ArrlTal r Trains The follow! change: of schedule took! fCt after 1 Di..BT. NTnir. tit -tar? zct after I p. nr. Nov. I3I$3? : SOUTHBOUND. N a. 3? arrives at a. civ - It 1040 anC 9 9.02 trnr 63 NQKTELBQUND.. to. 10 arrives at 6. IT a el. 64 -ib, 3 ana 3Sstap only at Char - -iotte. Concord. SfsW- r-"?? waS tSecUra. tad Danville. Passears for local yc-Liii. ffCLwetra uiese stations use tlie oilier trains.. Harey P. Deaton local '-'.reporter. SHORT LO0ALS. V'ce day for djck3. Tae mercery tcok. a tumble of 10 lerees since mornins. ular session to-cighw- Lamps to Batch, with dadi. A. .). i- J. F. ioEKE. .A teaap applied to thapolics last ontcf the damp ixc wins saien OScers vent aftsr Tom Cahidv agaiiilast night bat failed to Sad nim. It is thought he has left the county. Tae Southbonnd train this mom T7as loaded wizh people going to atte-d Uncle Sam's court in Charlotte. Governor Carr cfers SI00 reward t -r Edward Barber, who, Noiember ia Row an cb ch ty, brutally rnuf- d-red Robert Jones. ... "r It is giv-n oat in Raleigh that Judge Boykin and Judge- Graham form s partnership and locate m Charlotte for the practice of law;, Cabarms Lfga't Inintry!wiif purv chase a handsome carpet far their armory, add everything will be neatly and comfortably arranged. The Epworth League will meet tonight at the residence of Mrs. John -A KimmonsT on 26rth Main street- Some very interesting pa pers will be read. Salisbury is determined to haveP1 tils terms of th2 neily elected i gins of football Christmas. : After lading to get a game with any of the nearby towns, her boys have challenged J'utcn. : Dr. W H Wakefisld of CharloUe, will be in Concord at the St Cloud en Wednesday, Dea SOth, one day: His practice is limited to eye, ear, and tLrtat. . There are thirty-eight magistrates - to be appointed . in this county, but ' - .rrk Glbccn says ha will only ap- ; point them on requsst of townships ' wanting them. Wanted. Salesmen to handle Lubricatinsr.Oili, Greases and Spe ciaities as a aide; Hue. Liberal terms o reliable parties. Address the A ' ?. Tlmmins 03 Con Cleveland, O. . dd!8 .No other remedy is 30 reliable, in ccee cf sudden colds, or coughs, or for any and all derangements of the throat and lungs, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This wonderful medicine anords great relief in consumption, even in the advanced stages of "that oisease.- . . . That bog at CannonvOe where the old Allison mill pond stood, needs attention, and should have it &t once. It is not only dangerous from a sanitary stanc; point, bat 13 a me nace to property, A pedlar djoye his wagon into it one day last week and mired np.tb the hub. It took him haif the evening to extricate hia horse and wagon, and he threat ens to bring suit against the city fair damages sustained. A dose , that & always, seasonable is a dose pf jSfnlmonii Liver Begu iator. - It Tegtilateaj the liver and the liver regujates the person. If the liver idf regular then feeaUbLla Socdf bat ijifr eluggisuV or deaield then thereis-'constarit BnJbusuesi Indigestion Headacha,a1i5m- tn'a disorders of ilia Atmfth'tfiAtnrf bears. b - Trjr ; Simmon toer. " f . - , . w - . rem th-- ltifr . mm tr 12K1 w jr-!-". 13 imprauvejor mora sidings arid 1: f mnd that Averts Piff ,i;?Z.t?r fft first sjmptams of 1 gr jrrv ;prat farther ptfi&i Jgeas'ana tie has to :"fiad case where theai"rm jt Icq; care th. maWT. 1 horse and hag .driVea .by ZZJn Concord Yisit- ,x ... arxiaoarg Kanday ntaht was fouaa Monday in th c"7'ut. line tamilT visitPrf P, it. i boys woala not get home safe, the young iadiss drove them back to town. 0 Jfa excellent little book of which rwav. Pool calls atteatinrt U Messrs. Sm &- Woite's gplendid ;uaecf books and o:her Christmas gqocts so suitable for prints. Call Mi aafie yoM selections early arid SlQ nndarestiznate "Imitation of I -" - Waks coanty reaoTed wounded iMldiet as janitor of the Court iSlJ?.?31 "eS M prominent FonrrTTst m commenting upon it ia reported assaying thi3 was. alt - right, the Populists were indebted to the" ne groes for their work."1 j ' Xuut Xotic Town Taxes. 