CODED l PI! HER WONDERFUL PROGRESS THE PAST YEAR. OUINCOHD, N. C, THTJRS DAT DECEMBER 17, 1896. Whole NO. 1,583 pen Pictures of Onr City as She is Today-Her Nplendld Churches, schools, Banks, Hotels, Newspapers .Her Immense Manufacturlnir xy- Wtn 10 assistants .nH oq U v . .. . -r , , ncora High School for a capital of $50 000 that marks the : na temaIe8 nder the enterprise of '96. . This bank will mur r . v - nouana probaoly secure its charter in time -"P30D assisted by his brother, to present its sign and open its doors x-ror. waiter R Thompson, with 53 for buRinPSa bv th 15r.H' nf .Tannavv I Pupils, which is -the full capacity of '97. Beside the usuk ban king basi- c uuimmg ana marks a most sat- nesa it embraces, as its name.indi lsiaotory season of prosperity in the nistorv of r.h? onoriAm. ti . !. . .... - Plants and Prosperous Merchants,! . A , , "WCUiJ x "PonM UCS Ot 8mall dep08lt8. Its Officers ner lawyers, Doctors, Dentists, . u rnuea ocnooi, under the pnn- are : President, D F Cannon, Vice- vinff Community. fclpwn i,ffin, . j v, vSv , mu..-a, f "6!, efficient and accomp- J o Uibson ; Teller, H I Woodhoase. vuo uuuuioa ouu luut jcara ago mucu may leacners. (Jbor the con Cabarrus became a eonnty formed I venience of small children one of territory embraced in Mecklcn- branch of this school is taught at burg county. county seat formed Forest Hill and one at Cannonviile.) ' Mr. G. CaUloutte, Drug. at no small part of the vexing questions the total enrollment is 514, which Bearerville, 111, says: To Dr. King's on which men differ. The location is greater than any previous enroll New discovery I owe my life. Was was a compromise and Concord was ment : The Colored Graded School taken with La Gripbe and tried all the name that it was hoped would J F K Simpson, principal, with Physicians for miles about but m In. CMhiDg - at - Cannons -& - Mi 9 CONTINUED. TH Discovery Saved His Life. No doubtlabout if we are better fixedlto xlease8,Trou in1 Clothin thanlwe have-ever 11: Men's Suits, latest and of no avail and was given up and j ' " " V"""-, vjiauc 1 1 ij f ..-m .1 . : Tini tw Rlnwlw hnf. afoarlt I v bVio lias 1 K Ti arnl,;Ql rll j xxoixiS ai. , , --w-.j .us UM -. vvuuuu.,. uuiureu Kincr's New Discovery in my store I torgea ner way 10 ue ironc ranK oi xiev. jy. uaKKe, principal, Uent for a bottle and becan its use prosperous towns in the State and aud Prof. E F Rolf and Mies Mamie and from the first dose began to with all her varied interest probably Person, assistants with 100 pupils, set better, and after using' three the name Concord was never, more Mrs. S V Eivin, with 34 ounila. bottles was uo and about again. It fitting than at this time. ' Her pop. Miss Kate Gibson, with pupils. " worm ns weignt m gold. We , i. u av uao t .4, won't keep store or hojse without .ulation seems to be m the enoy. Miss Barret, with pupils., it. Get a free trial at Fetzer's ment of peace and good will. The Holy Reform School, Rev. Drug Store. Wi'fVinnf nntincr nrliaf. ha tnvon 1 UllVfr "Lwifh nnnilc A 1 ...vw-v . . , i fo CUBE A COLD in ONE DAT BaauruiWUUU wo FiuFuo.iu .wu.w,uW,,., Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab review ner as sne 18 toaay ana wnat acner, wun pupns. lets. AH druggists refund the she has accomplished in '96. factcbies A casual glance knows the town I yur lextue manuiactonei are to be in the Piedmont section on probab y our leading interest and the great Southern . Railway which embrace 8 mills and 1 bleachery. has learned her importance for car- The Oiell Manufacturing Co, con trols five mills. Mr. J M Odell, President, and W R Odell,Secretary and Treasurer, , They manufacture sheeting, ginghams, domestic?, plaids, Suits, latest and Best. Boys' best. Children's Suits, and best. latest ' - - do - money if it fails to cure, 25c. ml4 Por Hent. . ' F V Snell's 5 room house back of graded school. Beef A; L. Sappenfield. A Good and Valuable Boob. New State Directory for North j . , ,'. , Carolina. in limited edition, price $5 Eeam and seamless- bags, Ihey p03tpaid.- Order at once of Levi Branson, Raleigh, N. C. . rying trade. " : CITY GOV. BNMENT The town has a good and safe government with L McKee Morrison as mayor, with L D Duval, A M Brown, R F Coble, J 0 Fink, J K Patterson an.d G T Crowell as alder- "leu. I knncla Am nlrrnrf QAft ntl f Vl on "frt f f I : ir TTT 11 C 1 J uciwccu txxc vAtifciiico I of about 24,000,000 ards per year girl, has four fully developed densome taxation on the one hand i Mn f diiannn thumbs. She is a resident of mu. r Bndgeton. N. J., and attends-ecnool v,rt ;-0;M rinm.nrii a , . ... . . . there. The thumbs are oi fall size, wo iUWca6 - - comprises 55 mills, J M Udell, rresi- eQuiDDe(i with nails and regular in growing town .on tne otner tnese dent j w Cannon, Secretary and all respects their location and extra Bturdy fathers look well to every i Trpftnnrp ThiR onmnanv has a number. They extend outwardly I 1 J t ' i. .f.'iL trom tne oiner oase oi eaca ui mo number 28,000 spindles, 1326 looms for plaids etc and 12 looms for d&wapll seamless bags. Capital S500.000, terest of the town. Concord has no bar rooms and therefore Mr. J L Boger and Mr. S C Fiaher, are able to hold down all the toughs in its 6,300 inhabitants besides the immense number who gather here for purposes of business capital of $200,000, 17,000 spindles, 500 looms, employs 400 hands and has a monthly payroll of $5,000, The Cabarrus Mill, with D F Can non Secretary, is our youngest cotton mill but like all the others is pros perous, running day and night. It regular thumbs, lying along -the others as the fingers do by tbe side of one another, and are the eame length as the regular thumbs.