Vol. XI1L r- -u-uuu, N. C.k ft A TTTT rw t ' - - u,UJXK JJKlJRAf R17!T X ,o : i mi r mm m . M. m m mt . M -v - .i i i ..- 1 , HKS. L. M. MORRISON DEAD M Her Spirit Too Flfjj nt at 12 O'clock linst Wight. , Surrounded by the loving mem t?ra of her family anl friends, at her home on Spring street at 12 o'clock Friday night the spirit of this de wteo wne ana motner liearkoned to AiONTB CBISTO. pewter, moulded from some plate or dish that h8d gotten , too near the uia woma serve. their original r'woo uu lunger. at lntermiifiion t lt " uuu flt Prison bAP n!aan IvlnuLl II. r Rood crnwfi . .. Connanv i V ". ,6,eetea ilaokler'8 tin? 3,1, ",gkt iQ Db""' r- llus melodrama xt ' , . . F a8 well present the call of the grim . mn;, V s 8 alI3aa vantage of imnro. had WPat,hPr Jk:j "T,! . r." 10 Death and too. its .flight to the a cieV, oogh. realms fthflVft. on and n.? nf Uii 1, - J Kuie 7 r Vr ' an he 18 fifrnnH . w uwr Wltn the girls. . Mrs. Morrison-had been siclr fn. nxr..; . ond- oa,JT to James A little -wav w . 8PVeral weeks, bat wa, conZ t&e cr-ter of Count of eating the ri P? and considered -practically oat 1 of Mi.. w, : . . " ito wP.thUb pabers.' ; dsDg,r,and her;deatn a8t nirtt w. r"W Wew.ton. Moed . 0 for. those' UlcVon jete ways! yearn "to refresh e scenes of rnnrhi i L waa a SAVPrA nhill mUk . , . - . J CaSlfet br!?nn wifn ?n.,n. . .' J , ai,U! WUIca sne , - , V. . m gems. ws taken about 9 o'clock,' .and the dan, yiona &M ' Tl iT' Whole NO. 1,572 WflW 3! II A I v I I JiSK. the recovered apdgut, the mercurial fr'UUUUL. iiUw . if In. Ftor's St0 ,yU 1U CIoau wo have ever en s suits; , :(r Peppers;' Jentsj the Oimpsny, is "hot stuff." '.' i s For Infants and Children. sion of SST'SOTIP c11 iccpres. This ttv;0 T IS 01 the house a5 1 "o'clock: J to morrow; nev. u w Alexander, of tbe First Presbyterian, church, will conduct tuc iuuerai Bervices. rna reman s wi n us burn a nt the, city cemetcr. The following frentlem-n c Will frt co v-ll.U " . r.o jn.uu(;arer3 : Messrs. if-ts ACli'1' oaKer iviorron, Will btew- , Ed. Hall, John Kimmone, Ed Wbite. s - ; A; - -Tyf-f 1 w. . ' Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season but perhaps when the liver is torpid and slug- .Afke JaxativeBromo Quinine Tab gish and the need of a ionic and 8 I11 druggists refund the aLerative is felt A prompt use .of mney if it fails to cure. 25c tH's med'cme has ceA averted iDS Perhaps fatal bPious fevers "riie Beestnet skuie." iiu loediciuo will act more surely in Tha o.ofla-i , a uJiee'1 3lQe system --, ocjo xuDio will U8 a can meetint ;Ith malarialpoison. Headache fcbT :e to ;Have a play next Fridav Stokes Lod6 Nn A a. a Sl -tof the .,ov title. It wiH on next Monday night. kTi ocm 1 00 per bottle at Fetzer1 Drug cal1 "P "esh the memones of by- bera are expected to '! present re n gohes when we sut on slab beuches Work hi Third Degree.' FATAL SHOOTFNO with no backs and swung our feet J. C. Fink, W. M. - ia concert or equejzed a fellow K-A. Brown, Secty. icluec" Revenue Officer and BlocH- aoaln3t the wall, our old Muz over its Take laxative Bromo: Quinine Tab- 2oc. ml4 - 5 1. PURELY VPhPTAni c t -ifef1 Herbs 4ci SYMPTQMS Tiver.Comp!aint are' a bker co oVi r0! Appetite; Bels alternately costive and lax; lleafacbe; Less of Memory, witlfa Fvi' .yH0" appearance of the SkinSJ - d'seasp y" v '"e spptoms attend .the a.sease, at others Very few ; but the Liver the largest ad if not Regulated a time, great surerine wretch edness and DlCATII will ene. g' r6tCh lne followinsr rii-Hr-or..,,.j .. irt'ies nf cru,.n 7 , T u persons attest to the PerVy Ga Coi E I'Js C, RVA J- R. Felder wl b W-R; K.J'iion.-Alexander ifSteDhetur thJf tCSt?d virtues Personally, S PS fche It PePKla' B liu.51 d Throbbing Head- Remiatnr mrJ Deiore bimmons Liver rlrv relief - lT f them Se uS more than tern. Dorary nUct u-.e Regulator not only relieved, but cured 6S. -ED. iELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, JMaCON, GaT MANUFACTURHD ONLY BY J.H.ZEILLN & CO., Philadelphia a arid v.; 1 me SI" ...... , i . . . a. .