1? .1 1 1 MANUFACTURERS: OF Fie Ginghams H 'Outin Cloths 4 vPlaids Sheeting and. Sal Bas. . Dealers in GENERAL ! MER CHADISE o- Buvers of COUNTRY PRODUCE o; all kind, and 4-foot wood-always Wanted- best prices for same. We invite an insec- tion ot all the goods wemaniifacture. ODELL lG. Co., Concord IN. c. A Christmas tree at Lower 8tone Saturday after 3maa at 10 a m. At the v residence of the bride's father, Wednesday December 9, Mr. James Boat and Miss Mary Miller weTe united in " holy bonds of matri mony, Re?. 6 H Cox - officiating. To them we extend our best wishes, viz., a long and happy life. Re v. W 11. 8tobbbin. of Salis. bn'rvL wiii preach at Lower Stone the &th Sunday of this month au 2 d. m. At that time an olection for a pastor will be held. Rev. J D An- drews is the -candidate in view. - The niiesionarv sale at Lower Stone Sa crday a week was very largely attended (the weather con sidered.)- The funds raised that day for the mission cause were about $45. Last Saturday Mr. Adolphus Hol- Tshooser &ad the misfortune to Ioob . - - his horse. The animal was tied to a limb and broke loose and in running full speed Tan against a tree and broke its v oetffc and died in a ftw momenta. . " The students at Cresent, will give an entertainment next Friday night. Everybody m invited to come and near. . All the sttndents will spend Xtnos at home. Tn fal I term closes Fri day, the IS, and after two weeks va cation the sprint: term begins Janu ary 4th, '97. Mr. ClmoceWelker, of Gilford, is visiting at r. McNairyV , Mr. MackweiliHolshoneer is build ing a dellifl5giiou8e tor his sonin- Mr. Jerry Brown, of Salisbury, is teaching a singing chool at Bethany. A Christmas tree at Bethany church Christmas day at 1 p. m. ' , J Solomon. . SALVINI DEAD. ; V. Cold wave Coming. Bseare far.it;. "! "The early!!, bird B catches the worm," but the tardy head of the family catches a scolding if the does not order GRAVEU'S JELUCO GOAL Prompt attention. Fall weight. Free delivery. $4.25"perJton and up. CONCORD MARKElti, , COTTON MABKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling.... .....i........7. Middlings ......... ....V7G&0 ' liOWmiddling ... .......6J Stains . ...... .... J6.U PEODUCE MA it K El Tbe Famous Actor Dies lnN Florence, Italy. , ... Florence, Italy, Dec' 15. Alex ander Salvini, the young actor, , is dead.' ' - ";:'. fr.-TV'T". He was i a son of' Thomas Salvini, the great tragedian, and hid earned for himself : no email -fame as an actor of the ; romatio school. His principal work was done in America as it has always' been insisted by Salymi, the elder, that none ff his sons should ever act in Italy, the scene of the fatheiTd many grea- triumphs," on pain of dism heritance. Alexander Salvini wa3 a remarka bly handsome young man and a great faybrite among the theatre goers in America, where he never failed to. receive an enthufiaatic welcome. Only a few years ago he married an Aroencan actress with ! whom he has lived most' hap- His greatest fame was won by his personation of D'Artanan in "ihe Three Guardsmen" and in "Don Casiar DeBazan." , His death bs been expected for weeks, as it .has long been known that i& was suffering from an in curable malady. His V wife has nursed him throughout his illness and many are the testimonials of re g ret that have poured in upon the unfortunate voune man since the : rm - . announcement of bis fatal malady. The Best toaive in --IK?. world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe Hands, ChilbkyioB, Corns and all Skin Eruptions. and positively cures Pile or- no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monv refunded. Pfdce 5 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store. - - -: Corrected bv Swksk & White. Bacon ........ to t5 Sugarcured nams... ....... 12to 14 Bulk meata,sideg. 6 to 71 Beeswax. ........... 20'J Butter ...... ............. .....10t615 Chicken,.... . . . . . . 