X i 5 m u8., ' MANUFACTURERS OF Title 'G-inhams Outin Cloths Plaids. Sheeting and Sal Bas; Dealers in GENERAL M o- Some unknown tramp.entered the pmriiees? of M r. DopklM ann ?Wednee- day nignt ana tPOK aspair or, pan is, a ehirt and several other articles. Mr. Sam Henry has moved into ne frowzy fornierly :occu)ied'by Mr W'R Honeycutt. CASTRIA Por Infants and Children.- 1 Mr. J JB .Wilson, bo Wr.bet-n , spending .several jiaj 8 "visiting in Buvers'Eof COUNTRY PRODUCE ' otall kind, and 4-fobt woodialways wanted best prices for same. We invite an insec- tion ot all the goods we manufacture. pDELL'MFG-. Co., Concord N: c. Made a Sensation. - . e Wilkesboro' Chronica says cpnKfttinn wns r.rpntfid here last Stanly and Montgomery counties Wedieiday Wha It was learned returned yesterdaj accompanied by ... ina5n the hands of by Mr. A J Mann. n nfflr fnf thA nrrest of Lawyer J Mr. Dan Hatley, of Plyler, visited B Buxton; on te charge of forgery. his'son'L-yi, here Thursday nigrr:. The warrant baa" never been fer- , " ved. The officer has never found Several of onr young gents eay ;uv "tta . tbey an gbwg'toCharlDUe tombr- - row to attend the circna. Tuu" J 1 ' I rne cnarge - is inai ne iorgeu iue clerk's' and; register's ; certificate Stanly s j they attended a wedding upou a mortage deed, by which he Wednesday night near Ne- London, obtained money from aT money n which tthe. groom was 60 and the I lender in . New York, A L Richard- bride.19. Tn turkeys, eight hoga son'. Buxton was the agent for and five beeves fell victims to the. Kichardson. . G buldberiani a barrel of tangle-)eg. tiated for Wlpaq whiskey added. to the merriment; of I mortgage. -Buxton sent it 'on and all. There were over one huudred got toei monw Richardson sent guest present.; , . m statement torParlier for first install-, s ment. and'Parlier answered that' he . . . . ... r ... I , . . ,..-.., , .-. beems s it all me uinip we UKe b id received"no I money. - A ddtec o r j . r i i & i x r .we don't likcVgree with ns. Dys- "-ywie to mvebiigai pepsia im&8 jn .most 01 tne gooa i ,jav tuu - ocdwo kuo we eat, and indigestion follows the I gage 'had -riot been registered al- gratification of appetite. Of course; though certificates of registration t uimjiiuu were on it, .and as a result the war- thfl npct. on a run nnii if n mnn mill I - only help, her a little it at the' rant was issued for Buxton's arrest. rigUl UIIlo, Do may Kat WDat, ;Uo I " uuucioiauu tuat tuu uiui I- ikes and as much as. he likes. Dr. 1 gage has been paid off. and -that Pierce.PIeasant Pallets are for peo- Buxton has left She country. The pJe.who;are troubled with mdiges- TOQrTarf h ic c;n 4 iu2 fIAMUW UVIWV'WC JO c 11-1 LUC I : tn,i.n,),iiil.i.finiu:iiiim.i:.nii.MH i""""1" ' " I W Parlier - negd and signed upjthe AV0pfeWcPreoaratioiifor As similating foeroodandRegula tiiig the Stomachs andBowsls of Promotes Bigestion,ChecTful aess andRestContains neither OpitimIorphine nor Kmerali Not Narc otic. Pumpkin Set dr m 4bcScnna StxAtUe Salts -. rds Seed, i r Jippcrnunt . ft Carbonate Sola f farm Seed -Clanfi'cd Aigar . , Flown - 4 '. i ' 111. I i