. XIIL-No. 169. . C0NC0.111). N. 0.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5 1896. No. 1. 210 93 67 93l 145 62 241 GS, 23G GS 283 73 229 61 241 71 229 OS 235' G5 235 63 234 65 68, 67 233 " - 2. 220 64 113 N 65 . 106 85 200 116 159 118 158 161 115 -97 184 .122 156 109 170 114 164 84 194 120 1141 114 156 3. 136 91 85 90 44 , 79 146 104 117 110-113 108 111 99 128 114 117 108 116! 108 115 101 125 109 107 106 113 j T " 4. 162 89 64 89 91 61 180 66 184 58 190 78 166 58 188 ; 68 175 65 184! 69. 182 51 198 68 64 63 187 " 5. 13o . 26 55 27 81 55 105 60 104 61 .100 68 93 56 107 73 92 61 1021 62! 102- 52 110 58 62 60 100 " 6. -rj&v.lS 81 13 44 79 60 75 59 .74 62 78 27j 73 63 78 . 51 77 60 78 .57 75 63 77 77 76f 60 : -: 7. 46 44 35 43 16 . 33i 59 36 58 36' 55 37 54 36 58 36 58 36 58 36 57 36 58 36 36 36! 58 " 8. 1731 56 183 55 .. 10 160 73 187 . 59. ISO 65 182 65 150 79 173 77 183 66 183 67 176 69, 183 183 177! fift ' if. S9l lUfi ML 95 07 T.Q 04 Ol rQ 07 r.A ft9. 07 QA r7A nr. o crl m nM. : ' 10. 243 7 91 3 161 84 163 87 170 . 82 170 95 157" 72 170 84 159, . 84 179 90 174 160 88 87 87 171 li 11- 140. 43 84 43 57 - 77 104 81 99 - 83- 98 107 68 57 118 103 72 81 103 " 92 92 701116 81 81 83 9S nam a. - vi --u iv u iuz zzo t) .y vu Uo5 M iuz zio y yo zzb ytJi- 5JtJ3 101 226 26 4 96 li 2. 154 132 176 107 8 164 117 169 124 171 117.173 108 162 126 171 121(172 12l! 172 122! 167 126 172 171 172' 121 - " 3, . 59 34 48 35 12. 47 46 50 46 50 46 51 44 40 03 50! 4$ 50 4(1 50' 461 48 46 50 50 50i 46 " 4. 107 169 S$ 159 30 80 192 87 '188 83! 189 105 173 79 195 S7 184 87 191 SSj 189; 81 197 . SS .88 87; 1S9 ' ' : : . -i 1 ' r , .. . r ,. 1 L t . . I ! : - - i - ; ; . Totals, ' 2151 997l489 940j 842 1370,1857 1505" 1772 150lll769!l656'l552 1342l894 1541 1691 14991800,152811770,141211874 1508.1508 1495 1771 Whole NO. 1,548V . to o o 3 ; op - Q fa , 231 234 67 232 168 166 111 165 116 ''115 94 113 186 187 88 184 106 109 47 81 60 60 75 . 60 58 58 86 57 67 68 132 t 75 75 106 - 171 171 81 179 103 104- 67 89 96 97 2-24 93 121 121 164 120 46 46 50 46 '188 187 89 187 1742 1748 1381 1598 THANKSGIVING THE , 26TH flr Cleveland fcts Aside Iay for the 1'eoiile to Gather Together "ami iiflef Fraise ami TlianJks to God, :md Do Deeds of Charity, Solii L r..i nfthA fftfr ' f Wasiiingxon, Nov, - 4 -By the CH'M'N. MANLY'S FIGTJEE3. Contest for Governor Is Close ryith Chances Fayorlna: Wi4tRon--J,els-latnre Anti-Ieraooratie. Washikgtok-, Nov. 4. -The As sociated Press haa received the fol lowing dispatch from Clement Present of the umtea ocates: UTfinlr th, rthaimftn- WMi-;B ;Hkt, of the United otateai n 4. ... - XT Carolina at Raleigh : 'Br5an has carried the State by The people should never be unmindfol of the gratitude they owe the God of Na- tiona forHia watchful care wmcn las obiel-led them from due disas ter and pointed out to them he of peace imd happiness. Nor tshoaid they ever refuse to acknowl- r,dt liith contrite hearts, their 20,000. Silver Congressmen are elected in the First, Third, Fjourth, Fifth; Sixth, Seventh - and Eighth districts. The Second and Ninth are in doubt. The contest oyer the Goyernorship is very close, with . e ' " . J! pwaxu to tura away nom uou ehance3 favorlI32 Wat5on. the Dem- d to follow with sinful . ,nu 1 - i : ocrafic nominee. The Legislature .arii:riirij an pride after taeir own ae3es. WiU probably be anti Dembcratic bv Totkeeud that these- thongnts I uiti ,, ; - ttiiv be Quickened, it is fitting that I w on a day especially appointed, we shoalu join together ja approachiDg eussell's election a. certainty. Daniel L Russell has been elected ihe i hione of Grace with praise Governor of North Carolinawhich ion. is the mo3t deplorable result of the Therefore. I. Grover Cleveland, recent election. A bulletin receivea President of the United States, do here today gives Russell. majority I . - - rrr hereby designate and set apart ol 20,000 votes oyer watscn. Thursday, the twenty-sixth day of the present month of November, to As a Cure For Headach. remedy for all forms of Steering clear oi the , shoals of ill health and the rocks of disease is e5y enducrh if only the if?fir; ha v e ijidigestion. 