J ' ... - : '' '' ' v . v . '-.. " . .. iuy - ...... . . .'- : : ' " f0L XIJL No. t IT MIIP I? A NT C.O I .T.Rm? I tV U A rn mrr ! 0 1U" I . tl '-.v RNS SHOWS CON UOUD, N. G., THURSDAY T DECEMBERS. 1896. WholeNO. 1,571 .fc.i!rfs Made in the Origlual nr. Expected Here . flan"" . ffi(liilfn Js wliew Work Will j,eV 5ir. Kin?, of the Southern jran Collrg , baa been in.Penri liaaia fox a few day a past, con (oltin the architect relative to offiecbangc3 iu the original plans flf the buildings which it' has been tbouabt aiivi s:ble to cnaue. It has been on account of. these proposed changes that the work has been de. jsVedon the groun is here. After thLtus had been adopted, the board saw wnere imprcyemenis could be made, and the architect has now embodied them in the revised piI15. M r. King is expected ' in Charlotte within the next ten days, then the, work will be . commenced with a3 little delay as possible. The excavations for the founda-r tioQ lints bave already been dug, 4nd these will not be materially changed. It is.reasonably sure that the college buildings will be ready or the proposed openiugof the big btitution next October. The committee on ouilding wants to be tight and to make no mibtake at the t'art, and in this the members have displayed sound judgement; Once the work begins it will be poshed rapidly to a finish, and next Octo ber will see a cluster of - magnificent buildings on the wooded "hill over looking' Charlotte from the east. Charlotte. Observer. ' ' V Boeklen's Arnica mure ' The Best Saive in. tVe world for Csta, Bruis, Sores, Ulcers; Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe Hands, Cm Iblams, Corns and all Sim Eruptions, and positively cures Pile or no pay reqm-ed;t ; l is paranteed to give etatief action or aone? rtfunued.) Price 25 cents per box For sale at! P B Petzer'a Di-no store.' v-ir? - 1 .-'. PreC,nS Sf1,al1 opnllst Vote for Rcpnbiicans Iu Hhe" Xlith; Elituh, Fifth and Second. A post-mortem examination of the election returns disclose some nteresting facts. These returns show that in the five congressional districts carried by the ropulists tne otal vote received; by the Populist candidates was 99.531. Tn tha. districts McKinley received 77,179 votes. It is fair to assume that 75,000 of these votes were ca3t by cpuuHi;ijs ior iae ropnust canal- dares. In return for th nnn Republican votes it appears that trie Populists gave Pearson, in " tho ninth, 140 votes ; Llnuey, in the eighth, 750 votes ; Settle, in the fif ih, none ; White, in the. second, none. In other words, in carrying out the "arrangement" made by the to State committees, the Populists received 75 000 votes from Renub- licansi, and gaveTn return less ; thin 1,000 votes. - : These-returns also show that if each of the three -parties had nomi nated straight tickets in each of the congressional districts every Popu ¬ list candidate would have been da featedy more than 5,000 plurality, and that the Republicans would have carried the first;' third and sixth districts, and the Democrats would have carried the fourth and i seventh districts, making the rep re 8ehtatioh stand in the Fifty-fifth m Congress six Republicans and three Democrats. ' If these? facts have no inflaence upon the present si nation, they may be profitable in sharjinfi: the make-up of future "arrangements ' Pee" DJle in ChArlotte Ooserver. lnnr.r.1 Statement. Anneal statement of the amount ttd nature of all nomnWn Nation an dited by the board to rtbe members thereof severely : H'S: r tLe yc-ar ending 1896 J Dove K&ived $58.05 compensation to ser-- "wb as a memDer ot ine oodra, tiIeage. etc , and $25 to , looking ,kV1 Krang. v m. rropsc re Klvd G1 85 compensation, to; ser 1Cs a member of the boardj Hit? . , " e, etc J s Turner-C3ived ? OA wo m compensation to services ps a J3?. W Fdl received 67 i compehsa Jn-to seryices as a member;.-of . ,lhe ..mileage, etc. The boird was Ja feBsion twenty -'one ' daysVdnrina Number of miieSrtVav yrday bv members of bnard: 3 mile?; J S Turhk lU "M-10 railed. -, ;cf;" i G1VEN TO SHARKEY. Though Pitz Knocks Ont the Sailor th Rereree Calls It a roul, Sais-; FRAKniiscoV Dec. 2l The ten -rou nd con tes t be twee a Fitzsi m- mons and Tom' Sharkey was wit- neseed by 15,000 people. One hun dred blue-coats were on hand? to see that order was preserved and that the law was not over-stepped. Every thing wen t of quietly aad no I inter ference was found necessary: - Bet uug was in iavor oi ine Australian. Sharkey foU led se vera I 1 times and spectators say the fight should haye been given to JBi izil mmbns lit the third round, when the sailor made a palpaole'fouiyTne frefereQ seemed to have it in for 'Bob, however, and could not see the unfairness 1 of his opponent. 