Vol. XIII No. 182 MOST WONDERFUL SNAKE. Col, jnmes P. Cook-Tells of a Reptile Just Killed. Mr. James P Cook of Concord is in the city today. He brought news of a wonderful snake that was killed yesterday between Mount Pleasant and Norwood. He saw the reptile himself and measured it. It was , of a variety never seen in these parts before. - The body was of a - brownish nn)or. the head being black. The snake was eeve feet, six inched long, and two feet from the head two small legs pf ojecteel ' from the body, these beihgj, abbut : an Trich long and on each leg were six well developed toes, with claws, two f of the claws being a quarter of 'an inch long. - . . . :: -J The reptile was sent tothe "State Museum at .Raleigh. ; This description is just a's ; giVe'h by Dr. Cook. . , : ' It's not our snake. Charlotte News. There is no fake about the snake as described above. Two very charming young ladies came into bur office this morning' to inform us of the killing of the terrible reptile. It was maliciously murdered , by Mr Dennis Giles, son of Rev, M D Giles of Alt. Pleasant, on Wednes day, and was taken ' to that -place ''where it was exhibited to the students of all the schools and pub lic generally. All Free, Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know ita value and those who. have-hot. "have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free . Send your name aiid address to H E Bucklen & Co-, Cnicago. and get a samnle box 61 Dr. Ring's New Life Fills free, as well as a copy of Guide toHealth and Household InsLuctorfree. 4dL of is .guaranteed to do you ico&l . j. notning. Fet i)i ug store. AH indcrO Qomls. In the trial of J 0 Lee, A N Neal, Jay Neal, D B Motley, J N Motley and Thomas Robinson for chunking rocks at the house of Porter Gray in ISio. 2 township on last Friday night, Esquire Pitts required each of the above named to be put under a bond of $50 each for their appearance at next court. Mrs. Grav. who is4 9 " charged with, selling - whiskey, was bound over in the sum of 50. Hon. W G,.Means appeared forthja defendants and Morrison Caldwell for the plaintiff, Mrs. -Gray. Porter Grav was not shot from ambush, as was stated, but was filed on while fleeing from an officer, Mr, Sam Caldwell, who had . arrested tim. Gray is oaid to be at the home of a friend in Mecklenburg county. : TO CURE A I'OLD IN ONB DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All , druggists refund the money if ? t fails to cure. 25c. m!4 Uow lie Broke It. ''And you broke off the engage merit?" said one you np man. "Yee not brutally, you Know. Eat I managed it." 4iIIow T "Told her what my salary is."- Washington, Star. Circus Xotes. . Forepaugh and Sells Brothers cir cub will be in Charlotte Saturday. The Southern railway will sell round ;riP tickets for 85 cents, tickets -'..be-in? on sale Friday night for train o. 9 and on Saturday, good to re in rn Sunday, the 22nd. THE EARLY CROP. An Approximate Estimate of the Cotton Crop Dj Talham, Alexan der 'Co., .Who flave Solicited In iorniation iiy JLetter. With a view of "securing reliable information upon which to base an approximate estimate" of the crop Litham. Alexander & Company, ;of New York, on November 5 th, mailed 3,500, letters- to selected corre8p6hdeni8, banks, r6dnkefs, cbt lnmmisaion ;'merchan; tsj' brokers, proprietors of , public .gins, railroad officials arid planters, coVerin ' every pottqngrowing county in the i coun try, asking i heir estimate of the crop in: their "respective 1 ocalities. ; T To these letters 2,240 replies had been -received :npitoNov. 10,' arid ;on thse the 'folio wing estimates of the crop are base : ' - -: . ' Average cf 255 letters makes Ala baina prop 946,000 oafes. -( Average of 191. 'letters makes Ar kans crop 657,000 bales. Average of 39 letters miikss Flori da crop 55,000 bales. . ."Average "of , 357." lelters makes Georgia-crop 1.220,000 bales. A ye rage 6 f 96 let ter a 1m akes Lou 3iana"crop 494,000-bales.-; ' ; ; Ayefage of 247 letters makes Mis sissippi crop 964,000 bMes. Average of ; 221 ... letters makes North Carolina ' crop '43 4,000' bales. Ayerage of 212 . letters makes South Carolina crop 717,000 bales Average of 144 letters rnke s Tennessee, etc , crop 284,000 bales. -Average - of 478 'letters v makes Texas, eto. , crop 2 .251 ,000 bales. - - AjergQ ot 2,240 iinakesl total crop of the United States 8,022,000 bales. The great mass of the betters re ferred to lhdicate that the crop this year is rrom tnree to nve weens earlier than usual, that it has been .1 . r marketed with great rapidity on ac cou at "of stringen t money --arid the urgent demands cf merchants to make collections previous to the election," and that picking is nearer completion than it was ever before known. at this date. The total visible supply of cotton on Nov. 13 . is given at 3,618,354 bales against - 3,704,850 bales one year ago, 3.508,444 in i895, and 3,358,087 bales in 1894. - asier lo Run Than a Newspaper. Senator Marion