5 lutfv'?- The coiniroii'vist way tion shows - itself ia in constipation. Nine people in ten are troubled mora or less ih this way. Krinp..ti!iQ of 11 thf world's sickness is caused by this ope .trouble. If Sleepless- ! ness, piraples, motcnes, neaaacnes, soui stomach, dizzinessr " nean-Durn, paipi , tation,T biliousness, distress after eating all these- are merely symptoms of const pation. AVhy.do people suner wun mem when the cure is so simple and so easily obtained? Years aro, Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets were placed pn tne marKei. Since then, there has been no excuse for anybcxiy to sufFer from consf:Dation, and its' attendant 'ills.: The "inlets " cure every -.case- infallibly and permanently. Thev are. verysjllMep.sv to take, gentle and quick in action. They are not at all violent ; thev do v.ot . disturb ; the system. Thev cure v.uu so you staj- cured. Thou santfs cf woinen will find if they take the Pleasant Pellets" that their, ills will vanish with the constipation. The People's Common Sense Medical Advife.f eives mote, plain useful information about the nUlUHIl-UOviy 3JIU ail 111. aiiiutuia i. I -v. i c- c-itVii.p-f than fttYV PiicS'T: Jr? -J W1IH.U 11 .-.a .i.'--.v .1' VFLlltl JIJIJ www.-.. - - 1 Z language. It is really a medical -tr'inrAia in one volume., a large heavy book of 1008 passes, with over 300 illustrations. The McKinley. South Dakota is too close to count for either. Iowa is for McKinley with emphasis, Minnesota. - Tennessee has gained two Demo cratic Congressmen! . K. L. CRAVEN also Will fcpftT i GRADES of Domestic " Coal for Stoves, Glares. Furnaca and Shop use. Hard and soft. The Koryivn fc Wriarbt Guarantee. The guarantee of the "-ood tires' is broad enough to cover almost any kind of ailments and to satisfy the most exacting rider, but, the line must be drawn somewhere, and Mor gan & Wright are trying, to make it known to riders everywhere that the guarantee does not cover damages re3ulting from the carrying of anti leak preparations .inside the tire. By having as much air as possible in the M. & W. quick-repair tire before putting the tool into the puncture, and following the few other simple instructions in; the cat alogue, a -permanent repair can be made in two minutes, at the road side, without rcuoving the tire from the rim. mm mtum, TfeuZachi and Neuralgia c2teS MILES' PAIN PILLS. "One seni& dci Best Jellico Coal at $4.25 per toil and upwardi. See him before placing ycir orders. EYERYTHI'NG IS GOING- ' -AT O s POBRCII - be kept and observed aa a dsy ol Hoadach Electric Bitters has proved Thp.nksgiYing and prayer through- to bo the very best.; It effects a cnt our land. . permanent cute and the most dread ' On that day let all our people ed habitual sick heaaaches yield to ' 4- Z 1 i r- r n vrr oil ttt r r oro rorego tneir usual woik ana xxvu- rrocure a bottle, and pation, arid assemble in their accusr glYe this remedy a fair trial. In V-A Txlaops of worship : let them, cases or habitbal constipation iiec uti a places ci worsnip, ieu Lue , tric Bitterg cures by giving the with one accord render thanks to nee(iea tone to the bowles, and few the Kuler of the Universe for our case long resist the use of this 1. 