bimetallism, and the increasing wages which will come with a greater demand for laborwe insii that, when these things are considered, the workingman will receive more dollars and that u n Ur ' with the larger wages which he .will receive under free coinage ..than he can1 buy now" with the fewdollars lc receives under the gold standard, and then his employment will be more permanent. : v ; Let me give you a test. I challenge you to find an instance Where the laboring man ever suffered be-' cause of the bimetallic standard. They tell you that prices will rise. I believe that general prices wili rise They tell you that that means suffering to the workingman. I Want you to look back over the period whe h:.d risi g prices, and you will find that those times were ' the'j best times that the 'workingman fever had, because he not only had more steady employment and better, wages, but the property that he had also rose' whereas to-day if his wages buy more per doll?r, the property that he owns goes: down in value as the doV in 1; a p. ar.g I' i ember that the laboring men have never indorsed the gold standard in any nation that has had it i and when you see the beauties of the gold standard presented to laboring men by people wh do not labor 5 when you find that the blessings brought by the gold standard are so disguised that a financier has to sriendl iui iae ume uuiuig cue campaign puniti.jg out liiu&c unkings 10 tne laDonne man. who cannot discover mem wnen uiey are punucu oui, you wui unuerstana wnat tne goia standard has done lor th,e laporing man. WILLIAM Tl Y AN. ' Mr. Osborne's Great Speech. As announced in the Standard Mr. Frank I Osborne spoke in the court bouse Friday nisrht. He ad- Pressed himself to every class of his lifarers, which included a number of 3adies id even the school boy?, j He lecalled the r?t that not more han e;ght months ago few Demo crats would have claimed buccoss in election, but as if 1the party had tcuchel the bones of Jefferson H sprier into new life and would inarch to victory on the 3rd of No .Tember. ---. " . He d.velt with pathetic force on Jit. . tm . . devils or. tne trusr. rnere are about one hundred and fiftv of 'n. He said the laws of our or te are not eumcient to prevent ihera, that he in. his message reconiN tended action and that three bills gislature of '95. o He cu.i that trusts have no hearts el and no souls to dptnn. , He r "ked all to s4 r howliner oout trusts if thev were aroingr to vote for McKmley, or for represen - : tatives ?rho won Id vote for a gold standard Senator,- Ee combatted the etiarge of ( un- his hs that such action will effect interna 1 i ? tional agreement. f j The speaker , was Iogi; in treatment of issues, witty in manner of expression, saicastic in bis answer to absurd charges against Democracy andJiappy.m- the.t measf ure of freedom "frdm wasp thtogs for friend or foe.C i:; due respect to the Supreme Court as DfarvelQus Results. I From a letter written by Rev. jl Gunderman; of Dianiondale, Mich., we .are permitted .to mfikQ this ex tract: I have no hesitation in re commending . Dr. King's New Dis. covery, as be resdlts were a'ost ma' velor. ! the case of my fife. While I vu8 pastor of the Baptist church at Hives Junction she was brought . down, with pneumonia succeeding La Gilipe.-' liTerrible paroxysms of cougniug would last nours wnn nttie mterrupuon ara 11 seemed as if she could not! survive them, A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discouery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results. Trial boHles free at Fetzer's Drug Store. Rsgular size 50c eud 81.00. . 1 - Edgar Caldwell the Victim. ! i . .) " . ' Some sneaking, dirty, contempti ble rr:cal, who is afraid to make himself known, stood --on 'the out side of the court house: yard Thurs day night and chunked "a rock at the band boys, the missile striking Edgar Caldwell on the right temple. It was a mean act, and if the par-y l " VUV K- M J V, w W w I I I'll ll ! . . PS8ed in the Chicf-n platform, is not oarefnl he Bl11 g0 t0 the L mowing that L:rn P. electc 1 on a Platform that condemned the d Seott decision, and that under Grpit the Supreme court wa3 in I' ing in number, and that the ;itsint ar)ro:tted the rs with a at tho . ne vv mem - view to a decision that ren backs a legal tender. ;1 : ire? distinct issues n: I 'jr. -ir'm first, that Dittd Sfofr 1.1 ... ates; cecond, that the 3 rintiin a parity ri;?cr with free coinage 1G to 1 and third, If r ott could look mliead a fcWmontht mad see what . was coming from those spelte of weakness, lots of Appetite, wasting of flesh' 'm n d . energy you wouldn't wait for disease to get a crxiD on vou. You would begin right .away to tone up your constitution LSI 9 X 11.1 LOOKING A HE A a,Golden Medical Discovery. It doesnft work miracles ; but it does what other medicine can't do and what doctors say can't be done -until they see it done right under their noses -Hft cures consumptionsNot always ; to say that would be an exaggeration, but in a large majority of cases ; in advanced cases which have been given up as hope less. ' . 