'..... . ... . . . . ..... - . i ,- -.-..,...-,: ' A LAX. XI s : : J f0L CONCOllI, N. C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1896. Whole NO. 1,576 ! IT WAS "FIXED." -.. 4. I? Sharbey' s Trainer ways Fitzslmmons - . as It ob bed. SAN. pRAKCiscio, Dec. 9. A large assemblage of ring followers and men about town crowded Judge panderson'u court room this morning in expectation of hearing sensational deyelopmems regarding the manner tf&icn Contains a Moral Itead ana Apply. Three roosters lived in the same i rnjard. One was a fine game sock, admired by all for his graceful land upright carriage, -his indepen dent conduct, and above all for th isnner in which : he scratched ' u p for the- little cnicks under ; his M y pro- action, and the wonderful bravery; he exhibited in keeping - the - hawks cat of the barnyard of the family to vbomhe belonged. ' T - V The second of these cocks .was a Sbangbai, the third a common DanghiH, a kind of Domineck, with flack and white spots."" ' ;;. ; The game cock was naturally the favorite of the farmer's household, and consequently he got the choices kits w hen f eedin g . time came, which wg3 at stated : periods. TbiB ' gave rse to a feeling oi' jealousy!?oh the ivtrt of the other two "roosters, and lErrp as referee with the understand th y began to conspire together Vo jig that he was - to award Sharkey; UNKNOWN MAN. Seriously Injured In an Acciden ' iVear Cblue Grore. A telephone message was received from China Grove eaying an acci dent of so ode kind had occurred on the Southern road atla point about a I mile above that place. The nature m which; the :FitzsiriimonsSharkey of the accident ceu Id hot: be learned, (rbe fight was fixed," ; and : they only that a man, supposed to be a were not disappointed. If. credence tramp, had his armj badly mash, d iB tuvoe piacea m the story told by and that it would haVe to be ampu t'Amtralian" Billy Smith, Sharkey tated. The name of tlbe iniured mtn trainer Vitv.ain -.'.v.' j.K.i.iL -v- ii'y.is t V i v , ""vfuo wats a ueieaieu was not given, u Known. man oeiore ne Jett New York; AC". me m, Mzers No doubtlabout it we are better- fixed to ' DrOrowell,' ot-China Grove. was l-1B m . . . , . cording" to Smiths; testimony, J J spending the day m Concord, w,a -11 7 u u OXIllIl itnangW8 1 liave e Ver uroomv J ;H Gvbbs, Danny Lynch, telephoned for, andjwent up on cn Deep J ight. j The in rid to China .e' ger, ; and Sharked the 2 o'clock local fr himself were the men who composed iured man- was ca the National Athletic Club befor Grove, and ia receiving every atten- wl?fVi ninoiUAfiAn 2 a. i . ' J :it J" " ! : " v6 . t-uc uuw ncionous j uon posaiuie. contest, was , fopght. . These four! men,. Smith swears, engaged sWyatt! Men's Suits, latest and accomplish hedown fall and hu mil-, tne ngnt directly Fitzdmmons'land iation of this favored fowl knowing edbbdy blowor Bt6madh; punch fall well their owii weatuess'Bepa- 'b4hmiht'i5be' ''sretchSd'1 ihtd'f A Great Worbl 1 Mr. S( M Say ford, pollege Evan gelist;, has recently vlsitedlthe fol 1 o wiu g in Istit o ticn av in . North ' Caro 1 f n a : I Tnu i ty '" Col I egei U n 1 Ver si ty of North ,Cafp1ina", ',' Davidson College, Agricultural and Mechanical . Col IcgeL'and Wake Korea tvtJoileSe .AN thuughr hia.stay at each institution was .very ,shor t, - the Christian , men. were yery greatly - helped and . many 8tadents entered into a cpnvenaht to move forward . in their Christian life. Mr.; Sayford is in a unique Best .X". Boys' Best. Suits latest and rateiy. The. 'Shanghai promised a XQa?- rp wa3 to receive theDuDgnui u neiwouiu. , assist i:iniA. 1?1ocl vuco - , ... making him cock of .the f walk, hel f Ynf ?rsa7 examination.; "Smitltf fihould have half of ;the heria .anthUtuckto his story od could; not, W vhole barnyard as his very own I shaken. He also disclosed, the ; face and of the choice bits that came that lthat.Dr. Jjea waa.no t . summoned tc irav he should eat his fill. The Sharkey's bed-side until two hour? Dnnphill's breast ! was I filled IwilH and a half after the 1 fight "'j was oyerJ iovand he actually dared to crow Lynch; Groom and GIbbs denouncd P031tlon Mrepreeenting no oranizf He had never hoped to'be anything Smith's testimony as rank perjury lut