rv- 1 ( - 1; f JURORS DRAWN I forth January Term of Superior Court, . , ! : j The Board of Commissioners, at the afternoon session Tuesday; drew the jurors for the January term of Cabarrus Superior . Court", vhich' convenes on 1 Monday, the" lS:h. The list is a3 follows: First W eek u J tfarbe, B F At- red, W F Earnhardt, D B Coltrane, George F Litaker, W 8. Isenhour, i Sr., J U-r uocnran, Moses Kin tt Jr., MM Morrison, H AEddleman; R F Biles, R J Cook, R L DuyaH Wm . H x jsher, W DUline, Samuel up Linker, nope Barrier, J L Boger, Jonah A Martseii, Jonn K Uruse, D T Litaker, M A Ludwigt.W F ParTclanonetists. rar, A Barton Blackwelder, G Kichmond, M.iv. Nebit, C F.C Mil- !?r. J David CW W I L- Morris. P G Cook, C A Robinson. D C Cos- - I , ' v ti P T,pflpT T- A TTr cien nl by, , H L Liener, J AHann, Oeo. D mi i i I Second Week Paul S Sides, Win L Dove, J M Isehfaoarj Jas.' W L'eJ r. w romWrrft Hno TTrf -t tv 1 . v 7 ,1 Faggait, Wm; L Hahn,-W S'Bifig gish and the need of a tonic and ham, C H Hamilton. F Irvin, alterative is felt. ; fAt prompt use'of t PorffBr -T wi!aa -Ti4 is: mediane'. hks loften i;avertd Geo. L Earner, J . Wallace, Rob Ions?.' Derhaos fatal .bitioaafevra .uorns, u j j-iyjes, j 1 ossamon, 4J4incbgesUo constipation. f 4izzmess -w a tf r. . aR. k vv hi to . , 3 1 Allonseliold Seceasity. Ibtore. Cascarets Candy - Cathartic, - the most wonderful medical discovery ' 01 me age, - piwaxn. anq 'reireBnipgi to the taste, act gently snd-pesit.TV J ly 6a the kidneys, liver and bowels; J cleansing me enxire Byscem, aispei 1 colds, cure headache,. fever, habitual! constipation and bihousneB3. rieasej ; ?yn- Vry a D0X DI u' u, u IO-QayM 10, 2o, dO conts. Sold and ; guaran- idea 10 cure Dy ail arnggisxB. A Hocsisli Affair- I Tne conttst for the prize hog is erlll going on. Cabarrus heads in 1 this, as in manv other things. Mr. " w - I il VV nneimer, or jmo. o, two hogs, 11 months oldrtbis week and they netted . him respectively I 3T5 and 379 nonnds. " - . Jchn.W Phillips, of No.12, killed , I 0 ii montn8 old poruers tme (Wednesday ) morning and they tip- , ., -J . . pt- toe beam at ddo and d7o re- Ubarrns farmers don't handle razor-back breed of Jhogs, and therefore they all have plenty of feiny on hand too. ' Tor Infants and Children. is ea . ; , erer7 5a rrow JLscape. t A. countryman, whose name fuid not be learned, -together with ci8 wife and child, -was returning me from the city at a Jate-hour juesday evening, driving .a two-; jr&jjagon. Just -asvhe reached; UiG bill near Brown's ;gin"ihouse,.a came down the hlli-.with a a?or- driving rapidly, and yelling !!ve lop of-nis ".oice. The coun :aL horses became frightened va cd off into the ditch, vhich about eifrht. fft. rln fit that 1? The occupants escaped with bruises, however, but the md harness was badly de- 8 Too rvi. c,Vf .nn bilious or costive,' eat a Cas- w 1 c?1Kj v cathartic, cure guaran-; -u' iOc, 25c. 1 vKorth Carolina conference M. :E 1 h,fSonth, Kin3ton,iN.-a,lDec. p 1390, Tickets on saleiDec. 0 - -T. ' .Iill (lift OA Mr o R A CON0OU1), ORCHESTRA ORGANIZED, Aml Wew Mc Order ea for the Holi- . aays. . Concord is to have her own or chestra; and a fiist claes due in evey respect. Recognizing the need of our little city in this line, a number of young men, all of whom are; talented, mueicians. met and effected a permanent organization. and at once ordered the latest mu. aic,.to be ready for the many social ionctions tnat will take place dur- ing the holidays. The orchestra will consist of fivepieces, the make- of wbicn is as ..follows ; Piof. R L Keesler; lea-ler, pianist! Albsrt Freeze, Wade Barrier. Jay Sims, cornetist Q E Smith -bass violinist. ' m. - . . i"!?' xUiectnc, tsitterg is a medicine suited for any season, .but perhaps more generally -needed, when the Ia5 exhaustefeeling prevails. Nm medicine will ac. mqre purely in counteractmg and Jreemgtfce system from the marialsdHeadacne yields xo jia ecmc Diners, wo ana r fid