Vol. axii. Jo. 17U, BRYAN TO McKINLEY. -.iratnlatlons to a Successful Op-poucut--A Graceful Submission and wgntiriimity Becoming Its Source. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 5. Im med ia ' afieY receiving Senator Jones' telegram Mr. Bryan wrote the fol lowing dispatch : "Won. William McKinley, Canton. Ohio: Senator Jones has just informed me that the teturns indicate your election and I hasten to extend my congratulations. We have sub- in mittea tne issues i3 me ivmencau people and their will is law. Signed u William J. Bryan. I'rosrsra For Toaight. Duet -Mesdamea Brower and Harris. Recitation Miss Julia Barrow. Vocal Solo Miss Calloway. Piano Solo Mrs. Harris, r 'leg Miss Marshall. Song Ralph Odell. VcciL Duet Mrs. Brower and Miss Calloway.: Recitation Miss Mercer. Song Miss Janie Pat rson Pantocaine. Piano Solo Mrs. G A Greer. This entertainment is undenomi national and purely charitable and while it will richly repay-its patrons the proceeds will add comfort; to, the needy.' Don't forget 'that the hour is 8 o'clock and the place Judge montomery's. of Cnre For Headach. - As a rftmedv for all forms Headach Electric Bitters has proved to be the very .best. It enects a permanent cure and the most dread ed habitual sick headaches yield to to influence: Wo. urso' all who mo afflicted to procure a bottle, and 'tZ&lAmS; trie Bitters cures by giving. the needed tone to the bowles, and few case long resist the. use of this medicine. Try it once, Fifty cents and $hQO at Eetzer's Drug Store. The Gift Show. A large audience greeted Hillyer's Wonders and Gift Show last night a sm nnf by all present. The lightning, like calculations of Miss Belmonte 'were astounding while equally marvelous were the spiritualistic feats of Mrs. Hillyer. Some nice presents were "presented I the holders of lucky tickets among which was a live equealing pig. The prize of the evening was a nice cleco , , . , raiea cnina tea cei. m. . ... i . . - . , ; thing is conducted fairly, so go to nipht and witness some of the most marvelous teats of this kind eyer before performed in Tarboro. Daily.l Taboro paper. to cure a UOLD. in ose day Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let 3. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Capt. llltz Makes Appointments. At the regular, meeting of the Concord Hose and Reel Company Monday night, Capt. Henry Ritz maae tne IOllOWlDg appomtuieuta Nozzlemen George Murr, Y C Caldwell ; wrenjehmen, J L Brown, W V Deaton ; linemen, J C Foil, Vif Slnnn .TR flnnt R TT Whitfi. John Smith" and Eli GoldstonU Two Marriages Eev. W M 5hsw, of Bethpage, waB in thecitj, and gave us the follow- , B ing marriage notices: , On October 14, at the home of . ip. Mr. James .0 Brumley waa married to Miss Josephine Weddington. After the ceremony an elegant sup per was-served to a large number of friends and relatives. On Thursday October 29, James K Nash was marrid to Necma Rumple, at the bride's home; the presence of a number c friends, ' This wr also f olloweU by supper. C Rev . Shaw officiated at both wed dings, r, Didn't Care for the Quarter But it Made Htm to See It Iiying- There. He had deposited his ticket in the box on thedown-town station of the Sixth avenue "L" road at Fiftieth 1 street, and was counting his -change in search for plugged dimes and nickels. A quarter fell from his hands and rolled along the platform until ifc loded under tbe rajsed steps which form tbeecie of the platform. There it lay in plain view, but as unobtainable as the golden apples of Kesperides. v The lbaer was the nicture of raffe. t ji. VI coin," he wailed: "I've got- 'em to burn, but it 3 ust maKea me maa : to see that quarter there, and I can't of if " ' ; x . getn. , - h "Gimme a dime, .mister said a messenger boy, "and 5"centS for ex- pensesand l'll getri--: - The man regarded .the boy ior a moment and said, "Go ahead, o Ha; returiied' itt a ? fewi: minutes . , , , hl8 form workinR conTulsively. la his hand he had a piece of Sg0 eowdatchedJbim curiously.. From his mouth the , 5 " itvr J A j - " : j boy took a well-masticated