1 jsinzi have your taxes by the 1st of January. I will have to settle with the town on that datsv I. hope alf persons owing the same will call aiiu.aeiuie anonce. 1 will be con pelled to. advertise if not paid by that time. I hope jou will settle and sve costs. J. HBcgeis, Town Tax Collector. Oct.15, tf , Axe Ihey Lsally MaxrleU ? v Saturday Mr. J O Alexander, one cf .the, magistrates elected November 3rd, xnarrisd Mr. Virgil Heimsrand Miss Lncy Hsgar in the neighbor hood cf the Victor Mills. 4 i The ; question, wa3 they Iegallv married ? was discussed aniens the lawyers to-day. , The Attorney General haa decided magistrates dews not begin until Augnst 1, IS97, and if his decision is upheld, Mr. Alexander is not yet an c nicer of the law. It raises an interesting legal quea i?1 wl!i probably be decided by a teat case. Charlotte News. Mr" FoTmd dead I . Ttexe is soCTetMsg- so shocking- ahos mdden death that the msre mentiQii -of il wrenches the nerves cf sensitive people. SliHions cf people pray for deliverance from it. K very S r.nday in every Episcopal chnrch in the world, these wcrds axe said : From battle, and murder and sodden death, Good tori, deliver us. Just why st:4den death shonld be shock ingT and death after lingering disease easy to bear, would puzzle any one to telL It would seem that itwonld be more terrible to see some loved one wasting- away, daily feecorningr weaker daily slipping toward a death no less certain because it was slow is coming. Consumptica causes mere deaths than heart disease more than cfcr.Tra f core than, yellow fever mere than ant 3hex cisease the world has ever known. And yet peoplare careless; about it." A man Is .danger of uddea death; from heart dis ease can avoid the danger, simply by keeping atriet and. avofdiruz cciteTrTeirt . CcmnnTTr. ton gees right ou.with. its. deadly work, no tnatter what the man ?t err hn-ve- t rwn ducts himjelii if. he doesn't take the. right medicine to cure it. -Consunrptioni affects the who I body. It is a blood di;fregf , it permeates the whole system. It shows in the , Inrss. because . the , bl5txi trc&i ta th Jxrpgs for puriciton It carries impurities . jacic u diitie ..pure. xi tnere is too muca impurity, the lungs are over-worked over loaded the impurity stops there. The germs cf disease stop there. They develop and" multiply and then consumption take definite form. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption lingering: coughs, throat ; cad .bronchia! diseases if it is taken accord ing to directions. ( Get it at drug stores. ; Ixarn an about it ik Dr.' Pierce's great 1003 jpaye woxJr,.Cornxaot; .Sease Medjcal Ad f vuej, sent .TJLEE on receipt of it one-cent i alamps to cover- cost of mailing only. II , epetains IOCS pagesprofasely illcstrated, 1 1t ,U Vveritable meHical library, complete cue voIumc.Bverr' familyjihould posiess i coot for ready reference in easn sedden 'J Kcksess, or Jtcrij?erts. r yprld'i DisgpnsxTy tneeo rwiTa UiL "S-, spent yesterday in Gastonlaj on tfr nnai not-n '. . . - . I Allen , left this morning forWinswni -isse Lila an'4 Mar " siffi OT Harnshnrr ' . Misses Sirn; on BcQavenue.- . Deputy Collector R S Rsrrfa Surtf0 alJ:ail(iinS Federal RaTenua Offii- n ir ron went oyer to Cnariotte thi mnn,. inz. : - . Mrs. Dr. VV C Horr, in Charlotte. I Onus, of Boston, and O T Leonard, North Carolina, are anions thesa registered at the Sc Cioudv Contractor Propst left today tor points in S iuth Carolina to superintend wotjl he has on nana. . 