--Ex. or pleasure, though additional police nas 4 500 8pindles 278 looms, capi tal $100,000, number of hands em ployed 150 with a monthly payroll of $2,0t)0. These factories combined consume 14,000 bales of cotton yearly. The $20,000 paid monthly la cash force might be good. OUR CHURCHES The great conservator in any com munity 13 the church, and Concord ie not wanting. On stated occasions the bells ring ASK tlie recoverca dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and . ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health. cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will teH you by taking Simmons I - - CUB I . The Clieapett, Purest and Seat Family " Medicine in the World! ' For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE. Colic, Depres sion of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance. butS PURELY. VEGETABLE; tKre Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where out the call to worshippers to assem- or its equivalent and is not in scrip ble under the ministry of Rev.J O B or tickets, limited to one place of re Miller at St. James', Rev. W O Air dempiion. exander at the First Presbyterian banks. church, DrrJ A Davis at All Saints, finandal pulse of enterprise aS rJ! ReV. J J Payseur at the BaptlSt from a cenfcre fchat ig gener. pVriver Complaint are a bitter church, Rev. H A Mcuullougn at ftlly the baDk. Concord has sus St. Andrews, Rev. J D Arnold at taine, or has been sustained by, Forest Hill, Rev. A Kji Pool at Thft concord National Bank, since Chapel Forest Hill, Rev. J E Thomp- ll88 It has a capital of $50,000 son at Central M E Church, Rev. J wUh a surpia8 0f $21,000. Mr. J F Davis at Trinity Reform, Kev. N 0dfiH j preaident, Dr. W EE Lilly, 1 Bke at Grace E L Church, Rev. yice.president, D B Coletrane, J S Settle at Zion Hill church, Kev. cashier and L D 'Coletrane, assis J F Logan at Westminster cnnrch, Rev. W O Veal at Alliadn Groye cnurch, Rev. A J :Gorham at Price Memorial Temple,1 Rev., W M Mills at Mt. Moriah, JRev. Oliver Stancil at Holy Comforter church. schools. Educational advantages are rarely fiurpassef in a town of her size and iabracfa Scotia Seminary, a Col lege for colored females under the Presidency of 'Rev. D J Saterfield, try, Ga.; Col. h,. aparics, AiDany,oa.; xiaaicr I - W Burke. Macon. G.: Vireii Powers, taut cashier.- This bank practices no evasions of the law and lends money at legal rates. It has the proud, record of ueyer losing a loan and when it has money to lend, al ways lends without discrimination to, whoever will make it a safe note. It has been in touch with the growth of onr factoiy stock from $200,000 to $924,000 ' . ; ' The volume of -business in the town and community'has given birth j Box 882. and one win b yon tree. or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for .Rheumatism ; oui Stomach; Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which aught to have been done; Debility; JLow Spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes ; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these ; symptoms attend the disease, at others very few ; but the Liveb, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and JDEATH will ensue. ' The following highly-esteemed persons attest to the irtues of Simmons Liver Regulator: Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder, Pe son Sutt. Ga. S.W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H.Stephens. We have tested its virtues-personally, and kno'w that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. Vt triri fhrtv other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none of them gave us more than tern- Crary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, Dut curec ,-.Ed. Telegraph amd Messenger, Macok, Ga, ; manufactured only by - '" J. H. ZEUJLN & CO Philadelphia. , I wast every man and woman in the United 6tates interested in the -Opium and Whisky habita tn have one of mr books on these diS- m mm aa m m m a. eases. Address jb. ju. woouey, Atlanta, ua We guarantee to save vou'mone. T BIGS. HATS AND CAPSiFOR EVERYBODY. CAM MOMS & FET ZE R A Word TO 'THE Wis Election retiirns areTiotliing compared to 'the re sults you receive by trading with Dry & Wadsworih. who are wide awake and uptodate. People are apt -to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly conyinced of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at once. 'Tis only a few days till 'Xnias and everybody i? begin ning to look around for Santa Claus. His head quarters this time are at the JraFnitaipe He says if you like'comfort and ease buy one of Dry & Wadsworth's Big Kocking Chairs or the Ladieb' sizes for your wife. Or if you wantto sleep well and rest easy buy onp of the Raleigh Wire Spring Matv tresses, best in tne world, or one of the handsomest lounges. They have them at all prices from $4,00 to $25, and to make your parlor look up-todate and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room nicely buy one of these handsome suits,the prices are low. AIN IT THE TRUTHS Yes sir, We have?everythingTm the furniture line. Chairs of all descriptions. Tables all; sizes and styles. Big lot of Pictures, Window Shades, Cur tain Polls, Ladies' Desks, Office Desk s, W ardrobes, Sideboards, China Closets and everything to make a home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning from today and during the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser'a nice and useful piece of fur niture, consisting of Hat Racks, Music Backs, Comb and Brush Shelf, Book Shelves, " Corner ' Brackets, Medicine Cases. What Nots, etc. This is no fake, 'Sure Go." The piices of the articlesrmeantime are. from 15 cents to 16. The rvalue of the present will be governed by the amount of f the cash purchase. These sales will continue until the above mentioned articles have ail been given out.QCome at - once and getlthe choice presents, , ' ; Yoxtrs to lease,

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