SE" Y ' N U W" A TI dryponfl. ; ' - - ' : : I III VI llll II till' UK I 111 I I ca --. uuLiunn Q n 1 . I . r ' . I .1 I I 1 I I II 111 I I 1 I III- I I 1 ntcM J. neJ nav the rep. HER WONDERFUL PROGRESS , Deyer hag lost a chs. THE PAST YEAR. oolite r, t any canse and more P0llte en'a accommodating gen'le- Pen pjctnresof vr city 8 She l8 men would be indeed hard to find Today-fler Nplendid, J LOWE & DTPK" Schools, Banlcs, Hotels, Xewspapew This firm " U .-I,or immense Mannfacturl Z hn fifm 8 not yet been in Plants and -Prosperous Merchants, DQ8IDe8s ft Tear, but they have es Her Lawyers, Doctors, Dentists, tabhehed in this time a solid fnnf; ' r Steady Advancement or ...u , 3 80lld Noting . tuts nnntinortna r . . carr; in stock, dry goods, Yin? Community. CONTINUED FROM YESTERDAY. OUR MERCHANTS. Whol j NO. 1,584 WHJLE1 DRUNK - ' ' "-- IS-- v - John Bnrke Tall. UnderVjIoTlng . "uu wran Arm,; The following is from ThHrcrio'o Kjaiiauury w ona :v sy John, BurkS i bricfelftvr has been in Salisbury several wV met with an Accident .WednJ night which his cost him th 1 of his jrigh arni. ! . - Bnrke- who has oniractorvHarmiltonf on (he. city Hall YAf mm TTT - - - :fl I I fif i ' j.IM x rsi uRist In. GANNONS & TETZER No doubt -bout if we are better fixed to- a si beer; Men S Suits- ta .PCt a -si r3 7 -vwwko tJ.I.V. shoes, h8ts, r Mion8. , on a pr:ee:Weanesday and - aada fnii nrt miT J' ' , ns only worked about - uuuu uuuun;- W6 are better fivpd tn rrLfjaliu. ... . L. " - v"cliai8"ecneape8t as newasincaMc " - - V xuC vim luuauiittm can scarelv store on -the 0lnh a.. - . T" t , fAw. - - ttyui ima nouse is: lu ooatu, and was still 'ar'flatlv anJ clothing of tms secfon, having -Qaick sales and small profits, intoxicated when No. 9 the oS T- beeD In hostess conunnonsly for and they not allow aa.e to train; going South, came in. He BeSt. about 25 years. Mr. D F Cannon h.nge on the difference of stoodlonithe. oDno;,-,,, .7,! thfi srnior member nf tha -I nan fa :. ' : ". w : : . , w ; ucgttU 7 ' u " 18 annecessary to state fia"Vrm ana Jastas the train-began business in 66. The other members that they get their full share of the gbut' h attempte-d to board of this staunch old firm are Messrs. trade, not onlv nf tha un , the! "blind r . i : ' P B ietzer and J W : Cannon, counties. By putting the prices IIq raade a misstep, however, and aa tuiown tome ground with his ngnt arm under the wheels. - ': He wafr shortiy discovered arid was taken ' to - Mrs. J B Sheets', where Dra.-Whitehead and MnKfln. zie made ah '-exarmnation of the Boys' i. . j j - '"urease u'jwc mey never have to in this immense business, until now Pk (er) over a sale. The firm em it extends over all the adjoining plojs fit e salesmen and thtyare aK mties and mounts high up in ways busy, the hnndreds of thousands of doN n. p ta 1 3 yearly. It requires 16 to 18 p0 0 zie made ah -examination of th( L fi. r-:l . By superstitions people, thirteen man's inlnrW Ua- Bftl ieu LU accommoaare thef trad:!- ii-f L" vJ" . . ,,wo u" and they are kept busy earlv nd I uumoer, out here sary to amputate the iniured. mem- ?-??-.rl3 , The arm was ampntated just be. rMMin fi ' , , ji "u me Tomme otnw patron- iow tne snoulder, and the operation to? -LVl ' - WV- WBCased with eacncceed. was bravely bonie by Bnrke. He handle everything Their iriyete -He-occupies a" donble wasrestinry weUThnfsday: doable stores and -warehouses . are storeroom rmht in k i- , ' always racked to their .utmost ca- center of 'the town, and tefSaies1 ' VcoVery Ta n Mfe. confidence and justly, it stands today a monumantl to tie business integrity and ster; known- or'-Wore nnivrsaHr -liked" f611- La..