fot. XIII.-No. 200 vrn imii i ll i n nun i wwm CON0OR, N. C. MOK DAY, DECEMBER 14, 1896. ASBIS Whole NO. LG -cr WERE TWO COTTAGES ON SPRING STREET. -f0 iliildrcn KnrrowJy I'scnpe at5;3J?s Pment Spread of rr-su ol the Fire tn- Firo sir:--. TVo houses located on North Spring street, were totally destroyed by fire last (Sunday) night. - The fire orignated in the 4robm cottage belonging to Dr. Theol Pbarr, better Known as the Scott property and valued at about 8300. The flame? bad gained great head way before being discovered, and the house and contents were a total loss. The adjoining house, a 3-room cottage belonging to Mr. A M Cook, and occupied by E A Cline, soon became ignited, and be fore the fire companies could reach the scene, it was seen that this house would also go up in smoke. Mr. Cline saved all his household W J I 1 n 01 SMI Ml ooK r- r- no insurance on Hs notine Cook carried $150 policy firm of Woodhouge & liar. 'd .a j ATTEMPT: AT MURDER:. ITP Mr. I A esara For Infants and Children. sialla V is ra everj LINGERED TOO LONG. Dr.Pharr'ehouBewaa occupied hy, ?me' leaving the boys to n The Horse Got Imnatient x ? lor Town. Four young men from Concord went visiting in Harrisburg yester day. They went in two busies. but came back in one. About 11 o'clock, the young men bid the ladies good-night, hitched up and drove around tojthe gate,where they left the horses to bid the girls a lv?t lingering farwell. The one horse is an old one, and has no patiei en with the young and ardent, and a longing for the nice warm stable in Concord entered his heart that he could not resist, so he put out for make the e horse rota Cnady Tries to Carve- His Slsr XVltb a Kmfel f Abort 8 o'clock last night, Torn 1 Canady a negro well known here in tor, in returning to his! homo be yocd the depot, met his eid'er, Maria Reed, just beyond the pa mp boose. W ithout a word of wnVni? or explanation Torn whipped out his knife and made an effort to cut Maria's' threat. The weman screamedfor help and managed to keep out of reach of the deadly knife until assistance arrived. After the assault Canady returned to town and wa3 seen at the fire last night. ! ' Maria . swore out a v? arran t against, Canady this morning for assault.with intent to murder, and officers are now out looking for the man. . ... ; .. .,.,' : h - Tlh s .woman says she - cannot imagine why her brother should wish to harm, her, as f&he never knowingly gave him cause for of- i-feneey and: thinks perhaps'he' may not be-m-Xiis right mind. !J J x9 t (oplored) who are fireman at.the BVlaenuy maaK I0F ? kll mills'.' " inSder' thtofa bit gone to chnrch,. leaving the J08 me.n -7,-t? S-?6 DB?y. etad. ten, the oldest of whom was not i"8 turn about walking It was a 11 asleep, and only for the m Bu " thw wonld most certain have the stray horse had not reached his fen cremated;.: m, ' lives acrDas the street, was the first auauug tot mm. Don't To"lacco ptr and Smoke Tonr lngieasuy find, forever, benade weiLitroniSaeneUarnU, rQf Jiew ! -the woaer weta $ makes weaK ImenltQjMan ipten pphnds inaehVdkv'a: Over?r400.000 . cured drng gi8W jjhQ Kill euaratiteea urei Booklet' and Mamnle mailed !Aate?aligme - CcCCbil bafeo or. Kfife y!cu;k.: v. , ' ; ! Jlis fiG m CJothiag at -C I- JLJL Nordoubt -about it; we are better fixed to TDleasc von vm Clothino- than0weIliave ever beer i 3 Men's Suits, latest .and est. : , oys' Suits, latest and best Ciiildren 1 Suits latest and best 'DJSAMOIliTED 'Ire Facts Tbat Doctors vj yuciiu jci UO ftHH 1 . . . x were then bursting through the frequently advise change of air and roof. When he reached the house I climate lb JtKdseBufleriDg from "ca ttle heat was bo intense hecouldnot tarrhis proof tbat catarrhh a local enter, but being told in which nf lima i i i t , , , unless you can leave home and bU8i room the children slept, he broke neB8-70U Bhou!dTuse Ely's Cream m a window with an ae and lifted I Balm. Applied directly to the seat ttemont. Tha bed cn which the of the disease, it efiects instant re nk;uMM-'i'. v : LnHHfif and a satisfactory cure after ju n -" ii j short continuance. JNo mercury wholly nnconaaooB of their danger, injariona drng i8 contained in - ui uiem wt;rtJ wrajpcu fu i e gam Biumber, while the third had just aw&Se and r3 in such a dazed osr for siaieisn. abiof action. It .wr.i a trying part of the day and last night Hl?f moment, and o?ly the cool head Concord. He is a member of tne tvl prompt action of Mr. Philips State Auditing Committee, and was r J izvii from a terrible death. on his way to, where the How the fire originated will prob- committee meets today to go oyer ably never be known, but it-is the accounts of the tieasrirer. Mr. thought a lamp, wich had been Hileman received calls frcm seyeral Ponnlist durine the The fire laddri turned out Lvenincr in his room at the Morri prompV.yut had a long, hard run, Hq wiJ1 be in ptaieigh about ten tr Awaited o'ekader. the Were 'ifMxCT