Abcrfect Remedy fbrConstlpa- tion Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Wonn3 ",0 onvulsions ,r ever jsn ncss find LOSS OF SLEEP, a lac Simile Signature of ) MO I y EXACT COPY O F WRAPPER . f FAC-SIMILE : : "SIGNATUr ' OF 1t IS ON TH P PER ; OF EVERY BOTTLE OP Ca8toria is put up ia one-size bottles, 02! j, it is not sold. in. bulki -.Dou't-alloT? aivena sell you. anything 4Uq on' the "plea or pronise thtit is just as good" and "will answer every mi-" & See that you-get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. 11 ii pose I :k .a Cold Wave Coming. Prepare "The early bir catches the worm," but the tordy bead of the family catches a uiog if he does not order .ajHEi's mkM Prompt attention. Full weight. Free delivery. $4.25 per ton and up. Mini. nriii'iiiHn v iiir LiiiihH 1 111 1 . - -- ; whom it manifests itPeif in the hands of the officer. for mj Qf ccon eti patiop : w JTiiey1 effect a -His wife and a bright little girl permanent cure. You need take whomUhey-had taken to raise, are tbpm regularly only a little , wnue. BtiU here. Aiier iuai, use mem ;-nccasionany 1 when vou rieed them -when vou I have eaten anything that disagrees that he could clear up the matter with you. 1 hey may be lakeo satisfactorily. Daring his staj here just as freely as- you would take he has been a nnitP vJenzant Wrf o)9 f tiT" r" an v ntriar r loccci f tr rT 1 1 fa I i . . .... I RCCOmmoaaimp nitir.pn. nnn hfln a-a w made many friends. Notice, liiilstits. I xi. lo piuuauij lua ( fiiory. xx There will be a regular meeting of was too generous, got hard pushed, , Uoncord Huights of Pythias, lio. auu weui( wrong, wunout intenainpr til, butugub ai o u uiuuft, Tl.ura ill I iujuid auj uiic. I hird degree. Members eepecialiy Occ usecl t fifty are always :n favor. SOUTHERN fl'IEDllONT AIR LINE.) FIRST AND SECOND DIVISIONS. . f Schedule effective Nov. 15, 2896. . - This condensod Schedule is 'published as information only and is subject to change without notice to the public. BICHMOND TO CHARLOTTE. rut- CONCORD M ARKK1 fe. OOTTOK . KT. " ' Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middlinjT.- 790 Middlings ......... ......... ... .-7. Low middling ........... 6 85 I Stains .................. ... 6 PliOUUCE MAniiES Corrected bv Swm& & :.Tfhite. 13acoB......r. to 75 Sugar -cured- na tna . . . ......... 1 2 i to 1 4 Bulk meatSjSides. to 7 Beeswax ., ..... . . ... .. 20 Bntter ;.10tol5 Chickens........ ........... .10to20 Uorn.. .. .. ....... ..45 JEggs m Lard....... Flour(North Carolina). ....... ..1 82i MeaL.... .........V.....: ......45 Oats...........M ,35 Tallow 3td4 requested to be prompt. 0. L. Pattebsoh, C. C. M. B. Haktsell, K. of R. and IS. UJUJliiHtaMWt.P.IB.''"' ': " n-vw W. D;'.'Aiitho- Co. PAINTERS, PvLASTICOERS, VARNISHERS AND PAPER . HANGERS. alt r obs:quaranteed. !WE WANT YOUR WORK. Old furniture made to look as prood as nfw . JVattrespes iiiade or rf newod with 'rejfect satisfaction. Upholsterine agsnecialts Z See us. W. D. Anthony & Co. do26 w jl EVERYTHING : " Free Pills. Send'your'address to H E Bucks len & Co., Onicago, and gt a free sample box of Dr. Kiner's New Life lJills. A trial will convince you of j r merits. These oUls are f asy iu action and arejparticularly effec . 