' N. y- - Daily JOHN D. BARRIER & SON, Editors and proprietors. JAS. P. COOK, Editorial Correspondent, OITiOia IN BRICK ROW. The Standard is published every day (Snnday excepted) and delivered by carriers. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : 0?ift vear ....... ..." $4.00 Bix months . . .-. . . . .... ... . 2.00 Three -months. . ..... . 1.00 Oae month . . . . . . ; . r. .35 Single copy. .- .... ..... .05 The weekly standard is a four-page, eigtit-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus thar aqy other paper. Price $1.00 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : Term3 for regular advertisements rusd kDOwn on application, t ' A ddreaa all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. CONCORD, NOV , 4, 1898. AITFK THE B AXL.. Now that the election of Mr. jjIeKinley is probable and the re ?v1t need? only.tc ' - ? nown, it c in- W: j out of place u disloyal to the muse to reflect somewhat upon re-' Rults P? they will be and as they ral-ilit Luva been. The election of Mr, McKinley of course gives in treas;d strength to trusts, roonopo- lift, combines and money corrup tions, comprehended in the term Hh?ni?i, bnf happily Congress vrM hardjy be in harmony with the "r- Tr rn m . MCivni tariu laea. xne quier ite'-" the atcrin of h presidential campaign will most likely be ioU owcl y a revival of business if there .'are5 to be no sudden or revolu tiorry changes in tne policy of the oyerr merit. There co-n be but little doubVthat TJr. IlcKinley stands for the - poli cial that have led to the eyils that yrcdaced the uprising of what is termed JBryamsm, and under such policies labor gets less than its share r f rt Kii&k while capital .gets more &:-Ai its share and the rich get richer' wmle the poor -get poorer. Hlicu:d the meagre reports so; unfa nrbe to Mr. B: :r fake on a new phiho aud his election be realized Luiiiijri'j will doubtless stand in doab: end bewilderment and the country will wait with baited breath for -.iiv 4.-th of March. No matter when the free coinage of silver is realized, and how greut 'may ba its birisStV thosj who Jbelieye all our evil3 to be tracable to the nold standard and compute relief to" be : foanrl in free coins ge as impressed by cmpuign pictures will xurely be sadly undeceived. Its temporary j it vrcTud, probably U. severe enough - to huis most of those whom free coinage was intended most to help and the relief there is in it may coma too late. But ia the election of Mr. Bryan we would have as surance of vigorous warfare against trusts and combines, a beneucial tariff and a general revival of busi ness as soon as business could adjust itself to the new order of things. THE EliECTIOX PAST. The great battle is over, but the sniOiid is not yet cleared away and it is impossible to tell yet what ban ntr3 are afloat and which Are trailing the dnat of defea t. Indications point strongly to the election jof McKialey to the Presidency. The State is claimed for -both Rusaeil and Watson, v Reports are too frag mentary to be sanguine o?er. Rowan, of course goes J)emo cratic by a good round sum prdb ably 1,200. Durham, with Demo cratic -Populiat fusion, was savtd from Republicanism, Forsyth, "s wa3 expected, is Republican by from 300 to 500. Caldwell seem? lo have elected all7 the Dem ctic xounty officers. Cumberland is Republi can, so is Kobeson. Th"erDemocrats gain in Pitt.! Johnston- county Democracy seems booming. Person is safe for Democracy; Cleveland is Democratic, while Buncombe ia Re publican. Rutherford is true 'to Democracy. Rockingham is too close to figure upon, f but Burke is j solid for Democracy. Wil3on is gone for the first time for many years, but Anson is safe while Union seema mixed. Davidson is Repub lican. There seems to be a balance of power that .follows the biggest barrel. Randolph may be for Bryan but Rap-Pop f usion carries. Demo cratic gains are reported in Dap lin, but ail 13 indefinite. Wayne is probably Democratic. McDowell is Democratic by good round mr jorities. Guilford is also Demo cratic. . The election passed off with un usual quietness and freedom from persona! ntests, Winston being the only exception thu3 far reported. Editor WJ Ellis and Deputy Sher iff Frank Martin had a , serious dis turbance, in which each knocked the other do- i mrl a ball from Martin's pistol 'p ied through the lappels of Ellis' Lawyers E B Jones co.l and yest, and J -B ' Alex- ander tried o settle their differences with a physical test.1 Jones knocked Alexander down and W i thumping him v;hen friends stopped further co u test. General Fitzhugh Lee, Consul General to Cuba is , expected to ar rive' in New York Wednesday. While it io given out that his re turn is but a y station, ii ia more generally believed that it is at the request of President Cleveland and that more importance gmay be at tached to it thn simply a vacation. It is almost