Vol.. XIII., No.'i86 ; ' ' - , r -i r V uiUDrjn lift IflQft v - - i i ... v . .... . ' .. . , r : ' - - ' ' DARE COUNTY SOLD. largest Sale of land KTer Made in North Carolina 3old By Order of Court. 'Raleigh, Nov. 21,-rRobert T Gray, com.misioner, onder order of court, sold here today, 167,000 acres of land in Dare county. This embraces the entire county save what are known as the "banks" along the ocean shore, part of Dur rant Island and all of Roanoke Island, the latter being the one on which Sir Walter Raleigh's colonies made the first English settlement on this continent. - The land was bid off by the trus tee for the noteholders who are now New York banks, the price paid being one Hundred thousand dollars. This is the greatest sale ever made in North Carolina. f Hock well Items. : Wheat and oats are looking fine in thia community. Mr Vanderbilt bought W M1. ia of cattle from Mr. E B C Hambley. It is so stated that Mr. John Lefler ana miss Mattie Holshoaser will ne Mre. Phoebe Thomas, erf Junction City. 111., was told by her doctors w" "fc""'?!?M and thai there two boltM n 5?E Wut co, suffered from a draadful cSd approaching nmuJ. .?.iai . . . "ouuuoer win oe aunerea irom a dr;mrlf,,i ;ij united id the holy bonds of matrJ Wcbing conmptloo -1 trfe mony on Thnrsday, December 3. &"& -ben 1 here will be a missionary sale at Grace Reformed church on S, day, the-5th of December. It is supposed that: there will be a wedding north of Rockwell before long. Guess who it is. Messrs. J H Fisher and P ivfn- iiraw started Monday. ntZZj xx ,U wo weeks was cured. He is naturally! thankful It is such results, of which thea are samples, that prove t4 wonder! ful efficacy of this medicine atUfv?CTd8- trUibSuies Wholb NO. 1.565 (JM at ,fV tzer's Dmo size 50c. aid $1.00. Regular Xo Standard To-morrow. As already noted there will be no Daily Standard tomorrow. Obe dience to the teachings of the 13tb chapter of Romans should lead us to accept with deference the proc lamations of our chief executives of the nation aud the State and in con f :rt with the business enterprises of the city our doors will be closed, while we shall min" e witn friends and associates in the legitimate jjys and festivities of our ' national Thanksgiving that is yearly grow ing: more and more deeply fixed in TO riTnr ? . " frt 4,1. . i , WjIJ M ONE DAT for the mountams . Take laxative Bromo Qahiine Tab. arqpgists rpfiiDd the j " iaiiH i,o cure. oc. Mean and Dastardly Act One of the moRt HpKodo .r smcbi ra vandalism we ever heard of occurred Thanksgiving Day football gamV Monday night at Guilford Battle Cbarlotte.N. O. Nov. 26thj Tickets Ground. Some miserable wretch n sale Noy. 25 and 2C, limit re- In. i al -fens -1 - ifi2fr',s . No bt abouc : we are better fixed to aiid IT ft 85 cents round mutVjU I w ' 7 . "w who deserves han&in&r nlavft ? tnrnintr "NTn 9q with the" beautiful monumentn nnf trio from nnrJ there, breaking the shaft erected Virginia and & orth 'oaroli over the grave of several soldiers and badlv mntiiot fkJnfliL . i J JNOV- njwoo o vuo ,0000 rickets on sale Ndv 25 'h Daves, Sumner and nth rv,. L . , . Jl co n ' " oi(l, iftO.DU Best. Suits latest ments, besides defacing the pies over the springs and exhibit ing other; signs of general cussed ness. We sincerely hope that the guilty party may bfl apprehended and punished. No motive 's known for such an act. Greensboro Pat riot. . : Boys' Suits, best. cnildren's latest and round trip from Concord. iMortn Carolina conference M. E. Tj - church, South, Kins ton, N. O , Dec. 3UCl DGSt ycn, ieyb, rickets on sale -Dec. 7, S and 9, limited Eec, 19th, 9.20 round trip from Oancord. Suits, latest oia reopie. Old people who ireauire mAdirin to regulate thir bowels and kid- ucai" 1111,1 "iiDUr or tne Amer- Forest Binewa ican peop e. The . St a tjti a pt I fro i.-.hm a t 4 ; vfiumi iir uuweis ana Kid- r . - oiiDAED I Mrs. John A Iroutman was herelnAva -nri'it kI , . t wishes its v:ii&mpH na Jvesterdav ,nr1 fra. ?fe yS. YllIJ?d U;ue remedy in , . - -.'V'MT "y-a r w Uv ' . -i'V ' -'1Cii,u iwaiLecwio- fitters. ! ' This medicine vurJu4SU, ui luia lt-sraye uucb uyisumuiaie ana contains no occasion. inere is a cotton natch in t.hp wsKey nor otner intoxicant, but nortnern corner of town thaf. ,ii,M a?!8 aR.,a,. tonic and alterative. It BacRleu-a Araic. Baire. think of Julv. It i8 fnll nf wjr" LL lcn. nd The Best tt5ive' in tnrM squares and bloaaomn. t.n thn00 i,,iL .?a giving- LUt3. Krnia.xo Sinr-a - TT.L Di I Wfifttnpr Ifl nr warm lin thrt narfnimnn i.'L. r ----- .wui ca, vjiuvrB, oan j w MALU. .- v pvjiiwmauvo u- me lunction. ir v-.v, ' rrr- - . auu wire netizfir nnH ,u i h; t.: 1 i x nn 1 j j 1 in. 1 1 11 . s . 