a figurehead in this; barnyardi They claim that Smith. ;demande The proposition; was accepted " witti?l,0p0;for his Bervicesastrainer,n aiacrity 'and they set about to : find l declined o accept the $100'tendere the means to this end. ' him. Allen, who promises to cor Mjroborate. Smith's testimony to-mor The end m accomplished. .Wd row, was'offerei $200, but attempte will not talie time to reyiew the di-j to blackmail Sharkey and; Lynch. in era '?ava and means. Suffice it td "to paying him double that amount say the Dunghill V gave his 'hearty Lynch ' asserts .that 4 Alien- and support to every .scheme of , the -Smjtli, finding that their attempt at Shanghai, and between them it they extortion would be futile,' went tp succeeded in crippling this beautiful B,ltz3lmmoDa, attorney I and offered game cock, and he hasten. ' forced to make certain discourses ; concern to retire to a safe distance to iccur ing alleged jobbery, which can easily Children s i Suits, latest and best We guarantee to save voiVmoney; tion or movement.- lie baa for tbe past nine jean devoted' all his time and strength., itjii Christian -: work among the Colleges,, during which time he has visited more than 300 institutions. 1 OVERCOATS - Ail -FOeilSlGS. HATS AND CAPS FOR EYERYBOD Y. NON'S & FETZHR CAN For Rent; . ' v f - . Furnished rooms, . suitable for centlemen. iTerm? very reasonable. Apply at this offlco. : dl2 i Word TO 'TK H ISE Change of Date. $ ; ..4 - - The members held a very enthusi astic meeting: at tbe New South Club! 'litiat - night -and decided to ! . .. - , . T7-1 i InhaTiaftTKft date of their annual of-ix4. v - nriaa vunmiK tin msnrovea; .uqi; jawaissv. -buz t i w ' r -. ?7i . i ' Ci ?v rv , UirrmnnN oniiRfil.- ra he, has Reception and hold it this year at When the Shanghai" found, bim-f eneugh testimony to convict the en. TOR I a i. For Infants and Children. Til fao-ilmlla , fil TV place in the fence ahdcrowetl-tust m? i " "J, and the Dunghill ;wasr allowed to join in- the chorus. But when the good farmer's children came out . - . . . t j to feed the fowls,he ''Shanghai lich had become verys much swollen with pride, 'did v not recog tize hh old friend the "Dunghill, aod he was unceremoniously 'driven from the yard with . the', remark,': Uet out of htre ::I know ive ; nofc.!' " ,:Judee ' Bovkin, i of ' Clinton, Ahe Dunghill departed sorrowing, Wednesday tendered his resignation lat he 13 a much wiser! .chicken aa iudsra ofthe-Superior Court of tofoy. ; the4th districts' which position' he In tha meantime, the: .wounded Uas held for eleven years with great gme cock watches the - fun1 froni a credit to himself and the -Stata? It- 8aJe distancaV and giyes utterance to has been known to Judge; Boyfcih's an-svi a Wise THW.a of orlxriAO fn fVuft rflR,T.n rlor, that, hft-wnTlld "tji'tte th'lS SteP Disease - 4 "I V. K.mMMMMHMk i i- i i ma mi an t iimi iMir-f r n I I w.f .. - pointed rooster as ho corned by : "Stick to your- own dunghill' if w expect to get any worms !" JKlectric Bitters. Ecfric Bitter a is a medicine ted for any. season, but perhaps fj .geiibrally needed, when the -Ki exhausted feeling prevails, the liver is torpid arid slug lf;h: f.d the need M a tonic and ..ativo ia felt. A prompt use of ui9 medicine has often averted ungan l perhaps fatal bilious fevers " aicme will act more surery.in frnnractm8 aud freeing the sy stem C S nt9. malarial poison. Headache vi?6&tlPn, constipation, dizziness sM 10 E1ectric Bitters. 50o and Store P0r bottle at FetzerTrug at an early day, and does not come altogether as a surprise. He will resume the. active prjictice of law at his home in Clinton. Had a Democratic Governor been elected Judge "Boy Kin would prob ably not have resigned until spring, but as it is, his re3ignWtiou was ten dered at 'this "time that Governor Carr might have the appointment of his successor. f -TO CUBE ACOLD IS OflE i)AY i Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tafe lets. Ail druggists rund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. thing jthey have: ever fieen here. All the committee!!: were .selected and ii nhrror6&d iu dcrement that 8ucdeS3li8'assuiled. A-,A 4 ; ! , ' h -dyspeptics, 'bilious -suf ferers, victims .of fever, apd ague- the - mercurial