wad of chewing gum. He stuck this on -a - (. J. iJJ-rJs Uv.L.i ing the sties . tnrougn::tne r narrow space, pressed the soft, and sticky anm firmlv on the lost'coin. Then si n the money to its owner, 1 "Keep the whole outfit," said the man. "Boy, you're a peach.: We live and learn," and he boarded a train, his face wreathed in smiles. xne fac'e of the boy was similarly decorated. New York Mail: and 1 Express. I Xost His Pants. i - Capt. Lovell, of the Southern Railway, had a passenger in the sleeping apartments of his train, when passing ' here " this morning, wh0 was not only mad but in a very sad plight. " The passenger boarded I the tram to Atlanta and "toos a sleeper." When he awakened in i Charlotte Borne one had took his I pants" together with $30 in money. The passenger was furious when he passed Lore. He was still minus his pants. Capt. Lovell telegraphed to ;Salisbury for relief, where the gentleman was fixed up with a new pair. ;i For Oyer fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child-- ren while teething, with perfect suci ? ess. It Boothesr the ch,oft8 cne guma, aiiaya an paiu, uuicb wiuu colic, and is the best remedy for I niarra Tf. will TfilifiVft thfl nonr little sofferer immediately. ' Bold bj drnggtsts in every Pt or the world. Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth? Syrup," and take no other kind: 1 : air. v kj ussoy, m mq. townemp. UUii UUtlW, IN. u.. FJtCIUAY, JNOVEMBEH 6 1896. xi jd GRO BEHEADS i ANOTHER. Ilalf Brothers Quarrel ana One Cuts on the Dead of the Other With an Axe, tne Victim's Head Falling; One VBay, His BOdy the Other. . Mount Holly, Nov.' : 5. The I most brutal murder ever committed in G- on couuty accurred about 2 o'clock today on Mr. W " "- mt negroes were cutting cord wood lor Mr, Hoover. Two of them, James Alexander ana na. regram com- menced quarreling about who 1 should'gb for a j ug of water.- iThey were standing "facing each ! (other with their axes on their shoulders, when all at once Alexander gave bis axe a mignty lunge ana c&t i'e- 5ram ueau u" u,a "uu- u" ueiiU fell oho way and the ? body the other. Ha struck the body oae lick and the head two licks after they fell to the ground., j Alexander S walked up to Mr. Hoover's house and told him f what he had done and had . him ' to go and see Pegrpm and explained how he did it, and asked Mr: Hoover to bring him tojtown, which was done. Your correspldndent saw Alexander as became iu- town, on- a mule, carry iqg" hia bloody axeV on his i o': c,ain,8 that. Peerara woulhave lit him'if he' had net killed him fiist. He talks atiqut it as'if he had done nothing more than meirrem'"?e'mM ander were half brothers. , ! ,T Officers' ha v; started; with HAt(i ' is iaiK oi lyqcomg.j . For Infants and Children. i it ea Ttrj viapptf. itff&atnra Food for Cannibals. i iiaron Yon iNorpecK, wno was an Australian scienti many narrow escapes in hifexplor- ine ventures, but ha9 made him- self food for cannibals at last Te Solomon Islands are situated about 500 'miles east bf'New Guinea and its ' inhabitants resist civilization moat rier tin aciousl v. The Baron ventured too far on one of these is I lands with an escort too small and the terrible, later wf the conse quences. The natives use the toma hawk and the iafer blow wa3 from one of these; HouseKobber Caught. Sheriff Monroe! came fdown from Salisbury, bringing Ed. Bradshaw, a negro boy who, on the 5th day of October, broke into several houses at and near the depot getting plun der and bread to the amount of several dollars,, besides a .iU in money. A preliminary hearing was had. before Esquire Pitts and in default of bond, the boy was taken to jail. " : i':- ;. ;;: - Tills is Your Opportunity. On receipt of -ten cents cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of . the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demonstrate its great merit. ' Full size 50ct3. - ELY BROTHERS, ' 56 Warren St, New York City. Rev. John ; Reid; Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,1 recommended Ely's uream xsaim iome. - x can empna- size his statement;" ; MIt is a posi; tive enre for catarrh if nsed as dii rected." ReriFrancia W Poolei Pastor Central Presbyterian-Churcn; HeIena,MoTit? f . r - - ? -ff. .m Appearances r ai attract the op posite sex. , Some times this seems pity.: it seems as if it would be justjer if a fine mind was the attraction instead of a fine face and figure. ' "Rut xrrii ro,f' rTiotiiva - teXt1 human uatuie.' 