10to20 lorn ... .. ......... .,. . . . . JSggS. ...... ....... ..... 15 Xard ....... Flour(NortliCl3rolina) ....$2.50 Meal... .......... 0 Oats .... , . 35 Xallow ............3tc4 Cbrlstmas Holiday IUM. : The Southern Rail wv announces Christmas and jNew. Year holiday rates 1896 J7 at a very reat reduc tion. Tickets to be eold; between all stations of that company, within radius of 300 mills of actu al sel li n s point on December 22 io 25 inclu. sive and Dec. 30, 1896 to January 1st, 1897 inclc8ive, good to return January 4th. or the accommodaiioD of stu dents attendiDg pchpols .and T colleges tickets will be sold to. those dr-fteQt-ing certificates from the riiucipals or Presidents of such institunons on Dec. 16 to Dec. 28th, ir.ciudve, w i t h fi u al 1 i mi t of Jtan u ar y 4 r. h, T9 7. Call on any bgent of the Southern Railway for detailedinfoination as to rates, schedules,' baggage checks. folffllHllIi ; t ' At Z3.TSCXICAZX XLULSX la to8ltlTmze. App!jsAwae nortrll. It U qulcklj absorbed. 60 cents tlniriit or by tomH Isoaplei 10c by ELT lUfiXHEBS, M Wrea,lJew Tork City. iiiimwiwmniiimiiiiiHniiniimiiniiimiMiiiinHiimn cgetablcPreparatioiifor As similating thcFoodandReguta tiiig the Stomachs andBowels of mm EromotesI)igesUon,CheeTFul tiessandRestContains neither OpmtmMorpliine norMnsfaL1 NotNArc otic. .Pumpkin Seed'" iockdkSJts ' Anise Seed. Jpperndnt - fh. Carbonate Soda fiSrmSeed " Clarified Suprr . Ancrfect Remedy forConstlpa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Wcrtns .Convulsions Jeverisli ncss andL0S3 OF Sleep. PacSimile Signature of TXEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEft. ;DO YOU WANT A' : There" is no joy in this world equal to the happiujsss ol mother hood. A. woman's healtbi is her dearest possession. Good looks, god times, happiness, love and its c mtmuance, depand on her neaun. Almost all of the sickness of women is traceable directly or indirectly to some derangement of the organs distinctly feminine.. Troubles of this kind are often neglected be cause a very natural , and proper modesty keeps women away from physicians whose insistence upon examination and local treatment is generally as useless as it is common.- ' DK Pierce's Favorite Pre ooription I wii'domorefor them than 90 doctors in'lOOr It will do more than the hundredth doctorican uu- , n i- . .yLl-i : .t . !Lv Richmond i o piw w , Amelia Court House PCnpuon OI XJjJ-rkiX jrieru, wuu lur 30 years has been chief consulting physician of the World's Dispensary and Invalids' i Hotel, at Buffalo, N.Y; : - - v:, r ' Send 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, and get his great book, The People's . Common Sense Medical Adviser, absolutely tree; -3 SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON TEE WRAPPER : OF EYEEY BOTTIiE OB1 1 Oa8toria is put up in one-ske bottles only, . Is not sold la bulk. - Dou't allow anyone to Bell you- anything else on the plea or promise that it is "Just as good" and "will answer every pMl poso." See that you get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) FIRST AND SECOND DIVISIONS. ; Schedule effective Nov. 15, 1896.,, This condensed Schedule is published as information only and 13 subject to change without notice to the public. RICHMOND TO CHARLOTTE, Eastern Time. ... 1. J Couldn't Resist. Poor Lot's wife turned to salt, alas! Her fate vas most unkind; No doubt shey only wished to see How hung.her skirt behind. -! .1 v - , Exchange. How Is TJtils Offer ? On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous5 sample will be mailed orthe tnostpopular.Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demonstrate its great merits. Full size 50 cts. