J4 XIIL-No. 168. vol flfcHT A SPANI8H CITY DROWNED! con eoiuv Br. 0.; web neb da.Y 21 oyembeb c im WkoEs NO. 1;&47 A Tidal Wnre Sweeps; Over Dnelva and the Loss of 11 fe is Terrific. "Londonv Nov. 3 A d;epatch from Madrid to the Central News tin CERTAINTY AS TO THE 8aJ8 that the town of Huelva, in the NATIONAL RETURNS. went h, K ""I' iT! Atlantic ocean. No details are given, .butj fthe report .Bay8 it is -inofins over ine wesiern auuwu iiihl inn insa nr iitr nM .twpn rnioWsportnis reopie in xiiiarr terxificV Tne. .samer l jpariageria ,otteoffertns Five to one on Bry- was overwhelmed by the great wave no's Election- ' ' ' ahrt viria. n- tlii "enko . Although the bullens -receded Mr ,s . 8t Democratic headquarters Tuesday time pf-Spajn capital of the mrht ' indicated a landslide for province of Hnelva, tin an inlet of untfinlev in the Presidential race, the Afclantic forty-nine miles west luc - - mmn nf fwn rAilrnaa ftnrl no an Dew3 afloat that comes to us through fexport .ThQ . popalaN the associated press, ana as a result tibn of the town is about 12,000. the sporting element of the city of Props t Host. L uuuiuc " At the home of Rev. W H odds of nve to odq on .urjau n cirv,- cLaurin on Church street tion. This information comes to o'clock this ( Wednesday ) afternoon, Fai mors' lBSttnte. ' cThe farmer hejr, wixesand ftll otherB in teretd ?Tn farmings, garr dening, dairying, fymMiS'' aid J BiocKrttJsirt rajraiauyfinviiea and requested to attend wzJfSLnneT Institu tej to ba peld Jit, Pleas ant, Wednesday. So vember 25. The object of these institutes is! to coh-i 8 ia ex. an a aiscaea .pracupai , mailers; relating ro tn Dppins.'Zaijmiog. They are conduc ted by the. com mis 8ibner of 'Agticulturc and1 .by thej 1 dv direction oj jaw, ana ,are ireej mi IHSSw. I, ill "Tk TtaMMMSWTTj r J.- II Tj TT 1 . o r nuney nas ine old relndlc; ienn If utoal ;Life Insurance Com pany , They wnte the best policy leasttiost; See rhe contract befoie- joy , of . yonn V ' inotherhood.'l'he , A . pleasantcl : feature 'bf'the ... . ing. from politics i Come, .and;- Jet Tnslf 2- ZZJZ U9vc a pieasau suu pryubHui uieoui navetneaitny oabies, out the cnancesvare. S. U PATTERSON, ri very.; woman can. ve Commissioner. 1 proper care ot herselfr Dr. Pierce's Pa i' 1 I vonte Prescription is what she needs. It Killed In a Duel. , ..; - I cures the.Meaknesses and diseases, pecul- S3''3 i X' ' ;i 7 -l iar to women. It makes perfect wemen We see. from yesterday a iWinstoa ( wftt, MMf wrr,iw course, only u taking insurance also, fire and acci when : the habyRoWt insWvAA arQ both healthy. ! Not much pleas- ; iire can be gotten out of bathing V peevish;- sickly.; iretful baby, if the mother isn't ' healthy, sh can not sret much; I pleasure out of ; a y t n i n gv Healthy mothers. who are careful, Sentinel that XJr. K 1 Bose, , son of "s use, obviates the dreaded, and gener 0 . ' ; " v' '" ; ally useless, physicians ''examinations " Kobert Kose, Of this place, was Shot andstereotyped:aocaltreatments.,',It is and killed with a Shot gun in a duel e -edicitie for women sold by . , i , . . f . , 2 i aruggists, aevisea oy a regniany .euu escii:dy afternoon at his- home cated, experienced and skillful specialist ni;r AaSUSvif Ga. by one H J Ndw- in these diseasesrand its sale exceeds the . - . i - - t' . . r ' rnmninm .?aip5 ot an otner meaicines an TwF Standard by grapevine tele- Mr. Wortn l fropst was married to ell. It is hot J known what occ as vertised for this class of maladies. Taken Aiisa Jiatner i5ost, aaugnter ot JUr. sionea the trouble between the t.vo. aunn& ine penoa oi pregnancy u pre- pares xne wnoie womaniy urgoiu&ni lur its time rf Jrial and danarer.c It practi- e Times .ally does away with the danger and with i - I narlv all of the nain. " : J relatives women who care to know all aMut the "Fa- vonte Prescription" ana an aDout ineir own ohvsical bein. and the best wav to take care of ft, should send 21 one-cent stamps to pay for the ' A nt hnrvu Ttnat. nf f hia mfv TVip I n; nn;w, attendants were iir. v KL.icb Lad I Vho aKnTA fmm f ho T)av The Western .union.