diseased ; patient, ' how they ; recovered health, cheerful spints and good appetite ; j they will tell you by .taking Simmoi! Iaver Regulator. ' : The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family x A t. . iv7Ariir.fna.in tlie -World 1. r ; mm For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, JaunAfce, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE- Cohc, Depress sion of Spirits. SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury or any mineral substance, butlS "PULX! VEGETABLE, , ' ' JL i'J. ;ntitKfrn Roots and Herbs' which an Hll.iau.ujc . . . e " Providence has piacea m couuirics wuaw TWoooe in n;t prevail. It wiU;cure aU Diseases caused by Derangement of the liver and Bovcls. I ;1 I v The SYMPTOMS of Tiver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in: the Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; Soux Stomach; Loss of Appetite; jBpwtJs alternately ..; lor- WMAche : Loss bf Memory, wittt a - i . t ; a to ao somciuiiig ; Iiow kin and Eyes "a dry Cough, tfften mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many-cf -tbese-symptoms attend tbe disease, at cthtrs very few ; but theLrvER, the largest oreari in the: body, is generally the sat of the.disease, and if not Regulated in time, great! suffering, wretch edness and DEATH will ensue.,! ; , , ' The foHowing. highly-esteemed mrsons attest to the virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator : y-en-V. b. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co ; Rev. J. Fdder. Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, banyGa.; C: Master son, Esq.,Sheriff Bibb Co.,Ga.; J.A. Butts, Sambndge. Ga. - Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Gi.; Virgil Powers, n c w-P - R Hon. Alexander Jfcl. btepnens. We have.testea ns.vinucs pci.utiiy, xv thfet fcr Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Unrooting neaa ache, it is the best medicme. the wodd ever saw. W e Election returns are mothing compia red to the re sults you receive by trading with Dry & Wadsworth, who are wide dwake and uptondate. People are apt to believe what they see and thefDou bting Thomases ; can be-quickly conyinced of. the . tr lthfulness and cortectness'Of ?hat we say by calling! at oncp. 5Tis; only fewjdayrf till 'Xtnas and everybody is begin" 1 .ning to lo6k around for Santa Glaus.:.: His heacU ' . i ' ' quarters this time are at theji - ild. v "V . , .. i.ti:- i:;jA.:i ; ;He says if you like comfort and ease buy oaeof Dfjr iWadswprth'digBoc or the Laiiies' sizes for your wifej Orif you Want to sleep well and' rest easy buy ;ode of the' Raleigh Wire Spring Mat. tresses best, lit the , World, or one of the handsomest :oune:es.; i They have. tHem at all prices from $4,00 to. $25,and tormake your parlor look up-toKdateMa in style buy aaErlOr'suifc and to fit up a room nicely buy one of these nan dsome suits, the prices are low. AIN f. 11 THE TRUTH iTifiil s.natioTi of having' lane which aught to have been done Debility Snirite? a thii-k viellow appearante, of i' S ive tried f other remedies" before Simmon .Liver BeTilator. and none of them gave w more man tern- ii" Ed. Telegraph and aiseNtjER, Macok, Ga : " M.VKVFACTURED OKLTBY J. H. ZHiLXN & COPh2a3elphik. ! Yes sir, We have every thing,m the furniture line, ; Chairs of all l- descriptions ' Tables all sizes arid styles. Big lot.of Pictures Window Shades, Cur tain Polls, Ladies' Desks, Office ;DesksV Wardrobes, Sideboards, China Closets and everything to make a liome pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning from today and during the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser a nice and useful piece of fur niture, consisting of Hat Racks, Music Racks, Comb and Brush Shelf, Book Shelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Cases. WnatJNots, etc. This is no fake, . V Sure Go.J' 5 The pi ices of the articles meantime are from, 15 cents to 16. .The value of the present will be governed by thb amount of the cask purchase., These sales will continue until tbe above mentioned articles have all been given out. Come at once and get. the choice presents, ; Yours to Please, 1 '"V .. .. sr'-fr - -?' -' VA'-yc f I ... . ,-

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