0 : ' . ' " j v The "Discorery V4i not , called a con. Mimption-cure ; it is a blood-maker. It gives energy !to the'blood-makihg-organs to create new blood, full of health j red corpuscles. This rapid supply of fn re, rich, red blood drives out all diseases, that have their roots in the blood : Consump tion is one of these; scrofula, malaria, eczema, erysipelas, catarrh are others. It is absurd to doctor them separately as lung or 'skin, or head ; diseases. They must be driven out of the blood. You can rely on the rGolden Medical Dis covery' to do this every time. .,. , It is aot a patent medicine It In he perfected result of 30 ytaars, practical ex perience by one of the most skillful phy sicians ana eminent medical authorities' in this country :r-Dr. R V. Pierce, Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids Ho tel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y I Dr. Pierce's 1008 ; wage ook, " The PeopI't Common Sense Medical Adviser. reached the tenormowi mUc .-of 680000 co?ies at $1.50 eaph. This enormous sale haying paid him a lair profit po jtne, neat, amount or tybor ana money ex notice. XV Hnrlej has the old reliab tenn Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany. They write the bet policj on earth. Tie most desirable at to least cos. See the contract before taking ansurance alpo fire and acci dent insurance. penaea in producing u, ne is nowfjwnrtwey absolutely free jwooob copies, the redpient only to mail tonim, at the above insti- being required int. to cover cost of mail Tbe Concert Tom cht; I The dihip concept W begiveri at the elegariCoine l of JMkan Mrs! JohaP-AUi86n tonight wil -Je, an excellent treat to the music lovers of ' ih?. city. , The managers are greatly dlippointed ai riot being able to Becarft thelaale qaartette, but have arranged -acprog; am that will in everyway be releasing to '.all The recitatioris of the f two. visiting young Ladled, Msf Mercer aDo Allen, is feature! speci9T sighifi-j cance. In Edition to the program that followi, there will be nnner6us other prodnctions : 1 PHno SoloMrs. Roland II j -s; RecitatipQ---Martin , Luther Can non. ; ;-i:7i -:- Duette, Voc: ifi rsefl Calaway and:Harri8.iv ; ' ' Solo, Pinter-Willie Fefzer. Reci tation-Miss Mercer. Solo Mr. Pool. Vk. i o 'olbMary You ng. Duette; Vbcal Mit H- i - ' and Mr. Pool; ! v ' ReciktionMise Allen. ' . ''...? . Solo M? 's:Calaway; ; Trio Misses Stuait and Hairls, M WoodhOuse. . -, ration. 21 one-cent stamps lay Wy, and the book Will be s at post-paid. FIRE INSURANCE. r When in i heed 61 Fire Insmance, caUhndee us, tr iite. W,e lepre sent dnly firsNclai Home and For eign conipaie " " 'Respcclfully, Woods n & Haibta MOBKJSON H. OALDWEL ixTOBklY AT XJLW, . CONCURD. O jOfiBce in Mbrrip buifding, c pposite t House. r The Morgan A Wrfelit Guarantee. The guarantee of the ueood tirr is broad enough o cover almost an kind of ai)menr8 ajd to satisfy tho most exacting rider, mt the line must V'; drawn somewhere, and Mor gan & Wright are tryirg to make it known to riders everywhere that the guarantee does not cover damage resulting from the carrying of anti leak preparations inside the the By having as much air ?r possible in the M, & ? W. quick-repair tire before putting tbe tool into tbe pnncture, and following the few other simple instructions in tre cat a'ogue, a permanent repair co made iu two minutes, at the ro? 1 side, without ie:uoving the tire from the rim. EVERYTHING IS GOINGr- Af COS C -AT- C. H, BARNHA RDT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon , MT. PLEASANT, N. C. Calls received and promotly at tended to at all hours. Ofiice a my resdenoe lately c:cupied by Moose ... il 9, 9iy BACK bi vr. Miles' iere Wast' i&st (Settle A. n fa pen. The city authorities should put on a police force sufficient to prevent a repetition of the rockthrowing ra3 caiitj that endangered the lives . of so many of our citizens two yers ago The ame kind of dellment has start ' -ready and if it is not suppressed there .may be trouble of quite a serious nature next Tuesday night. ' - -.--, roCtRE ACOLDIS ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Q,uinine Ta -le3. All druggists refund the mnnev if it fails to cure. aoc. m!4 Tbis lsjtoar Opportnvdty. . On receipt of ten rcents.-ch or stamps, a generous eample wUl ba mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cue (Ely's Cream. Balm) sufficient to demonstrate its great merit. Full size! COcts. ; J , ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New, York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Fr" h, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can empha size his statement. -"It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if usd as di re tl.y Rev.. Francis W Poole, P' -or Central Presbyterian Church, Helena, Mont. - Clothing - at - Cans - i - Hm No doubt about it; are battar fixed to "olea:: youriii'ClotliinKtliar we have ever Men's Suits, latest and est. Boys' Suits, latest and best. Ohildren s Suits, la y n and best We guarantee to save you'mono. oats - in - mm Who can think of some simple tiling to patent? Wahted-flhdea Protect your 1Je;' thejraay brltwr you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBtfltN r0 Pnt Attniw ne,ashlnSton D. Cor their. $100 prizd offer b 13) of wo jpnlred iuTentlou wasted. HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBO DY. & PEZZER CANNONS

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