Vol. XHI. No. 194 101 I CONCORD N. C, klONOAY, DECEMBER 7, 1896. THE NE V COUNTY OFFICERS TAKE THE OATH TOD A. Y. THE SHOW. House X THAT DOliBLE TRAGEDY. Whole NO. 1.513 the II. C Being Acted . Upon. Buckler Played to a Small Saturday Right,. Only a smalt crowd greeted the Buckler Company Saturday nipht. This company eeeon to haye struck a hard ruaj of luck. It is stated that in Salisbury they did not make expenses, and they did little more iir II. isiiime jiecicti i;uirman ox vvvuiar prices IOt - . I i - nonrd of commissionera-if . ii. wnich they show, they really de- - dwell Attorney The Bonds served better, patronage than they got. The play Saturday night. "Still WofeM R n - At 10 o'clock this morning the "t4" "c' ver At s - light, and Mr. Buck er wnnlrl recently elected ooutity commission weU to drop it from hia Vepertoire. era appeared before Clerk of the Though the parts .were very well Court J C Gibson and took the oath taken, with one or two exceptions, f nffipp . there was no plot. to the play. The members of the new board MC8SIS: .iiDC"er afld M?r are w n iuueL. - - - rison is the better actor of the two. Stafford. Organization was effected however, and seems to be out of his by electing W H Blame, chairman I class. of the poara. n n vaiuweu was i . davenpcrT WILL NOT COME. made attorney for the ensuing year. The May Davenport Company, The examination' of bonds was the 1 which waa billed to show here next . . - . ... first ba3inf83 before the board, anil Friday night, will not come to this they went to work at once. I city. The manager of Armory Hall Bond of J C Gibson, clerk of the stated to a Standard man yester- ronrt. was the nrsc one presented. - , It im fiimolv a renewal of the old character of the show he had let the - ' . m one, and was accepted by the com missioners. The Particular as Learned vet llisti Point. - " , , The Standard published Satur day an account of the double kill ing in Randoljih county, but the full details coufd not be obtained at that time. The High Point corres pondent of the Charlotte Observer gives the particulars as follows, in Sunday's papei: . ; News was received here Saturday of the killing tf ex-Sheriflf Moffit, of Randolph 30unty,f a special deputy, revenije collector, by a moonshiner the name of Lee m In 0 - . . ' .i , , - . " .- . -, n - t : . - - . . - , - No' doubt'aboujb it' we are better fixed to- Turner, who wis killed also. "olease you in Clothm than we have eV62T. Friday morijing Sheriff Moffitt qo ' " ' ' - left Asheboro ii company with two w, ' assistantp, Messrs. T:J Hoover and r 7" - : ivien s suits, latest and hall to them, but that the contract would be abrogated, and he wrote to the manaerer of the comoanv veeter- . - ttt r rrr ji t , I . T ? - . 7 w w - The bona or vy m .weaaingnf d v effe The Davenport Register of Deeds, is all O. K., and aggregation were in Greensboro Fn- will be accepted this evening. (day night, and the Record has this The sheriff is required to give to say of the performance: three separate bonds amounting in "The show, is not only, of an ex- all to 36,000, the same having -been tremely; low caste and vulgar, but reduced by the la3t Legislature with no merit in it whatever, with from $60,000. Sheriff Buchanan's I not an ctor or actress, even of or- bondsmen are; G W Patterson,. W dinary ability, in the company. R Kindly, Lawrence Kluttz, S Si Numbers of the audience left all McWhirter, J R White, Geo. Moo3e, during the performance and a more JEW Eady, I J Ury, A W Moose, J disgusted crowd had never been seen G 0 Goodman, M J Corl, A D in Greensboro, Manager Bogart Missnheimer and W O Coleman, says he wrote to all the near-by This list includes some of Cabarrus towns, telling of the character of county's most substantial business the show, and if the opera house men. and there is no question but managers want to play them, all that it will be accepted. right. Very little about the com.. !r. C W Swink, the new treasurer, pany wa-j known here until it came, is rtnniroA tn rhrp V hand for' S32 otherwise the crowd would na-e 000. ERTpral thoaaand less than fori- been smaller than ic was.' - mprl-sr TVip TiAmoa nf pome of the Lee Freeman, j They went in the direction of Trcjy. Thirty.fi ve miles below Asheboro they encountered Turner's illicit distillery. They cut the still to piecls and then went to Turner's house; to search for the whiskey. Moffit was met at the door by Turnerj who refused him admission Moffit told iTurner tbat he must ssarch the house. Turner told him that he' would not allow . - r' i . 1 . it. -Moffit advanced,: both he and Turner drawing their pistols, and firing simultaneously, killing each other. : 1 .; '!. .;.-: " - Another account is that Mbffitt and his assistants, after cutting up the still, arrested Turner, and he t . . . . - - - .. . (Turner) asked .permission to go into the house after his overcoat. Permission was given, and when he returned he brought his gun," shoot ing Sheriff Moffitt down" without warning. 