.'XIII No. 191 K A MANTLE OF WHITE w.pr Earllt Iressel Today The Sdow I . . . ; Emblem of purity ! ! - ' A bard day on pede3triaris, but . ,j ivair in ff ;:v - i ih ri ir t u inc fiijti ; j jvn - a. ai .a lucj - - . - &9 The first enow of tbe season i s voUDg uiui .7rT.jii." 6. 1 .J t h n nil tanfi - w n- . mv destroyer iui iua mutci. ... Few pedestrians are on tne streets tocsVi &ca illllv pusiuess 15 oeing done. . . . ' . - . Xhr tall began aoout a q ciocfc a morniDg, and has continued icessantly up to the hour of our nroGO nnH will mPoonrQ eral inches at this time. Sleighs ra beinst put in readiness and the merry ii w, Ui ;tuo (jpujj jwxu; ue heard tonight. . i . , v .'..; "v.- ' THE WEATHER ELSEWHERE. An ice gorge has formed in the Chippewa nyer, yis.f wnicnj causea L 1 . 1 I the .water io. ouun up anu eeyerai i i. a r towns are iiiieaieiitHi viiu uooua. In Oklahoma the storm took the form of a eve tone ana the town of P. arm was jilmoBt. tnral I v npfsf.rnrpri- In JNortn uaKota trams are blocked by the heavy fall J. of r snow; feet. Texas is undergoing the rigor of a severe Nor' wester. The storm i3 general, reaching from th Pacific to the Atlantic, and in the northwest the cold is intense, in nianv 7 instances the mercury registering as low a 20 below zro, and much suffering will resnlt. -. ' f , CASTOR1A For Infants and Children. Hall! is ea r Monthly Weather Keport. ' 'Tbe following is the monthly report furnished us by Prof. H T J Lodwig, of Alt. Pleasant : Highest temperature 76, on 19th and 27th. Lowest temperature;27A;Onj. lUh. Ayerage temperature 55,1 i -,t v Frost occurred oil 2, 714; 15,, 16 Thunder shower on the 11th. Number of clear ,days 10; partly ciouay 3 ; cloudy 17. "rtyailing direction of the wind B0uthwe8t and northeast. Number of days on which rain Heaviest rain 2.86 inches on , the 4th. V;r- 1 Total rainfall for the' month inches. ' - : !! ; KAIXFALL FCR THE YEAR. JaLuary February 1 March April May June JQly ' : August : September Octobtr : , Wmber . " 2.06 inches 5.89 - 2.19 !1.19f 2.53 4 33 6.83 2 95 3.88 .95 4 61 i I WILL SOON HAYK HIil. Onr Correspondent on T-.fc' the Advaiico Aaent of Prosperity. Ed. Standard: Ever" since the1 announcement of the breakingloose of the Advance Agent of the wave of prospenty,I have been trying to locate him to get the reward. That re port, locating him in Anson county, Up. and down the Carolina Ceri- tral. I've looked for him ; along the Southern Kail way, too, diligent search has been made all to no avail. At Winston, Monday, it was rumored that this q Advance Agent of Prosperity, was i suppoRed to be near Madison, Rockingham county. once i ooarded a Koanoke and Southern train (which by the way is r nearly a r dlroad on stilts, if treseles mean anything) for Madi son. Tve the Agent spotted if he doesn't work his -ropes right, .he's mine or I'm ''his n" sure i J fhis Adyance Agent of the pro mised "Wave of Prosperity" is' none other but a preacher of Stokes courity, who manufactures brandy wnicn ne -sells to the public under tbe label of "sure cure for all kid ney troubles I met up' with a few, who are willing to teatify to the merits of this remedy, and others who are giving the remedy a thprough i test The .latter, are weaWemngi aTreacly, thinkf! arid it wiU not be long before they; become convinceoVM . inv'i -&zpr :m i'CBjTithe way, is.it n;t probable that this preacher s kidney enre will bring about a wave of Prosperity quick er than Hanna's Agent wilt? That is, "simply for instance," as long as the cure is getting in its business. I saw Leo Wheat here tie got on -the-1 train rl'-lefWas 1 loaded J By the, way, , Leo w a 'great 'jokist; Yvnue ine conaucior was aeipiog him on, Prof. Wheat remarked: "You thiuk, captain. I can catch this tram ? In a few days, Mr. Editor, . I.wil sahd'yona picture p ttief Siamese TWins, W no once iiveu in oarry county and whose children now live in the county, one of them the wife of the present Register of Deeds. if if With all the kidney cure about here, yon can't see any snakes with legs and claws. Jx. i;?MaQM8on;U;Tec. lj?96.'- - ' . When1 ,malice-:tncttired v tongues speak unkind things about you, don't hide your face in the veil of gjocm and mprtirication, but lift it up in the comforting sunlight of the fact that the finest trees, with the most luscious fruit, are those which are 11a nV at and pulled at most Kememberi also; lt.is the tall1 giant oaks; Hhelinonarcbs "of . the' forest that "receive the ;hurling iblasts of the destructive lightnings, 5t?while worthless brambles upon the ground are spared. .. Soldiers, do ; not shoot at dead n en on a iieiu oi uanie. Ex. , LOELAp(HSV i A Locbs and Wars anq Pa; entJal OD- J N Hartsell, lyoungtmariof 21 . v, ' -0 - . : . years loved a charming lass ' of 16 by name of Mar tb a J, Har tsell . both of Locust,' Stanly ; iouhtn ;His a fiction was return ed on the '"pi it or the young ladybut