if i i i i - i i i i .s. it i S f i i i i i ii i i i i l ' i r-i Vol XI1L No. 171 WeolKO. 1,550 ..: T .. . Jim Beaton I iiilsn TSnnber ofCabar ras People in Arkansas. , He writes a letter to a friend arid, the following is taken- therefrom, which will be interesting news to many Cabarru3 citizens: "Forest City is a beautiful little city, cf about 3,000, situate between the St. Francis and the L'Angnelle KiVere, in St.- Francis county, in wb;ch county there i3 some of the naest farming country m the West. ."The upper section of the county is porticaiarly noted for its ' ex ten-j five timber land, both hard and soft ; and St. Francis coun'y is also a great fruit producing county. '"The farming la?id here is " '.wenderf y level, having no recks or "gul oya" to contend with while plowing. "Mr. Henry Fisher, one of Oabar- rua' old-timers, hv' Ci nice farm 9 miles aoutn of the city, and he tells the writer he cleared $900 the first year he was out here, with two horsef, end has been doing better every )ear, with the exception of this, which has been . a very bard one on the farmers through Ark., and Tex., I at says he dene a great deal better than he expected. He says he' is going to work 175 acres next year, and is gom to put it all in cotton except just enough to raise corn for hi3 stock. Hia sons Ed, Hill and Will, and son-in-law, Will Barns hardt, all have nice little farms within a few.-miles of each other, and all are doing well. "There are a great many Cabarrus people in this neighborhood (and they all voted the Democratic ticket) and all are doing well. Mr. Bill Lowder, Will, Henry and Mn.Aea Barnhardt, are all out here, and doing well. Their postofficd is Widner. Also, Ed and Geo. Stowe, and Chas. Eagle, are farming about 9 miles from here, on the St. Francis River. Their postoffice is also Wid - "The people of Arkansas are very . much disturbed oyer the election, but everything will quiet down in a few days and tfyen will ba serene. Rowan, Onr Weislibor, CJatms- tlao Banner. The Democraticbaaner, presented by the Immortal Vanca in '7G) to the banner county of the gtr.te, rov? held by Halifax, is now ; -claimed by our neighboring county,; Kor&n. The Salibbury corre3poadent to th3 Charlotte Observer says : "Rowan Democrats accept the de feat cheerfully. They fiad glory and consolation in ths fact: that they cairied the. county vfor Bryan by 1,600 msjarity aud the county and State - ticket-3 by f rcu" COO to 1,000 votes. .; In thia ihey ister noble claiin to have been the -"banner county of the State. The counties thrcaghout th'b Common wealth will take note and join hes next time. Populism end fusion; sland no show in this strongs hold of Uemceracv- Credit h the Chairman Lse S Overman and the county candidates for their excel lent and thorough work in the cam paign. Mr. Overman telegraphed Chairman Manly yesterday after noon, cldciing the banner and it is confidentlv expected to reach here aon. His Dos ' Dan". Has Retnrnedi . J our yeara ago Mr. W S Bingham ! Bold his fine- bird dog "Dan to a frisrrd in New York for .quite a handsome pr.ice. Since the poison ing and death, recently,' of Mr. Bingham's dog, the friend;; heart Went out in svmtatbv with Mr, Bingham in hia Ics, and rtjturiu d ' vuan ' to nig oia Master ss a nrs j eat. ';-"Dan,?ftfter4&ar.: .yeak,;'ab4 Uv and-vvas real glad to 3r3t . rn to his native -heath. KSX9, i . , -. . ''IT , n' ii K - liloitiiDg - lav - LaDnons JL .k r - rezers For Infants and Children. simile . . - f ; . -eg'' ' ' ' j No doubt about it; we 'are bet ter fijied to please you in .Olptngithanlwe iiave eve been. 9 m is n Tnronsli tlie St. .onis Torwatlo. Hero is an illustration, of the way the wind handled tilings during the. big Sl Louis tornado. This bicvele, DIdvTon Eyer Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles t If not. get a bottle now and et relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted.to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct mnuence m giving atrength and tone to the organs. If vou have loss of appetite, constipa- tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you heed. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Fetzer's Drug Store. At Patterson's 31 ill Friday SiKht. ' .''.'. 1 Quite a company of city people went out to Patterson's mill Friday nieht- when a dime concert was a 1 . . given in the Presbyterian chapel under the auspices- of the young people of the Presbyterian church of tbis city. The participants were Misses Kose and Corrine Harris Nettie Allen, of Winston, Annie Burkhead, Bettie- and Laura Leslie and Rev. A K Pool, Prof. R Keesier, Measrs. R K Black: and J L Watson. A number of ladies from Sunderland Hall also assisted in tbe entertainment, which was a grand success, there being an audience of about one hundred and twenty -fhe present. The song bjr Mr. R K Black was the eyent of the eyening. The concert was very much enjoyed by every one. TO CUKE A tOLD IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- eta. