Vol. Alli.!t-lNo. 177 A PLEASANT CALLER. - A British Columbian Minerals nud Game lneer Animals. . The standard appreciated a call Friday from Mr. T C Coiling, whom we fouijd to be si valuable acquisition to our Hat of acquain toces. - - . . ' He is a brother "to Mrs. Luther Saunders and with a sister, Mrs. Mitctiell and children, is visiting his relatives here. Mr. Collins is a native of North Carolina and has a good degree of native , pride. The family home is . in Asheville, to which he has. returned. "after an . absenceof thirteen .years. r Vi. "He sis-en gaged in' the mining bnilW nesT near Kootenay lake in British ;olumbia, about 150 miles north of Spokane, Washington. From Mr. Collins we; learn 'some interesting fac s that we had failed , to gather earlier in life. The terri tory for about 100 - miles has in creased in teu years from about 200 to about 5Q,000 white inhabitants. Minerals and game are the chief attractions. ; . . . Gold, eilyer, copper and lead . abound. Met ala are often found together, especially7 silver and lead and gold and copper. Gold ores are of two kinds ; free milling ore and base or smelting ore. The Jormer requires little experience while the base ore requires a very expensive smelting plant and thor ough cbspaical knowledge and skilK ,ful manipulations to extract the metals which are formed into ''one mixed mass to be sent to another costly plant to be separated and re fined. - : - r These mines are rvery7 rich tan d profitable, even at the present de pressed prices of silver, and theduty of U cents per pound on lead. ; The territorial governmehtallowB t qual privileges to" aliens bu if charges each prospector certain -fees that produce a handsome revenue to the . government. , ' y- There can be no monotony in life there to one fond o.f hunting, adyen tare and gunnicgpofts; v ' ' f Among the feathered game are the wild goose- and the mallard duck. The latter -may be knocked over with a stick and gathered for frying when of good size, , but in completely pledged. .. . r , The habits of the wild goose are like they are. here. Their home is still to the North and you're a good shot if yon get 'many of ; them, Pheasants also abound, "and there are many grouse which is very fine game of a blue eoler, 'red,; head and struts like our turkey, . This bird is of size between our common turkey aQd chicken. Another interesting ' bird is called the' fool hen of white elKHavore4d flesh and about twice the size of ourjquail and ! of similar ; habits. This bird takes, ita name ircca one of its odd ways; having no senee of self-preservation, it will fly P from its covey and sit on a low bash and let you shoot it "or knock lt off with a stick or even catch it. its home is in the mountains. Among: the larger came is the Caraboo, an animal rarely heard ot He 18 something like the moose, has broad head and of course for m a good target for a poor shot. He rge8 in the mountains in herds attains to the weight of 1,200 . wnda sometimes. - .aere are four species of deer m the mountain goat and - the .mountain sheep. There are also four species of bear; the eilver tip or ball face, the grizzly, . tfce black and the cinnamon bear. The latter name is from the color of the hair. The cinnamon and the black are; often tamed, but the grizzly is' somewhat cross, -and as for the eiW yer tip or ball face, he is ferocious! and is a terror to the natives. Theywill charge upon yqir without! pro vocation,; while the otter species; will only fight .in self defence when wounded or bayed. ' ' " "'; I The climate is not extreme. T The winters are longbut the temperature is e quable. The "lakes; aocf riveri are our ideas of Switzerland iin tbeir placid beauty. The streams flow along smoothly and grandly and ever and anon they wilen out into lakes of charming pictdresqaepess when the crystal waters again flow on the verge of valley -land when they plunge along ' through mountain gorges in their haste to reaclj an other spread of valley land where again the river and lakes are afloat with boats 250 feet in length, and pleasure, yachts plying from town to town doing the great carrying- ser Vice. - ; .: v;-;-s-:i yr.A'Y ; j The-natives are of course rnd'ans of various tribes of . which the Kootenay tribe seems t to be. a, model. He is peaceful, "industrious and self -supporting, ; J 7As:" else where though the Indian is yield ing his place to the aggressive white man.; The new citizenship, is 'of -all nai tionalities, harmonious and pleasant in their relations save Mr. Hen glish," who renders himejslf -- some what the' obj?ct pf deserved diefa-? vor - through His h aught y ; view of "common people." jjloose-J-.ittleCQn. At the residence of Dr. J W Lit tleton, this morning aty9 o'clock Mr, Jaa. E Moose and Miss Bettie Lit- tleton were happily married, Bev. C M Campbell officiating. : 5 Miss Littleton is one of Albe marle's most charming young ladies and Mr. Moose is general manager of ' ; Messrs. .Yof ke . & Wadsworth'a lumber business in this county and a most excellent young man." lm mediately, after, the, marriage- the happy couple left for the home of Mr.. Moose's father in , . Cabarrus county. We extend congratulations, Stahly Enterprise, i : VOj ; Friday afternoon Sheriff John A Sim3rotthi3cqunJ;y and ( Sheriff G R McCain, of Stanly, met, at Mc. Pleasant and canvassed the4 votes of Cabarrus and Stanly counties elect ing a Senator. The canvass showed that Mr, 0 'D.BarringeVs majority over Mr. J B White was 78. Proper papers were signed up and Mr. Bar- ringer went his way rejoicing. TO CVRE A COLO IS OSE DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ipta All drusdstB refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. ': - All Free. Those who have used 'Dr, Kmg;s New "Discovery know its value and those who have not, . have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on advertised druggist and set a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H E Bucklen &kCo-, Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr Kind's Now Life Pills free, as weii as acopy of Guide toFealth and Household Instructor free.. Ulof which is guaranteed I ; todo .vou good and cost you nothms. et zer s Urug store. CONCOKT,,N. C, vSflRpAY,, NOVEMBER 14,-. 