- leiegrapni jjj8a jjls80upl' 8hinn ; Mr. J P is ot no'iittfe intertit 'to Company has issnea no .ouhbuub Query and Miss Lona Pppst ; Mr. and .friends of Dr. R M -Kose. Ha . . . , . . t ' r t . 1 ? - t r? 1 1 I 7 1 ; ' j Tf over its lines today, wmcn is an m- nnK juisenneimer ana miss iaa was iormeny acitizen or rieas-i mailing y of a free copy oCDr.prce's great - J i :" --..? . -'V. I, ' - I ' 'titJ -Tli- J ?L Ji.-l!Ti.:J 1.008 pacre illustrated Common Sense Medical Ad. in? to say in regard to the turn of WJ .J W?1" wc uuFpiaulWiCBu. ..; , home of the groom's father, Mr. I MtPle n urn f 'Ii ora "a Vvnn f f li a ' rt r fnr f.ri n n f 4 0 C10CK A U-XSj oiAflflv i . , i. v 1 ftfTaii- ' .... 1 ttt n Dro an cii arra n f . bii nnar ari i i nu I uuuii . 1 i ( l.t ihn fAl I rTxri ncr I , x o k , i pnonea vuuh, ,uu,, served to a!number of iriends;r The Southern associated press VXX fkTimilk The Morgan A Wright Guarantee The guarantee of the "k-ocd tires " is broad enough to cover, almost any kind of ailments and to--satisfy thr most eiaclting Vider, ; bu t . the line' must be rawn somewhere, and ilpr gan & Wright are trying to make ifc khowhf tp riders everywhere that tl guarantee' does hot cover damagi-F resulting from the carrjipg of anti i.V preparations inside the tir.. By having as much air -as poMc Mn-the M-& W. oniclf-rerair the before putting tc lool. ijuto - the puncture, "and. foDowic the fev other simple instructions in ! e cat alogue, a permanent repair can te. inade in two minutes, at the'rotd Bide, without refnoving'tie hVe.froLf' the rim. K. L. CRAVEN i . .. r i tions of The STAirnAnDfor "a lone catches are receiving ouueuns lav-. - . - oraHe to Bryan. As tabulated by ana nappy career as. man -ana wiie. .. 1 .mm For In&nts and Children. ihPtri thfi filectoral vote stanas ... ... . '"""I " . I U Vr, Knmnn nhilHvcti malalm.l.. : BrywiBb; jauumey xaa. . better men and women of ns all. A . LSfflL- A3 to tnr tate eiecuuu, ubb I littlft nare and a little nlannin? be-1 : d - lUni Vi inn I . . . e : j are in encn a muuuitj uv""b tore iDirtn is onen more important like an accurate estimate could be than . anything . that can ; be done bad1 Tne vote is crose uovwcciiiatwi. ju. w.Ln Rnthrie. V etrengthVdepenyaW; life 'and, the 1 .1 lA'V. V MJk - "- - The situation at 3 o'clock is not niatcrriallv chesned from early f r-. Will 1-keep in stock FOUR GRADES of Domestic Coal for Stoves, Grates, "Furnaces and Shop use. Hard and soft. Best Jellico Goal 7 ' is ea - eTry at $4.25 per ton and upwards. vrppe?, gee him before placing your orders. r future of the, children, A weak and sickly woman cannot -bear strong moraing impressions, clt is con cedrd thatMr, Swink is in the lead fcr treasurer, by a - xn j jrity; of .63 Tcik Mr. Barringer's minority ia Cabarrus is probably more than offset by his majority: in Stanly and be will m all probably be our next Senator. It is believed that Kitchen bag shaded Settle. Lockhart and also Pemberton aye probably de feated. The situation seems, to j be glory to Republican, Russelism and divided glory to the Populists. The undying principles ..cfo Democracy must wait for better days when men we tired of- the consequences pf their folly and "will learn lessons of i8u"ni cfter suffering. a Core For Headftch. As a remedy for, all r forms of Headach Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects Permanent cure and, the most dread e habitual sick headaches yield to ls influence. We urge all who are icted to procure a. bottle, and Se this remedy a fair trial." In jases of habitbal constipation Elec J110, Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to t.h howles. and few case long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents w i.00 at Fetzer's Drug Store. and heuithy children. " Most of the oyer a orooK, presently weakness ot