1 If. .lllfif OVAnMn U.. 1. they need Price 50c and $100. per Hie ai .ptJizer s uru? Store. i ; Jnven' os to Make Mnsir A real interesting musical ente tainment will tako! place at the resi dence of Mr. W R j Odell Saturday night under the ;anspices of the Juvenile Missionary Society of For- OVE We guarantee to save vou mone -10 - PL! KM HA TS AND OAPSPORE YERTB CANNONS t F-El ZER ir j -i -"- u?n,c vcuit;c xruurjaan ana wire I netiym- m, Hands, Chi b ains. Hnma nri oil Bn0n'PnMjB-u. l.,. ... Pel,2ei ?r,(1 j . . r -i-vu -ucouojr jj-uu uere, ine gaears people find p T.-r uu uucjj uuieu ui aira. leuie xioutman nies or . no pay reoui-ed. Tt. i c. e ..... ... , . , monev rpfnna pHvoK n"" us t0 state that.-on last bxV SE it P VVedDe3d e"K . Ed Riden. store - "lu nour, ot JNew London, THE A jeci til Collection Tor Orphans. There will be a Thanksfnvintr o - & ed 61. was marries to Miss Annie -Pink 2, Rev. J H ; Vnnv. f Gold TT 1 1 i ofliciatinsr. offerng taken at ( entral ft .'JL - -.w.v.u muuvuo um uunu or " - ,duio xTxieoiuijary society oi r or- ethodist Mr. George Talbirt died last night est Hill Methodist jcburch to raise for the of catarrhal pneumonia. Th fri., ft, . ia J.u . m, . uuuuay morninsr ror the oi cacarrnai nnpnmnn a. vu rtnrH itU a - t m. I naal mill 1. 1 . . , vipujju .syium. xne nttl wne piace a o o ciock friends of the Oxford asylum are thls evehg oy Rev. S A Earn specially invited to attend. "bardt' " ; Te collection at the Presbyterian Mr. G W Moore of Statesvijle, is church tomorrow morning -will be sPendinS today in town, for the benefit cf the Presbvterian J Rey-P Brasweil came in Tues ornhannrro of Tf ' day and will spend the 'remainder orphanage at Barium springs. of the week here with his family? J-he lnanksgiying r aring at the ' . u Episconal church will eo to the t. V11 e PreachlnS at the Thnr u 10 tne home of Mr. Bass, bouse No 93 ThompgoH orphgea tonrght by Rev. J J Pay se nr. From noTir . .iss 4da hoggins is suffering vj r isner, wno nas been ln plicate health for some time, fi: vaa jut uuurcn wors. Tne Dricft .- admission will be 10 cents, lar&e attendance is expected. For Infants and Children. DAILY WEEKLY TORfA For OTer rifty Tears A Dcf v. , I """JW" Ui uiufcuers lor meir cniid- set ot buggy harness was sto- ren while teething, with nerffint ann. len from Mr. V E Miller last week cess- It soothes the child, softens aQd POmft nnrn fmr.m a ir I the fiUmS. allaVR al I nain ' nnrao n7t,1 Mil f0. I colic, and is th That is good news that the great steel nail trust is about to go to Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrnn . h pieCeS ana the Price u0n to. a been used for over fiff.r !no"aa!. But who wouid- lent was confined to his bed 'during last f8- Winslow's goothing Syrup has week. ; uccu u lor over nrty years bv5 wuuia: miiuuns oi mocners tor their child- ",u&uu tne advance ..ijeD c wmis teeming, witn perfect snc i-1"""1' was going to bring such res alts. If the downfall Hove j coliCj and is the best remedy for TuOWfl .,. , m . . wiiiuuca, ii win relieve tne poor J.nerA will ha ni 1 I i..i. - . . .ruwl . 1 AuauiiBgivmgr nine auaerer immediately. Sold by wedding in our community. We draggists in every part of the world, W18h much happiness to the lovinf? Trcnty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure eobple. s and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth- Mr. John Kluttz, better known as iLg Syrup," and take no other kind. kittle John TClnff yoc ..J T,1Rnkslvin Se'. duelling house . Thanksgiving services will be bId ,0" farmers' are'-breaking their !n A Salnt8' Chn?h on Thnrsday M nnnnudi, early ' offering on that day will be for the Mr jnu i . Thompson Orphanage, ; Charlotte. Ci J, n u " 8nd MiM Annie A basket will be found insideohnrch me w,n be married at Mt. Olive door To receive worn clothing suit. to tL I r- ?" coaUtio08 able for children, and any ' other tne happy pa,r. WheeL- gQed - may be at swm rreuraurto Knes' Pain rm J 0 DAVIS. - - I Oi US nf iruscs nu combinations is to come along with our bosinpss bctn, it is gioi-y enough ; for the. tnambhant and comfort to the defead. ., Thon Shalt STot Employ or Harbor. I hereby forbid any one to emnlov. naroor or keep Liilhe Keid, who has lett me without cause. Nov. 23, '96. !Jones Belu Wotice. , . ..- - t . , , I can eave you money on y our in surance. Don't pay; for more than you get See me for Fire, Life and Accident insurances Rpt and terms. ' J Ji'F 'Hfrnrnv ' j H M A . ror Kale. . j - Good eentle buffpv: hnrpp . w,n sell cheap, W. Gi Boshameb. nl7tf Newsy, bntot sensational. Devoted tohePtercst ofjunity, harmony andm"propre3s. Its effects ; and aims are to add to the joys of tho home circle; the elevation of the ambitions and aspirations of its readers. - It would gladly fill the mind with pleasant and profitably thonghts, making life's burdens lighter, its duties dearer; its opportunities more apparent. DO YOU T-A KE IT ? If not please try it and sefe if yon don't 837 that THE STANDARD is Wrth many times its cost to you: I D. B SO.M Publishers. - it,, t 5 1

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