Vol. XIII. No. 203 UONCOUD, N. C., WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16. 1896. Whole NO. 1.5S2: CONCORD IN PRINT. I A NEW CHARTER. MRS. A. iHILEMAN trim Sbe Mas Done the Past Tear Will Be Made Known. seeps will Be Taken to Secure: Cr. e 1 Bled for Concord. Beginning next Thursday The The Standard will - pat Coacord in men suddenly "frnesaay Mr. Hile man f n Balelgh. board of mayor and alder- News reached the city thin morn- met last ,,. night in regular IDg of the death of Mrs. A F Hile- t . i ... TTi an or no nnmo m rvi . w print. A general resume or tne monthly session. - Present: Mayor aTT"'m X ""zfr-r- 1 , , , V v - , A . . , J ship Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, wonderful progress made the past Morrison, Aldermen Hartsell, Pat- Mrs. Hileman was taken with a con- i ear in all branches of Industry, in. terson, Houston, Brown, Crowell, gestive chili Tuesday morning. It eluding everything that has in any Duval. soon became apparent that her con- tnanner aided in the material de After the usual routine business, dition was critical; and Mr. Hile- c 11 u . . , , , . ' man, who was absent in Raleigh. Telopment of our city will be pub- the question as to whether the ordi- was telegraphed for immediately! Hsbed to the world. The work of nance against shooting fireworks be He left at once for home, reaching her splendid churches and schools, suspended during the holidays was Pere at oUluesday night. . . .r ..., I j- . i t . . i . . . . r The bereaved ' familv ha.n the . . . 1 Msv vu V . U V AU LR V LJ 1 liiin wtAVAonfi a oar a h ishmontB I fnm fhn nm nil Vo 4- U .4. 1 . . r piailto, uiciwouMiB vpvwu8uuivuij ivi Kiio cuiau uujr an uioi, uui lb was I Community 5 I iron and woodworking industries, I finally agreed that the ordinancs in The funeral took place this even- roller mills, etc., will be truly por- question be suspended from 9 o'clock I nS at 6 0 clock. trayed. p. m , Dec. 24, to 12 tfclook Christ- This is no small undertaking, and mas night, "provided, however, that in order to make it complete The the mayor may at any time declare Standard must have the hearty the ordinance in force if, in his co-operation. of manufacturers, busi- judgment, property is endangered mm moronffl and all inter 1 hv th firincr. I T&sfM- ucoo uicui iuBivuuj - - i - -e I simile Aaf0 in trio nnntinnrtil nroorreaa and Mr. W T Fisher, who baa a afn to-tuw COVVU vt vuw f- Ci I , J " -- I prosperity of our city. on West Corbin street, near the de Matter for these articles is now pot, appeared before the board and being compiled, and when our rep prayed relief from a predicament in resentative calls upon yon we trust which the street force had left him. you will be prepared to give him It seems the street directly in front what information ou can, and dolor his store had been cut down sev- your part in advertising our town. tist feme In - Clothing - at - - m 7 v. No doubt'about if we are better fixed tc please ou in; Clothin than we have ever beer , I ' ' ' CASORIA M - Var TnfaTi.s ft-nrl ffhilrtrrm aJ . JOUS U. L Suits, latest and ton viaiyej. Boys' FROM BRIEF. Tn DiseoTery Raved His Life. Mr - a. Cailloutte. Druffgisc. at Two MnrrlasresA Family to Stove - to Texas. Brief, N4,0., Dec. 15. The mat eral feet and left no way of approach "gonial rao Rs in this, section were to his store. The matter was reJ recently, angmenwa oy . two mar f erred to the street committee with nages: (r.ic. Howie to Miss Cora power to act I Drv5 Mr. Jas. Conneii to Miss Carrie A hose couDline exDander and 1 UODK v - . xne occasion or a- great garnering best. v. cMldreiiso Suits, latest : and best. set better and af terusing toee Tnff.iAa teaaiin and-about aerain.A It iVVM ' 1 water tower; which amonniwl W ??s f ol : . A .'.Ww. - , L.w , waatUfactorilyt t I :Z 1. ft Beaveryille, HI; says: To Dr. King's life. Was ..i . n I half a dozen lanterns will be nur tEKen Wlin JUa wnppo iiu . ,; . . , at PTonr HrVtt Uat VAAlr o the physicians for miles about, but cnasea tortne nre.departmenvand; -r "-7 l r of no avail andas . given up and a rack will be built in the hail on bis public sale of personal property, told I could not live, V Having . Dr. which fo, dry the hose. real estate, etc. -Enterprising mer- King's Nhw Discoyery in my store I The claim' of B A Brown against chant5 of njydis county sent sent for a bottle jmd began its use h dt .ot bundiDg . extra 25 et 'r???!T4 goodiaa tQ SSS r i" ST-SKITf -Wa 1 ratfffedTlast ilJffhtr Mrr Brown is ?tol wwnimw,a won't keep store or house without accept city script to the amount pf leaa? a jungle at it: Get a free trial atFetzer's $500-the difference between his no great distance. iCs was agen- Drug Store. ; L- j u I eral rendrzvoas for--those having LH Ira HUU J Mill IWHIIII IA1 UK IiaiLl I - . " r - I Amnf Vftt1aond o orinrAo rvf all tVo Continental Shlnplasters in Cash. i cuij www, Wuww v,u .v Mr. S O Fulham called at The On motion the mayor appointed a reckless hilarity n ribaldry and Standabd office Wednesday and committee' to examine the ciu'fl viciousnfsjof soma thatwere pres- showed us five bills of "Continental charter and ascertain what amend- ent at the auction. 