7-Mr. C H Hornady, of Salisbury, is in the city, and will be associated with Mr. J T Pounds in the. under taking business. Mr. Hail Caldwell, formerly of Concord, now postmaster at Nor wood, passed through this morning on his way to attend Federal court m Charlotte. It WiU Senator Pritenard. To The Statoard In the light of al4 recently-made history, it seems the measure of follv tn figure ao fnqueuUy aud to quoWso many authorities (?) as to the prob - able successor of Senator Jeter C Pritchard, of North Carolina. Tht trade wa3 made and, in the results cf the electron, the die was cast. Tfcere 13 not a shadow of doubt about tne election of Senator Pritchard to succeed himseif in the united btates Senate not a denbt whether he i3 Pritchard of '95 or Pritchard of '97. Silver has noth in? to do with is It is only a ques tion whether ha will make a par tial divUion of Federal patronage, for which all this seemingly sincere demonstration for traasit?er Sena tor means. Th-t is aid is to osed as a wedge to split the Senax ;tcr so that he will tsnd riht for r those who want to hear something drop irom the Agent of Prosperity who is to sit in the saddle after March n?xt at the political Mecca Washington. I am not' a prophet, nor the son of one, but this! is the consensus of the best political 4 authority in Bat eigh, Greensboro, Winston, Wil mington and GoMsboro, these the homes of the real, politicians now. It will be Senator Pritchard after March next, silver or no silver, or whether ifs Pritchard of 95 or 97. Baleigh, N. C. K. TOCCREACOLD l OJIE DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists rsfnad the money if it fails to care. 25c. oas mnst so, only a few left. Ojir line tltart has been selling at 75 cts tor 50 cents. Our line sold by ns at $1.00 re duced to 75 cents. Rugs ! gs! Moquette Rugs at 75 cents fringed. .Velvet Rugs at S1.00 fiincred. NoV such values ever offered in Rugs: are actuallly sellirig rugs for less nibnfey than ever heard bf: .' ; - f Xi!-.'. ? . i : . and-Price Makers Feather B jsarg '4 I , J . " MERRY CHRISTMAS Everybody Be Happy. In order to do the correct tiling make useful presents, some thing tiiat ban be used from day ;to dair, a ways a iappy re minder. Don't fail to see onr Rugs, Curtains, Tow els, Chenille and Dam- " uw nUXS Cents tO $3.75. I . , Pf313 , PriCeS OH j -tvllgS- JJOH t H11SS OUT I Handkerchief Sale. A NEW LOT OF CAPES, jast in from New Tori, The very latest style. Eyery one a bargain. Come at once and see them. - We want, particnlarly to call your attention! to onr Laides and Children. -SHOES-; TheyJJ are known as "Long Wearers." Every one who tries them come back when in need of another pair. O or line of Children Shoes can not be excelled. Try them and be convinced. , - A Nice Line or KID CLOVES Just- Received. , ; We are daily addingjto onr stocS: iin all its Jline. - Will take great pleasure Jinjjshow V I ing onr come to see iis mm JACKETS in?nnn mm 0 01. New lice cX Zephyr, about 50 thadea $L0O mu2s for 2-4 cents. ' Heavy 4-4 sheeting 5 cents. HeaTy Piaidj 3 cents. -Stamped. Linens. Silk Handkerchiefs for Chri3t3ia3 presents. LIE DICK. TWiofifiMiia Offers to the brstness pablie a r liable, permanent, coaservutive' and accomodating "banking intifcuticn. We solicit oar business with th assurance of hoiioraMe "treatment and dna appreciation of your pat rowage. If we can serve ,y cu at any ticie we shall be ffi td to have you corns and see ns. " LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. aprtaIandSulp!us$7Q GOO. D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. J. 3L ODELL, Pres. v - O kl- . lit 3 , irt tea e- "If r- 3 I S3!i i r-v iff Ui ,,, h I 1 1 ? 5i til o . Fuki it j c y u m w w 1 " Are the joy and snnliht of onr homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses.- You can overcome their tables with Dr. King's rmetuer. They all like to take it because it does not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, iris the greatest in the world. V GTSold by Druggists, new package large boULe;. ICS Doses,. One Dollar. Manufactured only by TIrli fcr i3-Paj BccS. Xta , ,, . LOI hi Ul 1 it U THE LITTLE Royal Ge