(3nt)pe-andtried all ling worth of .ts members. v . business man in Cabarrus donntv S' than D P Dawanlt. Oniof Ii. t..ij . -r j . uuu mu- tiuiu a ;uum ijus ii ve.v Having jjr, assuuming in his manner, he is one King's:New DfiscOvry in my store I of the solid mprnbanfa nf PnnnA sent fona bottle and- hftcon Ha 1100 - u v j. wvuuuiUj I .r -t. n wa , , t : . - land "fmrn , fi-oli i uu ujcji ui uw can ore cannot rail ; tt -r"4UDi.,voa'UP;au iu of success in this community. ee-$ J pottles was uo pndabout again. It the racket, Is worthits .weight: in gold. ; We Thp ftlmnsf. nnnoralTolor? onnnn WOn'fc keeD 8tbre CT hn'IfiA TtritVirmf fchandise and farmer' Rnrnlipa of Mr: n .1 TW, , it H mQ -trjaHat Fetzer's r--.. - ;vjhuu uiuutiCtUl UI I I IH1 C9- XWra-'1 ' carried, and 25 vftara nf fnntinn. I rho Ktof q oiirtma kr If , . - ons business has built up a tjade of be clone in Concord by piuck and Spec!al e'; . v7 large proportions. Mr. Alii, e gy. e began business a few The Greensboro Daily Record will fi3n emnlovii fhrpo DaiAaman n Upura ntrn An a'vorv limjf A.mrAi ssue "n extra on January .18 ... . ' I j i . i i i v nndfr rhft nnnmooa r-F t-Via J.nAM:i best. , latest and Children's and best. Suits, latest We gnrantee to save trou none. HATS AND OAPSIFOB EVERYBODY. w. ,ual, t- center or tne town, and ten sales ' very aerm Mm. IS firm nmmon)n I .. . . . -1 ) m'i '' .. i.:' . . -.. ' ' , r-9 vf1! ja are xepc, puisy behind his j Mr 'illoutte, Druggisu. at uu re8Pecc 01 VflDdl'countefB fronr early'moraiH- de :anas today, a monn man f. Iowa tio ; i I New UiffRnvfir-r " rtww Mf w; hpf f pr I New discovery owe-my life. Was J. P. ALLISON. - One of Concord's most substan tial business men. Mr. Allison sue deeded his father, and hardly a farmer in the county but what at eeue time has been carried by this liberal firm, A full line of general A Word tthe Wise Election returns arftinnthi suits you receive by trading with ;Dry & Wadswor I h. . - auu.upnoHQaie; reopie are apt to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases ( ;a be. sickly xjonyincedof the truthfulness and correctness of wh. :..y by calling at' oncn, ' Tis only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody i? be cri li ning to. look around for Santa v C lau His head -quarters this time are at th -; '' ' -..- . .... , ' - bom are most polite and obliging. OULEROAKTILE CO. The downtown dry goods and c "uuse. f.Tms firm moved to Concord about two years ago and and his entire stock could have been carted off at 1 nd. By clce at tention to busincds and a careful study of the wants and needs of his his patrons Mr. Bostian now ranks witn tne leading merchants of this cvprio wun ine leaamg mercnants qi tnis ' Thevhavp fi, 7. . - section, and his large store is filled AUy nave the reputation of keeping: n T , . astvio o l r l1, 8 from cellar to garret with goods of goods j m. all kinds. Proprietor and salesmen sas, shoes and notion. The firm u .fi - effininT,Q fl , are the personification of politeness pioJ8 five salesmen; all of whom w - u . v t . , v and treat the penny customer with ec tueir customers in a pleasant , . j . . . F as much consideration as the one inak V1 'u manneVWhiCh gSS t0 who spends $10. The Racket this Mem b81ne8a a access. . Oald year ha8 an nnusUally choice line of tabto - mpany al8(? haVe eS" Christmas novelties and Santa Clans amenta