1 here were money." Four of the bills are for ments were necessary to meet the more than one resultant f racasbut S25 each and the other is for $100. increasing demands of oar growing o fatalities. hilarious, tipsy Each bill is Nortt Carolina city, and take the necessary steps , - o a. -i clared his mtentiorT of knookinff o5 money ana 18 reueemaoie in opauiou 1 uowara eecuriDg sucn cnanges uy 1 - . We guarantee to save vou mone. AID HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. A Word TO 'TH W ISE t HI 1 1 tire Some one;, cautioned nim he . o;i oooKlofri an Ar.f nf As- in nf mnnAr and ft nPw iRanp Ugainst SUCh recklessness, but aembly passed at Newbern the 10th of bonds ia imperatiye, but under said aneenDgly, ''! re never jit fonnd day of May, 1780. - the existing charter an additional TTaoVk VmII ia KnrprPfl fanfiilv rfnd I issrift nannot he m&de. The o.hflir v,. ,0,Wink ThP 'narier LnnnintPd B nnfih rnmmittefl MPRBra. So Bajing he violently struck the n the most ; ordinary, little betfer Dnval. Bro and Houston. edge of a tiro witt his nwfeftt. than that on which the . Standard No further business, council ad Blumu y "uu " T. , 7 iwmie, 01 course, ;ine ure uiuu t budge. Mr. Dry removes to Texas some Election returns arenotliing compared to the re sults you receive by. trading with Dry & Wads worth, who are wide awake and uptondate. People are apt to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly convinced of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at once. 'Tis only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody is begin ning to look around for Santa Clans. His head quarters this time are at thej. is printed, ' Cure 'For Heaaach. As a rmedy for all forms of Headach Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent, cure and the most dread ed habitual sick headaches yield to ts influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitbal constipation Elec. trie Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowles, and few case long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once, Fifty cents and $1.00 at Fetzer's Drug Store. Store Burglarized. The store of Dave Overcaah, lo cated riear Hart postoffice, in Rowan county, was entered by burglars on ierht. Entrance was ef fected by boring around the lock with an auger. A considerable quantity of booty was secured, con eieting of shoes, shirting, knives, canned goods, and many other ar ticles. The guilty parties" have not yet been found, - ro CUBE A COLD 151 OITE DAY Take laxative Bromo,Qninine Tab lets. AU druggists' refund the money if ittails to cure. 25c. inl4 journed. Augustine. Drng Store Bobbed. The drug store of Dr. A W Moose, time this week, we understand. Twb n Mt. Pionaant - wafl Anfpr families besides his own will accom burglars last Monday night. The pany him. amount of goods stolen could not be learned, but it is thought the burglars became alarmed and left before they had finished their job, as a kit of tools was found - at the door, where they had left them on cuiltv parties has vet been obtained J I O He says if you like comfort and'ease!buy; oneof Dry & Wadsworth's Big Rocking Chairs or the L sizes for your wife. Or if you want to sleep well and rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spring Mat tresses, best in the world, or one of the handsomest lounges. They have them at all prices from $4,00 to $25, and to make your parlor look up-to-date and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room niont.y buy one of these handsome suits, the prices are low. When bilious or costive, eat a Cas caret, candy cathartic, cure guaran teed, 10c, 25c. 6' TbeKext Fire May be at your house. Have you any insurance? If not you had best get some at once. Don't fail to protect your home. See J F Hurley. Dr. Miles' Pain Pllla stop Headacba. A Good, and Tnlnable Book. -New State Directory for North Carolina in limited edition, price $5 sent postpaid. -Order at oncer of -" - Levi Branson, d&wapll Kaleigh, N.C. ii AIN'T IT THE TRUTH GO o HAS NO EQUAL. TRTTfliEM:. XTOted Broker - Dead. . Nbw -YpEK, Dec. I5.r-William P Bobesoa, one of ; the oldest mem. bers of the sock exchsnge, is dead. Yes sir, We have everything m the furniture line. Chairs of all descriptions. Tables all sizes and styles, v Big lot of Pictures, Window Shades, Cur tain Tolls, Ladies' Desks, Ofiice Desks, Wardrobes,, Sideboards, China Closets and everything to make vu home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning front, today and during the holidays, we propose to give to each cash purchaser a nice and useful piece of furw niture, consisting of Bat Racks, Music Racks, Comb and Brush Shelf, Book Shelves, Corner "Brackets, Medicine Cases What Nots, etc. " This is' ho fake, Sure Go." V The pi ices of the articles meantime are from 15 cents to $6. The value of the present wilL be governed by the amount of the cash purchase. These sales will continue until the above mentioned' articles have all been given out. Come at once and: get the choice presents, i - ( :c: ; Yours u . easej 1SK1 v i .(HI . : it. - ' ... . .3" - .