Vol. XHL-No. 183 STORES TO CLOSE. . Bniucss Will Be Done Here Next " Ttonrsilny-We Will All Ulose. As is the usual custom with oar eo men. all the stores, dw 0cM groceries, etc., will close their places of business od Thursday next, Thanksgiving Day. Ho cotton will - . . A I A - '' A " Kp bought on tnac uay, a petition fca3 been signal by all the merchants agreeing to close up on that day. The Daily Standard will also take a holiaay. Prepare yourself accordiugly. forest IIJH Xews. Our sick are all improving today, go we are informed. . Mr. and Mrs. G P Koss, of Aibe marie, spen t several days with Mr. , John Ballard this week. They re turned home today. , Rabbit hunting and bird shooting peem to be the favorite sport with our bo j 3 now. Mr. J S Burleyson, of Big Lick, Stanly county, was here Thursday and Friday. He saya he will teach the Big Lick free school this year. We were, pleased to have a call from Mr. Henry Troutman, of Hew London, Friday. . Mr. G F Wileou, who came up from Montgomery county Thursday, wenc to Charlotte Friday on his hi cycle! ; .,; The" farmers say that mountain 'apples are more plentiful than they have been for several years past. Quite a number of our citizens went; to Charlotte last night, among v, horn we mention Messrs. Marshal abrey, It F Coble, J E Wilson, George Mills, and J A Mann. Mr. Daniel Hatley returned home yesterday, after spending a day or two visiting relatives here. On last Sunday evening about 7 o'clock a number of our citizen?, in cluding, your correspondent, saw a beautiful serolitc. It descended frcra the heavens in an angling lice, then sailed almost horizontally . towards the orth for about sixty decrees, then separated itself into thousands of small 'sparks resem m bung a sky rocket , , Mr. John Gray is suffering yervj Eejerelv with rheumatism. , Mr. Sam Carter returned from lb? mountains yesterday. He left waiuiug lux ommy i&uu. . uxuuu gcmery counties. 7 7 Th:re will '"be no preaching in the Methcdist church here tomorrow Earning or night, Rev. Smith being ?one to conference. oki I'eople. people who require medicine to rtuiaio their bowels' and '.kid . 3R will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine oes not stimulate and contains no whiskey, nor other intoxicant, but ac,s as a tonic and alterative. It jets mildly on the stomach and 0volo, aiding 3trenght and giving jo the organs, thereby aiding nature S N Performance of the function. wectric Bitters is an excellent' ap Pizor and aids digestion. Old People: find it just exactly what l5?incod- Price 50c and $100. per - calf' at Fetzer's Drug Store. . . I. ... T 1 T 'onni Imnrore 'later and 'Pos- S,. !5tJ. A,-e ss-eet potato of our later epoch 13 a miserable substitute for the sues culeb t, golden, sugar-sweating tuber tbat ddighted our fathers and possum worth preserving. 'Wsta Chronicle. - aou gay wen The sweet potato aot kept;, up with the 'possum. ua8 Regenerated, It has become, 0r the moat parh'a soggy fraud, nearly tasteless or flavored faintly with paint and saffron tea. It ought to-be grafted "on the 'possum. It needs , new blood, and as for the flavor, the 'possnm has a flavor al most too wealthy for the timid A regular plutocratic flavor. Graft the 'possum on the sweet potato, and thereby not only rescue the latter, but provide for the growth of the two , delicacies together, and save time in cooking and serving. New York Sun. The Drama Friday Night. : "Little Ruby,'' or "Home Jewels," the drama rendered by the dramatic club of Mt. Pleasant, Friday night, was a decided success. About twentysfive dollars was realised lor the brass band of that place. A number of young gentlemen of the city were present,, all of whom praise the participants very highly for the excellent manner in which they acquitted themselves. The cast was composed of the 'following young ladies and gentlemen : Mr. Goldworth Wilburn Tncker. Rupert Levick Walter M "Cook. Walter Armstrong Ralph W Barrier. 7 Abel Swift (an hostler) Horace Barrier. Mr. Maxwell,, (real estate broker) Charles G Lentz. Lilly Goldworth (Mr. Goldworth'i wife) Mies Blanche McAllister. Laura, Gold worth's daughter Mi 33 Mabel Barrier. 1 Little Ruby Miss Maggie Mc Allister. . -. Mrs. Waiton-rMiss Winona Cook. Mr3. Sackett MiB3 Ella Lentz. Mary (servant) Miss ESh Mieen neither. Music for tho occasion was f ur nished by the Mt. Pleasant Cornet Band. , nnd Xever "Ria" on Ihe Zrin. Messrs. George F and Sidney Barnhardt, of No. 9 township, went ovei to GharJotte to Forepaugh and Sells Brofhers circus and were ac- ompanud by three men who bad never "rid" on "a .train, --They are all Cabarrus citizens and have befn to Charlotte and other North Caro lina towns frequently, bat had aU ways preferred the old moie of traveling by priyate conveyance. The parties ;referred'to are Messrs, R V Barnhardt, John L McAnulty and Duke Vanderburg, all of whom are past the average a?e of man. CASTOR! A For Infants ajd . Children. Th9 fao- Binila clgsatare cx - v is an every vrappet. IS" BeUabitatecl la Time. The equipments for the Cabarrus Light Infantry, the new military organisation, has arrived and are in the hand? of the company. "The boys are quite proud of their outfit and there is every assurance that lUncintzrn will never die .out again. ' ' - .7, " The new company was organized and fitted up just in time to get