Vol. XIIL No. 172. CON CORD, N. C MpN DAY, N OVEMBER 9 1896. Whole NO. 1,561 BRYANT MAKES A STATEMENT for their efficient, untiring and un- AN UNEXPECTED' WEDDING. selfish labors. They have laid the It Came Jfear Winning: a Victory as ft WasJt Has Slot Been Vanquished not Mmply Overcome The Work of tne Democrats, Populists and Silver Committees Commenfled-Mr. Bryan Himself reels No Personal JUsap pointmentCali tne Roll for tne KextEngagement. " Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 5,-Wm. J Bryan today gave the following statement to the public : "fto can Be ever had su pporters more brave, earnest, and devoted than those who have espoused the cause of bi-metallism. They have fought from conviction and have fought with all the zeal which con viction inspires. ' Events will prove A Family . Itennlon A Snmptnou Supper at the Tlome of tne Groom's Father. i ' M " foundation of future success, and will be remembered as pioneers when viuiury . iaat reuureu. On Sunday ; morning, November jno personal or political iriena 8fcht afc the homo of - the bride. Mr. need grieve because of ray defeat. JohnW Propatriandl Miss 'Ada L July am oi non nas oeen 10 secure lm- ' . - , J . mi marnnger were united in marrige by meniaie legislation rainer man to pev q rj t pri. ; enjoy the honors of office, and; Mr. Propst was Jn! the stage of therefore, defeat brings me no feel- bachelorhood and was: nearing the iog of personal loss. Speaking for point when menconsider marriage a the wife who has shared my labors failure, but hfng met his dealing as well as for myself, I desire to say ,Q the home of ilr. D Luther Bar- that we have been amply repaid for riner he reconsidered his an mai we nave uone. m tne love courae and yielded to the charms of V uiiuiuug Ul WiAl. Avllun vl WuCUOt I Haw mhnm rrrn hnnn . .m'ma.. so kindly expressed, we find ful charms Jo the pathway of life for compensation for whatever efforts we njm 71 miis (1 me Iri. - Clothing - at - (Mis- -Fetors- $ 1 No doubt about it; we -are better fixed to, ulease vou in Clothiner than r.7 . Deen ton0Bea Dy lne aeTn ,ut the consummation of their union it, mey navo uuimug . "ft'"" friends, and our lives shall Drove w Men's Suits latest and Best were quietly married, and the our appreciation or tne affection ot w heralded as the advance , agent V' -" we prize as the riohert reward which Iiam Propetwbere he 'met his sis prosperity to the American . people, thia canipaign has brought. ., l. m v v a j i a a am m. m- r m m . n mi a , aau a a those Who opposed him will. snare in rn the face of an enemv reio ici 7 T rT'":y w" .t.. -f if iha nthr enemy rejoicing dren, of Lexington, and his brother, nfiRf. that prosperity. It, on the other :h r:ftfn iftf fi,a mii Ka . U , . . VTOUi - l v vww ww vuw iwu wv in-u i bi i i-i on vtt I k Urna .-1 hand, his- polices V Durham, and Mrno: R Pnt'ter on tn fhft nnnlA crenerallv. tnOS6 Ot 1118 L.n r u: i. "w j-r--. jait trieuuB ui ui.ineiiiiBmHi renew and family in aelad family re- ouuiiwo r?.w- cneir anegiance to tne cause, it we union. um-u.e - r - bic iigui, i uouee we ore, we The editor and hia wifo hH lh leged classes, will .offer in common ,hall yet triamph. rjntil ConviDced honor ot pUcb Jn the happy circle wn jdum wuu uppuwu Ux. oi meir error iec an aayocaies or DiH and at the board t)f W most sumptu inena8 01 oimetainaui uo meiamsm conunue toe worK. l&t, nnS Bnnn. ftn r-.j been vanquished ; they have simply all silver clubs retam their organi- Qnr moat hrtv nnnarfltnlat?o been overcome. ney oeucye ju zation, noia regular meetings ana are extended to the two so happy in the gold standard is a conspiracy of circulate literature. Our opponents each other's affections, and our vv the money-changers against the have succeeded in this campaign and beflt wishes are for a long, joyous, welfare of the human race, and un- must now put their theories to the aA ia, -i-n Boys' Suits latest and Ohildren and best. so suits, latest OVERGO Wejgxiaf anteeftoSsave you'mone. tc n n fl u - fliuu - ri i s. and beneficent realization of their GAMMONS CONCORD til convinced of their error, they test. Instead of ; talking mysteri. . . . , , will continue the welfare against it. dusly about 'sound money' and ; an I ' . la The contest has been waged this rhonest dollar they must now ad- to cwe a cold im ose dat Mw- rrreftf. ftmharrftsflmenta vocate and defend a financial svs- Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab JC4 " . . . : lAta All :-,1mmV,oMft,.wl and 8gainst great odds. The money tem.; ivery step taicen Dy tnem ey J question has neen tne paramount , "uuuw-uo puuuuiy wuuDiucjreu uy mo isaae. The Republican convention I suver ciuDs. satnrOnj'iFoxnnnt. held out the delusive hope of inter- Our cause has prospered most A number of young gentlemen national bismetallism, while the where the money question has been anci ladies were out for a fox chase Republican leaders labored secretly longest diecussed among the people. Saturday afternoon. They succeed- for gold monometallism. Gold During the next four years it will ed in