Vol. XIII. No. 179 Budgets FroniJUt. Pleasant. llxs. Fullenwider, of Monroe, mother of Edward and John, and Mies Roxie Fullenwider," of our ecbools, spent Wednesday night in j i pleasant on her way to Salis- bury. . - : . Mr. Hearne, of Albemarle, was here Saturday to attend the funeral of Col. Shimpoch. Mr. Parker, of Greensboro, a life insurance agent, is spending a few days in our town in the id Merest of bis company. r:-:;.-::, ' T II Ridenhour, -oi St. John's, was in Mt. Pleasant punday even-. jDg, We are always glad to see Tom. .' -V - Mr. J D Fisher one; of Cannons k Fetzer's clerks, visited his home in Mt. Pleasant Sunday evening. . A blind man was seen on the. streets today begging. This is not often seen in Mt. Pleasant. Rev. M D Giles preached his fare well sermon Sunday night We have beard it spoken of very high ly. He will leave for conference on Wednesday. The good people of Mt, Pleasant, hope that he will be permitted to remain another year with them. ' The college roll is graduaUy in creasing. Three more names were enrolled Monday morning. "Come right along boys, we have room still to accommodate a few more. lr.D Luke Johnson, -who, spent a few days at home recently, return ed to the college Moriday evening. Luke says he would have stayed longer at home, but he was con;; tinually chided by ' the;"tinpleasant thought that his girl was flirting with some other boy-during his ab eence and concluded he had better return to his post of duty. There are only two seniors at the college and ten at the seminary, and yet those two, bright, small seniors claim, and We have it -from good authority; that they are, going to monopolize all the spare time of their lady companions. in erudition, during the holidays. We.have not heard what the Sophomores say about it, but we will wager some thing nice that there wilf "be' some strong opposition. We shall not guess as to the result. 4 - Thanksgiving day comes but once a year and it seems reasonable that evervbodv should have his CONCOttl.V N.-O.',sP0fiSDAT, NOVEMBER 17, ; 1896. Will Xectnre Tomorrow Alffht. Rev. Bartholomew Soulier, pastor in charge' of the Waldensian colon? wuuij, ia a visitor m ourf city. He will lecture at the First e!r!au church tomorrow evening 'j 7 o'clock. The lecture is entirely free and the public gener ally is inyited to attend. : Mr. Sout Her was born in Italy in the valleys of the Pied moot and waa , educated at the University of Edinboro' in Sptland. He speaks severa I for eign languages fluently, but will speak' Wedne8dayJ evening "in Eq g1! which he uses ( with "striking grace and force. He wil I aflbrd the people of oar town an opportunity 10 j06? AJeHe!entat1Ve of an: hon ored church which has existed ever iDCa lHtimea Gf tne apostles and which, despite frequent persecutions, has maintained its existence and is today what it has always been, "a light' shining in darkness' -Let everybody come out to hear him; Look ins: For a Mister. Mr. Oiareuce Gil more, , of -New Hampshire, ; fa-' in thoj city today looking for his sister, Mrs. .Ada Jamee, whoijwasaideaertedi by - her husband at Concord about a year ago. The woman's huBband is a native of New Jersey nd c,me Sou1;h to work in a cotton mil i. At Concord, however, stolen sulne money and was compelled to : skip, leaying his wife and child without any means of v snpboit,- Mr. GiK more thinks that hur sister ia in 'this section of the titate and f would ap preciate any information relative' to her Wherearouts.-Saii8bury World. Mrs. J ames anil child left his city about eleven months ao, going from here to Salisbury, j 1 ' I M S e- ;i . - ' ':.ti'St' feme I n. IT TO CtJItE X COLD IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. ;;25c. share, but the . seminary;; girls say (regardless of the fact that, they have studied very diligently air the hile) they fear their share- will be very limited. ; -tANfoiNY. j Mt. Pleasant, No V..17. . : All Free, Those who have used Dr, King's jjw Discovery know its i value aild se who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on Jdvertiaed druggist and get a trial ,SV16 free. Send your ;name and address to H E Bncklen & Co-, .JjHcago, and get a sample box of JJr-'King8 New Life Pills free, as U as a copy of Guide toHealth and usehold Instructor free.' 4.11 of Wilich is guaranteed to do, you cosfc you notnine. JFet zer 8 Drug store. UH ! Look 1 . ' A Land3omel v finished cottage for sale, on Church street, ncord, N. C. Will be sold in a 7 days. Don't fail to see G T mbucklefor information. Resi "nce n Pine street, Cannonville. ffoman's Work. The . conferential convention of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary .society of -the .Southern conference of the North Carolina Lutheran JSy nod ; met at. Mt. ! Her mon church on Saturday, Noyember u;i896. ';.:-i:; The meeting was well attended and was preaided'over in a busines like jway, by the proficient President, Miss.Ida Ritchie,' of St. "'"John's , so. ciety. ; After an address of welcome by Miss Lula Li taker, which" was res pond eid to by the Vice-President, Mrs. S D Steffey, -the usual, routine work was attended to and the dele-gates-made their reports, : which showed a great improvement in the work of the different societies;. J The- following xecited -suitable selections m suchf a pleasing' way" as to receiye deserved praise 'from all present: L 1. JHe ? ; Calleth Thee." Miss Dora Bost. . . "Hold the Kope" Miss Lyda Fisher. : 3. ' An original paper lay MUa Callie Lipe "bmall Deeds for a Great Cause." ' Miss Lipe 8 pape waB a well wri tten an d : w ell read production, which received , nn stinted praise from all. It" would be impossible in the space,.' allotted for me to ajttempt even a synopsis of this paper, and not necessaryas the society secured a copy and or dered the same published. - After short talks by the .ministers present the ; convenon: adjourned and all went away feeling that good had been accomplished in the uia me of the Master. SidnbxJ). Sxeffey. r'Sale Tree rills. Send your address to H E Bucks in ife n.. Chioaero. and get a free sample box of Dr. Kine's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of f hfiir merits. These pills are fsy. in action and are particularly effec tive hi the cure., of Constipation and sick headache. For malariaand fever troubles they have been inVAiiiAhlfl.