1 Then, in (the promiscu ous firing Turner was killed. Sheriff Moffit was one of the best citizens his death Suits, latest an est. Boys' best. and best. , . ' . ..v ' : - ... w l ' we guarantee to save ou monev. OVERCOATS - AMD - FURiUISH HATS -AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY". CAMWONS & FEi bf i Randolph pounty and A TT T w isgieatly deplored by all. l WW. () J TO THE Wise. wealthiest men in the county appear CaBcaret8 Candy Cathartic; il on thi3 paper. They are; D F Can- mogt Wcnderlu I medical diecover e diecovery ccd. J W Cannon, John C Wads- of the age, plea. iincL rehcatimg worth, V J Swink and B F Rogers, to the taste, actentiy ana posit. v Ths two latter Donds bad not n:t-Q OTft,tcm ;onfli colds, cure headacne, lover, naouuai c d n s ti oat i o d a n d bi li o v s nesa. Please he:a acted on up to the hour of ad journment for dinner, but there is to q -ie?tion bat that they will be jj), ' ; After the county ofiicers are sworn -the board will proceed to elect pntendeots f or the county home a t'i;o. chaiu-gang. There are a ni-l:r of' 'applicants for these fjc, and it cannot be said who 'd the fortunate one. 4 . .commissioners 'have consid sb!c business before them, and 1 si Probably be in session again to? 'if i; 'A'-ie Facts That Doctors nt!v 5 fl vita " nhnnra cf air 2,nl - -0 those eafferin from xa J-5 proof that catarrh 13 a local 'li.avic ' diseased Therefore, w c can leave homo andbRsi pf VJsu should '.use Ely's Cream 7iU. Applied directly to the seat j? disease, it 'efiects instant r 2l rd a satisfactory cure after snort continuance. No mercury 'ricus drug is contained in AVheo bilious orco3tive, eat a Cas- carat, candy' cathartic, cure guaran- leea, luc, zoc. s Notice. - . ; v There will b9 a call jrrteeting of Stokes Lodge No. 32 A. F. & A. M. tonight. All members are expeotM to be present. Work in Third Degree. 1 J. C. Fink, W. M. R. A. Brown, Secty. Election returns are nothing compared to the re sults you receive by trading with Dry & WadsworthV who are wide awake and uptosdate. People are apt to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly conyinced of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at once, 'Tisr only a few days till 'Xinas and everybody is begin ning to look around f or Santa Claus. His luend quarters this time are at the -C3aa For Rent. v--.. Furnished rooms, suitable for geo tlemen. Term3 eryresaocable. Anolv at this office. I ' v 012 e bay and try a bux of C. C. C. to-day, 10, 25, oO.cent?. Sold and guaran teed to cue by ail ;drugist8. , Special . JRjats. -- .y: x:r.'-' " North Carolina confercuce M. .. E church', Sou th, Ki n st on, K. C, Dec. 9th, 1896. Tick eta on sale Dec. 7, 8 and 9, limited Dc, 1.9th, round trip from (laucord. : Agents Wanted. ' . We do not want boys or loafers to write, but men of ability. 2200 to $500 per month, salary or com- misaior, ; State and g6neraiinn- :a Racine Fire Engine Co J16. Racine, Wis. He says if you like comfort and ease buy oue of Dry & Wadsworth's Big Rocking Chairs or the Ladies sizes for your wife. Or if you want to sleep well and; rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spring . Mat- tresses, best in the world, or one of tjie handsomest lounges. They have them at all prices from $4,00 to $25, and to make your parlor look aptodate and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room nice?y buy one of these handsome suits, the prices are lew,. BCJJKE a COLD IN ONE DAT Jjfce laxative Brdmo Quinine Tab- IRiectric Kitters. . FJcctric Bitter 3 is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps, more generally needed,, when tho languid eshauefed feeling, prevails, when the liver is torpid and slug-; gish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt A prompt use of this medicine has ... often. " averted loD an i perhaps fatal bihoas fevers Nu medicine will act more surely m counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache inditrestionconstipation, oizzmess yields to Electric Bitters. 50c and SLOO per bottle at FetzerVDrug Store. hCATARRH For Sale. , ... ...... . -r. ' Domestic sewing feet order-only $10 00. Second nhairs. onlv 25 NASAL ;e TV T TV R R is a LOCAL DISEASE and is the result of coljds &nd sudden climatic : changes. Thisr remedy does not contain mercury or any oilier injurious drug; v::-ELY'S ORE Aftl BALM Opens and cleans the Nasal Passages. Allays Paiu and Inflammation, (Tfll T In," M 17 A 1" Heals and Protects theUULLf I tf hri! Membrane from Colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Is quickly absorbed. Giyes re lief at once. 50 cents at druggists or by mail samples roc', by mail. k ,T r , ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York. L. T. HARTSELL, A'iTOKNEY-AT-LAV, COKCORD, N C Prompt . attention given to all business. v Office in Morris building opposite court house, . , , , "AIN'T lT THE TRUTH Yes sir, We have everything m the furniture line.' Chairs of all descriptions. Tables all sizes and styles. Big lot of Pictures, Window Shades Cur tain JPollsv Ladies' Desks, Office Desks, Wardrobes, Sideboards, China Closets and everything to make a home pleasant and a .wife happy. Beginning from today and during the holidays, we propose to give to each cash purchaser a nice and useful piece of fur niture, consisting of Bat Racks, Music Racks, Comb and Brush Shelf, Book Shelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Gases. What Ndts, etc. This is no fake, I Sure Go.,v The piices of the articles meantime are from 15 cents to S6. The value, of the present will be governed by the amount of the cash purchase. These sales will continue until the above mentioned articles have all been given out. Come at once acd get the choice presents, : ; - . Yours to Please,' onev ?f u rA6r" r 1. Apply at this cmce. dl2 Or. Miles' Pain PlUa Btop Headache. - w 4U UUXD. AUbi t -

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