jumping one of the sly red fel- standard Democrats have publicly be studied all over this nation even lows near Cook town, about four advocated the election of the Indian morej than it has been studied in the miles above the city and had quite apoUs ticket, while they labored! past. . a lively run. The ladies grew tired, gacretly for the election of the He- The year 1900 is not far away, however, before capturing the fox publican ticket. The trusts and .Before that year arrives internation- and gave up the chase. Three rab- corporatians haye tried to excite alal bi-metallism will cease to de- bits were caught driring the hunt. fear of lawlessness, while they them- ceive; Deiore mat year arrives tnose a uuut was given compiimeniary selves have been ' defying the law, who have called themselves gold to Miss Calaway and among the and American financiers have standard Democrats will become bi company were herself, Miss Bose Lasted that thev were the custo- metallists and be with us or they Harris, Miss Elizabeth Gibson, Hmnanf nftMnnfll honor, whilp thfiv will become Eepublicans and be Professors Holland Thompson and I - m . t . I K 1 . k Aaaitv on1 "Mm I-I w Xii mwaa w were secretly bartering away the open enemies; Deiore mat year ar- nuu' " " x U4J'COA- nation's financial independence, rives, trusts will haye convinced Vrt,- T i a - nc i 11 10 fill mnva nanhla fVio4- fvnaf la a I iaiinspueoi tne enoris ui uie " On receipt of ten cents, cash or administration and its supporters, in menace to private welfare and to stamps, a generousi sample wUl be finite of the threats of the money- public safety; betore that year ar- mailed of the most popular Catarrh loaners at home and abroad, in spite rives the evil effects of a gold stand- and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream .1 . . ... ..j L, m;n v,. Mr, flB;,iant fi,. Balm) sufficient to demonstrate its unne coercions prauuueu uurpu- uu v wMv. " great merjt Full Bize 50cts. rations, and in spite of the influence they are now and the people then ELY BROTHERS. of a hostile dailv press, bi-metallism rady to demand an American finan 56 Warren St., New York City. Vba ;mniia. ir ifa firaf I ninl nnlinv for thft American rjeonle xiev. Jonn rieia, jr., 01 ureal o aiuiuau uiuuiKui.i w.-. .rw.-w r"-" TIT-. -U--J 17i- preat fight. The loss of a few will join with us in the immediate Cream Balm to me. I can empna- 0PPortunitimoreIaPParent- States, and that, too, by a very small restoration or tne iree anu unnmueu 8,ZQ ni8 gtatement.! "It is i a posi- pluralitv. has defeated bimetallism I coinage of gold and silver at the tive cure for catarrh if used as di w-Tr,Dfailiflm nrnspnt Wal ratio of 16 to 1. withH rected." Rev. Francis W Poole, ' UiOSCUHi WM.M i-uiuiH4"M". n - I -t- . n . IT) . , emprfmm t.TiA nonfat stronger out waiting for the aid or consent of ---j tjv-- Z.0- i i rxeiena. mom. 9 HATS A3STD GAPS FOR EVERYBODY. FETZER THE- STANDARD DAILY & WEEKLY. . Democraict'in 'principle, conservative in methods. Newsy butnot 'sensational. g Devoted to the interest of unity, harmony andjprogress. Its effects Jandgaims areto add'to theTjoys of the home circle, the elevation' of the ambitions and . J. aspirations of its readers. - It wonld gladly fillthe mind with pleasant and profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, itsMuties dearer, its. DO YOU TAKE IT' ? than it was four months ago. I desire to commend the work of the" three national committees which bays joined in the. management of this campaign. , Co-operation be any other nation. Signed William J. Bryan. A Honsebold Treasure. D W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Bethpage Presbyterian church, have tweenvthe members of distinct po- Kins 'a New Discovery in the house i gne to Newbern to attend ith an htical organizations is always difil - and his family has always found the ft ,t . , , - very best results follow its use;; cult, but it has ben less so this year lh hQ wonid not be without it, if than usual. Interest in a common procurable. G. A. lykeman, JUrug cause of great importance has re duced friction to a minimum. x I Udlv the best cough remedy : that bereb, .xpreas my personal grati- SS tude to the individual members, as an that is claimed for it. Why not ftl1 no ' Mdtiv nffimra nf thn frv ft remedy so long tried and r,o; i i, -n tested. Trial bottles free at FeU national committee of the Demo- j)m(r Bnrfi. RGffUlar size 50c. If not please! try it and see if yon don'tjsay that THE to Atiena mynoa at nevbern. 1 Rev. WM Shaw Dr. J S Lafferty STAND ARDjsworthmanytimes its cost to you. land Mr. Nathaniel Johnston, of cratic; Populist and Silver paitiesf and SX.OO. nual convention of the North Caro lina Presbyterian Synod, which con venes in that city this week Rev. W O Alexander and Mr. P B Fetzer, of this city, will leave to morrow morning. They will repreo sent the First Preaby tenan church of this city and its branches. J. D toBAURIBR & SOH, Publishers. CiM W lkt)j Dr. lilies' Nerve Plasters. .. . . - l

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