Dejiutylr&Harjw ceivjed infrggjtioT) ttat .a rlqqkader WQuId dispjyi HarAntula .juice" ton Brpwrv'fl Jill; .turiiy pitS, ;aiid about 8 Select ,he, accompanied by Chief Boer ' and 'Deputies J 8 Hill and W F'; Propat, left tbn for the HiK There is uq doubt but that the wagoner wa expected, fo? qnite a crowd of would-be purchasers bad gathered, in the vicinity and pa tiently, awaited . the arrival of the blocksder, carrying . with them jogs, and bottles of all sizes and de that the man with the' '"bp?!"' cot wind of the intended rarl in some way and be failed lo uiateriahze, po the crowd returned to their; respective homes with empty vessels and an un quenched thirst ? We guarantee to save vor 'monev, -10-FOllllS HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. C AN Mb IS! S jfe 1 PETZ A Word to -th SE Election returns are -nothing .compared to the re sults you receive by trading with Dry & Wads worth,, who are wide awake "and uphtosdate. People are ape to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly conyinced of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at once. only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody ia begia nihg to look around f or Santa Claus. His head quarters this time are at the store and the fkmes had gained too much , headway to make it possible to save hete tvD houses, and thus efforts UncHIen's Arnica aalTe. were directed to nrevent the spread The Best Salve in the world for of the fire fiend. Outs, Bruises, Soree, Ulcers, Salt W Mr8. Weddington, SSSSi'SSS ,Tf Slanas on tne-corner, was kin jJruptionB and positively cures -wwueu, ana u wasoniy luruugu pjleg or no pay requiea. ii u the tireless efforts of the young Lnaran teed to give statief action or .en of the neighborhood that it monev refunded. Price 25 cents per 2 saved. They mounted the box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug oof and kept it covered with water 8oaked blankets while lines of men Passed water from the wells in the vicinity to the housed The heat fm the burning structure was so eat that several nwere pvorcome, en who heldlhe nozzle, fainted.- ' fi The nearest water plug to the ?Je located near Judge W ; J Montgomery's house, on Main and ittodS; tofeprlie AQl8 is the first fire of any con ence Concord has had in cev The Wcxt Fire r May be at yonr house. Have you anv insurance? If not you had best crofc flnme at once. 0 I?' Dpni; fail 10 For Over JFirty Tears Mrs. Win8low7s 3qothing Syrup, has been u3 ed' for ' Over fifty years by millis ocmQtej57fei;their.xh ren wh0eeetfiin, ivh perfect 6npJ. ceis. SSM: olfi&'f'ihe child, koftens" colio, ana ir the emef or nmrriiftft iv.IV ,ul relieTe the noor little sufferer imdiately drujegistajineyeq wt nt tneworia, Tw&tyftfe:cenls- aTbdUle. , Be sure and ask'feMrsr tVirTsfows Sooth- ro cube a coiiD in E DAY tv0 lavfttive Bromo Quinine Tab Jets. All druggists refund - the ffi5hey;if it fails nre. 25a p; 7m ror nent. furnished roomf, ;nitable for ffftntlemen. . Terms very Teasuu years. The Valuation of the J Appli & vthisoffloo. v ; 412 lLg) Sy Jgp," and. takfjipiptber 1dna; . in t Ctortf For .neaaeii. - i An. a rtflmfidv for -all forma Hfeadach Eiectric JBitters has oroved to be the very pest. it , enects a ArmaTifiTit.nRnreHnd"thffmoi&t dread" edibltfiilslcl: e'adachfes' yield to tfive thiafimed2 Itarf&eftfol-iS In daaes of habitbai constipation -tl'eq fVin RiHrH rrdnrs's Jbfj civiue the heededtontfU6ithe bowleg and few case long resist tne'nse-ot tms medicine.r -gryit-onfee; Fif ty centB and SI. CO at Fetzet!a Brng Store. Carolina iii' iimiuxixauion, pnea to coat pos1)aid. uderM onco ox . r - LBTI BBA5SON, He says if yon like comfort and easebuy onejof Dry & Wadswprth'd Big Booking Chairs or the Ladies' sizes for your wife. ,;.Elf TpTa:nttpsleep.well and rest 'easy buy one of the, Baleigh 'Wife S pring Mat tresses, best In the wofld 'or one of , the handsomer t loiinffes. THe y have thenx a t all prices from $4,00 to $25, arid to rhake your parlor ' look ap-tosdate and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a" room nicely buy one of these handsome suits, -tie prices are low. ii A IN rpT!Tr sir,;w ham everything xnjn;, aescripciorisi xaDies TRUTH e furniture .line. an sizes ana . 5 Big lot of Fictnres Window. Shades, Cur- Irs.liaaies' Desks. : Omoeriyelks. Wardrobes. IT Yes Chairs s1 tainePo .SidebbardsPttBiha Closets 5 an3ev(Brythig to make a home pleasant' tod: a wife - happy. Beginning from today arid during tne"!liolidayBiw propose to give to eacn casn purcnaser.a mce: ana xuse, piece or iur MeHicine Cases.WMfeNol'E0 - is" no :fiak, SnrGoli : iFli&vpiiceilbf tho aiticlnieantime aro from 15 cerits to&Qt ,e-valrifi iQfhe!i)resent will govern;lftdt xnese saies wui cormrrae iiniu, ino nppye menuonea once ana ... . . . . t nio articles natQKRrk &iyen out:i;onie at LP J i ft ! N III s. - if 4 T -St, '; ' Am-

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