Vol. XI1L No. 181 CONCOULV N. 0;V THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1896. Whole NO. 1.560 A SAD MISTAKE. A Fatal Collision Two Men From Sallsbnry Its Victims Premonition !Felt. '- The Salisbury World of Wednes day tells of 3 collision near Old Fort of the helper engine under the management of Engineer ; W A Terrell, with No. 16 fromSalisbary. Mr. Terrill's engine wa3 unusually busy on account of Ringling's cir cus that had to be drawn up in two sections. Mr. Terrell . seemed ab- AN UGLY AFFAIR. Porter Gray Full of Snot and is i In Hi cling---A Big Law Suit On. Oq Friday afternoon, November 13, about 2 o'clock, at the home of Porter Gray, in No. 2' township, Gray and Dave Motley, got id to a dispute, resulting in a; scrap, in which Motley was badly bruised up. -The differences were supposed to have been adjusted before the two men separated, but Friday, night, it is claimed, a number of men went to sorbed with his work and forgot Gray's place and rocked his ouse. just as he was enterinfi: a .tunnel Six men are now- under arrest fox that No. 16 was due at that very that charge, and it is said that a moment. wnen tne neadlights uuuloer ol omera. were impiicateo. were seen it was too; late and ' the Motley, one of the parties to the I rr f ; . crash came without time to reverse aara'' 18 8,80 unuer arre8t u the engioes and with it went ont AW'J'..;-. -Porter Gray the life of John Howard, the 'fire- W88,tlred 9n. V so-ne one from ami V xt i? j -n. 'ittt "it ousn ana nis bacK and head are fall man on No. 16, and Engineer Will , u . tt . . of Bmall shot. He is said to be in James, of the bame train was found hiding, fearing that if his where- WUUUI8 Ucau rtUU ulL U1B ?0UJ abouta i ;made known he will be hanging oat of the window with two HUtreated. i fearful gashes on hia forehead and The affair is an ugly one and will one leg broken below the knee and doubtless mafte a bis: suiL We all tke flesh of the calf torn off. He I knew of the affray last Saturday, was still conscious. Amputation Dat thought it a trivial matter : and will be necessary, if he has f enoueh kePt qalet, but recent developments vitality left to undergo surgical show that it was quite senous. treatment. . Mrs. Porter Gray is under arrest Engineer Terrell was" also hurt 0' charp lth 8e llDg wh!8 xijio uaac uao uccu guing uu un uaj severely, but not fatally. Before leaving Salisbury, Engi Lter James said to a friend that h'e had a premonition that something was going to go wrong and but for losing his place he would not go. The olame Eeems to lie with En at the court house, before Esquires Hill and Pitts. An Afternoon Wedding-. Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mr. J B White, who lives two miles south of Concord, Mi 83 Laura White, his excellent feineer.lerrell, if blame there be, but daUghter wa3 married to Mr. Levi it la as easy to bow to the" hand of ToiWif onn f t?v w p PniKif Divine permission in some calami Uying four miles eouthest . of Con ues as to exact perfection from so cord, Kev. J S Payseur efficiating. fiithful a "service! as Mr. Terrell The narlnr was hpantifnllv dPftnTatPd ?eems to haT.e al ways rendered.' J and there were present quite a num ber . of friends and neighbors, items From No. 7. 1 v I amontr whom wfira Dr. Ynnnc and Work on the Ltitheran parsonage wife, who added much to the en- at St. Stephens is moving along hovment of all present. When the rapidly. There will be general tie had been formed, making OLe work day next Saturday. Come, out 0f two, and the usual' greetings tverybody. - of pood wishes end congratulations. I T" . , O .. .. . the bridal company was conducted lesoe. , I In th fi (lininfr hall, wherfi iahlea wpre The school at the Nussman school I laden with a sumptuous spread 6f T l r -'.ill ..... . annae Degan ivionaay morning wiin wnicn tne guests partoox most Miss Lillie Nussman as teacher. heartily. ft - Mr. Daniel. Palmer and family Today (Thursday; with a number ?r? visiting in Rowan, r r ' I of friends, the groom carried his Mr. John H Moose, a one-armed hride to his father's home, 'rwhere man living near Dry's mill, had' his phey were met with a large party, hand had lv tnrn anH manolfid in and again all present feasted on the Lentz's mill last week. " ' gocd things prepared for the occa There will be communion services 8ion. -Lhe afternoon was very at ioa M. E:' church oil the 5th pleasantly spent by all. V Sunday, the 29th. Nov. 16, 1896. Lilac. Best Place That Can Be Found. Scotland Neck Commonwealth A colored man who has spent some I The Standard extends to this ne.vlv wedded couple its ' bett wishes for continued happiness. ,.i Forest li HI News. Joseph Mabery, Erq , says he is going to give an oyster supper to a number of invited guests Thanks giving night. " ! Mr. AV R Odell went to Salisbury yesterday to attend conference. l x Mr. Caleb Mclnnis was on , the Rick list yesterday and today I f v number of ; our old Stanly friends were in town yesterday and today, amongwtom we mention Messrs. George Troutmanl . and FranLefler, of Millingport. fa In. fev Wig. -at ars Mr. Adtn Honeyciitt, Jr.; and uavo luuviu w jannonyine. now. Billy wprk Circus .Notes. Forepaugh and Sells Brothers cir cus will be in Charlotte Saturday. time in New York recently returned The Southern railway will sell round to Scotland Netik and said this is trip tickets for 85 cents, tickets be tile best place that ne has found for ? 