've in the cure of Constipation and sick headache. For malariaand fever troubles i they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly ..vegetable. They do. not weaken by their action but by giving tone to the stomach and boweis greatly invigorate th system. Regular size 25c per box Sold at Fetter's Jfrug Store, ,. IS tOING- O ! cured Iirl5tn3S rt?a v izTZTJirii 8 S3?omAIorBani? Pnce cnaer Eame gruaran lMMllJoxl preT to 00536 hQTQ will con- CpryioOio potash. -and 8tiirhnv r.Jtr ii,'MucoxisPatches ia mottth, Sore Throat. imple&Oopper Colored Spots, Ulcers c eny part of thdy, Hair or Eyebrows tailln out, t !b this gecoxMlary BLOOD poi ve imaracteo to cure. w oit -.iiTi: Mr nate case3 and ciiallenjro the xrwld fora baffled tbe skill of the most eminent nhVVi cians. S500,O0O capital bhlndura?oa? popal gvsraptj.- Absolute proofs eeiit 5eRii on PPlkoo- - ACdrees COOK K Y CO n :!nriwnri::T II : 11I1R ll :I I ... .5 d. uunntLL 3. Pretended Slliitsters May Perform Xesal aiarriafires v ' , ; RALStGH, N. C. , Nov. 19. The Supreme Court has decided a very novelcase.- It holds that a private citizen, impersonating an- ordained minister who eolfmnizes a marriage between imenandi;women is guilty of no crime either at common or statute law, j The case comes from 1 Perrder connty and the persons thus IL ; married 'are living together as man Jd vUe. jfThe defendant imp&rsoz nfl tea . baptist .minister. A inty liound him guiltybut ;he, was ,idis-1 ;l cqarged,. . j udge-mtent havmgo tbsen arreieu py me JRuge.. , wne solicitor appeaiea, our is not; flustainea oy tiio Supreme Court, i v - Eastern Time. No. 11 No. 35 ' ; - . . - ; Daily, i Daily. v ; " liv iiicUmontl . . . . , 2 UU aiu Amelia Court Bouse I ; ? BumeviP 324 am j No. 37 Keyeville f 3 59 ain j ' Daiiy. South Boston - ' ' . "; ' ' Uanvuie 0 15 am .' 6 3u pm 5 50 am Keidsville . i ! f 6 25 am Greensboro 8'i5 nm ; 7 35 pm 7 05 am High Point. 842 am ' f 7 27 am Salisbury 9 -o am ; 9 50 pm 817 am Concord ' ' 10 40 am " 9 27 pm f 8 48 am Ar Charlotte 1130 m 10 00 pm 9 25 am Ar Spartanbr g 3 15 Dm 12 26 am 1137 am Greenville 4 20 pm 1 20 am .12 28 pm Ar Atlanta cen. time) 9 30 pm 5 10 am 3 55 pm CHARLOTTE TO EICHMOND. ' -s. i . , i - i . Eastern Time. . No. 12f No' 36 No.8 -' Daily . 1 -l i DaDy. Daily. Lv Atmnta U' en. time) s 7 50 am 1150 pm 12 00 m G r een vi llw 2 31 pin' 5 .45 am 5 30 pm Lv RnftrMnbnfg 3 47 rum 6 42 fm 6 18 pm AjV Onariotte 4 - . 6 tu pm7 : 9 30 aui 8 30 pm Concord 7 22 pm 10 07 am f 9 02 pm Salisbury 8 10 pm 10 47 am 9 38 pm High Point l6pm :-:;nv Greensboro ; '9 52 pmu 12 10 pin 10 50 pm Reid&ville - . 10 39 pm Danville : 1 12.3Q am 150 pm I 12 00 Nt South Boston 1 43 am L Keybville 3 OfiLtfm 1 ; i Burkeville 3 55 am Amelia Court House 4 36 am ! Ar RiVmonrl 6 00 am ; No. 9, Dailv. . ;L2m . ' ;M9pm . 115 pm ;2o5ddi "noT3J! Daily. 15 05 om ;.m 6 55 pm !6 55 pm 7 00 pu i 8 25.pnJ 16 -pQ - Mm -'oi No. 10 Dilv- 5 20 am" 5 57 am 6.40 am 7 47 am 8 20 am 9 03 am 1 50 pm 2 53 pm - 4 6 pm tt -47 pm 5 24 pm 6 40 pm 6 40 am 7 47 am' 8 20 am i ! 