MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Ginghams ' Outing Gloths , Plaids, Sheeting and SalLBas. Dealers an GENERAL 13R CHADISE : Or Buvers of COUNTRY PRODUCE ot all kind, and. 4?-foot woodlalways wanted best prices for same. We invite an insec tion ot all the goods we manufacture. lr ODELL MFG. Co., Ooncprd'lN: c. r XIow letter May JUi Recalled, Many times people would' like to recall a letter; after : it has been mailed. This can be done, even if the letter has reached the post office at its destination. At every post office tbere are what is called "with drawal blanks?' 4 On application they will be fnrnished and when a deposit is made to cover the ex pense, the postmaster will telegraph to the post master at the letter'a des tination asking that it be promptly returned. The applicant first signs tuts agreement : 4lt is hereby agreed tnat, if the letter is returned to me, I wil protect you from any and all claims made against you for eucn return and will fully indemnify you for, any Jos--yon may sustain by reason of such action. And I here with deposit 4 to cover all ex penses incurred and will deliver to jou the envelope of the letter re turned." In many cases persons Have made remittances to fraudulent parties or irresponsible firms, not teaming their true character until after the letter had gone, and have succeeded in recalling them. There is an instance where a Kansas City merchant had remitted a dishonest traveling man a draft for $175 and by meaus of a withdrawal rescued the draft just in time. Globe Democrat. Cold wave1 Coming. Pre are foratv "The early bird catches the worm," but .the tardy bead of the family catches a scolding if he does not order. Cffl'S JILLICO COIL ProTQpt attention. Fall weight. Free delivery. $4 25 per ton and up. CONCORD MARKETS COTTON MARKET. - Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling... ........7. Middlings ........ ,' 6 80 1 ow middling ........... 6i t tains ... ' b.15 PRODUCE MAnjl EI V Corrected bv Bwmx & White. TO CURE A t'ULD IN OS DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.- Ail drufcgibiB refund tLe money it it tails to cure. 25c. A ChristmaH Frmt take. A delicious Christmas cake may be made by creaming together one pound of sugar and three-quarters of a pound of butter ; add nine well beaten egga and two tablespooufuls of moiatsfces, in which a tei spoonful of soua has been Uibbolved ; a wine glass of LuilK, one pouud of flour, one pound each of currants and raisiLt;, two ounces of citron, one grated nutmeg, and one teaspoon tul each of cloves and cinnamon. This quantity will make two loaves. December Ladies' Home Journal. Bacon ........ to 75 Sugarcured narns.. 12 io 14 Bulk meat3,side8. .......... .... . . 6 to 7 Tt . -Dees wax ...zv x' v v va A vv A CJ Chickens.;...... ...... .........10to20 Oorn. . . . ........45 JSggs.;.... ... ...... ............... 15 Xard,.....;....... 7 Flonr (North Cardlin a) .......... $2. 50 Meal...... ......... ...... ... . ...... ... ... 60 Oata.;....;.;. ........... . 35 l allow . ...3to4 1 i 'A'-SPECIAUY!Sgg cnrelinl5t9a5day8.ToucanN!treated nome rorsame price under ama p-nM . Jt iJir to come aero wtriUcon. 'locharpjfwa fall to cm if yon hare takime?2 cru-y, iodide potash, and still hare aches and pains. Mucous batches in mouth. Sore T,vi 9 m oLnrerl finnfa. in.. out, iUU this Secondary BLOOD POISOK nate wm mcnalleoni (fee world for a case we cannot enrn. Th iim.. h.i..r baCled the b kill of tno mogt cnnt phyVi cians. 4500,000 capital behinTear McondV tional guaranty. Absolute vroofa aent i rwiktion. fMfrees C O OK RE J LED Y CO I Chrlstraaa Holiday Hates, The boutheru Hailway announcts Christmas and New Year holiday rates 1896.7 at a very great reduc tion. Tickets to be sold between all stations of that company, within radius of 300 mills of actual selliiiK point on December 22 to 25 inclu tsive and Dec 30, 1896 to January 1st, 1897 luclustve, guod "to return January 4th. ' For the accommodaiiou of , stu denta attendibg chooln and colleges .tickets will be eold to tliote Present ing certificates from the i'iucipale or Pre8idVnt8 of tucb institutions on Dec 16 to Dec 28th, n.ciufeive, ith fiual limit of January 4 th, '97. (Jrtll ou auy.agent of the