on Nir. 14th:l896: in Xo: 3 townsHin. Cabarrna countr. N. C. little Viola Lee: only child of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith, aged about iif teen months.: : . . ' : i " X: .ghe wa8 an unusually bright and interesting child, and though just budding into the .eweeT JLower that as the loy and comfort of her de voted par6nts, yet it pleased God in TTio. :llrto -in-mvRtftrinnR proyidence to remove iier from the loving embrace of earthly parents &ver to be with Jlim svno said; LLC! 13T , XI Klll .U.M A unt0 Me and forbid them not for of such" jB the Kingdom of Heaven." And our loved one nas departed, l e tatr?n.e?J ene nas enaea me s unex siury, She has reached her home in glory Huch thy. sobbing, weep no. more, She has only gone beiore ; frewenot nponthe river,. Sailing fast to meet forever? Brings us nearer joyc before us, If our faith and hope and lowe Are all in Christ and things above H." Death in Staul j. Parties in .from Stanly county , to day : bring the intelligence .of the deth ot Mr. rniuip jciiaennouj, .who died at Copal Grove, 8tanly county, yesterday, .of paralysis.; Mr. iRidenhour bad reached the advanced age' of S8 years, and was vwell known throughout thi.countv. The funeral took place to-day. We gave our readers a letter from' our friend UC. A. :M.,V this week.; We are .always glad to hear frcm him anH his. We remember with much pleasure and thankfulness the 'Xmas he refers -to anH thank him for the'invitationbqt it is our time ito furnish :.the supper this year and if he will -come and pay us a. visit we will try to furnish substan tial evidence. Come brother, by person or letter. V j wfl .have read the President's great message and. ha vo endeavored to condense it, leaving fout mparts, that Congressmen can comprehend and appreciate more than we and our readers. The tbeautif al phrase-' ology of the author also Jhas to ba largely .eliminated W.jg our efforts will ; be beneficial to those. n,kn -want tne tuusiaww v hive not the time.to read the whole Accident i " . land terms, message. , ;l . N. 0..; WEDNKSDAY. DEOBMBEB 9. 1896. tWO DEATHS. Oae in . 5, the Other lu No. 10 News reached the city this ( Wed nesday) mo filing ot the sudden death of Mrs, Nellie Cookr an aged widow lady of No. 5 township. Mrs. Cook had been in: feeble health Ion some time, bnt was able to be rip aad at tend to. her household duties, an4 her death yesterday waB entirely nn expected. Heatt failure is thoaght to have; been 'the cause of1 her death. She was buried at ? 3 o'clock today at'MtUHead-chtirchi- a lMrsVGadd wife of. Robert Gadd, who lives nearjS ed Gold Mice; in No. io wnship, ;- died of hearc disease yesterday I morning Mrs Gadd went to her breakfast with the rest f- tne family, and appeared to be i n ' her : usual good health and cheert spirits, and was' attending to heriiaties, 'wheq de-th suddenly OTerlk:;her,-Theiunex place to-day at Center Grove church. Why is it jthst one man is - old and . decrepit jat 45. and another naie and hearty at 60? it depends on'-tb: care;'fae takes of himself. Ofiknf'4WMMdm :of re- pa,ix7jj? iuj? uic growe 'Enxii it lays him outio- bed. - Whenever a man feels that he-te iiot" v well as he ougbt :to h$u whenever he is listless, withoutfehergy ahdwitboutvital- ity, whenever - h fiods that he is losingeigfitind that his ordinary workcives. fojmyioolue.i fatigue; he Discoyery'Jfiie keeps on working witbT- his iJitfer Inactive and his blood impore-rbe keeps his serves and :his j?ody u nder a Jonstan t ner vous strain. He will not he hearty when he js old. The Golden Hedi- cal Di6coVry, cures many so-called diseases because nearly all illness springs fro m' the e am e thing bad digestion and consequent Impure blood. jLh& "JJiecovery" ndakes the appeu&gooa, jne .aigestipn strong, assimilation a,and the blood ncn ana -pure. STILL AT IT, Commissioners Fc: Away at Koutjne , v.: easiness. Up to the inne,rbour!ihe com" misSioners had done 1 nothing be" yond transacting routine business, such a&!pas8ing on bills, hearing pe- titions:etc. : ecr:.. t At the afternoon session Tuesday the .office of s coroner - was xled hy the election Lof-Mi,1 George Walterin the placa of M Cy his brother, who had failed to qualify. ; j vr : iMr.lfill Parneil was made keep er of standard weignts ?ana tpeas- ures i Wm. Jurikergets tthe repair :ing of jthe.dty clodk.while Ira Me- ihafley wall pull the bell rope, when occasion requires.