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York City. A friend advised me to trv Elv's Cream, Balm and after uping it six weeks I believe myself cured of catarrh. It is a most valuable remedy Joseph Stewart; 624 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. BurKeville Keysville South Boston Danville Reidsville Greensboro " ' High Point Salisbury . . Concord Ar Charlotte Ar Spartanburg Greenville v ' Ar At!anta7oen. time( No. 11 Daily 2 0Uam 324 am f 3 59 am 615 am 8 10 am 8 ?1 hoi 9 45 a in 10 40 am 11 30 am 3 15 pm 4 20 pm 9 30 rjm No. 35 Daily. 6 3Upm 7 37 pm 8 50 pm 9 27 pm 10 00 pm 12 26 am 1 20 am 510 am Daily1. 5 50 am 6 25 am 7 05 am 7 27 am 8 17 am f 8 48 am 9 25 am 11 37 am 12 28 pm 3 55 pm No. 15 Daily, 6 55 pm 7 21 pm 8 25 pm No,9 Daily. 12 m 119pmt 1 15 pm. 235pm, 349 pm 5 05 cm 553 pm 6 55 pm 721pm 8 25 pm 902 pm. 945 pm CHARLOTTE TO RICHMOND. . TO CrCE A COL.D 1M ONE DAT. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. 4 All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets the finest liver and bowel regulator ever maae. - KFa U Ton BBBf pr tn Mm. km t . fJOC&aKS. If we ifr'tMrf TSSXrJ? wWbWO capital behindur nu 10 1 DO E. I have now in stock in the Mor- ne building opposite the court hcwijse, a nice line of and all grades 01 iGrnuure, ana o ore coming edit able 3r holiday presents and every day nsa nd can sell it as low &s ttnvrjodfr, Kesoectftiliv: - ' 0 i J. T. Pounds.. Tb Faets T&t Doctors . frequently advise change of air and climate to those suffering from ca tarrh is proof that catarrh is a local and : climatic disease. Therefore, unless you can leave honiA andbusi ness, you should, use Ely's Cream Balm, r A pplied directly to the seat of the disease.? it effects instant . re lief iand a satisfactory cure after short continuance.' v No I mercury nor injurious drag is contained in Eastern Time. No. 12 No 36 No. T3 ..: '- Daily. Daily. Daily. Lv Atlanta (cen. time) 7 50 am 11 50 -pm 12 00 m Greenville 7 2 31 pm ! 5 40 am 5 30-pm Lv Spartanburg t , 3 47 pro 6 42 am 6 18 pm Lv Onariotte 6 40 pm 9 30 am 8 30 pm Concord - 7 22 pm 10 07 am f 9 02 pm Salisbury r 8 10 pm 10 47 am 9 36 pm High Point 916pm Greensboro 9 52 pm 12 10 pm 01 44 pm Reidsville 10 39 pm 1 'Danville J 1230am 1 50pm ' 12 00 Nt Houth Boston 1 43 am . i Keyfaville 3 06 am ' Burkeville 3 55 am A S!Amelia Court'House 4 36 am Ar RicnmortH - 6 00 am . No. It Dailv. 5 40 am 617 am 7 10 am 8 18 am 8 50 am 9 30 am 1 50 pm 2 53 pm 4 06 pm 4 47 pm 5 24 pm 6 40 pm DailT1 7 10 am 8 10am 8 5Sam SLEEPltfa OAT? f SERVICE .. Train between New York and Atlanta. Composed of Pullman Drawing oiccpiug ars vnummum ruuman rate $3.00 ; no extra tare;, a iwi-uia . v - 1- a in V . . . J 111M. uay uuauu Detween, wasnington ana Atlanta. Tnrougn sieepms y 1 New York and New O; leans, New Ybrk and Memphis, New York, ABeviJue : Hot Springs, New York and Tampa, and Richmond and Augusta. Southern 1 way dining car between Greensboro and Montgomery. ' k Hos. 35 and 36, United States Fast Mail. Pullman . sleeping .csrsjerw New York, Atlanta, New York iuwL Jacksonville and Charlotte and igV. ,INos; i5 and -W.INoxfolk and Chattanooga Limited. Solid train between i Ik and Chattanooga, through Selma, Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury, Mjn Hot Springs and Knoxville. Through day coaches and Pullman drawing sleeping cars. ' : . - , . rlnfor- "Through tickets on sale at principal stations to all points. For rates or matlon apply to anv agent ot the Oomp-ny. W. H. GREEN, ; J.M.CTjtP WA.TXJRK, . Agent. General Superintendent, Traffic Manager, General Passenger 1300 Pa, Ave.,' Washington ,!D. C. Given AwayFree. " . To advertise our goods we trill give away, absolutely; free, one box of five-cent cigars,one gold ring and a sample bottle of Peeler PA?n Killer to every one sending tis - fiftv cents to pay -packing -and poitage. Address. . " Peeler AuDERsoir HedioineCo k WANTED All the Hides, Wax, Tal' j. 801 Fidelity Baildicg. d&w Lock Box 1. KerriersyilleVN. O ' , . 4 f V ivr- the BaJm.