f I. ..I Vol. XIII. No. 174 HONOK ROLL. rnuetnaliiy, Good Lessons nml fle-por.-iieEt In?s Your Nemc There. Following is the honor roll for the graded school for the month f, ti-.g November 10th ; v CJAN1IONYILLE. ' 'V Grade No. 1; Miaa Lena I -.lie teacher .Hester Alexander, Law son lilurae, Ella Beaver, -Lottie' Mar tin, Kosa Bine, Clarence McCathrin, Ijnie Ccrzine, Jiinmie Rowe, Allie i3, George Russell, Mary Littles, U-M'x'rson Scarborough, Mincie Mii ia, Ulfcrenc '::c'op, Lonie Bond, -l-;M;e ThoajaV Florence Sides, purvey Melton, Ollie Bacon, Bertie Cain way. ;.yV ' C ju - -Jcs. 2 ind 3 Miss -Pattern irn, teacher. Howard Sides, Viola Cortez Beaver, Mamie .WMtfon. '., ' y ' " , FOREST HILli. G rad e N o. 1 , -M : &3 S !i: re y, teac h er. Grace 'Brou,-iI.ig-3 Dent, Grace vt, Lill'e.McIanisp,' Lethia Miller, .:ii3 May pV&c&h,N&ahie Russell, LScySainplfY Edmund -Robinson, 7sb Rusr?:l, Bi&bvsft Waddeil, CJail- Grade Nos. 2 and 3, Mrs. Cole, tp - Br: B. own, Howard Penniuger, Lawrence Brown, Ar thur Bord?, Mibter gleans, Lawson Yjt ,..uxo. , Fn-nmn bwaricgeh, Ran m IJ- ilivvjii, John Robinson, .iV;yJe'-U;erf:b, Jessie Upcburch, L-jw Waher. 1 . V CENTRAL SCHOOL. Grade N o. 1 , Mks D odson teach er jo7n, Edna Correil, FiaaCtd GocdsoL, ;B3SoIe Llltle, Anna D Sherriil, Roa Campbell Young, Mary Morrison, Adelene Morrison, My ran Brown, Brice Caldwell, Ingram Little, Clarence Grccber, John Goidsten, Sam Kea nette, Arthur Morrison, Caldwell Propst, John Willefor'd, Aubrey Henry, V A Mieehheimer. Grade No. 2, Miss White teacher Jennie Coltrane, Mary Kimmons, Helen Patterson, Ruth Gibson, Geoige Lippard, Clyde Dayyault, Joe Harteell, Jesse Fisher, Winborn Saunders. ' . . Grade No. 3, Mrs. Misenheimer teacher Lester urr, Paul Pitts, Ray Patterson, Ollie Suther, Daisy Weaver, Ruby Stiller. Grade No. 4, Miss Means teacher John Phillips, Robt. Fetzer, Archie Fisher, Jimmie Brown, Glenn Ross, Irma Bost, Julia Black- welder. - - Grade No. 5, Miss Alexander teacher Archey Brown, George Corl, Mamie Gibson, Tom Fetzer. Grade Nos. 6 and 7, Miss Moser . teacher Janie Patterson, Mabel Grabber, Nettie Caldwell, Lillie Cook, Zula Patterson, Buford Corl, Johnnie Barrier. " . Grades Nos. 8 and 9, Mis Laura Leslie teacher Connie Pounds. Flossie Pounds, Ollie Fisher, Nina Day vault, Liddy Bakke, Cassie Watson, Mamie Allred, Fletcher Fink, Kate Morrison, Sudie Harris. Highest average mark for deport went in!ranks. grade No. 2. Same distinction for last month, grade No. 5. . , , 1Bnchlen-'S Arnica shit. The Beet Salve in tke world for Cut3, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, .Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures dea or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or jaonev refunded. Price 25 cents per For Eale at P B Fetzer's Drug c tore, Rfif FrACHB ana Rheumatism itoy Dr. Miles Nerve Pli relieved Plasters. CON COllI), THE ELECTORAL VOTE; Xlie Kew York Journal s Estimate of Ilow It Will Ktani. The following is the, latest esti ma of how the presidential vote will stand in tha elector! colles-e as figured by the New York Journal of Sunaay4: ... , FOR M'KINLEY. California ; . ... Connecticut-.,! . Delaware . . . "; . .. ' 0 6 3 23 15 13 13 6 8 15 9 Illinois. ...... . . . . . . . ; . - . Indiana . .'. . .V. . . .. ". Iowa . ... . Kentucky . . . . ". Maine. . ; . , . . . ; . . . . Maryland . . . ; . . . ... ; ; Ma3dachvs3eifa . . . ; . , Miu?3oift . . ; . . . . . . . ; Horth D l.o ''.. . ... New Hampshire ...... New Jersey. . . . . New York.. . . . ... Ohic Oregon. , . . . . . . . . Pe'an8j)73bia. . . . . . . . . . . .- . . Rhode Xd v . . T. ;-. South Dakcta . . . . ; Vermont . . . ." . , ; . West Virginia. .:. . . . . . . . . . Wigcouaia .. . .... 10 33 23 4 32 '4 4 4 6 Totsl FOR BRYAN". Alabama ... Arkansaa . Colorado ; .. . Florida ... .-. . Georgia . . . . Idaho". .... . Kansas . . . Loui&iaa i. . . 11 8 4 4 13 3 10 8 9 17 3 8 3 11 9 12 15 3 12 4 3 170 Mississippi . . . Missouri Montana. . Nebraska . . . . . Nevada . . . . North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee .". . . Texas . . ... . . . Utah . . Virginia. . Washington . . Wyoming. . ; . Total. . ! . It is stated on good authority' that Bryan will get one vote from Dela ware and one from Kentucky and if this is the case Mr. McEinley's vote will be reduced to 275 and Mr. Bryan's will be increased by two. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canaioharie. N. Y.. says that he always keeps Dr. XLlii o lion Jiavuycijr iu tuo uuudo and his family has always found the very best results follow its use ; that he would not be without1 it, if nrocurabie. G. A. Dykeman, Drug gist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King s New Discovery is undoubt edlv the best ccush ; remedy : that he has used it in his family for eipht years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why. not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Fet- zer's Drug store. Regular size Cue. and S1.00V On the Move. Mr., J M Hendrix has moved his place of residenceVfrom r the fair rounds to the Fetzer house on Cl South Main street. . Mr. R Will Johnston is moving into the McEachern house on West Depot street, and Mr. J C Willeford will move into the Caton house, va cated by Mr. Johnston. TO CURE A t'OLD. 1W OWE WAY Take laxitive Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Sotlce. ; :i ' : J F Hurley has the old reliable Penn Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. They write theA beat policy on earth; - The moat desirable at the least cost. See the contract before taking insurance also fire and acci- j dent insurance. N. C.t WEDNESDAY- NOVEMBER 11, 1896. CoRimisstoners One less. - "i. ' - The efficient board of town com missioners lost an able member from Ward 4 at its meeting Tuesday night, when Mr. C W Swink, who hag teen "elected as , county treas-resig-th re- nror, resigned. Of course his nation was accepted, bat wi gret The business of the mceti ty,i very limited after the usual monthly i transactions were through with. ; Mr. W R Odell complained to the boafd in regard to the police regula tions. On Saturday nights a police man is of tc-a needed at Forest; Hill, but as the.cliief bas to be on the streets and his assistant at trie de pot, that :p t of tb city is found wanting ia this .pirticu'ar promo tion. Under the present town char-tr.- only ty?o r?gii.: jA-olicmsn 'caa be hired, i A committee has the matter in charge ard rrill Hkely put on a special 7ilice v,i'.i: i: HcUIdays when oth nntil ;r sr- i adamants .-will be made. ; T;i.o boari is nlso consider! Eg the matter of changing the charter in yovtjral inBtrncfn, provided the next Ledislatuid will grant pnohrriv cet?, &cj cuaiigea may be deemod ecessary to bring "about such im provements as are needed.. t c '..'Bid Ton. Erer ) I Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles I if not, get pottle now and ret relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly cdaptoditojha relief and care -of all fezjalo ccmplaints, exerting a won aeriui airecc mnuecce m givmer etrenrrth and tone to the oraiDs. If you have loss of appetite, constina ion, headache, famtim? spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable. melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Haecmc letters is the medi cine you need. - Health and strength are guaranteod by its use. - Fifty cents and 1.03 Fetzer's Store- Drug 1 The Reception. 4 The reception given Tuesdayinight by the Ladies' Aid Society off Cen tral Methodist church, at the ele il gant home of Mr. and Mrs. John B Sherriil, was an occasion of much pleasure to the many attendants. The event was complimentary to Miss Callaway, of Wilmington who is the charming guest of MH and Mrs. D B Coltrane, and who has for some time past graced Concord so ciety and won the admiration of everyone by her lovely disposition Mrs.' Sherriil and Miss Cailaway re1 ceived the guests in the parlor on the north side of the residence, as sisted by Mrs. Dr. S L Montgomery and Mrs. D B Coltrane in the hall way. The large company was en tertained in social converse, by soul stirring music and an elaborate j sub Stan tial supper. The parlor, ! halN way and dining room were profusely decorated with beautiful displays of chrysanthemum and- poc plants, evergreens, etc. ; i Her many friends will regret the departure of Miss Callaway, who will leave for her home tomorrow, but will live in the hope, however, that she may soma day return. For Over fifty Tear Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over j fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes, the child,' softens the gum 8, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It w; U relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. .Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure aad ask for "Mrs. Winslowa Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind. - ': '"-.-- .'.- . . Srh&lslQDBNeurz.lszli ITr. LUea" Tala fin J list G TJ f - Clothing - ai - All No doubt about it; we are better fixed to Dleasc en in Clothing than' we hav: cvt beort. - FT . 1 s Suits, la . J, 4 11 its 2ildren's3 and best; 'WeIgiiara.nte3toit?.vO' jov mone. Oil PPOlTi 0 HATS AND OAPSIFOR EVERYBODY. GAMMONS & FETZER CONCORD STANDARD DAILY & WEEKLY. Democraict in principle, conservative in methods. r . . Newsy but'not sensational. gUevoted to tne nterfstr of unity, harmony and'pregress. 'i.' : I.- " ' ' ' ' ' . , . ' . Its effects land 'Jaims.,-. are' to add tothejjoys of the home cIrcle,5tlie;SeIevation' of tbeambitiousjjand aspirations of its readers. It would gladlyiirthe mind with pleasant andj profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, itsjduties dearer, its ; .-. ii . ' . . j .. . j. ! i. ---- a i rr DO YOU TAKE I Tv? j r ,. " ' ' .. ' f. ' - ! ' ' ' '.- If not please) try it and see if you don'tjsay that THE , STANDARD iswortb'many4timesiitscost to 'you. , ,i . ''" ",'''. :' .'".;. .'- .-'.:'' ' ''- ' ' "". ' '" '" , ' "" '' V J. B.bB AERIBR & SON, Publishers. Whole NO. -1,653 Tr ill me Cannons - Fdzefs 4 fm 'pi ti rl latest and Suits, " latest THE- . i . ,. ' i I r