- y I vi :Ashad been generally expected, W;. L. !ParishvgetsVthe :supenntend- oncv of the , county chain gang. Much interest has 'been manifested in the selection of this o&ser, there ,were; quite a number ?of appli cants. Mr. Parish J)icl;kafl $375, Which inclnidiS guards foramen, A SnUtleu 'Dealli. Mrs: Wiley Boat died very sud denly at ber home M : miles east of, this city Jast Tuesday' night, Dec: 1st. She was well us usual and ate, a hearty !supper, retinng at 9 o'clock and was dead ' at 11 o'clock. -4 Some s tran ee heart trou bie is supposed ? to have caused -her death so suddenly. She was abou t 76 years of age. Her death was a severe shock tt? ' those around her and to i those who knew her. The; remains were laid to rest in ColdWatr iEf angelical Luiheriin church yijrd.---r1 - -; j TakeJasativeBromo : Quinine Tab lets. 1 lAli idroggista refnnd ' ;the: money af;it:foil3to cure. 125c. j ; )l!can saveyoUvmoney onyoutin--surance. ' -Don't pay for moro - than von get. ;See me for Fire, Life and insurance, .oest contracts 1 dhsi Q - Clothing- at - No doubt about if oaia Oiothiu S m $ been. Men's Suits, latest and Best, s oys' Suits, latest and best -y s and best. We guarantee to fiK - IO HATS AND CAPS mi 0 Gnildren CANNONS A Word Election returns are nothing compared to the re sults you receive by trading with Dry &,Wa ds worth, who are wide awake and uptondate. People are apt to believe what they see anci the Poubting Thomases can be quickly conyinced of the Truthfulness and correctness of what we, say by calling at once. 'Tis only a few days ;till JXmas ;ahd everybody is begins riing to look around -for Santa Claus. Bis headq uarters this time are at the J5e says if you life;e cornfqft pnd ese buy one of Dry & Wadsworjth'd iRig Kpcking Chairs or the Ladies' sizes jor your wife.. .Or if yQU want to si eep well and rest easy buy one.pf ,the Ealeigh Wire 'Spring Mat. tresses, best in the world, or one ot -the handsoroect lounges They haVeVt $4,00 to $25, and to rnake your' parlor look up-tosdate and in style "buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room nicely buy one of fChese handsome suits, the prices are low. AIM IT Yes sir, "We have everything .in the furniture line. Chairs ,of all idescripfcibhs. 'Tables all sizes and styles. : jBigllot pi ictfesindow Bhades; CJur- tain .Polls, Ladies Desks, Office Desks, Wardrobes, Sideboards, China Closets and .every thing to make a home pleasant An a ife from today and during the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser a ,nice and useful piece of fur- niture, consisting, of Hat .Racks, Music Backs, Comb and Brush;Shelf, ; .Book .Shelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Cases. hatts,netc. 'This is no fake, 4 Sure ;Go;' ' Xbe piicejs of the articles meantime are from zL5 cents tp jO, The alue cf :the - -present jyill "be governed by tbe amount of tSe cash purchase. Thes& sales wilL continue until the above mentioned art icl es ?have all tbeen given out, iCoine at once an d get the choice presents, V ; " .1 ,i Yours to PI H )) irXi Iff . n M MiD , II I I Whole NO. l,57ff &me In Cannons - - Fete we are better fixed to titglu we Have ever isuits, save vou mone. - IUlI f - ff 12 FOR EVERYBODY. & FETZER THE TRTTTH JL jX. , V " -A- 15 t in j, n tJ)-i tr latest THE ease I' 1 1 i; it li 1 ! I I r J - i 't i ! i 1 ' f f 4 f -i : ) i ' 1 , J. .'Hurley. : Qnd tiip f rom Cenxord. "u"u uec. xviU) Ty.u

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