- - 4 .... , , . - . , - - -. s n in si GAIXJSMOIMS fe .FEi Ko;: c. There will be a call meeting THE- of M. CONCORD-STANDARD X CUBE A COLD IS OBTE BAY -Ne tncrmnff of a fa man "l"-"!!! then et,joyed cer.a.a privileges" that moneif ere High Point at lof,, .J made us envy them. The wrir w , - k uuui iaoi . . . j ' As a resuit, both men are wni on a slanting shelf facir.g T - ) coW dead. The particulars of the the wall and for pen racks hoa 1 can 8aYjy.? usoney onyourin cuuuuuff couia not be lernpd hnr mn in fT, . . , xvu t pay jor more tnan suppoaed tZ Uoftett at V v ? ? m the ?oa' Se me for Fire, Life and Opting to arreTSnfr fo- v" ChlDked lg Walls were all that Accident insurance. Besl contracts !r:Hnn . ? could be desired. Prn and terms. ' J. iTP. TTttrt - -ii iuo h:vci nf i:v7a i uvuyu uuin i ...... - - ) - A Moflfett ia weii known ail iiD8 t0 "ePeil bJ heart" and turntd Lpe State as a brave and fear- each other down. At the clote we fce , Teh u 10 remember his till next time. -e was in Aeheboro. He- was a . A , t"or to the moonshiners of his dis- After that we iIsteced frequently to irr and his life had been threat cne ding of the two dozen rules ed by them, an attempt having or more when a glance at the corner n mad8 to kill him only a few by the teacher's desk showed us the uau. uuaeu -uuugeiB io suit tne sizes WEEKLY burner is knowrv to the revenue 6 3 a desperate bbarabter, 5nd of aI1 anf 8eemed to threaten ven given them no little trouble res Se?nce for every violation of which 'oiai Rates. rth Carolina con fftrpnpft Prch, South, Kiniton, N. 0.; Dec. Tickets on sale Dec. 7, u"a 9 limited Dec, 19th, 9.20 rnd trip from Concord. " " Agents Wanted. vVe i do not want boys or loafers tft8,;but men of ability. 6200 10 9000 noi ano t 6 and general man C'V?;. Racine Fire Engine Co.. : a Jb- . Kicine, WisJ we were convicted in the schcol court.- The teacher ueuailv held j ; one in his hand and whittled at it between rounds of recitations. Girls and bovs alike were drpaaVd in homespun clothes and homemade i ' . snoes. . r . . -'- In summer our trousers were nf conera8 color, our allusses" wfir j - w cloth with three button holes with which to adjust the ht of the britches" at the only place they were expected to fit. jThe buttons For Sale. . - I : ; Domestic sewing machine, ih ner, f-ct order only $1000. eccnd hand split bottom chairs, only 25 cents. Appiy at this office. dl2 For Rent. . 1 Furnished rooms, f suitable fnr gentlemen. vTerms very-freasonable. Apply at this office. I- 1 dl2 , Bemocraictiin principle, coBservativein : methods. . " Newsy butot sensational. Devoted to tne interest-' - of unity, harmony and progress. Its effects and 'aims are toadd to the joys of the' home circle, the elevation of tbe ambitious and aspirations of its readers. v It would gladlyflllithe: mindrwifh pleasant and profitabl v thoughts, making life'slburdens lighter, its duties dearer, its. 0 .... opportunities more apparent. on thtiii were not nnfreqaently of HOImiSON H. VALDWEL ' A.TT02-JIY AT LA W, CONCORD, M o " , Office in Morris bu idm, eppesite $1,000. V e "Will O-lVfl. triA oKnnn - . .1 o r ' uu c aixiuuxib IU IJ16 DerSOn Who will RPnrt no" Vwa - . o ixic ueoii liai Ul u wtuLC3 uua ni r t-f i . i ri - I fi niinv. WM Of United Statfta TTict-,.-. nr.!. .r . ------ j tvixio ior particulars with stamn. .. ' . TSTTTTT -VT . . . - . ' uL.laHI2iG CO.. i7 ot 0m d Street Boston Mass, KE IT ? If notJsplcaseJ try it and see if you don1 Tsay. that" THE. STANDARD isyworthSanytimesJtsIcostyou.' . 4 ' .. . . .. " J . D. BARRIES! & SON, " - -. ..' !i -..''. " Publisliers. . v ' - . -

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