Butler, of North Carolina, who knows so well how to run the finances of the goverhineri seemasjo be urikble to Jmanageihe financial affairs of a weekly news paper. Richmond Times. The Charlotte Obser ver editorially "-ks: "Is out este'emed cdntemt)o rary so guileless as to think that it is a difiBcult job - to run the United States government? There is" not a Populist tuawman in the pine woods of North Carolina who can-! not give the Times valuable inform mation on the " subject. Congress man Martin, of th:s district,' says that any 10-year-old boy of average intelligence can-master the financial question in ten minutes. And that's about half of the business of the government. It is much easier to run the government than a weekly newspaper 11 Look ! IiOOk ! ' A handsomely, finished cottage house for sale, on Church street. Concord, N. C. Will be sold in a few days. Don't fail to see G T aornbuckle for information. Resi? dence on PiDe street, Cannonyille. S3 21 TAOHiJwitttiJciTKATi2Mre3e7tf; sa vjr i'ihs Lfr. ilUes' S trv tnaswim. , CONCORD, N:-C. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER Soi 1896. ... : i 1 :,u - Kissing. Crem-ahd peafcbes dnce week, Kiss your girl 5 on the rigct-band cheek ; " . :, . J : ' I Apples green -arid apples driej, Tr.Jl--u'i' 'I'liiL'l'ii. -:''i-'-":-';'-.--ii " xvibs uer on me oiuer siae. Ashland Review. That evinceswretched taste ; j Take your girl, about the waUft, ...... Lifrfii And print it equarely on her tips. v,.Frankfort Yeonlan. Seiza the maiden in yourlarmsj Blrishi rig with her temptihg ebarms; d-itwbuld V76 tbink be snugger Oft to kiss arid tightly ling her. Paris Citizen. u Take your girl in war ra embrace, Heart to -lieapt, and face to face, Eye to eye, nose to nose, ; ,. j. Fiippity flop and away it goes ! FJeaiingfiburg Democrat. WnnellseWillShis Vhyme Take your girr&tany time, j iqueez-j ner iiu ine piusnes come Shut your eyes and yumy una yum ! . '.: ' -1 . -Christian at Work. Brother Talmage is quite fight, 1 Yum-y um-ynm, arid hold! her WW; But;thefact for which w yearn, Is, how the riaischief jdfd he learn. -Durham Sun. s lt happened on this wiee, Before he Hsrd attained inuch size, The girls themselves, twr?.- not amiss Taught him how; tocsin the: bliss. The Con fererice at . Salisbury, o Our sister town'of; Salisbury is in the irid8t irif Jritere8ting-sagonV that of the Western; North Carolina Conference of the M. E bhurch. Bishop Gal.lo way : i: its able and efficient presiding officer. Much work has been done in the two days - already passed, and the usual vigor in church life displayed by Vnese Chrietiari workers u niani- f est. As the days pass the lis :res grows more ana more ; intense, as through the itinerary system pecu li?" to this branch of the church changes are liable to occur in the paBtoral relations, and of course all duly interested in church life wil wait with , eager expectancy to know who is to b3 the spiritual shepherd for f he coming year L' The assign ments of pastors to charges wil probably . be known by Monday cr rueBdayT . ; Chasing: Rabbits. .: x 1 s " Several live rabbits "were brought to town today.. Thel small boy wri soon on to it and about o'clock this afternoon the little Mollie cot-, ton tails were purchased and; turned loose. -The chases were' very much enjoyed vby r thejyquhgeters, both whirs and black all of whom snonlil: have been at'8ch6ol or any where else but on the street. : n -LZ ; Priichard 3cttlug Uneasy. ' -Pritchard'nargboot cause for His recent uneasiness. One ; well known' Populist yesterdav ireceiyed letters f rom stx members of the Legislature who .put, themselrea on rtcora ss opposed to Pritchara's re-election. Senator McCaskey referred to Hol--on's statement that-ehouga "Popu lists were pledged to secure Pritch aVd's electibri as an insult News and ObBever. ' ;" For Rent. - - la bti -Uioud Hotel DOHding on Main; street sm.all $tpre; room or office,' suitable for dental - office or jewelry. , v J.I W. Cannon, l uZ6 Si No doubt about it; olease yoii in Clothing: been. V;Me. - Biii$ est. bys s We guarantee to COflTS - lfi HATS AND 'CAPS OA N HON B B Suits best Children and best THE- CONCORDS DAILY & WEEKLY. ; . ... . : ; ' : ; ;. ; : 1c: u::iv.r : t .; : .; . Democraict in principle, conservative in methods. Kewsy bf Vot sensational. Devoted totheinterest. of unity; harmony andjprcgress. -Its effects and aims are to add to the joys of the home circle, the elevation of the ambitious and aspirations of its readers. It would gladjy fill the mind with pleasant and profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter its duties dearer ita opportunities more apparent.: DO YOU If not please try it and see if you dVon't say that THE:, STANDARD is worth many times its cost to you. Publisners "W.hole' NO.:.r,6fiuEL- Li J r f IPS we are better fixed ta than we have ever- - and. latest andl siiits, latest save von ihoneX - FOR EVERYBODY. S & -'FE W". TANDARD 11 ( runilaniibo, T'A K E t I 1 1 I r