XIII DEATH CAME QUICK AN D UNEXPECTED. The Old Lady Taken Unawares in an Unavoidable AcelcivnfOn the Oan noiiyiUe Sidlnsrnead Mashed' and ilody Badly Manslod-i Horrible Scene. At 12:20, o'clock today (Saturday) a horrible accident occurred on the railroad sidetrack at Cannonville, where the Cannon and Odell siding leaves the main line. - . . . ' The victim of this horrible acci dent was a widow lady, Mrs. Lizzie Bonds, 59 years of age and who lived with Rush Sherrill, just across the track from where the killing occurred. The particulars are about as follows: Mrs. Bonds was returning to her home from carrying dinner of Mr. Sherrill, who works at the Cannon mills'.-' Her most direct route" from the mill home was out Mill street extension, which ends at the place where she met her death, thence down the track. Mrs. Bonds bad not been blessed with the best of health for several years and was slightly deaf. She was wearing an old-time sunbonnet and was facing the wind, and quite naturally car rying her head with the face toward The ground. Capt. EI Patterson's train was throwing in a car at the bleachery and from neccessity detached the three, box ,cars from the engine, which had by the time they reached the bend in the track, gained con siderable speed. A brakeman, Jule Hargra?e, was on the car next to the woman, but owing ' to the ob struction to the view by the ware house between the cars and the victim, Jule did not see the woman until within a few feet of her. He hollered, but of no avail. He could not stop the cars until the poor old woman was mangled beneath the wheals. Messrs. H J Dix and W A Russell were standing in the door at the bleachery and saw the whole affair; These gentlemen told a Standard reporter that the three cars were going down the track at a moderate speed, and just as the woman stepped on to the track the cars f were within a few yards of her. She was carry ing several pieces of plank, which fell on- thek outside of the track while she was knocked flat between the rails when the car struck her. There were no brakes on the front end of the car, but on the rear trucks the brakes caught the wo man, striking -her head first and throwing her body under the wheels. Her head was mashed into crumbs, while her body was terribly man gled. Death was instantaneous This marks the first fatality on this siding, and is greatly deplored. The accident, under the circum stances, was an unavoidable one. Mrs. Bonds was the mother of Mr. Cicero Bonds, a . we'ltaoao. farmer, who lives at Poplar Tent. The remains of the dead woman w ere taken charge of by relatives ana conveyed to the home of Mrs, Matthew Safrif, A V I Capt. Patterson and his crew were completely overcome by the acci dent, and lingered around the scene f tv several hours. 4 . 'Tis a sad ending for an old .and feeble weman. Vol. XIII. No. 188 ;' MRS. BONDS r ttv m H A IT v rj I 1 ii i i i i i i rm i i j t n - . - - . - KILLED. I ROWAN homicide; Jones InSfatlyin;l by falre Barber-rnrsingr InsuKs Brings Rel sentment That Aceidentally Turns Into Slaying-. From the Salisbury World we learn that Robert Jones, colored, was shot and instantly killed by Esquire EdBarber,-near Cleveland, Rowan county, Wednesday night. The fac's connected .with the case seem to be about as follows : Jones was a tenant of Mr. Barber's and living on Mr, Barber's land. The house in which he lived was about 200 yards from Mr. Barber's house. A difference arose about some local affairs and Jones was at Mr. Barber's at a corn "shucking. Feelings 6f warmth arose and Jones went off cursing Barber all the 'way home and there became more vio lent. Mr. Barber ordered him to desist from his insults and with his shot gun in hand proceeded to enforce the demand w hen Jones be came more fierce instead of becom ing quiet. Mr. Barber struck Jones with the muzzle of bis gun when, to his horror the'gnn fired, blowing off the top of Jone's head and kill ing him; instantly. Mr. Barber proceeded te Salisbury and employed Lawyers Overman arid Clement and secreted himself till further deveU opments. A coroner's jury rendered a ver diet of accidental homocide. Mr. Barber is highly esteemed in his neighborhood and much regret is felt for the unfortunate partici pants in this calamity. , ' TO CUttE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. mli - iti The Show. We are pleased with the Bslford show. - ; The acrobatic performances are amazing and display the possibih ties of the human body when sub jected to thorough training, and they tend to heighten our concep tions of man physically, in harmony with man intellectually. The contortions einke us up in oar ideas of man's construction and we wonder that there are not differ, ent anatomical classifications of the human body that treat of one kind, of joints, tendons and muscles for common people and another kind of joint for such as Mr. Crawford; " "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men" and the clown makes you laugh at him and then laugh at yourself for do i is so. 1 But we have no terms in which to speak our praises for Mr. Burr's band. It is simply superb and we are glad that '' Concord is being treated to music of such high order. We rarely have an opportunity to Uten to such flowing harmony and such pleasing rhythm. , The show as a whole is modest and chaste and needs no menagerie to make it admissible for all ' who are not religiously opposed to shows. Bocklen's Arnica tsaixe. The Best Salve in the world ' for Cuts, Bruises, Sores", Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store. v OU1VN. a. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28, 1896. 3 Jcond Crop or Cotton. : : Mr. N A Black welder, who 1itp8 in the extreme edee of No. 11 town. ship southeast of this city, says "Yoa may tain about your second crop; appks, pears, peaches and strawberries, but if frost doesn't in. terferc, I will soon haye a second crop of cotton. ! My cotton tin 4. are turning green and blossoms mul bolis are numerous." This is indeed a wondertul climate in which live, and is strictly up to date. we Cold Weather Coming. While we are almost sweltering here in tur IndUn summer the bleak and howling winds with their loads of snow' drifts are sweeping the West and Northwest. In North' Dakota trains are stuck ia the snow with car loads of ; cuttle - while" the storm-shows no sign of abatement. All trbfiic and business is suspended and much snffering and loss 'must ensue. In Kentucky,N Minnesota, Oregon, Northwest Texas and even Mississippi storms have been raging with more or less 1 severity and fa tality. Iu Oiegon the thermometer registered 21 below zero. Friday, which 13 ihe lowest for 24 v ears Bmldliig and loan New Series, The se ven teeth series of stock in the Concord Perpetual Building and Loan Association will be open for first payment Saturday, December 5th, 1896. Call on the Secretary and Treasurer at Cannons & Fet zar's store and subscribe; , . d4 J. P, Allison, President. H. I. Woodhou8E, Sec'ty and Treas. For Sale. Good gentle "buggy horse. Will sell cheap ' W. G. Boshameb. - nl7 tf : - ;V:T:vV-'--'v -V-:: Look Out! cold Wave Coming;, . There is a great long' string of flags afloat today and the forecast calls for a cold wave. It reads: "Rain tonight, clearing .tomorrow with cold-wave and v freezing tern- .V perature ASK . ihep recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial diseased . patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite ; they will tell you b taking Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family - Medicine in the World! . For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of bpints. bUUK biOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted net to contain g single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance, UtU PURELY VEGETABLE -: V containing .those Southern Roots, and Herbs which 'an all-wiseProvidence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail, It wiU core all Diseases caused by Derangement of the tiver and Bowels. .. " i v The SYMPTOMS of I jver Complaint are a bittei or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; Sour stomach ; Loss of Appetite ; " Bowels alternately costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having' failed to do something which aught to have been done; DebiUty; Low Spirits ; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes ; a dry Coughoften mistaken for Consumption. : Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the largest , organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, ereat sufferins. wretch edness and DEATH will ensue. The following highly-esteemid persons attest to the virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator : Oen. W. S., Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder Perry, Ga.; CoLE. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master son, Esq.,SherifF Bibb Co.,Ga,; J. A. Butts, Bainbridsre. Ga. 1 Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga-.; - Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S.-W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness aUd Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We nave tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none -of them gave us more than tern- Erary relief ; the Regular rr not only relieved, but cu ."Ed. Telegraph and Messenger, Macon, cured Ga, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY J. H. ZEIUN & CO., philadelphic -An Ideal Who can thin Protect your Ideas: they may hrinir thing to patent? some simple neys, Washington, D. C. for their $133C prize offer aa list of two hundred invention wanfevi- Write JOHN WEDDEEBDRN A rrO. Patent At tor. yon weaitn. I waist every man and woman in thef United States interested in the Opium and Whiaky habit to have ors of my books on these dis easHS. Adifre-s B. il Woolley, Atlanta, Ga., Uox 62, jii cc will be seat yon free. . wanted - i ... fliiig - al -mm- S - fc No doubt about if we are b stter fixed to t)lease you in Clothino- than we have -ever been.r - Men's Suits,; latest and est. Boys' best. and best. B Suits Children We!guararite e to'save ou mbne. TS - ID H'A TS ANDiO APSSFOR EVERYBODY. CANNONS & FETZER THE- uUJNCORJ) STANDARD- PAILY & WEEKLY - - . . -. Democraictin principle, conservativeinmethods. ; NewsyLbut not sensational. Dey6tedtoJtti"e nterest x - orunity, harmony-and progress. 1 : ' - .-- . . ......... . ; ltseffects andaimsrej;to addtotlieJoys3of the homejclrcle, theJ levationjjof . tbeXambitiousand -aspirations of its readers. It would glailyfUlfthef mind with pleasantnd profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, its duties dearer, it& opportunities mora apparent. DO' YOU TAKE IT? y If notplease'-try it Jand see if you dbn'fsaythat '-'TEEL STANDARD isjworth manyktimesJtscost to you. J. ). BABEIER SON;, Publishers Whole NO. 1M? Ca0 me In and - SIS latest FU1!

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