in shape to scrap with, Spain; now thet war is imminent. . ro CUBE A CoZSx ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets, All druggists refund the money if 3t fails to cure. 2oc. ml4 : Dr. Miles' Pain Pllla cure Nenralda. CONCOim, N: a; SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1896. Concord in Charlotte. ,1 Amou those-who. are witnessing the circus m O'hr-iotie io-dy pre ; Messrs Eii :GoldstonJ-Cecil i'oih Hope Barrier,- P M Mieen heimer, Whit Sloop, C J Deaton, WadeBar. ner, Waiter; Uoo Is, W A Wpod, Robert Young, G B 'cjaldwelf, J M Cross, D : M -Comae, Ed HeLdnx. Ed Moss, R L K esler, Wm. RuVbel!. Oliver Russell, Jay Sims, J W Bonds, E M Hathcocu, Joe Bonds, Junius Shinn, T J White and W W Morris. '-17 ; ' -' -A : . s ! . . ,- i Other Charlotte bound passengers were : Mrs. w it Udell and eons, Rilph and Arthur, Mrs M L Moore and daughter, Miss Myrtle; Miss Annie Stone, Mr. D L Parish and Wife..:---: j V ' 'f ' For l&eiit. :"i ' -V: In St.t Cloud hotel 'building on Main street, small store roorn or office,'8uitabie for dental ofiice or jewelry. J.W.Cannon. n23 For Sale... ' .: F- ' -Good gentle buggy horse. Will eel 1 c hea p. W . G. B oshamer. n!7 if I Alosl Excellent Treat For Monday 7 -'7 -Nlffht. , Ji; ' Do not misa the Concert by the Charlotte Conservatory of Miisic Concert Company. It will assuredly be the greatest musical event in the history of our town. I The vocal talent is of the highest order, .Miss Bonnie E. Otes b. ing prima donna. Professor OS Gaertper will be heard on his Cello, that- most sy mponious of all instruments. Mr. E Lewis Man6field,v of; . London,- England, pianist arxl Mr, Far A Perre, VioU inist, are both Artie U of the highest order. The com ti nation on the w hoe7 is ih strongest which haa ever been heard in Concord and their appear nee here-. will be an event in the musical history of Concord no soon to be forgotten. The public should patroniz? - the concert most liberallv. -The coat of rtserved seats is fifty cents and seats are on sale at Gibson'slPrug Store. - I' - - . M ASK the rtcovereO dyspeptics, bilious j sif- ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, ; how they jrecovered health. cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will; tell you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. . Tlie Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! f For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION Jaunftice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance, PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those' Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. Itj will cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of tho Liver and Bowels. - - ! 1 The SYMPTOMS of Tiver Complaint are al?itter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; Soui Stomach; Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which aught to have been done; Debility; IiOW Spirits; a thick, yellow appearance; of the Skin and Eyes; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes! many of these symptoms attend the disease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if hot Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and DKATH will ensue. ' ' The following highly-esteemed persons attest to1 the virtue; of Simmons Liver Regulator : Genr. W.. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder, . Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master son, Esq.,Sheritt Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. AJ Butts, Bainbridge, Ga. ; Rev. J.' W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; lion. Alexander H. Stephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and kno that for Dyspepsia, BUiousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. ! AVe nave tried forty other remedies before Simmons tiver Regulator, and none of them gave us more than tem porary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but Cured fcs." Ep. Telegraph and Messsnger, Macok, Ga, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY f. J.DL. ZETLlLN & CO.. Philadelphia. : $i,ooo. I We will giva the above amount to the person who will send us the best list of fifty questions answered in "Dictionary of United States History." Write for particulars with stamp. - PURITAN PUBLISHING 'V. 36 Bromfield Street Boston ITass, s!7'97. . i . 1 11 ""MB dlxsiQ I - GIothiDg - at - No doubt about it; olease you in Clothing than we have ever been. Men's Suits, latest and est. Boys' best. Children's and best. We guarantee to on COATS -10 -iFUllSH HATS AND -CAPS CA.NNQNS:fe.' DAILY & Democraict in principle, conservativein methods. . ' : ' . . ..... NewsyJbnt?not sensational. Devoted to'theipterest of "unity, harmony and progress. Its effects and "aims are to add to the joys of the '' - ' - home circle, the elevation of the ambitious and , 7 ' ; ' " 1 ' V 7. aspirations of its readers. . It would gladly fill the mind with pleasant and profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, its duties dearer, its opportunities more apparent. DO YOU If rnpt phase try it and seejf you don't say that xIlE STANDARD is worth many times its cost to you. J. D. B Publishers Whole NO. 1,562 m In we are better fixed to kkn Suits, latest and Suits, latest save vou mone. FOR EVERYBODY. I mil. THE- RD WEEKLY IT ? & sow T A K E - i - t . ( IS. I V