ceriuiri that action of some kind will be. taken looking fayorably upon Cuba and many be lieve that the recognition of her ngnisana inaepenaence -ana an omcia? : cognition of tue United btata ia intended j and i .n, maybe in tima t o attach "Compliments of .the Season" and make it a national chrietc3 gift from tTye Un:'.:d States to Cuba. ' We congratulate the citizens of Concord of all parties, colors and conditions on its .qtriot and good order on the stree on election da and night. If it was the result of wise municipal precautions: it v?" -good, if it was due to an improved condition of morality, in the town and a coming to the i.ont of those principles that make aree country really free then we can doubly con gratulate all that the scenes of two years ago were too barbarious tor re enactment now si Backleu's Arnica Br:re The Best Salve in the' world for Outs, (Bruises, Sores rUlC3rs,vScdt Rheum, Fever SoresTetterd Ohappe Hands," Chilblains Corns land all Skin Eruptions; and positively cures Piles or no - pay required. - It is guaranteed 'to give Statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store, r - - ;.:V;; : A New York youcg man has found it necessary toapply, to the courts for protection from a girl who is in love with him" and who pur sues him with! attentions, relates the Washington Star. This inci dent invests the "new woman" with augmented terrors, r The Same.:"' Old SacapariHa :r: That's Ayer's. -jThe skmeold. sarsaparilla.asjtwas made and gold by Dr. J. C. Ayer 50 years ago. In the laboratory it is different. There :xnodem appli ances lend speed to skill and experience'. 'But the sarsapa rilla is the same "old sarsaparilla that made the record SO years of cures. , Why don't we better 'it ? Well we'rei' much in the condition of the Bishop and the raspberry: ".Doubtless," he -said, 'IGod might have made a better! berry. But doubtless, also, He never did." Why : don't we better the sarsaparilla? We can't. We jare using the saiko old plant that cured the Indiansand the 'Spaniards. Jt: has not been tetteretl.' And ' since tee make sarsaparilla com- ; pound out of sarsaparilla plant, we see no way of. improvement. Of . course, if we were making some secret chemical compound we niht . . . . ' W we're not. We're making the same old sar saparilla" to cure the same old diseases. You can tell it's the same, old' sarsaparilla be cause it works the same old cures. It's the sovereign blood purifier, and it '$ Ayers. Elillllll DR. S. C GRAY, late of Hawkes Optical Co., Atlanta Ga., j and ; . dr. h. f. taylor; late of tike California Optical "Tnstitute, ban a rancisco, are at A. J. fc jj. F. Yorlie's Jewelry Store, tbe latest instruments used and the grtaiubi care luiiun in uimcuu ca3es. n your rkjfes are not exactly suited, do tunity. jj . MORK1SON H. OALDWEL ill ATTORiTlY AT IA W, Office in Morris bai iding, eppdaite r liouse. NOTICE-TOWN TAXES. The jlases for the year 1895 are no?v dvm ' r d the book hss been placed in my hands for collection. All Tpersons owins the same are hereby notified that prompt pay ment will bo expected. Gall on me at my offi'M in the town hall, oppo site court house, d. Jj. Bogeb, To wn Tax Collector. Oct. 15:h, 183G. tf JN0. R. ERWIN. C A. MISENHEIMER ER WIN & MISENHEIMER Physicians and Surgeons Office No. 3. Harty building, 'opi charotte.V cburch' " Wsr " "" ; pS5 S5SSh w - - . -1 .TV Z n a: pi pi. c 73 mi . a ait o I n Mi. V .Ladies' Capes, 95c to $5. 12 1-2 c. Pound Calico 20o. and Caps 18c to $1.25. Cloth 25c yard. Blue, white stripe Ducking 25 pieces of Silk Velvet and 50 21 pieces of Velveteen, worth 27 pieces of Silk for Shirt 25 to 75c a X ard. Unbleached Sheeting, in lengths of 6 yards a ad und. c 12i CKNTS Men's Laundered colored shirts 28 cts. Club house ties 5 cents up. - Sox 4 cents to 40 cts. Ladies black hose 4 cents to 37s cents. es 35 inch HemiSdOrt Opera llOS , . PPTltft Ladies white collars 10 cent, cu3s 18 cts. Ladies silvered or black bone shirt waist buttons 5 cts per doz. Ladies black 1 silk watch, guards 10 cts. Chair seats 3 to 5 cts each. . Wire hair brushes 8 " . . - - ; cents. Royal talcum pow- der at 3 for 25 cents. Handkerchiefs 1 ct td 3? 1. cts' each. Mens caps 10 cents, hats 23 cts up. 4 : . . . :t Stor T5 f Pound Sheeting Infants' Hoods Yard wide Floor Oil Gray, and Blue with at 61-4c yard. Plash, worth 75 c to $1.50 a yd- CENTS, , 30 to 40 cents a yard, to go at Waists, Trimmings etc., from PER POUND, , Two papers needles for 1 cent, or better ones 1 cent. Sewing machine oil 5 cts per bottle. k Towels 4 cts up. Shaving brushes 3 cts up. Garter elastic 2 cts per yar tip. White tape 1 et per roll; Hooks and I's 2 doz. Tor i cent, improved! cent per dozen. The best colored spool cotton .made at 2i cents. Tooth brushes 2 cts Shoeblackinglcent Six dozen shirt but tons for 1 cent. . Three lead i pencil for 1 cent. CombsI3 cents up- 1 s i 0 U'