2Qa;ily Standard, v. J ' - t , V EoUtQrij and iPropietqrs; - JBditorial.CorresponQnti OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. The Standard,, is published every day 8uhday Excepted) and deiivered.by cariierB. - - - v - r 1 BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION I, One year - . ... r-fj . fiiVmnnthe ... mV" Three months.. . . . OnA month ...... . 13)0 .35 Single copy. . . . . ...... . . .05 The Weekly , Standard isa four-page,, eigntrcolauan paper. Ji has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price 1.00 per annum, in advance. advertising rates : Teroia for regular advertise me nits mads known on application'. 1 Address all communications to' THE STANDARD, " Concord,-N. C. CONCORDDEU. v 16189 B.' OUR C1.UBUING LIST. Our proposition toffuruish the Home and Farm as a gift, with The Ptandard, is withdrawn, and we will furnish Home and Farm, price 50 cents, t wiih.the Weekly Standard, for Si 25 Leslie'sJUus trated Weekly, price $4, with the Weekly Standard one year or Dily Standard 3 mgnthsffpr$3 the New York World, thrice-a-week, and The Standard for $1.65. ' To this we uope to add an ex tended list soon. : " FREE DEtITEliir OFiJ!IAIIi. ' The questioa. -of free delivery 4 of snail haV received such" attention that the vPoatoffice -Departmentrtfe- termined to make' someexperimental tests. Hon. -Kerr Craig, ;being en lha8iastic for the RVflt.pm vr&ti An 5orded a field of e4 Hment.' He selected Qhina (ro?e -township i in Bo wan county . L'here kre t wo ;car- Tiers at $175 each who consume about four hours -ach"day-in rde-: li fering, the j?nail. A few neighbors generally cluster together and haye their mailrleft ' at the house of the one agreed upon! If there is a cranjc out of cog wittj iiis neighbors they Jry.to suit 1Mb whims and leave his mail at his own house. JNo one's mail is delivered to him if he does not want the con Tenence. Post Master' Deacon, who is--in hearty sympathy with the movement, has added greatly to making the ' experiment a Jiatisf ac- I'll r ; tory test and is of the opinion tliat the increase in .the amount nfihusi ness done throu. i thd mails :will compensate for the expensesl ' H This, too, lopks like a long stride but when we look back a few years .- nd see how we have come up jrom ome , half dozen poatoffices in ; the county with mail cnce a .week to about three tipes that 'number with daily, tri-weekly and semiweekly mails, the afeap: will not look 'so reat after fall' and'if it should not pay inljp6.Btage:it niighit andproba wij wuum pu(y largely jin maJsing curs a r undo TriiE CjrbbiNQ ' -- The PresssVisitor thinks that the be wel) en.o?gh .asto, joesjbat if they are going to do anything for the schools itissto behcpe& jthey ill return to tjig gV:.1rf ixaving the State 'board to eelect the for f oni moaUs'Boliopr. fikt. wjll books to be used and have 'some uai formity. - in We iciocTpqni in -three rJjionths tltn propej,gorGbifprmf s books as cant -begone! nfour thonths wtthoii t! It was Du small burden for o r acher to get all the right -kindbf booEi when (be seledilB . board asVonel body, bat nowrJthatthetate ha3'96 selecting boards f he already? oyer- burdened and -"bewildered: teacher can expect a good deal of worry to control the matter er grow eupinek indifferent tcftbe best interest of the Choql. , - ' The legislature must fall short of its highest opportunities to benefit the free?choo!8 of the State if it does not ? undo ;the undoing ' of the legislature of5 wih regard to the selection rf bookp. 100 EXPESIMEXT FARMS. Te Reaboarrl propor g to buy a farm eTery ten mile nling its sys" tpm.and place upon it ?rne suitable person tc test tjie fjanapity ot our Southern soil for variaated crops. This seems to us to be an indea as ?rand 83 it is nniqa, and if sue" cefsful, wj(iich tHrdly admits of dqubt ve'lcnow qT .Vbtliing abetter 1.1 1.21. 1J1 J f n V , i .; toat ltc iuiu uo ior ooutnern uevei opment. ! A Household Kcccssity. .Cascarejs-: Candy Cathartic, the m bi t wotfd erful ed icaf d isco very of the age, pleaeant and refreshing to the taste, actfgeEitlvland-besitivei ly on the ktdneysHiVer andrjowelsi cleansing tne entire system, dispel colds, cure headachfi fAver. -ha"h?f nnl consti patiob5 anorlM liiisn es. Please bay and try a box of C. C. C. to-day, tQm, 50 cents! 