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Mrs. Georsre Fisber Head. ' Death entered the home ot Mr George Fisher this morning at 7 o'clock and claimed as its own that home's most valued treasure, Mrs. Sallie Fisher, the wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs, Fisher had been mar ried only about eighteen months ; they had just commenced life's journey together when God called her to his kingdom. Mrs. Fisner wa3 a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Si laa Smyre, of Newton, and a member of St. James Lutheran church at that place. She leaves a husband, - v 1 a little infant child, father, mother and brother and a host of friends to mourn her death. May the strength ening handof God comfort those bereaved. Her body will be placed in the grave at the St, James' Luth eran church burying ground at Newton, N. C. tomorrow afternoon. Stanly Enterprise Nov. 5th. miss Wads worth's Reception. The reception given last "evening by Miss Laura Wadsworth in honor of her visitors, Miss Nellie Hayden, of Atlanta, Miss Ada Bradley, of Knoxville, and Misses Cannon, of Concord was one of the most de lightfui social events of the season. Miss Wadsworth's beautiful home was brilliancy itself and those who were' fortunate to be among the "chosen ones" have abundant cause to thank her for such an evening of rare pleasure. Charlotte News. The Morgan & Wright Guarantee The guarantee of the "sood tires' is broad enough to cover almost any kind of ailments and to satisfy the most exacting rider, but the line must be drawn somewhere, and Mor gan & Wright are trying to make it known to rider3 every where that the guarantee does not cover damages resulting from the carrying of anti leak, preparations inside the tire. By having as much air as possible in the M. & W. quickrepair tire before putting the tool into the puncture, and following the few other simple instructions in the cat. alogne, a permanent repair can be made in two minutes, at the road side, without removing the tire from the rim. - - owned in St. Louis, was struck by t p ree barrels oi sy r dp, a tierce oi iard and one barrel! of vinegar. Ab solutely the only ; uninjured parts are the saddle and the Morgan & Wright quick repair tires,; which were full of air when the machine was found.. Even if . these tires had bean punctured, torn, any one of unless severely the holes could have been repaired: by the quick-repair device in them, without trou ble. Riders .of these tires, "when they have a pu net a re, need only be careful to pump much air as possible intj the tire before insert ing the quick-repair toel. The re,- pair can be made m two minutes. A. 1 l J L I . , . ixx, ice roaasiae, w tire off the rim. thout taking the TO CURE A COLD IK ONE DAY Take iaxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the monev if it fails to! cure. 25c. ml4 We have no disposition to break with our friend J j F Day vault, tut we do say he has a hoggish way of advertising his business. The shote was hanging by a hook in i its nof e Friday evening in the gaze of eyery passer-by. ' . ;j ; 1 ASK the recovered i cyspepucs, icrers, vituiiis lever aad ague, the mercurial. diseased patient, how .hey recovered healthy cheerful spirits and eood appetite; they will . tell gfilitfia!y9 fcy tak?nS Simmons The Cheapest, rui-t find I5cst Fatily ' Medicine iu; tiio World I For DYSPEPSIA.. CONSTIPATION, Jaunde, Bilious attacks, SICK. HEADACHE. Colic, Depres sion of bpints, bOUK blOMACM, lieirttiurn, etc. This unrivaled remedy. is warranted not to ccntam a single panicle of Mercury, or any mineral suW-ance, out is -; ... PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southera Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where I Jver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the JLfvor ana Howels. The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a hitter or bad taste in the mouth; iP&in in the Back, Sides or Joints, oiten mistaken for Rheumatism: boui stomach: Loss of Appetite: Bowels alternately costive and lax; Headache: Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed, to do something which aught to nave been done; Ucbluty; Low spirits; a thtck, yellow appearance oi the .bkm and Lyes; a dry Cough, olten mistaken for Consumption. sometimes many .ol t!ese symptoms r.it?rd t!ie disease, at others very few ; but the Livbr, the largest organ m the body, is generally the seat o! the disease and if not Regulated iff time, great suffering, wietch edness and 1KATIIJ will ensue. The following highly-esteemed persons attest to the rtrtiie? or oiMMONS L.iver KegOLatch; ien. w.b. Holt,' Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. : Rev. J. R. Telder: Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master- son, tsq.,bhenti JJibb Co.,Ga.J. A. Jputts, Uainbndge, Ga. ; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens! We have tested its Virtoes personally, and kno- -t. - m. f . r:M ' i n't ii-. t t i mai lor xyspepsis, oiuousness ana inrouu.ng xieaa ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. V oa.ve tried forty other remedies- before Simmons liver Kernlator. and none of them cave us mure than tem porary relief; the Regulator not only reliev ed, but cured U. iD. 1 BLEGRAPH AND MESSENGKK, MACON, OA, . MAWFACrtTRED ONLY BY , s'Biiits, -.late oe be 0S St. : Childireh p Mts, la and best. :sV Suits, ; lat 53 rf- WelgTiaranteeitoIsava you monev. OVERCOATS B i. HATSiANDIGAPS FORIEVERYEODY. G AN ii ON S & FETZ ER DAILY THE- GONGORD STANDARD & WEEKLY Democraict in principle, conservative in methods. Newsy but not sensational. Devoted to the Unei est of unity, harmony andJprogres. Its effects arid aims are tojadd to the"ys of the homeclrcle, the -elevationj of thej ambitious and aspirations of its readers. It would giadlynll'the mind with pleasant and profitably thoughts, makinglife'd burdens lighter, itsduties opportunitiesjmorerapprent. DO YOU TAKE dearer, - its IT? If not please) try it and see if you don'tjsay that THE STAND ARDisJworthiriany times its cost to you. J. D. B AfRRIBR & SOI3; Publishers. -

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