er parent strongly pbjectedjtojithe on: account pf ,th y 'yjou thv of JMiss Hart8eli. , Hr. Hartll i a yjmng tnan of strong determination, hpw- ever, and was not daunted.. - On Sunday afternoon he. stole his rue love out for -a ride, came to Concord and ,1 PIotlliI10, ihail ' We have '6 oouth vCarClina. They, left .the i . m GlothiDg : - at- - CaonoD 1 -'0- ' 1.1 1 ? Sc- (Vr - No doubt about if .ve are better fixed to rain : as sobn as they" crosBeoT ; the iuB, auu. wtjre euua jmaue uusuauu and wif&r 1 - ' ;" V v' i : ; The happy couple r returned to Jharlotte'TueBday. ; Tfae groom left his charming little bride in the care of friends there XueBdivyi night, and cama over.to Concord on business. rle. left this ( W.ed.n esday ) m or ni n g on the vestibule for Cbarlotte.where pe ,wiii do joinea ny .furs. Jtiartseii, and they will go on " to Gaatonia, which place they will' make their future home; : :i "';! :yt j Mis8Hartsell is a. niece of Mr.;. C A Har f selLof thjs plaoa. ' 1 Th; Standabd ; wishes them a long and happy life. . . . t s Suits, ) i,est. .ami B est. B Suits, latest best. Cliildreii'sa Suits, and best; ana latest sons, Welguarante tosave vou mone. QUERGOATS - ARSB - PURWISHI in SATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY- GA4M MONS fe FEX2ER alfor the year 37.41 fiklen 's Arnica nair Tbe Best Salve in the world for ll Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt g&eum, Fever SoresTetterd-Chappe Chilblains, Corns 'and all pln -Eruptions, and positively cures Ies or no pay Nrequi-ed. It is .anteed to give statisf Action or blr Vefunded- Price 25 cents per Se, 8ale 8t p B Fetzer,fl Urn8 $E?an nil are g aaranxeea lo stiff THE DAILY WEEKLY Bnilding and Iioan New Series, The seventeeth series of stock in the Concord Perpetual Building and Loan Association will be open for first payment Saturday, December 5th, 1896. Call on the Secretary and Treasurer at Cannons & Fet zer's store and subscribe. d4 J. P. Allison, President H. I. Woodhouse, Sec'ty and Treas. Notice. I can save you money on yourin surance. Don't payior more harr yoiT get. See me for Fire, Life and Accident insurance. Best contracts and terms. J. F. Hurley. For Sale.' . ;' , ; '; ';.! -x - . Domestic; sewing machine, in per fect order only $10 00. i Second hand split bottom chairs, only 25 cents. Apply at this office dl2 Mellland Crescent Notes,. Rev.- Paul Barripgr nnd i ? - - - were. visiting : atMr tlno. rBrbwn's Ipst Sundays Mi Barringer , is T al-? wayfi a welcome visitor & our com$ munity. v rT,Mn".L3LHQlshctLaertof. Rockwell, paid Mn J 0.:Fous t's alr0augli ter a( visit, last Sunday, 'h WjQhmlc the case win booo n paeeu . r Mr. Ruf us Hendjron, of western ij. C opened! : the f rejslschbol ; at Oak Grove, last Monday. ; W e wish him soccess. ' , ro . v , - Hh- preached at Iwer Ston ! lVf -A " ! day. Owing ;to the ( inclemency of .VJVJJlN jJ JL VIl ''kJ Jl-jxN'JL the weather -the church rwas not filled. NeverthelesaVhpreached one oi me pjoac mitreBieu muu a that we ever heard.., It: vas a mis sionarv v eermoni v -He based, his re marks on t these w ords, wFor we are lahonrers" together with God," and held the audience spellbound 1 hour and 40 minutes. - : , : i There will ba a wedding near Crescent soon. ''. ; : . ' A Thanksgiving service, and mis sionary salei was held. at Beth page Reformed church near Crescent, Thursday. ,: In themorning u the pastor Tclelkered a Ttianksgivicg sermon .and immediately af ter the btSnedidtiprii tohis i -Burpriseji jhe .ws nresenied with a very costly suit of clothes by his congrpgation, and af ter ;.he fthe pas' i tor) : expressed him- scU thakul tor. tne gut, .tne crowu gatheredat the vAfeaemyi nearthe church, where -thoiniiesiOBary sale of the Ladies Ai4 Societytbpk te which ,: ambuntjed .to the j handsome sum of $19.05. - '.0 ' MrsO MAalf y;: iopadiy her daughMVisTtin her son, Re! v. W0grMcNalrypfjrD ccunty. . . Democraictiin principle, tconservativein methods.. ' f ' ,-' v- - - - r '" ' . ; - . .v. ' , Newsy butnot sensational. Devoted to tne :terestu ' of unity, harmony arid progress. . , . - ;,t -, v . if- l t z -.- t ", . i . . . . Itseffects and aims are to add to the joys of the 4 :... . . T " . ' . ' . .... hdme circle, the eievatioTij of the ambitions andi aspirations of its readers. 0 ilt wonld glaoUyJfillflthemind withipleasant and profllasr thoughts, making lifers burdens lighter,, its duties clearer- 11b opportunities more apparent v Solomon E., .-: i-J i ! 1 ft .1', TO CTBS A COtD GH 'OAT TaielaxalIvJ5rQrnx)uin Tab let. r All druggists. refund Xhp Fiu ' rooir, for reDtfmen Termi:Tery4resisonable: ApDly;at thiaof9c i-;?QM - - ivz j t-tt-r ." ..-- -r:': . DO YOU TAKE IT ?; . If not please try it "land, see if you dot say that TBS STANDARD is.worthmanyItimes!itsTcost to you.. ' 1 ' :SEE.&' SOB inn in- 7 ' ' r.i: 1- t ... . . M 3 . - - r

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