0j nT medicine. Try it once, Fifty cents preservation as a nation and our alid LOo at Fetzer's Drugstore. utiiverance irom . every tmcttwcucu. . mm&m- Jaeger: for the ptaCC that hftS to iheyouns Democrats. dwelt within c-ur bcunderieB; for Iu the midst of the fever heat of our defense against disease and pes- excitement on Wednesday and tiier.ee during the year that has wheh everybody was on tip-toe and pascod ; for tne 'plenteous rewards leaning forward to catch the sligh tnat h.ie foll07ed the labors of our est sound that would bring har- Wbandtnen, and for all the other mony to the ear, and joy to the fe.3in8 tnat have been vouchsafed heart the following telegram was re- to rg ; ceived. It is self explanatory : And let us, through the media "To Young Mens' Democratic Club, tion of Him who h&E taught us how Concord, N. C. : Fay, implore the forgivenes3 of Everything lost except Swink, of our cins and a continuation of bur Cabarrus. J as. K.Jones, ueavenly father's gooanese. National Committee." 3 r.ot f orget on this day of Thanks ... .. ,ro giving the poor and needy ; and by TO cure a cold lai oke day deeds of charity let our offerings, of Take iaxative Bromo Quinine Tab praise be made more acceptable in All druggists refund the vmc cgut 01 ens uoru. money 11 it ians to cure, xoc, ' Witness my hand and seal of the unea states wmcn 1 nave uauocvt , to be heretofore affixed. Done at Notice . v , , the City of Washington, D. C, this J F Hurleyas the old. rphable fourth day of Noyember, in .the Fenn Mutual Life Insurance pom- jear of our Lord one thousand eight pany. ' Therwnte the ;best policj narndninet of the on earth. The moat desirable at the uuur.u ana mnety-Bix, . a fi h contract before naependence of the unitea oiaiea- jeaav. - 7 .. outlay of money, time and effort . .1.: rrl mod paid for bv the sale of the first edition of '6S0.000 1 copies at $1.50 each; and the profit has been lishi'nir the tresent edition cf half-A-million copies to he sent abso t ... i : A VI ...lis rnill -rftr!ir in m I small che-ge of 21 cents in one-cent stamps tj pay the cost of mailing only. .: Address, wu& stamps. Woiid's Dispensary J.lc-dlcal Arodauon, Ko. 661 afsin Street, Buffalo. N. Y. 1 1 ' 1 1 " 1 " " " ' mX WlFi Til. of America the one hundred and twenty.first. Geoveb Cleveland. Seal. Richard Olney. Secretary of State. takiDg insurance also fire and acci dent insurant Slk O KbS Dr?MllW Nerve Plastetaf :. v RUSIMAKX.j! . ' Reports this morningl are much more favorable for the j election of Bryan than on yesterday. Thare ia no waiKaver or lanasnae in ice eio tion and there is not very much to be sanguine over. Indeed, it may take days cf patient inveatiaticn to determine the result. Mr. Bryan is reported as sajin? that nothing pos itive can be known till the yote is counted out. Latest dispatches make Nebraska Democrats . quite hopeful. Kentucky is claimed j for McKinley. So is - North Dakota. Kansas seems safe for Bryan and the Democratic Governor and 7 out of 8 Congressman and . the Legislature. Texas, though claimed y by Hanna, giyes Bryan 1 60,000 plurality and Culberson for. Governor 80,000 and at least 12 Congressmen; Virginia is probably lost to Democracy for a very small majority. Washington is safe f or Bryan. West Virginia is probably gone for McKinley. New Jersey is : for McKinley, Delaware has a complication and may not ne counted. " , Some hope ia. entertained for Bfyanv in Indiana. : Florida 18 for Bryan; Oregon is probably fdi McKinley also- California; Misi ouTti forBryan' Michian isor if iilliil!! No doubt -about it; we7are better fixed to xlease!-you in Glothing-lthanlwe haveever been. Men's Suits, latest axu est. oys nits late best Ghildreii ' so Suits, a latest and best IE We guarantee tolsave youliiione. I0I1KI1I : - IU1ISI i k HATS'ANDjCAPS.KORIEVERYBODY'. S :& .