Southern Railway for detailed information as to rates, schedules, baggage checks. : PHARR-YATES. A Popnlar Society Conple Married in Charlotte. The Charlotte Observer gi?es the following account of the marriage last night, of Mr. Henry JN'eal Pharr, to Miss Bertie Yates : ; 1 "The ceremony was solemnized at 9 o'clock in the Second Presbyter lan church, by the pastor, Rey John W. Stagg, m the presence , of an assemblage of friends that com pletely filled the large building. The only decorations in the church were the masses of ferns and palms most tastefully arranged about the chancel. The doors had been opened half an hour previous to the time set for the ceremony, and when 9 o'clock arrived the church was filled to such an extent that the ushers had difficulty in keeping a passage way cleared for the bridal party Then the lights flashed up, flooding the scene with brilliancy, and as Miss Nan Dowd, who presided at at the organ, began the wedamg march, the ribbon girls, Misses Ade laide Oiarkion and Lizzie Faison, attired in white organdie, walked down the aisles and took their places at the altar. lhey were followed by the bridesmaid, Miss Berta Oa.tes, who wore a gown of white silk and carried la France roses. The bride was dressed in . w bite brocaded moire, and her veil was caught back with a spray of pearls and diamonds She carried bridal ro es in her hands as she entered the church with her brother,1 Mr. Will J Yates. The groom entered with his brother, Mr. John Pharr, joining the bride at the altar. Around them were ar ranged j the ushers, Messrs. Will K Yates, W H Twitty, James Bell and David Yates, of Charlotte; Pr. H'M Stuckey, of JSumter, 8 C, and M r. George. L Patterson, of Concord. The groom is a prominent and popular member of , the Charlotte bar. -The bride is a daughter of the late William J Yates, who was edi tor of the Democrat, and is a great fayorite in Charlotte -social circles. Among the many handsome wed ding gifta was a trup filled with silverware, from the members of the Charlotte? bar.J The county com missioners gave testimony to their good wishes in a silver tea set. 61BG1 .-DO YOU WANT A-J If IHIRfJITIinE IAJ4I IU1U1IIUUL. I have now in stock in the Mor ris building opposite the court house; a nice line, of and all grades 01 iurniture, and more, coming suit able for holiday, presents and every day use and ban Bell it as : low as anybody i f: , Respectfully, 1 J. T . Poiincis. FIRE INS ORANGE. ! ( . , ; When in heed ol Fire Insriance, call and see us, or viite. We iepre sent only first-clat 9 Hon e and For eign companies. . , : Resptottuil Woonn u4B & IliiiiBiB. LaM ARCHEY, M D. - ; Oonciord, N.' O. - OFFICE;:' ST. CLOUD ANNEX I There j is no joy in this world fqual to i the happiness of mother nood. A woman's health is her dearest poetession. Good looks, good times, happinespj'Jove ! and its continuance; depand on her health. Almost all of the sickness of women is traceable directfy or indirectly to some derangement of the organs distinctly feminine. Troubles of this kind are often neglected be cause a very natural and : proper modesty; keeps women away from physicians, whose insistence upon examination and local treatment is generally as useless as it -is com mon, fir. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription wil do more for them than 90 doctors in 100. It will do more than the hundredth doctor can un less he prescribes it. It is a pre scription of Dr. R V Pierce, who fori 30 years has been chief consulting physician of the World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, at Buffalo. N. Y. - y. ' , I mmmmmmmm ZIZIZIZIII""""" rzr SEE iilinhhufiiiiilltilliint uiii iiiltl' h'i.iuiiii,iiiiiiii.iiili'lii.iuulli I j egetablePrcparationfor As similating thcFoodandRegula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness andRest.Contains neither, Opmmorphine nor IineraL Not Narc otic. JOxe oTCMIlrSAMUELElTCnER JPumpkm Seel JRocAtU Salts -Anist Seed, - ' JYppermiat -JfHCar&anatsSo2ar f arm Seed' Clarified Sugar ADcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms convulsions ,r cvensn- ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of ; . NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WF?APPER. FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE - of IS ON" THE WRAPPER OF EYEET BOTTLE OI - Ca8toria la put up ia'oa'e-size lottles only. It is not eold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise-that it is-"just' as good" and "will answer every jrcr. pose." See that you get C-A-S-T-O-E-I-A. iail J S V!L. isea fif ' Trapper SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) - . .... FIRST AND SECOND DIVISIONS. Thia.condenspd Schedule is published as information only and i subject to change without notice to the public. RICHMOND TO CHARL- TTE. , Eastern Time. No 11 No. 35 Daly. Daily. Liv ivichinuDd 2 UU am Amelia Court House . RiirKeviHe 324 am Keysvilie f 3 59 am S mth BoBtou " DaiiVille 616 am 6 3u pm Reidsville - Greensboro 8 10 am 7 37 pm Hih Point 8 57 am Salisbury - 9 45 am 8 50 pm Concord 10 40 am 9 27 pm Ar Charlotte 11 30 am 10 00 pm Ar Spartanburg 3 15 pm 12 26 am Greenville 4 20 pm 120 am Ar At'ant.a. ren. time( 9 30 pm 5 10 am No. 37 Daily. 5 50 am 6 25 am 7 05 am 7 27 am 817 am I 8 48 am 9 25 am II 37am 12 28 pm 3 55 pm No.9 Dailv No. 15 Daily. 6 55 pm 7 21 pru 8 25 pm 12 m . 1 19pm 1 15 pm 2 35D131 3 49 pm 5 U5 om 5 53 pm G 55 pm 7 21pm 8 25 pm H02pm 913 pm-- CHARLOTTE TO RICHMOND. Eastern Time. No. 12 No. 36 No. 38 No. It ' - ' : - ' '- Daily. Daily. Daily. Daily. Ijv Atlanta (cen. time) 7 50 am 11 50 pm 12 00 m Greenville 2 31pm 5 40 am 5 30 pm Lv Smr fan burg 3 47 pm 6 42 am 6 18 pm '. liv CUariotte 6 40 pm 9 30 am - 8 30 pm 5 40 am , Concord 7 22 pm 10 07 am f 9 02 pm 617 am Salisbury ' 8 10 pm 10 47 am 9 36 pm 7 10 am High Point 916 pm V" 818am Greensboro, 9 52 pm 12 10 pm 01 44 pm 8 50 am Reidsville 10 39 pm 9 30 am , Danville 12 30 am 1 50 pm 12 00 Nt 1 50 pm 'I outh Boston 1 43 am 2 53 pm Keytville u 3 06 am . 4 06 pm Burkeville 3 55 am , 4 47 pm Amelia Court House 4 36fam 5 24 pm Ar Richmonrt 6 00 am 6 40 pm No. 15 Daily- 7 10 am 8 10am 8 53 am ' Send 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing, only, and get his great book,! The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, absolutely tree. t A Complex Cas?. A tall western girl named ShorK long loved a certain big Mr. Little, while little, little thinking of Short, loved a lass named Long, To make a long story tihorfc, Little proposed to Longhand shWi: longed to be even ith Little's shortcomings. So Short, myeting- Loh which caused Little in a short time to marry Long. ' Did' tall Short love big Lit tle less because Little loved Long ? -San Antonio Owfc- - , 8LEEPINGIJOARc2SERVfCE. , Nos. 37 and 38,TWashin2ton and iSnnt.h wtPm JAmH Solid Vestibules Train between New York and Atlanta.- Composed of Pullman Drawing Kom. Sleeping Cars (minimum Pullman ratA 9. nn a fol.o Tri-rt-rlnsa Vestibuled day coach between Washington and Atlanta. ! Through sleeping-cars between lew YoTk and New Orleans, New York and Memphis, New Yoik, AsheviUe and Hot Springs, New York and Tampa, and Richmond and Augusta. Southern rail way dining car between Greensboro and Montgomery. ' ) Hos.35and 36, United States Fast Mail. Pullman sleeping cars between New, York, Atlanta, New York and Jacksonville and Charlotte and Augusta. ' itNos. 15 and 16. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. Solid train betweey or lknd Chattanooga, through Selma, Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury Aslffeyi Hot Springs and Knoxyille. Through day coaches and Pullman drawingroom sleeping cars. . - Through tickets on sale atTprincipal stationslto all noiuts. Forlrates 01 oioi- mauon apply to any- agent of the Company. EStI ;rinGR?? J.Cup,lw.A.TURK, i General Superintendent, Traffic Manager . -General 'Passenger Age-t- . 1300 Pa. Ave.,JVashington,puC. Given Away Free ."; To advertise our goods we will give away, absolutely free, one box of five-cent cigars,one gold rin and a sample bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one sending, us fiftv ii9 pa P?cking :nd postage; xxuuress, Peeleb Ahdebsok Medicine Co II LockBox;i.j;Kernersyille, N. O ! All the Ilideg, Wax, Tallow ml Bggs we can get. Will bay F.Or. your shiDDinfir point 1 .0 u- j ing point. XHE SHIPPERS' PRODUCE Cft . BAltimore: 801. Fidelity Bailding.

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