44 - i i.i'-i r Iti.' t. j, i. ' IS "'A.- j v i. it - I C f TL I " T ICC 7L C C nd ig rthe result of colds andgsudden rcli matic,changes..;"i .y;,J iyiiat:rs it:'.;. 1 ylf catarrh is a; blood disease, as Home ciaim,' inaii tpoysicians ire iqiiently advise5 ohange of air and climate to. those Buffering ? Catarrh is a climatic affection, and nothing but a local remedy or a change oj FOR YOUR' . PROTECTION . climate will cure St Ely's Cream we positively state thatlthls remedy does Balm is 60 efficient as to do awav noiconxara mercury or. any ;otner minr- with t.h r fiPnABBitvinf inavinir hnmo iw:.u:;HW; d m ftDd fjien causing 'instant relief HJuI D UllJiAlU JjALIiI ana 18 areai cure m catarrn. is. acknowledged to he thejuostthorough j F0rjie . i ;. and Hay Fever of all remedies. It oren v Goo gentle bnggy horse, - Will and cleanses the nasal passages, allavs I sell cheap. W.lG. Boshamee. pain and inflammation, heals the sores, j nl 7 tf U i ut 1 - i protects the membrane from colds, re-1 : ' i storeshe Benaqs of ta ie and rmeU. Al to cuitE A cold ischedat ; triJs.isagreeaTJle. 50 jent at DruffiristB : LTflke Jft3fUveBromo Quinine Tab- or by mail; sample 10cTbv mail. 1 10t All diucgista refund the ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Bt , N, Y J ffl0lly If U falls to fcure. 25c. , ' - f SLEEPING 1 CAR SERVrCE. .L - Nos. 37 'and 38, Washington and Southwestern Limited. Solid! Vestibnlea I'rain between New York and Atlanta. . Composed of Pullman Drawing Koom Sleepiag Cars (minimum Pullman rate $3.00 ; no extra fare). Firrt-class Vestibuiea d ay coach between Washington arid Atlanta. Through . sleeping ca -s between :v York and New Orleans, New York and Memphis, New Yoik, A beville ana Hot Springs, New York and Tampa; arid Richmond and Augusta. Southern .rail-, way dining car between Greensboro and Montgomery.- Nos.35 and 36, United States Past Mail. Pullman sleeping cars between New York, Atlanta, New York. and ; Jack soh villa and Charlotte and Augusta. Nos. 15 and 16 Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. Solid train betweenor folk and Chattanooga, through Selmat, Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury, Aeyu Hot Springs and Knoxyille. Through day coaches and Pullman drawingoom sleeping cars. : ' : ; : r - :"' . ' ; f Through tickets on sale at principal stations to all poiats: For rates oi intor mation apply to an 7-agent of the Conipany. . ... t. xx. VaiU&JN, - J. Al. CULJf , I W. A.TUKlv, , General Superintendent, : Traffic Manager, . - General Passer; : 1300 Pal Ave V Washington, D. C. i Ant FIRE INSURANCE; When ui heed ni "PirA tnfiri call hnd see us. or vr it a. WataJ sent only first-clat ? Home and For eign companies. Respectfully - ; W00DH mE & ilAtBisr Given Away Free . To advertise our goods we wi me :a . absolutely ot jfive-cent cigars,one od rrnDp a tomole bottle of Peelers Killer to every one sending cs uw cents ?o pay packing and posw. Address, rvi Peeler Aotersqk'Medicine. Lock Box 1. Kernersyille.

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