3 "understand it Iherw 4 auoui ii too ; Decausw aunougn we can'i all be handsome, almost every one of us can add at leasl 50 per cent hin oi herattractiT i.j by a little attention to the laws of beauty. When the eyes arg dull, the lips, ptiUid.1 the .kin sallow blQtchy or - pipjy. the fi'.ruTe 'thin '.ana wasted or overstout and ungraceful, the trouble is something more than inert 'out ward appearances'; the. inter conditin is wrongs ; the blocd. is poor- it lack? the! pure Kounsiiir.? oYiaiuies which are neectu to vitalize and invigorate the body. Iiix thi? case' physical activity is largrely a. question of pure, rich, red blood ; You can't have sparklinar eyes, red ripe lips, a clear rosy complexion and a graceful symmetrical figure while the blood remains impure ana impoverished; . What is needea Is Dr. PierceV Golden Medical Discovery to cleanse foul humors out or the blood, and help the assimilative organism to enrich the circulation with ah abundance of healthy red Corpuscles, creating fresh color and firm,'" wholesome flesh. All thjs is attractiveness, and something more healths - ' following the friendly, practical counsel contained . in Dr. Pierce's Rreat universal doctor book: "The: ' People's Common Sense. Medical Adviser.i" It i the . most comprehensive '.medical ; worttr ! In one volume in the English language. .It contains looa pages, fully illustrated. .- oao.oooicopies nave been sold at $1.50 each bound in cloth.; The prof- its are now used in printinfir iialfia -million fret comes oouna in sirone manias' paper covers, xo cppics Doumi in siiung laauiiu" jjapci turns. eet one you have only to send iijnsGent stamps rtopayepstof mamngv) . T ea Medical Association,No. 663 Uaia Street) B k. N. Y. FIRE INSURANCE. When in heed ol Fire( Insci ance. call and see us, or lite.- -W.e;iepre sent only firstclai Home and For eign companies. s : ' " r -: - . -Kespcct fully, . j Woodh U E & JIaibis. g. h. barnhardt; m. d: Physician and Surgeon , MT. PLEASANT, JN. " OaHs received - and promptly at tenaea to ac an nours.' 1 umce a my resdenoe lately occupied' by Dr Moose il9, 9iy I - Clothing- -i at - :x No doubt; about it; 4 ) $ 'ease you in CIothingiBthaiigwe haveLever been. Men's suits, latest an Boys' Suits, latest and Ibest. GMldrenso and foes "WeSguaranteeStoSsave- yov'monev. RGOATS L IBi - F0RWISHIM6S HATSEATSTOSCASSF;ORgE"VtERYBODy. Whole NO. 1,549 Sotlce.' V. , -.'J P Hurl- a-3 tbe old-' reliable" Fenn Mutual Life Iusuranoe Coir, pany. They write the - best - pohef on earth. The moat detirable at the least cost, Sep he cotrtct before taking insurancealso fire r.ndi arci dent insurance. ' . ' ; r- Tho Slorsran Wrisrnt Cunraiitf The guarantee of rbe 4:ood tirva is broad enough to cover almost noy kind of ailments and to satisfy tiQ most exaGtmg rider but theliia must be drawn somewnere, and Morn gan & Wrigh& are trying to msko it known to riders everywhere that tbo guarantee does net cover darcivn resulting from the parrying oC ati leaTf preparations inside the tire. By havingisa rnuch air as pojsiDle in the M. &. W. qaick-npair tiro before spatting tbe tool into the puncture, and foHnjrcy the few other simple instrucVjoijjj in tre cat alogue, a permantat . repair c.n t made in two minute?, at tbe road side, witnout re ig ihe tiro from the n in. : , - K. L. CRAVEN Will keep in stuck FOUR GRADES of Domestic Coal 101 blOVeS, (iratPS, rUIDaCfB j ni ' rr t ' t r and Shop use; Eard and soft. Best Jellico Coal , a . . j at $4.0 per tOU and TJpWarQS." uflfnTa AT1- orders: EVERYTHING IS GOING-- AT CGS AT ft erne welare better fixed to Suits, alatest CORHLL L 3. in. Caonons -1 - Hm'i 9

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