rwomen is utterly anex- ipuc a paw aownmrougn a noie in cueable. Proper care and proper the'shell of the I02 on which it, lay medicinewiU -ciiral mostly Aff- and uipped it into the water. The Pierce's s Favorite-uPrescriptio has s-r ih Koo flfpii in t hirW veartf nf hran-1 bled at the ; f oo t. Then the claws tice. It is healing, soothing, I shut up quickly,' and that fish were strengthening. It is perfectly nat- cau&rht. That the bear was 'a suc- urLin,ita,prjcratimnaff vj cessfur fisher was "shown by the re i its use." thousands of" weak- "women I . . - , mt-.' . . . i ma no rvr nun rnnnn rna i nrr n u have been made strong andi- healthy r --r,-r- jr? have been made the mothers of bftnter asaar? wjth a shotgun gtrong ana healthy jchildren. pTaken only, and ;was not lpokinglfprr bears, during gefiiatwnVtftwhild'i go he quieIy f tole awayj- much im-' birth eBcy and .aimosvpaipiQss na presged withi the scene he had wit ir.Rarea the Weil heme of -hoth r , mother and. child. Send ;Sft oeats I . in one'Cenvtamps,;xoijDr4aB. jib- i ro cure a cold is one day oensarv Medical Asspciatipnufflo, I Tak& laxative'Bromo Onlhide Tar N. Y.f anoV teceive DrPicrCe's 1008 lets. All -druggists .refund, the page "Common Sense Medical Ad I money if it fails to cure. I 25c. m!4- - - s - m m m m m m viser, prof usely 'Aiincraucb Sale Of TpnnMi.a ana Virginia Albemftr 1 a .s "M f! RftfTiri?ftV. NbV, th We Will? fpl' tJ$$ jead 0f Virkinltf-xndi Tennessee f,.r8ea to the hiehest bidder Every O icu CIO AVawww refun. ? i. jSow is your ch are at aiioe for a cood voung horse or 2 at your own price Sale begins 11 oVlnnL- a ..In nr fill in ft. JL v The Minuter Softly Stolej Tiny. A hu nter in the Wisconsin woods was going through, a 'swamp when he saw a bear stretched out on a log the bear C. H. BARNHA RDT, M. I). Physician and Surgeon , MT. PLEASANT, C. , IT Calls received and promptly at tended to at all hours. Office a my resdenre lately occupied by Dr Moose jl9. 01y "EVERYTHING IS GOING- - AT GGSf AT RnnRF UUI2!BLL T Nnw r Almnm . of .". Ponnnna - & - Felzes 'abtifeoiit "it; welare. better fixed to please yoiii:iD;I01othing; itharSwe have ever D "311. ... " ' : ,: Suit, latest and Tne Moaern "fVny. Men's .- ; . Best. - a ciever campMgrn xricis.., 4; j . . 4 I 8he fas he finishes mendlne her Mrs. r u rage auueu no iitie w i tirej un, inr.ns joa jfo mucni w nar the fun and interest which sur- should' IJhave done without you ? ; rounded the reading and hearing of He rDon9t mentionjtt ;I wish; I il l, . t r:. i .'- Bays' Suits, latest and: tne returns anue vubmvm uiuy-o couia always carry tne repair. Kit io iKaq 1 last night. She sent up two rig tou.i (TnirJ I3!eUnor?; tWCOjiV -babies, one labelled McKinley : the a nd two" facfcKa continnld ltd d iiiUi iLtoL Otner . xrvu. w6v Ieftn aesmss iuB grassy Dans. jiewi w j ri i"f'rJii ft. them on ropes and pulleys, and York Times. when a telegram was read favorable to Bryan, tue string was pulled and up went Bryan towards a picture of4the VVhite'HOUse pastea mgn up on the wihdpw. i When a McKinley message 'was read, up went McKinley. The ap pearing and disappearing of the op posing candidates caused no little fun. "promoting the gayety of the debater-Charlotte Observer. : Terns Sims :-.V latest " ForOver rifty Tears Mrs.Wui8W,flBp6thin'-l",j - p has bpeu usediar, ipvr, ;fif ty je- s by milUon3 pjfi4tneX8 for their caild renwhilevCtmngiiitn' perfect sue cess, It 0qth$3; .tne child, sof terfs the gums,' alla all pain, cures wind colic andis 'QtHef ;best remedy for Diarrhoeajplt ti relie?e the poor; 1 ittle suflefer immediately. ; Sold by druggists inleyery part of the world. T wen ty-tlye cents ;a bottle. Be sure and ask for2Irs Winslowa Sooth- and Tbest. We7guaranteVto savelyoDlmoiie oiESeois-io rMniw HATS-ANDiCAPS FOESEVERYBpDY.; GASMiOSMS FETZER Us 6 , East Tennessee tcck Co. ttffEUMATisji renernv iLg Syrup," and take no other kind '

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