-' Thev are guar anteed to be perfectly vegetable. They do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to the stomach and boweis greatly, invigorate the system. Regular size 2ac per box. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. . Fer Bent. ' la St. Cloud hotel building on. Main street, small store room or office, suitable for dental office or jewelry. J-W-Ca23. Clothing - at !els No doiibtabbTit' it; we -are- better fixed to rtlease you in Glothinp: than we have' ever been. - - s Suits, latest and Men CA V. O R For Infants and : Children. Tie fao ' siiula it vrapjef. rival Concord's Chief. ; Chief Off had a formidable Monday iri the person'of Capt . Bo- ger pqneprd's chief, x, police. he latter offic;allwore a i unif orm . that tue'Sii Tailor8: coaldn't beat ; the poHsh'of :hl4;j3UUon8"ihdica ted that he uses something better than Sa polios while the sheen of his badge was dangerous7 to 1 wea kejtia. - Gdn cord has a" chief to be pTOiid of, and we are alwaysfglad to h ive him over oo these special occasions, as esprit de.twrf;Chari Notice. - - 'I":,-'' - J F Hurley has the old - reliable Fen n Mutual Life Irisnrancs Com pany. Tdpv wnie ice " bea t polio j on earth. The moat desirable at the least cost. See the contract before taking insurance also fire aod acc dent insurance. v Broke (fat a Window Ilgbt. Some one cnunked a rock into one of the 1 arge front i windows in the Morris hardware stufe some tiae during Monday - night.; A stand with a number of guns was sitting jast "-'inside the window, iand it wa-, at first thought that Johnnie had come to get a gun, but after an in vestigation it was found that noth in g was missing. It was either the w ork of carelessness or maliciousness and will cost Mr. Morris j at least $5 to reDlace the glass 1 ASK - the ' recoverea dyspeptics, ; bilious suP ferers, ' victims of feer and ague, the mercurial diseased ' patient, ' how ihey recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite; -hey- will .tell you by taking ; Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest and Best JFamUy ; Medicine ia the World ! For DYSPEPSIA; CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Bilious attacks SICK HEADACHE, vColic, Depres- sion of . Spirits, bUUK SiUiViAtL, weartDurn, eiq. Thisunrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance. but is ', '. - ,-'J -' .--...)..- ; PURELY v VEGETABLE, i containing th,ose, Southern Roots aW Herbs which an all-wise Providence has 'placed in countries where jliver Diseases most prevail :Jtt r Still ! care all Diseases caused -by Derangement - of tho . liver and Bowels.- . .. - - The SYMPTOMS of T iver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; rPaia in -theBack. Sides or oints,v often mistaken - - tor . JKheumatism f s aoui tomach: Loss .of Appetite: Bowels alternately costive and ? laxiHeadache ; -Loss- 6f Memory, with a cainful sensation' ot having failed lb"' do something which aught to have been done; Debility ; IjOW Spirits ; a thcK, yellow' appearance of the Skin and Eyes ; . a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. ? Sometimes many of . these symptoms attend the disease,. at others-very few j Imt the LifeR, the largest organ in the body, is generally, the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time," great suffering, wretch edness and DEATH will ensue. i t The following 4iighly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons Liver. Regulator : Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R.-R.C0. vRev. J. R. Feider, Perry, Ga.; CoL E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga; C Master son,sq.heriff Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts. Ikiin bridge, Ga.; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. -We -rmve-rented -irt-virtues personally, and knew that for Dyspepsia,: BilkwsBess,' amdThrobbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the-world erer saw. We nave tried forty .other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, "and; none ftthem.gaver us more than tem- eary relief: tbejtegailitfor net opjtrelieved, but cured EPUT ElggBJ.PH.. Ttn JixSSEMGEg, M ACQ W, GAr , , (AKUFACTptKO OMLYIY ' ' . J.JZliUAX & JcOm Pbiadelpbii. - B est. IB "'-. "- . " " ".. - :." -" : . ' - -.. . - Suits, latest and oys best. " 1 j 'r' a Oliildren's Suits, and best. latest We guarantee to save ott mone. BOAT HATSjAJSTD CAPSSFOR EVERYBODY; 'vCArN'N'ONS' & FET ZER THE- GOWIBSMDARD DAILY & WEEKLY. - ' Deii rraictjin principle, conservative injmethvods. ' - J ' . . . ' . . ' Newsyjbut not sensational. Devoted to" tnej Pterest of nnity, harmony and'prcress. K -- ... ... . Its effectsandrnims arejjtoaddtothejloys of the home clrple, the elevationj of tbeambitionsand ; aspirations of its readers. - " " . . s . -1 ' ' - . . " ... .- It would gladly illljt he-mind with pJeaantand profitably thoughts; makiri life's burdens lighter iis'duties dearer, its opportunities mora apparent, ' : . s- . . ''.' . - C;. '; , - ' ' ' . v... :1T ? 3 r IfiSnot T peasegtryj it and 6ee;if y oUidon'tsaythat HE STAND A RDJs worth manytimesjts cbstjtojyou. 1. "... MMMmmk - j& . -Son; DO YOU TAKE Publislieirs r Oood gentle bnggy horse. Will Bel1 cteap. w. G. Boshamer. fil7tf ' - . I

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