7 ! Fitz'immocs knocked Sharkey down at will, but he took his medi cine bravely, and . came up, to the ecrat c h sin il ing till the eighth ronncT when Bob landed his right ih Shar key's fuce twict) in rapid succession, and the sailor vas carried nway to nis corner liina3 a diah-rag. The crowd cheerei Pitzimmons to the echo, but when th uproar subsided the referee announced that the fight had been given to Sharkey on a foul bv Eitzsimmonsl The unanimous sentiment is, that the ft 1 11 4 V - Australian naa oeeo roDoea in a most cold-blooded manner- He came out of the fteht without a scratch. . , feme .Iff In. Fetzer's The Electoral College Meets. ; : ' The Electoral College met at Ral eigh Tuesday according to law. Dr. Tyre York" was absent. The elec tors proceeded Ito organize by elect ing Hon. B B Davis the Populist elector at large as chairman and W D Merrit as Secretary. They then adjourned till Wednesday 12 wherj it was learned ihat'York was sickl It was the opinion of the Attorney Grdne'raV'-tfiWher college had'- no authority to declare a vacancy aud could not then fili one. The meet ing adiourned till Jan: ll?97. feed 4l0 4t i accounts were au- Wj M. WEDDIHGTOk,' Clerk t a Board. AS. 2) ?cr"u-.'.'. and Children. it n everj vrappc?. - i iv. a Intni Out .r K;tax"; 0hTef Bogerinformed a ti lu At-OOrtpr thia mnrnincr -"v'- c la 1 Wnl scare? ij uiPr i n s 81 COO had been col- TO C1JRE5A COtD IIS' CfSE AY Take laxative fifomo Quinine Tab lets. ;;iAll;duigist8:Yefand;;;;the, money if it fails to' cure. ,25c. ; Bnilaiasrand'fiban ?few Serlftsv Th'eeerltee'tli, series of iptock in the Concord Perpetual Bdilding and Loan Association rwill; b8 .open , for first payment Saturday, December 5th, 1$96. Call t ori the -Secretary antl Treasurer at 1 Cannons Fet zer's store and subscribe. d4 T P.IAlxison, President. H. I. WooDHOUSE, Seclty,andTrpas. Kotlce. . , tjf!' Ul T can sa ve vou. money on your in surance. -Don't pay for more . than you get. : Bee me for Fire, Life and a niHnf insurance. Best contracts and terms. J. F. Hurley. E"or Sale. - . , Domestic sewing machine, "in "pe-i feet order only v $10 00'. Second hand split bottom chairp, only 25 cen t8.: Apply at this ' office. dl2 George Bnckler Here; I: No 1 doubt 'about it- we are-better fixed to Dlease you in Clothing thanwe have - ever been. Suits, latest and en's est. E oys' Suits, latest and best GJiildrerL s i Snits latest and best We'guarantee toSsave-bu monev. 01 mm Bucklers Big 8 fbek Company with brass band "and orchestra ar- rived in Concord this morning. They play a three night engage ment at Armory Hall, opening this evening iu tne great meioarama "Lad Astray or the Wages of Sin.' Among trie stellar lights both the classic anb! modern drama none shine more brilliantly than Mr. George'Buckler and hiB beautiful and.charmmg'wife, Eleanor; New. ton. P7 t - ,- Mr. and Mrs. Buckler bring iwith them ! this' I season direct from the Grand Opera House at Washington, . M D. O, one of the strongest support ins 'companies 'that .ever. left. the . A special feattii ; j pfthe 'Buckler's, Big Stock Company this yearjis His superb uniformed br zz band and orchestra. It ' is composed 'entirely of finished solp . musicians, and every member is anj artist. ; i-neir concur tswaione are .worth the' price of admifelon;ciThey are tntrtalk of every: townand Mh'e 'delight (of all who hearthemi viThe band is under the leadership of the famous;bandf master, Mr. J C Cornelius, and the diriction of the orchestra in - the hands of Mr. H L . Baker, the . cele brated, clarionet soloist. - - j vn j Tomorrow evening "East Lyhne" HATS -AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. CANNONS & FETZER THE- CONCORD STANDARD For uen i j ?ris9.nf 1, a 1 Furnished rooms, w 103:trionpv0 i,.irtn,aUflntlemen. . Te-r.T very (reasonable. suitable, for ever. Honey geems to fcefaB scarce csntlemen. wiU be present-d. v On Satu afternoon at two' o'clock there will b6 a ladles and children's matinee when i The T wo brphans" twill ; be given and Hthe n gageme n t will close Saturday night with a grand production of ' "Ten Nights f in a Barroom.'' Popular prices night : 25, 35 and 50 cnts.j tinee 25 cert - to everybody. ! t at) Mai d!2! Death at Forest "Bill-" 7iz'i. Miss Ella Gadd, aed .18, snN rounded by loving friends, last night passed quietly to the great bJyond. She had Buffered with pneumonia only a few days;- The remrns will be .shipped today (Thursday) to Stanly county," htr former home, for interment. DAILY & : WEEK LY. v Democraictari principle, conservativein methods. v,- .. Newsy bufnot sensational. Devoted to tne interest t its effects and aims are ; to add to the -Joys of the home circle, the Elevation of the ambitions and : ) i aspirations of its readers. , : . - v ' ' vllt wquld gladlylillthe mind with pleasant and:- profitably thonghts, making life's bnrdens lighter, its dnties dearer, - its opportunities more apparent, j " ' ICE IT 9 If :inot pliiase; try it and see if you den't say that THE STANDARD is worthmanytimes itsjeost lo j ou. i ; y 23 . ....... 1 t; 'J v Publishers. 1- ! 1 1' us t r' ill PC i end - aids 5 UP and i '. if- ; brn It h ! 4' I and v c nollar. 2, J Apply "t thisrfflcc. 7

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