m several other North wlll no doubt make his headquarters Tpo . " . .T4fil". there again this year. m jo jycaisa m me m the very of business, and their dull . ys arevfew and far between. fieir business is in a healthy, growi v w,,i.iuon, and we cheerfnlly .aij l'them to the public gener- GIBSON & MORRISON. I " occe83ors'toJ Morsinent& Vp ?:ile members of the firm are t, Glbso& and Baker Morrlsoa. bnfK m,ls bt three years old, but been osely identified withltBeV laxative Bromo QainineTahJ otl ees lnlerests of the town in lets. Ail druggists -refund thjE fler hn. They carry a full line of money -if it fails to cure. 25c. ml4 SWIKK & WHITT? This is a comparatively new firm, having been in business only about four. months, but the personal popu w ... larity of the members has built up for tnem a snoscaniiai patronage. They, carry an $8 000. to $10,000 i. I-. Jf riVf' wirt AvSili run A Ida HCOCK UI tcuciairiutii-yauuioci auu. employ six salesmen in waiting on their patrons, . . . CONTINUED. rW bofp Industrial and Immigration Association. - It will be an eieht pge 6 column paper, containing much interesting - inf rniation abou t tbe Cafpl jnas.: Three prizes of $25, $15 anaV;$l() are-? best three essays: on the vsubject:tTbe Material, Probpenty of the Oarolthas and How ta 'Advance it?'The'coh- ten i open to alt in North Carolina arid Snnf.h AfTftrrilnia Tho ofi'i mast be type written, limited to J jOCO' words accompanied by a nom tie plume and a sealed envelope con taming- the real namex by January 10, 1897. 'For Over fllty Team Mrs Winslow's ISoothiritr 5vrnn ha - r -j- la. Deen ; tU8ea; j ron, oyerr nttyyears by mnuons 01 motners ror ineir ftni id. ren , while teething, with perfect sue. ces". It Eoothe8 the child, bo'f tens Cfltt PUtfiS- aHflVfl all nain. rr .r a -nrinri n--' C J -jj J " - ww . r u v. colic, , s ancr: isr ; the" 'belV remedy for iiaiiiiura, xu .win relieve ine poor liiue fiunerer immeaiately. bold by "druggists' in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye'eents a botlle, ; Be sure and askfor "Mrs. Wirialnwa Snth. itg Syrup,' and take;njolfother kind. r :V SneiiV5'roob house back of graaea Bcnooi. see r - ; r A. JL. fcAPPENFIELD. 'HT? sa7s if? ifeelcomfdrt aiid ease buy' one of-l)ry u"Vi,,u 0 6 xvuumg unairs or tne Ladies sizco r youi vife. Of if you. want to sleep well and r:st -asy,buy one pf the Raleigh Wire Spring Mat trer bestn the world, br orie of the handsomest nres.vThe to 5, and to make your parlor look ap-tosdate and in StVle DUV a. -narlnr sn dnTI , buy one of these handsome suitsthe prices are low AIN iT TRUTH THE - . . ... - . jr - . ,Yes sir. Wef have ftvpfxrf b i . ' ; -t- -v - iuiuiimc line. Chairs of all ; descriptions. ;Tablea all sizes and -esks, Office Desks, Wardrobes, bideboards, China CJpsets and everything to make a home pleasant : and, a-wife happy. Beginning from luday and during the holidays we propose to give to. -each cash purchaser a iice and useful piece of fur-, niture, consisting of Bat Racksf Mus?c Racks, Comb -Brush Shelf, Bookshelves, Corner Brackets, -Medicine Cases, What Notsv etc. ; This is no fake -' Snre Go.'V The piices of the articles meantime are from 15 cents to f 6; The value of the present .will . be governed by the amount 61 the , cash purchase; These sales-will cpntihue; until the above mentioned 7 articles, have all.beenigiveri out' Come at- once and getthe choice presents, ; . ' - - . i-. 4 ." l; ;" -. 3 -wf. P i 'V'.

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