1896. . tr Jfllracnlous Escape.; . , t Oo Wednepday laet Mr. and Mrs. Prahk Goodman visited! the family of Mr. A M Freeze, at .Mill Hill, when a very exciting runaway oc curred. Oa arriving at MVFreezcj'e, Mr. ; Goodman: alighted and was holding the reins when the hor?o he was driving made a dart and pad Mrs, running ia an instant, with. Goodman and a ten months old child in the, buggj?. The latiimal; ran several hundred yards, crossing two ieuces uuu a cpuon paicn be fore.Mfs. Goodmaniand, child weie thrown from the buggy. Itj looked as if they would be dashed to death but providentially ihere wa9 no fatality. Mrs. Gaod man and child were thrown about t wen ty fet t from the baggy. Mrs. Good man's foot was slightly sprained; other-! wise no in j uries were -received by herself or child. The buggy ran for "so me distance on one wheel. . i The horse attached to. the buggy was one that Mr. Goodman bad re cantly traded for. Mr. A M Freezs advises everybody to know the good,;g(Bn'tl&aafo fore trading for ; on 0. He says the. escape of Mrs. Goodman "and child was niiraculous. B .-y home stock instead of AVestern ani'mals T : A Char mingr RInsIcale J x ' Last night Vat jir. Robert ; S YoungV, Mr, Leo Wheat, the Sputh-j em pb.nist,ientertainf.d a house full of the doctor's invited guests with a1 most beautiful and delightful piano recital; r- ; ."Z... -l -:-':r ,.;:'V: : I His program comprised selections of the very bedt piano music bv many of the greates t pld masters, as well a3 the most popular of modern composers ; ana nis periormance and rendition of them ail was great ly enhanced by his graphic descrip tion of the intent and ; inspiration of the various authors in the par ticular excerpts from their works he selected. It was, and will be, a memorable evening to all who were priy ileged I to hear it ; and they were all charmed to hear him state that he is likely to give an evening to Concord soon with the concert company he ih now organizing. '. ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever diseased ; patient, how tjxey recovered f health, cheerful spirits and good appetite ; they will tell you by taking Simmons Ln;ER 'Regulator. ' " v f i. r T - ; The Clleapest, Purest arid Best Family . ' - Medicme in tlie Worial r For DYSPEPSIA. .CONSTIPATION. Jiundice, BiUous attacks, SICK.-HEADACH, Colic, JDepres-. sionof Spirits. SOUR STOMACH, Heart Durn, etc.. V This unriyaled remedy is warranted not to' contain a single particle of Mercury, brahy mineral substance. bUt IS ; 5-.. PURELY VEGETABLE, ; containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver 0iseas most " prevail. It wiU ' cure aU Diseases caused, by Derangement of tho Livernd Bowels. v ' --i v . t ,.' Tb-i SYMPTOMS-ofIiv.er Complaint are a bitter or bad taste.in the mputh ; JPain in the Back, Sides dr oints, often mistaken for - Kheumatism ; sotti tomacn: Loss 1 Appetite i Bowels alternateJT costive and b-x ; .Headache ;f Loss of Memory Wlt.h a painful sensation of having Tailed to' do something which aught to hav been ilone DebiUtyJ Low - Spirits J. a thick, Vellow abearance of the Skin and JLyes; a drr Cough,. often mistaken."for Consumption. '' Sometimes. many of these symptoms attend the diseaseat others very few ; but the 'Liver, the Targes; organ In the body, is generally thf seat of the disease, and' if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and. DJ2ATH will ensue. V '1 - The following highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues "of Simmons Liver Regulator: GenlW. S. Holt; PVes. Ga. S. W. R. R. C6. Rev. J. R. Felder, PerryvGa.; Col. E. KrSparks, Albany, G.; C Master- . sonEsq.heriti' Bibb CQ.',Ga.; J. A'.Butts, Bainbridge, Ga. ; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.'; -Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga." S. W; R. R. ; Hdn. Alexander H. Stephens. vle "have tested "its virtues personally, and; know -that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and .Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine" the world ever saw. We nave tried forty other remedies before Simmons liver Regulator, and none of them gave ns more than tem- Crary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured ."Ed. Telegraph and Messenger-,. Ma'cok, G- J. H. s CO., Philadelphia, "a. iiK - ai - Cannons -f No doubt -about it;?welare better fixed to- TDlease -you in Clothinp: been: . Men s Suits, latest and est. oys best. V Midden's and best. We guaraitee to EBTS -10 HATS -AND CAPSjFOR EyERYBODY. THE- CONCORD DAILY & WEEKLY; : . " f ' - - '"' "i ; .' :- - . . .- . ' . ' , ' - . DeniocraictinTprinciple, conservative in'methods. v - Newsy but not sensational. of unity, harmony and progress. - Itsefi;ectslandjaims arej'to add to tjiejjoysjaf the . Si home clrcle,th9 elevationj of thejambitious'and 2 aspirations of its readers. Ic.wouldrgladlytlilLthe mind with pleasantandlj profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, its duties dearer, its opportunitiesmoreapparent, a : DO. YOU .If . not pleasegtry it and see'if youjdon'tjsiyhat ',THT5 STANDARD is worth many times. its costjto'vou. J. 9 Publishers. cm l.W.hole NO. lfitt than we haW:ever - ' 4 feme Suits, latest and. suits, lates savp von moiie. - F STAN - Devoted tot no; Pierest TA IT? son; I

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