'TSld an.oV VuaxanJ ieea to cure oyau drugg Bt3. h 5 . W 1 1 ... . I J The Atlanta 'Journal says -the lpQeeHbwe of tlie lc I houBe of the legialature'vo ted to lower ap- propiate ; $1,000,000 to the cchool fund instead of ' 600,000 as before and that the Senate is apt to concur. Th8will gjyejeorgia eight or nine ood teachers,- and will pll Geor ia zon r.a-JeYel" with the foremost educational elites andeet an example worthy of emulation by other South ern States'; " - ' Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your XteAwy. If yxxu want tor jfmt tobacco us ing ' easily and ' forever, be made well, ,8trong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor; taketNo-Tb-sBac, the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten-days. iOyer 40Q.000 cured. Buy XNo-To-Bac - from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. Bpoklet.and sample -mailed free. :4re8s StVrlingllemcdy Co,, , Chi cago: or New; York. Xotes from tli o Organ, - Geo. O Kluttz lleft last Monday fot Greensboro, iwherehe goes to superintend the; dyeing department of the cotton ffactoryj at .that .place. Mr. If luttz has been in 1 the dyeing department of the Salisburv mills (for more 1 than a year.! He erient tseveral months last summer in Massachusetts and New Hampshire gathering up new ideas in1 dyeing. H M j fisher has moved, to his father-Jn-law'sV Mr.1 N Barnhardt, in No. 5 township. J ,? r : ' Mrs. Crissie ,Bpst is .visiting her niiece, Mrs. 4Jho. L Jlendierhan, in Ijitaker tbwriship; ine missionarv sal a fit. Awan 1 Chdrch'lasl; -Saturday amotrn&d to m'iThVatfe threatening in :th6 morning," and tpply a' few ot the ' members turned .put:; 1 ; Mr. Jacob Goodman, of ; Nn ' R. tended, -ther 'missinn!;rv,1,aiV i0t it o uMDioittuu ojb.is wian.WPrt so lookout ye widows of Cabarrus. Whit. V-,.: J S -r .rf:.. . I. t. .. . ' ' ' .' I - . 1 in,. ; . . I HT! A T T f acite and Bhetjmatism rellevefl 1 l4.33y Dr,UlesHei$TO Plasters. t - Vsi;' ! w". 'v!i OJdiSarj That's Ayer Thejsame old "sarsaparilla as it was made and &old byDr. J; PAyer W ifecra ago. Jn the laboratory . it is ""different. " There inbdern appli ances lend1 speed ' toskill and .experience, upthe, .sarsapa illa'is the sake old sarsaparilla that made" te record-50' years fcures'WJiy-don'twebett3r ft? Wellre'niuch 'in the tWp- 'rTsIio'd and the I raspbeVry :n f ; " Doubtless, " he said, " God might liave made a I better berrv. Eut doubtless, i -L::-jm Wliv aiSO, xie j never uiu. better the sarsaparilla? We .'can't. 'We' are : using the ; j same old plant that cured the Indians and the Spaniards. It .has xnot. been .bettered1 And 'since xve make sarsaparilla com-, pound out oi sarsaparilla plant, : we see no way of improvement. Of course, if we were making some secret chemical. compound we might . . . . But we.'re net. We're tmaking the same old sar-5 ipaiiUa itdcure Lihe same pldr diseases. You can tell it's the same : old) sarsaparilla ; Jbe- cause it works the same old :eterc. 7 It's the. sqyerei blood A Sir OB? :HoMe Isstitutiea. The Southern Stock Mutual F re Insurance Compaav of JiGreensboro. N, C, is packed by many of the wealthiest; and .beat financiers of North Carolina." It paid last season a uiviuenu oi per cent to its policy holders and is in' better shape than ever before. ..--m , :. KEEP YOU Y MONEY AT HOME Concord agency in Lore building on West Depot street. G. G. RICHMOND, THOS. W. SMITH. ' NOTICE, TO CONSIGNEES. ' ! Concord, N. C, Dec. i, 1S96. : The Southern Express Company will se' , at public auction, . at D-VP. Dayvault's store for charges, abou; three hundred freight packages, being on han;d six months and over, on Saturday, January 9th, 1897, commencing a to o'clock a. m. unless called for, charges paid pr otherwise dis posed of before day of sale, ' ' ; li' D. P. DAYVAtfLT, Agent, i O. M. SADDLER, Superjtendettt. ; - jy8 L. ; Tr iH ARTSE L L ! ATTOKNE Y-AT-IiA.W, CQNCo'rD, - ;- -N, C. rwmpt -attention;, given to -all jbusine83. ItQfficensrris building opposite court hSuse; " JNO. p. ERWIN. p..A':MISENHEIMER ERWIN & M1SENHEIMER r"""3 ana surgeons OfflP.A poslte 'nd TresbyTenan church Charlottl.f.7(J. rx r ft .n I TVi-Trt1 every, ,mgnll"woinari In the United States 4nterestettin4the,'ChrtTtm-' and Whisky habits .to Jbave one of my books on these dis eases j i lAlfiTe&& 1B..M iWftnl1ff At.lAnis' ! ox 2S2, acd ao wiM be sent yon tree. , o I . , 1 v I, Cxaa I .3 5- v ' -'i (r- !t 1 i 2 B t (i Hi n-4- Well, the offer of jlO per cent, moved the Cliina;aiid trlassrre. Tte money we took in by tHis special order is already invested in more Christmas goods and on the way. We expecti$800 or iftl,000 worth of .Christmas goods n, in time1 for Ciiristmas,7 but will not have any more China. jCome and: see us; we can save you money . ' ; , Very, Rieisp0tLlly. . v. ; rT AT)

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