8T F ?lght poor man, he saia the nortnerrx tarn Sunday, the 22nd. People will hardly let a colored car penter nail a plank on a horse stable. fays the, colored man ha3 more Pmileges and a better chance heie than anywhere he lias been. oi. ! Look ! How He Felt. A colored republican, who had voted "hit straight" was asked by a white republican how he felt now hat his party had everything, in the State and nation. His reply was : "L feel participated myself, but I A handsomely finished cottage I oan't congratulate my ideas to .suit "OUsa for Rain nn f!hnrr.h Rt.rp.fit. 1 the emaciation, Concord. N. n Will hn RnlH in a I I Dn v .al1 t0 . 869 - T Take laxative Bromo Qainine Tab- wuuucsieior lniormation. iesi- ah vfrTiot refnnri tho Uence On Pino atroot Pnnnnnrillfi I rvmnoTT fit fails tr nnrP. ml4 One of 1 Montgomery county's popular young men i while here last week got so badly ustuck on I some of our air ypung : ladies that he eays he intends,to make his home in Concord In the ; near future. That's rightcome again Jonas. Mr. ' Graham Sides, of ; Copal Grove, spent "Wednesday niehit in tuwu. : xio uuutcujuiaiea movme here in the future. We aire glad to note that Mr. Lochie Gibson is "able to be out again after several days illness. . The tramps'are about to take the town, but is there :. not a law by wnicn pur omcers can put them to work, so thai ;they may eat j their bread by the sweat of their brow ? Carrie, the little daughter of Mrs. Sallie Mills, is Visiting' in Mt. Pleas- ant.-: : .;' -"i. r - -;i- i- Prof. W A Kirk has given a gen eral invitation to the public to come out to his singing tonight, so let the people; turn .put en maese ana give nimra iuii nouse. - Ourcarpenters are 'all busy Messrs Jim Thompson and; Kirk are doing afine piece of on Mr. Albert Morgan's house.! Mr. Jim Lowder, of Plyler, speut Tuesday night in town. - I Two 8 mall boys, Charlie Collett and Frank. Gib? n had a fiht, this morning about 10 o'clock in 'vhich Gibson received a severe iriury of the epiae. Mrs. John Ballard is suffering in tensely with polypus of the ear. . j Mr. Sam Carter has - gone to the mountains after a load of apples and chestnntp. He is going to peddle during the ensuing winter. C ASK the recoveta dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever - - f anfl ague, the mercurial diseased patientj . how lhey: recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will tell you braking Simmons Liver. Regulator. The Cheapest, Forest and Best Family Medicine In the World! i For DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, I Bilious attacks, SICK-HEADACHE, Colic, Pepres l sion of Spirits. SOUR STOMACH Heartburn, etc. -This unrivaled remedy is warranted net to contain 5 single particle of Mercury.'oV any minejal substance, ut is v;.- : i ' ...U; .' PURELY VEGETABLE, ' ' containing those Southern Roots and. Herbs wtich'an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where liver Diseases most prevail. .It wiU 'cure all Disease's caused by Derangement of the liver and Bowels. ? . i J ' i The SYMPTOMS of Uver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides or Joints," often mistaken - for Rheumatism;' j Sour Stomach; Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which aught to have been done; DeblUtyT IjO"W Spirits a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes ; -a dry Cough, often mistaken for Cor.ffufhption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease, at others-very few ; but the Liver,' the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of, the disease, and if not Regulated in timejgreat suffering, wretch sdness and D1JATH will ensued rs , The following highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator: Gen.iW. S. Holt, Prs.,Ga. S. W. R. R. Cby; Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C Master son, Esq.heriff Bibb Co.,Ga. fj .A. Butts, Eaiabridge, Ga.; Rev. J. W. Burkei Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, ' Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; .Hon. Alexander If. Stephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and kno ; that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throtbing Head ache, it is tne best medicine the world ever saw! We have tried forty other remedies' before Simmons liver Regulator, and none of thejn gave us more than tem porary relief ; the Regular or not only relieved, butcared ts." Ed. Telegraph and MessengerMacok, Ga. 4-le No doubt about it; we are better fixed to please you in Clothing than we . have ever been. Men's Suits; latest and . ' - i . . . . .' - : Boys' best. Suits, latest and Children's suits, and best. latest We guarantee to save vou moae. QUERGOA TS- 1 HA TS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. THE- CONCORD STAN MANUFACTURED OKLT BY I. i JT. IX. Z1E3X1N St CO.. Philadelphia. ;iV 1 ; DAILY & WEEKLY i i i . ; ... : " t ' ' - - ' i - Democraict in principle, conservative in methods. 1 Newsy. but not sensational. Devoted to thejinterest j ..'-...-."..,-. ; - i .. of unity, harmony and;pfcgress. ; ; . s-' '" r ' ; ' t . ; 4 .. ' Its effects and aims are to add to i the joys of the home circle, the elevation of the ambitions apd - ir .v r aspirations of its readers. - It would gladly fill Ihe mind with pleasant and profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, its duties dearer, its ......... -; .. . i , . - . ' opportunities i more apparent. r ; ' ; ' ' . . . l . c ' . ' " .- - - . . . . - v --- IT? If i not please try2" it and see if you don't say that TEE STANDARD is worth many'times its cost to you. ...... - . . ' 3". B:hB &RRIER & SOW. DO YOU KE Publishers ft

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